The Catskill Mountains (New York) :Where our story takes place...


BLUE MOON:The bar owned by Izabella Danvers, Esme's mother, where humans and Lycans are both patrons to


She could hear some birds further off, somewhere high in the trees as she stepped outside. The sun hadn't even risen yet and as Esme Danvers looked about the grounds, she could still see a thick fog hovering over the grass, a thing layer of morning dew shining above the blades. Her breath came out like smoke in front of her as a tiny sigh escaped her. Peace, peace and somewhat was kind of sad that she had to go out for a run at five in the morning just to escape the stress from all her new responsibilities of being a leader brought as soon as all of the others woke.

Not that she couldn't handle things. She couldn't even begin to count how many times she had assured her parents that she could do this. How many times she argued her case about how she wasn't going to be running things on her own, how Christian, Sheena, and the others...hell, even most of the Elders all had her back. She was the daughter of two Alphas, young yes, but leading was in her blood. To be an Alpha was her calling, and running things while Izabella and Theon were away handling Pack matters in Rome would give her just enough time to prove to them all that she was born to do this for the rest of her life. Maybe one day, she could find a mate, settle down...start a Pack of her own...

Hands deep in the pockets of her hoodie, Esme snorted and rolled her eyes, walking out onto the grounds, towards the woods as she caught herself daydreaming off into all the what-if' twenty three she had yet to even begin to consider finding a mate from in her Pack, let alone look for a potential one. She didn't have the time, nor did she enjoy the thought of having to deal with 'suitors' fighting over her hand. That was the one thing she sometimes hated about being who she was. The title, the respect that was given because it HAD to be given...sometimes she couldn't tell if some of the males really even liked her, or if they were trying to look good in the eyes of the Alphas. This thought burned her to her core...

The sky was starting to lighten just a bit as she entered the trees, her bare feet snapping a few twigs under them, crunching away in the fallen leaves. Just one run, she told herself. A quickie to the lake and back and she'd be back before anyone even noticed she had left her room. Well, that wasn't true. The stand in male Alpha; Christian, knew of her little 'escapes from reality' having caught her sneaking back in once, but hadn't really said anything, giving her a knowing smirk as she had closed her door in his face.

One month, that's how long her parents had been away for. One month of standing in at meetings, handling the occasional piss-fight between the younger pups, keeping the peace...all that as well as making sure her mother's bar in town, Blue Moon kept it's business and running smoothly. Esme didn't mind the bar much. Some of her age-mates worked there, and she enjoyed even some of the human patrons who would come in. That was why her mother had started the business in the first place. To blend, to keep the peace between the Lycan pack and the humans, as well as keep their existence unknown.

Once she was further into the woods, she started to shrug out of her clothes, leaving them in a pile alongside the path.Stashing her jewelry into one sock, she freed her brown hair from it's ponytail, giving it a tiny shake and slipped deeper into the darkness, coming to a stop at a bare patch between the trees, perfect for Shifting and taking off. She could feel chills run along her body, not from the cold, but from the thrill of the change.

Cracking her neck, Esme closed her eyes, swallowing hard and willed it to start. Her nose twitched as a rabbit crossed her path and she growled, hearing it scamper off quickly, causing her to laugh. Her laugh turned into a low moan at the first ripple in her bones. Biting down on the inside of her cheek, she tensed up her lower body, her hands shooting out from her sides, fingers lengthening and shaping into claws. She could feel her blood burning slightly as it started flowing faster through her veins, her heart beating more rapidly , and white flashed under her closed lids as her senses started to sharpen more, all of the different animals in these woods, the damp grass and trees, everything, it all filled the air around her.

Her skin started to bubble and stretch and she stumbled slightly, losing her balance for a moment as her legs started to shift into a new shape. She could feel her teeth scrapping together as they lengthened, jaw extending into that of a snout and muzzle. There was a quick stab of pain as her spine snapped, causing her to fall onto all fours, and then nothing...

