This is a Lycan Pack roleplay ONLY, your characters ages can range anywhere from a young child, to an elderly adult. Focuses on the Pack as more of a "family", day to day lives, trying to fit into the human world, full-moon runs ect, ect...

Since this is a new RP, I'll be looking for different people to play the various roles that this Pack will need (Alphas, Beta's, and Elders) If you feel like your character would be fitting for one of these roles let me know in your posts and it'll be either approved or denied.


1. Please make sure that you'll be able to keep up with your characters, especially if you chose to have more then one in this.

2. There can only be one female and one male Alpha and Beta set. And these roles must be respected. No stepping on toes, unless you're prepared to participate in a challenge for the position in which only one character would survive (like an actual fight for Alpha/Beta) and the loser would have to be willing to sacrifice their character.

3. ALL LYCANS can communicate with their Pack mates, but only while in WOLF FORM.

4. You must specify whether your character is pure-blood (lycan parents) or if they were turned, and if your character was turned by another it MUST be approved by that player before posting.

5. You must be a literate role-player to join, meaning you can write at least a paragraph (3-5 sentences) for every post, that you use proper capitalization, and have reasonable spelling and grammar.

6. Your character must clearly be well-thought-out in history and personality, and your sign up must reflect this. Because this is my first time running a RP, I want to make sure that the quality of this one will make it worth my effort and it's a success.

7.PLEASE let me know if you no longer wish to continue with your character/s on this thread this way we don't leave any loose ends on the current storyline.

8. Swearing/violence are fine by me and is actually expected. Please just remember that their are people of various players on here and to edit your swear words.

9. Taken from a thread I belong to, it's a good rule: As always, ask permission of the player before harming/killing/having a major plot point concerning another character.

10. Right now I don't want this to get too out of hand, so I will be limiting the amount of characters, or members of this Pack.

11. The Manor that the Pack resides at is deep in the wooded area of the Catskill Mountains (NY) this means that there are human co

mmunties nearby so you can play humans if you'd like, if it fits the storyline, if you want to turn them ect, ect...just specify t

hat in their description.

12. Another one that I'm stealing, also because it's a goodie: So I know you read all the rules, please make the name of your character a different color than the rest of the text.



Nickname (if any):


(Lycans are considered immortal so if they're one age, but look another, specify that here:)


Looks: (include a pic, please)

Looks Wolf Form: (include pic if possible)

Family: (if any)

Job/way of making money/surviving (if applicable):




Esme Danvers

Nickname (if any): May or Ezzy

Age: 24

(Lycans are considered immortal so if they're one age, but look another, specify that here:)

Gender: Female

Looks: (include a pic, please) Around 5'6", with an athletic build and very curvey. She has dark brown, almost black hair, and grey/blue eyes with a hint of gold. Like all lycans, they glow golden when she's either emotional, shifting, or hunting, but will go red like her father's do when she is angry. She has a tattoo of a tree along the left side of her ribs and the words for "Family Always" along her right collar bone. Esme has several scars, some faded others more noticeable all over her body from fights with other wolves and hunts.

View attachment 11732

Looks Wolf Form: (include pic if possible) Esme is a pure white wolf

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Family: (if any) Esme is the daughter of Izabella (another character of mine, she MAY make some appearances in this thread, not sure yet) and Theon Danvers, the original Alphas of the NY Pack.

Job/way of making money/surviving (if applicable): Runs her mother's old bar in town called Blue Moon, which hosts both humans and Lycans alike, although the humans are unaware just who and sometimes what they dine with.

Personality/Description: A pure-blood Lycan, Esme is very loud and unafraid to speak her mind. As daughter of the Alpha's she sort of has this unspoken respect from the other Pack members, and this has made her both a little proud and at the same time, very well aware of her actions at any given time. Head strong and determined to keep the Pack in order during her family's absence, and will do anything, risk everything to keep her Pack, her family safe, no matter what the cost.

Since she is in her early twenties, she is still considered a "pup" by the Elders, and this drives her insane so she'll sometimes lash out if anyone calls her that or "puppy"

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Well, I'm too lazy to post my full sign up right now, but *reserves a spot* I'll probably have alternate universe Sheena since she's cousin to Esme anyway, now I just have to decide if I want a modified Rika, or a modified Rinji and Veronica...
Name: Serena Rose

Nickname: Basically anything.. :P

Age: 21 years old.


