BloodWell Forest(Sign UP)

Name: Rai Daxson

Age: 23



Species:Cat demon

Appearance(Description and picture): Rai has long silver(to white) hair and ears and a kinda furry tail of the same color as the hair. He has light grayish blue eyes(i guess...)


Personality: Calm, mature, smirks sometimes. Cold at first sight, cool to be with later on. Some type of a big-bro. A nice person, and a tsundere as well. He doesn't care if he's doing stuff that is putting himself in danger. His actions are mostly there to entertain himself. Doing anything to entertain himself is his habit, even if that means approaching himself to humans or stuff.

History: Born as the oldest son of the cat-demon family, he is supposed to represents his father for the next generation. Yet, when his youngest brother betrayed and killed his father, and caused his mother to commit suicide, Rai has become the head of the family earlier than he thought. Being a loyal and respectful son to his father, to whom he loves really much, he decides to revenge his parents' deaths...And faces his youngest brother who is now the enemy to wants to take over the cat-demon family, and expands his powers...(cliche stuff...)

Extra Info:Different from a cat-human, he belongs to the cat-demon species, which is a half-demon-half-cat family. He wears an eye-patch because he wounded his eyes one time when fighting with his youngest brother. Somehow, he likes ice-cream really much, and he hates fish. He also hates rats, since he's a cat lol. He has poisonous needles hidden inside his clothes as his weapon, but most of the time he uses his demon abilities...Which, is any sort of demon power you can imagine...Not as powerful as a complete demon though.

Name: Zano Tsana

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Monster/Human: Human

Species: Magician..?

Appearance(Description and picture): He has short curly pink-red hair and yellow/orange -ish light brown eyes. Simple clothing...a short black light jacket and white shirt..


Personality: A nice, kind, lighthearted, lively cheerful sunny guy who is a bit stubborn but actually smart. He is optimistic but often hides his feelings when he is emotionally hurt. A bit childish.

History: Adopted along with his younger sister when he was a child, he grew up hearing the legend about the forest. Always curious about it, he has always been dreaming of having an adventure inside the forest despite the dangers that lurk inside. He grew up performing magic tricks to his younger sister and others and as he performed more it became more advanced. Sooner or later he learned how to read people's minds to impress more people. He also learned how to fight, with his favorite weapon--daggers. When one day his dearest younger sister disappeared inside the forest, he finally decided to enter it in order to search for his sister.

Extra Info: Zano's weapons are daggers. He loves sweet foods and hate rats and snails. He can perform any kinds of magic tricks and impress people. He can also read people's minds, but not 100%. He can't really know what the other is thinking but he can identify is that person is actually evil or not, and 75% of what they are thinking about.

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Skeleton: Rainbow Taser!

Name: Asagi Crow

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Monster/Human: Human

Species: Human~

Appearance(Description and picture): She has blue eyes and brown hair and stands at about 5'5''. Under the baggy pull-over she's very toned and fit from practicing. She wears converse boots and always has throwing daggers attached to the inside of her stockings along with a dagger in the sole of her shoe.


Personality: Silent, and observant, she prefers to get information without talking if she can help it. She's very indifferent, although on topics important to her, especially when it comes to animals, she gets frustrated easily.
History: Asagi was abused violently by her step-father as a child, which led her to solitude. Her mother never knew anything about it, because he threatened to kill her and her mother if she told her. She made up excuses for the bruises and covered everything with lies out of fear. She'd sometimes stay up late and listen to her step father talk to her mother about the legend of the forest and soon became very curious. She grew up preparing to enter the forest, training secretly, studying every little thing she could to become more aware of the things she had to face. She is desperate for adventure and loves the thrill of danger, an adrenaline junkie to the max.

Extra Info: She's been the only one that could keep herself protected. She loves hanging out with her best friend, Dystil, although she doesn't talk much to other people. She tries not to let her past with her father interfere with males she encounters, but she can be a little skiddish.