Nothing but the sweet bliss of freedom...

Esme was now a creature, much larger and stronger then any normal wolf one might find in these woods. Everything was much too big, and her eyes glowed, a fire behind them that no normal animal could ever posses. She was a child of a moon, a creature of darkness...a Lycan.

A happy yip escaped her as she stretched, taking a moment for her body to adjust before stepping a few feet forward, she paws digging into the dirt, tail slashing at the air. She felt as if she was capable of anything, even jumping up and ripping the fading moon from the sky.

The sounds from the lake were much more clear to her now and with a shake of her fur, she took off, jetting through the trees, nothing more then a flash of white. She didn't stop once, not even to chase after a frightened deer from her path, until she reached the edge of the lake, collapsing besides it. She rolled onto her side, lounging out, so that her head was just above the water and she caught her reflection as she leaned in a bit, to lap at the water with her tongue. The rippling water made it look as if her white fur was almost silver, her gold eyes shining bright, the fainh hint of red around the ring of it. If she had a mouth she would have smiled at what she saw, the pure beauty of it. She wasn't vain or anything, but she believed that she was a very beautiful wolf. It was so quiet here, and for a few minutes, Esme lost herself in the whole of it, letting go of who she was, and what responsibilities were laying in wait for her when she returned home. This...was heaven, and she didn't want to leave it.

The sun was starting to rise, so she dragged herself back up, this time taking her time to get back to her clothes, and after shifting back to her human form, slowly headed back to the Manor. She knew the others would be up soon, and she had to be at the bar early for that weeks deliveries. She knew that she'd never hear the end of it from her mother if she wasn't there in time to sigh and the boxes were left out in the back again. As she snuck back into the house, she could sense a few members of the Pack, up in their rooms starting to wake, and quickly slipped into the kitchen, hoping to grab a quick breakfast in peace.

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Ky looked around the yard, making sure no one else was there, then ran across the dew covered grass to the back door. Stopping a few feet in front of it, he breathed in and out, trying to calm his nerves. The last thing he needed was to be able to get in undetected and then someone ask why he's so nervous to blow it. Glancing down at his hands, he wiped them against his jeans as if it would rub away the scratches and bruises. "Damn that idiot," he cursed and told himself that it wasn't his fault he had gotten into a fight. 'The guy deserved it,' he concluded and looked back at the door. Sighing, he ran a hand through his hair and opened the door quietly. After figuring that the rest of the pack was sleeping, he stepped inside and closed the door softly. Putting his hands in his pockets, he walked to the kitchen to get something to eat. He hadn't eaten anything since he left the manor at lunch the day before, and his stomach was complaining. Ky pushed open the door, saw Esme, and turned right back around. Keeping his head low and walking quickly, he silently prayed she hadn't seen him or somehow known that he'd been out all night.
With a heavy yawn and a deep stretch, Serena slowly rose out of bed. Her eyes blinked lazily as she slipped the covers off of her body, and padded towards her closet. She was used to getting ready the first second she woke up. Unlike some people.

Pulling out a light pink summer dress, she quickly changed into it and admired herself in the mirror for a moment. With a satisfied sigh, she walked out of her room and into the kitchen. Her caramel brown gaze flicked upwards when the familiar figures of Esme and Ky came into her view. Raising an eyebrow in confusion, she watched as Ky quickly ran back out the door.

"Ky! Where are you going?" She called out loudly to him as she reached for an apple and took a deep bite into it. She chewed it thoroughly before swallowing, than she placed a hand on her hip. She felt a bit exhausted from the night run she had done last night. She was out until at least 12:00 before coming back to the Manor to rest a while.

Peeking her head out the door Ky had escaped from, she smirked mischievously as she caught him trying to wander off again.

"Hey. Aren't you hungry? You've been out all night haven't you?" She asked, her eyes drifting to the bruises and scratches on his palms. She decided not to ask him about it, since it was obvious he was trying to hide it.