View attachment 10570

Looks(Wolf Form):

View attachment 10511

Family: Serena's entire family is Lycan. Her two brothers used to be in the NY Pack, except they were both killed in a horrible fight. The rest of her family shelter in the pack. Her parents live in California, so she never really sees them.

Job/Way of making money/Surviving: Serena is a model, and has been doing it for a very long time. She makes a lot of money, but has to be careful since nobody in her agency knows she is a Lycan. She also is a gymnast.

Personality/Description: Passionate and fiery, Serena is very headstrong and tries to take control of her own life. She feels the most at home in the outdoors honing her impressive athletic skills as a fighter and an archer. She has a fondness for hunting, and loves to run through the forest. It reminds her how much freedom she has. She has a vibrant spirit, but Serena has a softness of heart, especially around the ones she cares about most.

At times, she can be a bit harsh, and is extremely aggressive when it comes to fighting. But she is very sweet when someone gets to know her better.
Name: Margaret Ann Sadovsky

Nickname (if any): Sheena, Legs, Sheena Legs (goes by Sheena mostly)

Age: 18

(Lycans are considered immortal so if they're one age, but look another, specify that here:)

Gender: female

Looks: (include a pic, please) Rather tall and thin, somewhat underweight, even. Blue eyes, is long-limbed, has an awkward grace about her, somehow. Long black hair, often messy and unbrushed, cares nothing about clothing, doesn't wear makeup, yet is unaware of her own attractiveness. She is uncomfortable with thinking of herself as either female or attractive and hates wearing dresses or feminine clothing. Scar on chin and several other small ones scattered about her body.

(Lycan-ish pic)

(more typical, "unpolished" appearance)

(about how she normally dresses)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/66833_video-236545-the-lost-footage-angelina-jolie-at-age-16.jpg.f280cc9a74fcb191d2eee66430dcc69a.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="149" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/66833_video-236545-the-lost-footage-angelina-jolie-at-age-16.jpg.f280cc9a74fcb191d2eee66430dcc69a.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/angelina_jolie_young_colored_desktop_1440x900_hd-wallpaper-749425.jpg.2248bbe9482a314c09213507b3a400db.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="150" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/angelina_jolie_young_colored_desktop_1440x900_hd-wallpaper-749425.jpg.2248bbe9482a314c09213507b3a400db.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/normal_1994_michel_bourquard_004.jpg.d4185368de65d24e4918554107e5b046.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="151" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/normal_1994_michel_bourquard_004.jpg.d4185368de65d24e4918554107e5b046.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Family: (if any) Sheena is a half Lycan, born of a Lycan mother, Stella, and a human father, Ab. Sheena's mother is the twin sister of Esme's aunt Astrid. Stella left the Lycan pack in order to marry Ab, which meant that she was shunned from the rest of the pack. When Ab discovered, when Sheena was a young child, that her mother was Lycan, he was afraid and ignorant enough to murder her. He raised Sheena as an alcoholic, neglectful, and physically abusive father who allowed her to run wild by the time she was ten. Sheena went through a sucession of failed foster homes, all which she ran from, living with her paternal grandmother, whom she ran away from, and finally ended up living on the streets with a "gang" of her friends, who called themselves Foxfire. She was picked up off the streets by Esme, her cousin, whom she had known nothing about, soon after the breaking up of Foxfire and their accidental murder of a man. Sheena came into her Lycan powers at eighteen and was picked up off the streets at seventeen. New to her powers, she nonetheless is thrilled by them and to finally have somewhere to belong and a family to belong to.

Job/way of making money/surviving (if applicable): not sure yet. Would she be allowed to work with Esme at only eighteen? When living on the streets, Sheena stole, hooked, and did odd jobs for money.