Name: Dystil Ravine

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Monster/Human: Human

Species: Human~

Appearance(Description and picture): She has blonde hair and orange eyes and a black hoodie that goes on over her tan-colored dress. She wears combat boots and is very energetic. (Left picture is her)


Personality: Very outgoing and social, she loves making a scene and attracting as many people as possible. She's hated being alone ever since she was little and she's very kind to many people.

History: Her mother was a drunkie and abused her from a young age, but she put a stop to that when she taught herself martial arts, forcing her mother to turn her rage against something else instead of her child. Because of their history with abusive parents, Asagi and Dystil have become very close and are always there for each other. She's very wary about the history of the forest, but can't let Asagi go alone into the forest, so she promised to go with her.

Extra Info: Highly skilled in martial arts and carries no concealed weapon except for the dagger Asagi planted on her belt a few years back. She protects Asagi with her life, and knows that Asagi does the same for her.

Yay~ -happidance- 


Name: Lenneth Kagui

Age: 20

Gender: Male

Monster/Human: Monster

Species: Shape Shifter

Appearance(Description and picture): Purple eyes, short black hair, and black nails.


Personality: He doesn't like following orders much, and he does what he wants, when he wants. He keeps himself away from the leader of the group, leaving himself as an outcast. He loves watching the humans, he finds them immensely interesting.
History: He grew up in the forest, although he's wandered to town multiple times in order to investigate the human's social behavior and see how they're evolving. He's always shifting, only in his human form when he engages in human activities, which is rarely.

Extra Info: He hates authority and prefers to be alone.

Name: Katherine(Katie) Anderson

Age: 8

Gender: Female

Monster/Human: Human

Species: N/A

Appearance: Katie has light, thick brown hair that comes down to her collarbone, and bangs that come just above her eyes. Her eyes are a dark blue, and are very big and full of life. Her skin is quite pale, on the verge of sickly. Like her brother, she burns easily and doesn't become tan. She is very petite and small. She loves to wear lacy white dresses. She usually ties her hair back with a ribbon head band or braids it.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_06/57a8bdbfa9d73_Toni6.jpg.d6e13f3b50edfe8ef759868d61b94fdb.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="2029" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_06/57a8bdbfa9d73_Toni6.jpg.d6e13f3b50edfe8ef759868d61b94fdb.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Katie is a very bubbly and friendly child, wanting to play with everyone and also just has fun a lot. She is very jumpy and a bit of a scardey cat too. She talks a lot, unlike her brother who just lets her babble on and on.

History: Katie's life was always perfect. Her parents never fought, and she has one 16 year old big brother that she loves and looks up to, and he adores her; no mater how annoying she gets to be. She usually goes with her brother, just to tag along and learn to be a bit like him. Katie is a bit jumpy, and usually needs her brother to protect her from any monsters. She believes in the myth's, but comes with him anyways. She is very quick and agile, but bad at climbing trees.

Extra Info:



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Name:Kade Mathews




Species:Human or is she

Appearance(Description and picture):Kade has short black hair and wears jeans and a red tang top. with flip flop or no shoes her eyes a blue

Personality:Kade is loving and kind always ready to help.also she is very random

History:Kade doesnt realy have any history she woke up 3 months ago with no memory of who she is or was and came into the forest because something about is mystery calls to her

Extra Info: her blue eyes seem to change color from blue to glwoing yellow 
Skeleton: Rainbow Taser (for the third time)

Name: Rajah

Age: unknown

Gender: Male

Monster/Human: Monster

Species: I guess you could call him a wereleopard

Appearance(Description and picture):

When in human for he always has those spots people think they are tattoos. He can turn into a leopard.


Personality: He's very quiet and easily aggravated, he hates having people boss him around, and he doesn't feed on humans.

History: He's lived in the forest for as long as he remembers.

Extra Info: He hates it when people stare at his spots and he can also talk to any animal mentally (that includes humans) so he's telepathic. He will only use this power when he's in animal form though he can also use it in human.
Oh good you didn't do Lion xD

Name:Mrowr Lon




Species:Not really sure what they're called....werelion??

Appearance(Description and picture):

Personality: calm most of the time unless someone gets on his nerves,he likes messing around with others but never harms them.

History: :/

Extra Info:-

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