(Her dress:

(I changed Serena's appearance on her charrie sheet BTW xD )
((It's Caroline! xD ))

Her back to the others, Esme felt herself stiffen slightly at their approach, wondering quickly if she had been caught sneaking in yet again. A faint hint of old blood caused her nostrils to twitch and she turned in Ky's direction, her eyes narrowing slightly as she watched him try to sneak off. "I thought I made it very clear how I felt about fighting in this house..." her tone was calm, yet a muscle in her jaw twitched slightly and her brown eyes glowed just a little. She had enough on her plate for that day to add reckless pups to the list. He didn't seem to be injured too badly so she figured she'd let it slide...this time at least. part of being Alpha was knowing when to make a stink of some things, and to let others go. If she went to the Elders about every little thing that was out of order, she had a feeling they'd be demanding for her parents return and Esme didn't want that.

"Morning Serena..." her stomach grumbled slightly as she eyed the apple in the other blonde's hand and returned to her search for breakfast in the fridge. Finally settling on a yogurt and a package of strawberries, she looked back over at Serena and run a hand through her hair, looking a little sheepish. "Hey, I might have come off as a bit of a b**** just now, could you maybe do me a favor and keep an eye on Ky for me? See what his injuries are about? I'd do it myself but..." she trailed off and rolled her eyes, glancing up at the clock over the stove. "-I got about thirty minutes to change and get to the bar before I miss another drop off..."

Popping a strawberry in her mouth, she tossed her a grateful smile and took the stairs to her room, two at a time, dropping a few pieces of fruit along the way. A quick change into a pair of tight fitting black jeans and a clean white shirt, along with her knee high boots and she was on her way out the manor, pausing only once to grab the keys to her jeep and her tan leather jacket. Gravel crunched loudly as she reversed out of the driveway, laying down on the horn in farewell as she left, knowing it'd wake a few other members up. Time to rise and shine...deep down she had a feeling that this might end up turning into just one of those days...

Her music was blasting some old 80's love song, and all four windows were rolled down, the cool breeze whipping her hair around and stinging her cheeks slightly as she drove. It was a short drive down the mountain to get into town and her mother's bar was right there on broadway. The streets seemed pretty busy considering how early it still was, mostly jammed with mini vans, parents dropping their kids off at the school's bus stop, and people going to work and open up their shops.

The delivery truck was just coming to a stop in the parking lot behind the bar as she pulled in and she breathed a tiny sigh of relief as she killed the engine, hopping out to meet the driver. "Morning, " she called out. "I'm gonna go open up, I'll let you guys in!"

((anyone who wants to work at the bar can come in here if they'd like))
Serena turned her gaze back to Esme, her hand on the door and the other gripping the bitten apple. She nodded in her direction, than chuckled a bit.

"Good morning, Esme. Oh and don't worry, I got things under control," She flashed her a reassuring grin before watching her look over at the clock. She also stared at the clock above the stove, seeing that it was around the time for Esme to go to work. Her aqua blue eyes glittered with understanding as she gave a small wave towards Esme.

"Alright. I might drop by the bar on my way down from my modeling shoot. I'll see you than." She called out to her as she bolted up the stairs. With a slight chuckle, she snatched up another apple and flung it at Ky as she walked towards him.

"So, what's up? I'm sure those bruises and cuts didn't come from out of nowhere," She smirked while taking his wrist and turning his hand in her direction. After a few moments, she looked back up to him.

"Did you get into a fight?" She finally asked, recognizing the familiar design of the injuries. The wounds didn't look too bad, but you could never tell. He could have more injuries for all she knew.
Sheena had been awake most of the night before, reveling in her newfound, still not-quite-total control of her shifting abilities as she enjoyed shifting back and forth between her human and her Lycan form. It's only been a few months now since her eighteenth birthday, which was also the date of her coming into her Lycan powers for the first time. As a half-Lycan, human on her father's side, Lycan on her father's, Sheena had not known about her Lycan blood or the abilities it would give her; in fact, she hadn't known anything about her mother's side of the family at all.