Personality/Description: Sheena is someone who is guarded and difficult to get to know at first because it takes her some time to trust, due to her past. Yet when she does grow to trust she is fiercely loyal and protective, affectionate, goofy, and even sweet. She is at an awkward stage of feeling herself to be somewhere between a kid/teenager and an adult but is developing confidence and competence, despite her status as a new Lycan and a pup. She is bisexual but tends to trust and be attracted to women more often. She is impulsive, emotional, somewhat insecure, but generous and concerned for others at heart. Street smart rather than book smart, and easy to trick through emotional manipulation. Still finding her place in the world

Friendly, adaptable, action-oriented. "Doers" who are focused on immediate results. Very much a tomboy, uncomfortable with her femininity. Awkward, often skittish and wary, but eager to please and affectionate when she grows used to you.

Sheena spent time in Red Bank Correctional Facility for Girls when she was fifteen due to stealing a car and assaulting a boy with a knife for sexually harassing her friend. In the facility she was abused by other girls and by a guard, both physically and sexually, which contributed to a time to her wariness of men and to her difficulty in trusting. She has mostly surpassed this in her current functioning, however.



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Name: Kyler Jackson

Nickname (if any): Ky

Age: 17

Gender: male

Looks: is 5'6" tall and around 100 lbs. with a lean muscular build. Ky has longish pale blond hair that sometimes hangs in his face and has silvery grey eyes. He always has a smirk on his lips unless something really upsetting or bad is going on.

View attachment 10528

Looks Wolf Form:

View attachment 10529

Family: Has an older brother and sister that are with another pack across the country. Both his parents were Lycan and when he was 13 his father kicked him out, saying that it was time he lived on his own. He lived on the street for a few years, staying with several other homeless children until found the pack and considers everyone in it family now.

Job/way of making money/surviving: is a delivery boy for some shops in the towns near the manor.

Personality/Description: Has a carefree and almost childish air around him when he is around the pack and people he likes. When he's not around anyone he knows he is standoffish and quite. Always has a smart-mouth and is very sarcastic, almost to the point of being flat out mean. Ky has a very strong sense of protection and will jump to anyone's defense, even if he doesn't know them. Because of this he would get into a lot of fights and sometimes would put the one he was fighting in a hospital, then go and visit the next day and apologize.

so i would change the color of the name so it fits rule #12, but the color wouldn't change.
Faith: approved

yistae: approved, no worries about the color change :)

Just want to see if we can get a few more people before I get this up and running
Name:Riddian Salvet [rid-deon sal-vay]

Nickname (if any):
Vihar [only by other elders and ], Ciano [by all], custom ones if characters so choose

Age: 912 [looks a healthy 65]

Gender: Male

Looks: He stands full height at about 6' 6" but is in a hunch almost always, normally standing more near 6'1". He has pearl and obsidian hair, the salt and pepper style not even coming close to describing the black and white of his hair. He has several dozen small and medium sized scars on his face, especially around and through his eyes. His left eye is permanently bloodshot and stays red except in wolf form. His right is a dazzling crystalline blue color that makes the sky and sea dull in comparison. He almost always has at least a small grin on his face. He normally wears flannel shirts nowadays, with the normal colors being red, blue, and purple shirts. He wears jeans or swim trunks, he refuses to wear normal shorts. He has several older shirts in storage somewhere, and a few suits, but has tried adjusting to the times. He is ripped like you wouldn't believe, 12 pack and all, but a scar runs from under his chin on the left side to under his belly button on the right. He wears whatever skater shoes he finds in size 16. His hands are calloused but gentle, scars on his arms and legs. He wears a pair of rectangular glasses but more so to look like a kindly grandfather/uncle then in need of them.

Looks Wolf Form: In wolf form he is 6'2" from head to tail end. He is all white with a network of different shapes, sizes, and styles of yellow lightning bolt shapes all over his body and tail. Two are prominent running in a normal strike lightning pattern from the edge of his eyebrows, around his eyes, and leave an inch apart from each other under his eyes on the snout. His eyes are yellow with sky blue diamond patterns in them. The last 2 inches of his tail is solid sky blue. The scars from his body don't seem to appear minus the large abdominal one that you still see on his underbelly in wolf form.

Family: All dead, he feels as if Izzy and Esme are his family as he has spent his life at the side of their family since his best friend, their many times great grand father.