Until just before her eighteenth birthday, Sheena's daily life had consisted of simply trying to survive day to day. Having often lived on the streets since she was thirteen, Sheena was accustomed to doing whatever she had to so she would have enough food, clothing, and somewhere to lay her head at night. Whether this involved stealing, defensive fighting, hooking, or other acts of crime, it was what she had to do, so she did it without flinching. She thought herself, the last few months of it, to be fully alone in the world. What else could she be? Her father had murdered her mother long ago, a terrible truth he had told her to her face and provoked her into her first time running. He had betrayed her in countless ways and would never be considered family in her own eyes. Her Foxfire sisters had scattered, and that was what was safe for them all, what Sheena herself had known would have to happen. She had thought she would live the rest of her life alone, and that it wouldn't be a very long one.

But then there had been Izzy, and Esme, her cousins, cousins she had not known existed, let alone could possibly want her. They had not only taken her off the streets, given her a home, a family, a place she could be safe and warm and protected from the many out there who had wished her harm, but even more than that, they had given her back her history, the truth of who and what she was. Lycan...her mother's daughter, her mother's legacy. Her mother, the twin sister of Izzy's mother, Esme's grandmother, had carried on her abilities through Sheena, who as a half-Lycan, would receive them on her eighteenth birthday. Sheena had been seventeen when they finally located her and brought her back to them and their pack, and it had not been a day too soon for her to begin to learn and train for all she would need to be part of them.

Now, though she was one of the youngest of the pack, and the only one who was only half-blood, Sheena felt that she was accepted, that she belonged just as much as the rest...that they were truly family, and not just Esme and Izzy, who were of her actual bloodline. Now she had what she had ached for all her life, and she finally understood what it was about herself that had always felt so strange and different from other girls. She was Lycan, she was of the Danvers bloodline, and she was proud.

It was still so new and exciting to her that she often stayed out all night, simply enjoying her freedom in her Lycan form. That often led to difficult mornings, however, and today was no exception. Sheena groaned into her pillow, scowling, as Esme honked her horn, but after a few more minutes pulled herself out of bed and slouched downstairs to meet the others, hair sticking out in all directions but not caring in the slightest.

Rikarah Pallaton also stirred slightly in her bed, where at least earlier that morning, Christian too had been lying. She does not yet open her eyes but casts one hand out to check whether he is still available beside her. Rikarah too is new to the pack, and somewhat different from the others, though not in the same way that Sheena is; Rikarah, unlike the others, is a created Lycan, sired by Christian rather than born. Partly because of this she does not yet feel herself to be entirely "part" of them nor used to the mentality of a pack, and coupled with her recent relational difficulties with Christian, she has had a difficult time adjusting as of late. She does not immediately get up, as she does not have to go into her job at the Sutherland Art Gallery until that afternoon, but instead opens her eyes, turning slightly to see if he has remained.
Riidian Servet walked once more around the skeleton that was to be the newest addition to the New York Streets. It stood about one hundred and twenty feet high and eighty feet wide and long. They were yet to be told what it was to be built for but that was not part of their job, they built it and that was all. He looked at it like a dog would a bone, simply basking in the wonders of his teams work. No private contractor in all of the world did work as well or quick as his guys, and he was proud of that. He put his nail gun away in his toolbox and told his guys it was alright to break for a few hours but to back her in three hours. He pushed up his glasses and picked up his cane, then shrugging on his coat he began to walk down the street as his coworkers began to drive away. He calmly made his way to the Blue Moon Bar and Grill to have a nice relaxing drink. Being 913 years old and working on a building that took long hours of labor took a lot out of you, who knew? He made his way to the doorway Blue Moon and found that few patrons were in today, oh well he thought. He took a seat at the bar and looked to the young woman Esme from his pack, his best friends many times descendant. "Well good afternoon Esme, i would enjoy a well done sirloin steak please, and whatever the special for drinks is today. How are you doing this fine day?" He asked with true warmth and happiness dripping from his eyes. He looked out over his square-rimmed glasses at her as he flicked back a single one of his pearl and obsidian locks.
Ky caught the apple and set it on a counter. "Well," he looked around for an excuse but didn't find one. "Sotra. It wasn't my fault. Honest!" He held up his hands as if surrendering. He had been in the pack for a while, but he was still low on the list of respect. "It's not like I started it," he mummbled as Serena looked over his hands. "He and some other idiot were being mean some girl." Pausing, he thought for a second. They were always worrying and fussing over him, and he didn't want them to. Pulling his hands away from Serena, he put them in his pockets. "I'm fine, don't worry. You guys need to stop treating me like a pup." He walked over to the sink and turned the water on. He glanced over his shoulder, grinning like nothing was wrong. "It's not like a few scraps will kill me. Now if you excuses me, I have to get ready. The bakery has a wedding cake that needs delivered by noon." He waved and ran to his room, changing into clean jeans and a black tee shirt. A few miniutes later Ky was back downstairs and running out the kitchen. "Bye Serena, see you later. And don't worry, I won't fight." He ducked out the door before she could say anything else and started to walk to the bakery.
Serena arched an eyebrow in suspicion when he threw up his hands in surrender. A wide grin formed across her face, watching him pull his hands away and walk over to the sink.

"Alright fine. Whatever you say, Ky. But I'm warning you. Esme won't be in the best of moods if you come back with more cuts and bruises." She said to him and than chuckled shortly after. Crossing her arms over her chest, she let the grin on her face widen as he glanced over his shoulder at her. Her eyes followed him as he walked out of the kitchen and up the stairs.

Sighing, she took another bite of her apple and leaned her back against the counter. She heard several pounding sounds and glanced to the side to see Ky running down the stairs. She waved to him and smiled, a mischievous glint in her aqua eyes.

"See ya, Ky." She called out to him as he left, tossing the small apple core into the garbage and glancing back at the clock. 10:30. She shrugged, deciding it was probably best to get to her modeling shoot early. At least it would give her stylists extra time to get her ready. Walking towards the door, she found her brown heels and pulled them on. Than she grabbed her coat and pushed through the door.

She settled her gaze on a shiny white Mercedez Benz that was parked in the driveway. Grinning, she slipped out her car keys and stepped into the sports car. Starting the car, she smiled as the engine roared to life and hummed softly. She pulled on her seat belt, and than backed out as she drove down the road and towards the city.

(Her Mercedez Benz:
It seems as Sheena pads towards the refrigerator that most of the pack members have already made their ways out to their respective jobs, as she isn't hearing or seeing anyone despite the fact that it is late morning. Apparently none had thought she needed to be awakened, or maybe they simply hadn't thought about it; the pack was large enough that if one wanted to, it was easy to be lost or shuffled aside among its members. Grabbing herself half a bagel, she hoped with only faint worry that Esme wasn't going to be too pissed at her for being late for work. She might very well be, seeing as she hadn't bothered to wake her up or drive her, and she knew that Sheena didn't yet have a driver's license.

Or maybe she'd just forgotten. It was an informal, under the table pay arrangement, after all, seeing as Sheena was not even of legal age yet to drink, and was in fact barely legal age at all. Maybe she hadn't remembered that Sheena had agreed to work.

Swiping a hand through her hair only half-heartedly and brushing her teeth quickly, Sheena headed out the door, walking towards the Blue Moon as fast as she could manage without showing enough speed to make any people suspicious. She ended up in a fast jog, but she was not very out of breath when she finally burst through the door and slid herself behind the bar beside Esme, flushing somewhat sheepishly.