Job/way of making money/surviving (if applicable):
He counsels relations, whether between two brothers or between a boyfriend and girlfriend. Otherwise he makes it as a construction worker. He could apply for any job he wished or simply quit without the secret fortune he has amassed over his 9 centuries of life and the innumerable amount of schooling he has gone through under many guises.

Personality/Description: He is normally smiling and always appears at ease, this leads to most everyone feeling comfortable telling him most anything and always being at ease around him as well. He is not hot tempered in almost any case, unless someone was to attack the pack or, especially, Izzy or Esme. He is wise and very well versed in battle, he also know more then anyone currently alive what it is like to be a lycan as he is from the first pack ever from Hungary which is the sole surviving member, although others live on in their descendants. He never tells anyone's secret no matter how dark or evil it is. He is a seeker of knowledge and likes to teach others, which begs the question why he doesn't become a teacher more often then he does construction and counseling.
He constantly acts as mediator in conflicts of the pack. Although one thing you should never do is step on his tail when he is a wolf, the last pack that he was in where this happened no longer exists.
Dago: Approved, this is AWESOME btw! :) if you could later on find a picture close enough for his human appearance that would be great but other then that this is perfect!
Name: Conner Bryans

Nickname (if any):

Age: 29

Gender: Male


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Looks Wolf Form:

View attachment 10554

Family: Deceased.

Job/way of making money/surviving (if applicable): Works at Blue Moon, mostly stock and keeping the patrons in check if need be, but tends the bar on occasion

Personality/Description: Cold, deadly, and downright twisted inside, Conner thinks and acts with logic, emotion if he has any has to be buried away somewhere deep. He's willing to do what needs to be done without being asked, and his sense of right and wrong might have some calling him a hypocrite. He's loyal to a fault and a protector of what's his to the core. Has a weak spot for children

History: Originally from out of state, his family was attacked by wolves when he was 17. His parents were the first to go and his younger sister was kept as a play thing until she begged to die. Conner was left to die, bitten torn up and a total mess. His survival shocked him but he never looked back, while the bite changed him and opened him to a new reality, Conner became stronger, abet almost dead inside. He began searching for the wolfs that had killed his family, knowing finding them would be a long shot, but killing any wild wolfs that killed without need all the same. Running into the NY pack had been by chance, but the alpha showed himself to be a man good to his core and strong for his people. It took some time but Conner was welcomed into the pack and a decade passed while he stood beside this man as his enforcer.
FULL NAME: Christian Ryese, Prince Ryese

AGE: Appears to be about 23 but actually he's 613

RACE: Lycan

Human Stats:

Height: 6"4

Weight: 184 pounds

Hair: Black

Eyes: Blue with flecks of gold

Pack Status: Alpha

Wolf Stats:

Weight: 200 pounds

Hair: Pure white

Eyes: Bright blue with gold rings


Long ago there were vast forest that had never been touched by the stench of men. I remember running as a pup with my parent, Alexander and Sofia both great, powerful and respected by all the other packs, I guess you could say we were royalty but we wouldn't, we still did our part we hunted and protected our pack like any other wolf would, there were no alphas and betas there was just the pack the family that's it all equal, even tho all didn't believe that there were still no problems, no back stabbing or betrayal after all these are concepts of man not wolves. Back then I spent my days only in my wolf form, it was how we preferred to live, we were stronger faster and happier that way. My world was perfect. Then one day Man found our peaceful forest and invaded it at first we were willing to live along side with man not disturbing them as long as they respected the forest, but man has no respect for the way things were, they came with their axes and saws and destroyed the forest leaving us with no choice but to defend our homes, but man was relentless killing the young and weak of our kind, eventually they discovered our most sacred of places including my home. They came at night while the pack slept with swords and spears slaughtering everyone, my parent were killed giving me time to run with a few young pups but they weren't fast enough and being so young they didn't know the forest and got lost in the darkness.

I ran all night long hiding and evading the humans finally the sun came up and I could see the edge of our forest, I ran and ran till the light of the sun hit me fully in the face no longer, the next thing I remember is stepping out of our forest no longer as my wolf self but in the form of a human, I have to admit I fell to my knees and cried for hours about what I lost, my home, my family and friends and my true form. At least I thought I did out of the tree line dozens of wolfs stepped out only they weren't scared they weren't lost they have been stepping out of the forest for a long time in fact it's because of them that our forest was revealed, they had given into the tempatations of man, and greed was what motivated them now greed for money and things, they had become corruppted and cost me all that I loved. I leaped at them and to my surprise my anger triggered my change back to a wolf instantly catching them off guard.