"Uh...bed didn't wanna let me go?"
(sorry i didnt see the character sign up sheet i was just coming back to delete that post. i've just submitted my character on the sign up sheet)
"Hey Uncle Rid," Esme smiled brightly at the older Lycan, reaching under the bar for her notepad and quickly jotted down his order. "The kitchen is just opening up really so it might be a bit...and steak for breakfast?' She arched an eyebrow playfully. "Really?"

She ducked into the kitchen, a few of the staff already there setting up for the day and putting the beer order away. Clipping the paper to the order wheel she let the humans know that customers would be coming in early and went back to the front to keep Riidian company. She was just getting ready to ask him how that building on Main Street was coming along when the door to the bar banged open, bouncing back off the wall and Sheena burst through. Her nostrils twitched slightly and she smirked at her younger cousin.

"What, did you like run here or something? I would've come and get you before the lunch rush you know?" she teased. In truth she had almost forgotten that Sheena had volunteered to help out around the bar for a bit. Her cousin hadn't been with them long and Esme knew she was still adjusting to all the changes, including going from the streets to living in a huge Manor with nothing but wolves. Esme had been surprised when Sheena had shown an interest in this place and figured it'd do her some good to be here, at least part-time anyways, she was hoping she could talk her into going back to school or something, or even going for a spot on the Pack's council later on.

((sorry so short, major headache atm))
With a happy sigh, she smiled as she was finally done with her shoot.

"Very nice, Serena. I'm pretty sure all the shots I just took of you were perfect." Her photographer, Tony, said to her, only making her smile widen. Stepping away from the camera, she walked back to where the makeup artists were getting a few of the other girls ready.

"Ah, Serena! You look gorgeous as usual! How did the shoot go?" Her stylist exclaimed to her while blow-drying a girls hair. Serena giggled, placing a hand on her hip as she watched the stylist.

"Tony said it went perfect." She responded with a confident tone in her voice.

The stylist smirked, shutting off the blow-dryer and setting it to the side.

"Well, you are our best model. I wouldn't be surprised if Seventeen magazine offered you a job." The stylist chuckled quietly as she saw the look on Serena's face, which was pure happiness.

"You never know." Serena replied while walking out of the studio.

"Bye, Serena! See you next week!" The stylist called out to her with a smile. Serena waved from behind, but didn't look back.

"Ciao!(Goodbye)" She said in an Italian accent, hearing the stylist laugh and than go back to work. Stepping out of the studio, her curly blonde hair blew gently in the wind, catching a few peoples eyes. She was no longer wearing the summer dress, but a short, flowy pink dress that was tied in the back with a small bow. Unlocking her Mercedes Benz, she slipped inside and started the car. She pulled it out of the parking lot, and drove towards the Manor. Once she had arrived, she leaped out of the sports car and ran up to the door.

"Hey! Anyone here?" She called out, shutting the door quietly behind her and walking further inside the house.

(Her dress:
*Christian had been up for a few hours when Rika finally woke up, standing at the window with his nose in a book as usual but he's not so into it that he didn't see Esme run across the grounds, which is find she's a bright kid and knows when to fight and when to run so as long as she stays on the grounds he has no objection to her running but he doesn't dismiss his guardian duties so lightly, Esme is always being shadowed by someone when she runs, can't have some foolish wolf try to take her out after he's promised her parents he'll watch her..Not worried much about Theon it's Izabella that is the dangerous one of the two especially when her daughter is involved. Watching as Esme tried to sneak back in it dawns on him to just tell her that it's ok if she runs but she's having fun sneaking around and who is he to ruin that fun.