I must have blackout or something cause the next thing I remember was standing over their bodies as a human again. I had killed my own kind even if there was a home to return to I couldn't now, so I grabbed what I could off them clothes and I guess a money bag and ran.

Over the decades I learned how to survive in the human world, and gathered money and property to help me seek out others of my kind and offer then safety. I learned other's all over the world were living among humans some friend some foe but they were out there. Centuries have past I now live with my current pack, some screw up some I treasure. I maintain my title as Prince and hold a position on the Lycan/Black Blood Council being I'm one of the oldest Lycans in the world, I mostly do it to protect my pack.

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Name: Ophela Cruor

Nickname (if any):

Black Lily

Age: 24

Gender: Female


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Looks Wolf Form:

View attachment 10555

Family: Pureblood heritage. Born in Italy to higher ups in the pack there, an only and spoiled child. She was sent to the Americas for her indiscretions, but more so to keep her out of the trouble that was beginning to brew. Parents are Issac and Lianna Cruor. She's been with the NY pack for three years now.

Job/way of making money/surviving (if applicable): trustfund baby

Personality/Description: Appearance means most everything in the scheme of manipulation and control. To the average person Phel is simply a strong minded girl that seems to get into trouble from time to time, truly no fault of her own of course, she's such a sweet girl. In essence Phel is much more than that, but her true colors are well hidden beneath a skillfully placed mask of innocence.
Name: Rikarah Eve Pallaton

Nickname (if any): Rika, Riki (and actually, her original name was Susannah Pallis, so her name itself is a nickname)

Age: 24

Gender: Female

Looks: Rikarah is very small and delicate in appearance, almost resembling a pixie in her human form. She has medium length brown hair and brown eyes, a pointed chin, and she is five feet tall and under 100 pounds. She generally wears casual but feminine clothes and has some tattoos- Chinese characters on her ankles, an ankh on her lower back, intertwined knives on the back of her neck, and small entwined flowers on one wrist.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/59580_1535605842668_1610509608_1336643_8039337_n.jpg.7a13a25e52b367c5b494eca740be866e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="152" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/59580_1535605842668_1610509608_1336643_8039337_n.jpg.7a13a25e52b367c5b494eca740be866e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Looks Wolf Form:

Rikarah's wolf form is smaller than most wolves but nevertheless powerful, not scrawny, in appearance. She is solid brown

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Family: Rikarah murdered her human family (parents and younger sister) at age seventeen. She now considers the pack to be her family.

Job/way of making money/surviving (if applicable): Rikarah works at an art gallery, mostly as an assistant, but she does occasionally show some of her own work. She is an artist at heart and is skilled with most forms of artistry.

Personality/Description: Rikarah is first and foremost very intelligent, and observant. She can be extremely charming and seductive, but also deadly and violent. She comes across as very likeable and even naive young person, but she is shrewd, intelligent, insightful, and very focused on herself and her goals. She can come across as something like a chameleon, painting herself in the light that people expect her to be or want to see her as. On the converse side, however, she also can swing to being genuinely concerned about those she perceives as wholly innocent, as in children or the weak.

Rikarah actually very much wants being part of a group or family of sorts. However, she would be very hostile towards outsiders she viewed as a threat. She does not currently feel, as a new Lycan, that she fits in entirely well with the Pack and is still grappling for respect, given that she is new, not born a Lycan or even a half Lycan, and that she has, as a created Lycan, nevertheless managed to "steal" Christian's attention and affection away from a "rightful" Lycan female. She also has strong alpha tendencies, so though she is not alpha, she will nevertheless likely butt heads a lot with others as she does not like to take directions or be talked down to.

History: Susannah was a quiet, well mannered child and teenager, excelling in school and extracurricular activities, though she did not participate in many. She was gifted artistically in all ways, particularly drawing, painting, and sculpting. She got along well with her peers and was generally well liked and regarded by most. This was in direct contrast to the ominous, uneasy undertone of her home life. Although Susannah was never abused outright, there was always the threat of it lurking within, and she, with her ability to sense emotion and wishes, knew it fully.

Laurel Pallis,her mother, was a weak willed woman who seemed more of a child than her own children; she was not very involved with her daughters and allowed Isabella to get away with a lot and did not interfere with either child’s well being. Harry Pallis set up a home with sexual undertones that were inappropriate to a father daughter relationship, with both Susannah and Isabella. Although he never actively abused either girl, he did not behave in an appropriately fatherly manner. Isabella used this to her advantage and flirted to get her way with things; Susannah was repulsed and avoided him as much as possible. When she tried to speak with her mother, Laurel brushed her off helplessly; Susannah realized that her mother had known all along and did nothing. Isabella, meanwhile, had a difficult relationship with Susannah; a typical baby of the family, she was openly rude and insulting to Susannah, particularly in front of her parents, and went out of her way to attempt to anger or embarrass her.

Susannah began to daydream of killing her family; when she finally did the deed, it was not from an impulse or a moment of “snapping,” but rather carefully controlled thought. At the age of seventeen, Susannah murdered her fifteen year old sister and both her parents, cutting off their heads and setting them up as an artistic display; she developed it along the theme of “see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil” by matching it to her family’s traits, sewing shut the eyes of her father, the ears of her mother, and the lips of her sister, in order to match up with how she viewed that they failed her. Changing her name to Rikarah Eve Pallaton, began to move to place to place to keep her identity hidden. She met a man named Gavin Berwin, whom she considered to be her soulmate, and the two began a killing partnership together. Gavin's eventual abandonment of her devastated her and made her very much bitter and somewhat out of control for some time.

Several years later, she met Christian Ryese, and both were sufficiently attracted, and she had experienced enough disappointment in being human to allow him to change her into a Lycan. They are currently a couple, though they have had their ups and downs.



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Patrick Mor

Nickname (if any):


Age: 130

(He actually looks about 34)


Looks: About six foot, blonde hair and a goatee only on his chin, about three to four inches long. Relatively average build coupled with scars and such. Around 200 lbs of sheer muscle. Deep blue eyes with golden flecks in and around the iris.

Looks Wolf Form:


Patrick's family was wealthy, making their fortune from raising and selling cattle
to farmers in Scotland. One night in the dead of winter, the town had learned from a mysterious source that his family were "Blood thirsty monsters" and the town didn't feel very safe knowing that monsters were so close. So the town formed a mob and traveled to the farm that Patrick and his family lived. Little did the town realize, but it was a Full Moon. Unable to control the beast inside, when the town arrived to lay siege, the Mor's had already followed suit. Unknown to the village, a Templar had tipped them off about the Mor family. He had joined the attack with silver weapons and had aided in the attack. Almost by himself, he had slain all of the wolves, besides young Patrick who was only a young lad.

Job/way of making money/surviving (if applicable):
Spike is basically homeless. He lives on the cold New York streets inside of a box he found in a dumpster. He has a part time job helping an elderly woman with her garden shop in Queens. She gives him some money, but not enough for him to live in an apartment. But whenever he feels it worthy, he will go to the nearest, cheapest, whatever-else-you-can-think-of type of motel and rent a room for the night to clean himself and his clothes.

Patrick is humble and trustworthy. His only flaw is whenever you get him angry, he becomes almost impossible to reason with, if not dangerous to anyone he is with or even himself. But angering him is almost impossible. Patrick also likes people and being around people. Care free and doesn't really care what people think. He used to be childish until the years and battles had worn on him. Now he is basically one of those gamer guys that act like an idiot but still know that they can act like an adult as well. Also, whenever he does something that could have been potentially hazardous while in a frenzy, he will apologize for it after he has come back to himself.
@MegaPatman:approved, but just a few things. This takes place in upstate NY, we're several hours outside of the city so just wondering how he's going to fit in with the rest of the Pack if he's so far away. Other than that, this is great. Love who you're using for his human form
I can't do the little @someone thing, but Where should I drop him? I haven't read the first post yet, soooooo yeah. Literally just finished my character.

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