Finally snapping his book closed he turns to Rika in bed and smiles at her, he walks back to the bed and sits down on the edge, he leans over and kisses her lightly and then playfully smacks her butt with his book. It's not long before she walks out again this time he assumes to go to work at the club..* I guess Esme has gone to work for the day, we should go by there after breakfast. Now I'm hungry, we should eat so how about we go downstairs and join the others for breakfast, we don't want to seem anti-social and to be honest my love you need to interact with the pack more, they need to know that you're one of them and lets face it they need to know that if they mistreat you I'll eat their damn hearts out of their chest. *He smirks at her as he stands up and walks towards the window again looking back out of it.* Now hurry up and get dress so we can start the day...or afternoon not actually sure what time it is seeing how I lose all track of it when I start reading.

(By the way want to get on Christian's good side he's obsessed with old books, usually 1st editions of old 14th century)
((ah, gottcha, makes sense actually. He does seem like someone who would be into that wort of thing. Would come in handy if the pack ever got into trouble and needed research down. haha, he's the Lycan version of Giles :P ))

Rising with the sun Conner sat up and ran calloused hands through the short length of his hair. Blankets fell down from his form, exposing a scarred and muscled torso, the worst of the scars more than a decade old, yet the memories of receiving it and the events around it, Conner could remember it like it were yesterday. Arms stretched, still tired with sleep as he began to wake his body up, one part at a time. Shoving the tousled blankets aside Conner climbed out of bed and went to his window, pushing the curtain to the side so that he may look outside. Amber eyes scanned the immediate area. Not that the manor wasn't safe, but Conner was wary. Hey it kept him alive this long, why change?

All seemed to be still in the manor, most if not all were likely sleeping, though Conner had a suspicion that at least one of the pups were out at leisure. He had mixed feelings about this, but wasn't in any role of authority so his concerns meant nothing. He would do as told and follow the alpha's orders, or in this case the ones the alpha has left in charge. Sure he wasn't like many of this pack, most were pure breeds, born into this life. He was bitten, a mere stray that had to do it on his own until the alpha had taken pity on him. And for that man he would do anything. Conner had even asked if he could go with him on his trip, to protect him while he was outside his own territory, but Conner had been rejected, told to stay home and protect the others. And protect them he would. No matter the cost.

The sound of drawers being slid open and shut could be heard as he found his dressings. Simple faded jeans and a fitted t. He got dressed quickly before heading downstairs to grab a bite to eat and get to the bar. Breakfast was an important meal and Conner had to keep his strength up so he grabbed something quick and healthy and was out the door before most began to stir.

Having time to spare, but not as much as one typically may like he took a morning jog. He wasn't much for beauty of any kind, even natural, but he had to admit being out near nature was a better feeling than when he had been stuck in cities. You could go so far to say that he even enjoyed the view. Once he was done getting his morning work up out of the way he headed for the bar. Conner didn't have a bike or car, he didn't need one. If he needed to get anywhere he walked and if there was somewhere he needed to get to fast enough he got a ride with another. He had a good bit of money set aside, but didn't feel the need to spend it so leisurely. After all he got around when he needed to.

It seemed when he got to the bar Esme had already opened up the doors and the deliveries were already made. All he had to do was take inventory and put things where they had to go. Easy enough. Conner went to work setting things up, sticking to the back until his job was done. He heard stifles of conversations from the front, but not enough to make out actual words and this continued on while he worked.

(Waiting on Lyn to post..Just occurred to me with so many people I have the chance to actually pick some enforcers from the pack, so I guess I'll go over the bios again and see if I can find a couple that fit the role.)
"I didn't run, I...walked fast," Sheena muttered, a little defensive, but then, seeing that Esme doesn't seem upset, lets herself smile back at her with less embarrassment, shrugging. "Okay, fine, so me and sleep got in a fight and sleep's just, how the hell do ANY of you sleep at night instead of just going all night long? I can't believe how much time I used to waste SLEEPING at night, I've got a lot of time to make up for now!"

She poked Esme playfully in the side, then dodged back before the other girl could retaliate, grinning. "What needs done around here?"


Rikarah sits up as Christian comes to "encourage" her into waking, then smiles into his kiss as she kisses him back, morning breath be damned. With one hand she lightly strokes the back of his neck, and with the other she stealthily closes her hand around the book, pulls it from his grasp, and stashes it beneath her pillow in one swift movement, her lips quirking as she pulls back enough to look him in the eye. Getting out of bed as he does, she begins to dress near him, taking her time about doing so as she replies.

"I am not concerned about what any of the others think of me. I am who I am, and now I am what you have made me as well. I spend much of my time adapting myself to others' expectations or desires for me, and I do not always wish to do so among what is supposed to be my home. They will accept me and my presence in your life or they will not. I will earn respect of my own merits or I will not. I do not want you to interfere with what is my affair, Christian."

The words are firm, but she smiles slightly as she turns to him again. "You were never one I would assume would enjoy losing yourself in a world of unreality."
Why not? This world is sour and we should both take any chance we get to escape it's grips around our throats, books allow me to do that. *smiles back at her* However you are also my sanctuary so don't be surprise if I do interfere in your affairs besides as my mate, what harms you harms me...Threatens me and I do not like to be threaten, just look at the lapse of my enemies if you doubt that. But I promise I will try to let you make your own way in the pack...After all it will also not be a good look if my mate looks weak. *Walking to her and offering his arm to escort her downstairs* Shall we dine now? By the way be careful with that book it's a first edition and 3 times older then you. It's priceless, like you. By the way would you like to go to the club tonight, I haven't been out of the house in weeks and I'm beginning to grow tired of these walls, just don't ask me to dance unless you want me to look foolish. *He grins at her, as he opens the door to their room.*
"I prefer to live in the present moment and face reality rather than allow myself to forget even for a moment what is true," Rikarah corrects him, but she considers his statement, wondering if it does in fact apply to herself and her artwork. Does her creations of paintings and sketches, sculptures and photography, take her outside of reality, or simply give her a platform to expand upon her views of it?

She decides to herself that no, her artwork is merely an extension of herself and reality as she sees it. Having thus decided, she accepts Christian's arm and follows him downstairs, having to take two steps to his every one as she continues to make her views clear.

"I do not intend to have you fight any battle for me which I do not feel requires your help, Christian, nor even in most cases those which you may feel do. Whether or not I was born or intended to be a Lycan, I do not intend to be given any breaks or special measures of protection because of it. As for me being your you truly feel safe with me?" she asks, genuinely wanting to know. The thought is unsettling to her, though she cannot yet put words as to why this is.

"I would dance with you, yes," she says in response to his question, dipping her head into a light nod and giving another quick smile before pulling away as they enter the kitchen, looking around for signs of the other pack members. "Do you think you will be able to keep up with me?"
You being my sanctuary has nothing to do with feeling safe, I'm a 613 year old Alpha, I've killed more people then more then all the people you've met in your entire lifetime, I call you my sanctuary because despite being a killer, when I'm with you I feel like a mere man, an incredibly good looking, rich, with the charisma that would make James Bond jealous but still a man. *smirks at her* By the way I just said I don't want to dance, how did you hear me say I wanted to dance? I swear do you just pick out only the words that interest you when I talk? *Finally reaching the kitchen and seeing the others including Conner.* Good morning everyone, I smell coffee is there any left? *Looks at the pot and removes a mug from the middle of the counter and pours a cup.* By the way Conner I'm appointing you as an enforcer..You look like you could handle yourself so I need you to get rid of some hunters I saw on the edge of our property. Do not harm them am I clear on this? We do not need to draw attention to ourselves and we do not need any new mutts showing up. That goes for all of you, I shouldn't have to tell any of you this but for the pups among us, be careful it doesn't take much for you to infect someone, in fact until you've been properly groomed I'd prefer you not go out without a more experience person with you..Don't need you losing your shit cause some moron ordered his prime rib rare.

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