[Blood0Dimmed Tides] Chapter 5A -Around the Fire

“I’m pretty sure she’s aware of that fact, what with being your killer and all,†says Dorissa disapprovingly. “Aren’t you even going to, I don’t know, put a curse on her or something?â€
"That's the thing about being dead. It's possible for me to look back at life and realize that the worse curse is that people have to live with themselves." Pearl replied, and then she gave a slight shrug. "Cinder will get hers. Besides, I think she has a crush on Xandra."
- Like, totally!, smiles Cinder, slapping with an ample circular motion Xandra's butt.
Xandra's face turns a bright red and she sputters out something that might resemble speach in some far away world.
Hunger, meanwhile, murmured something nearly unintelligible on the verge of falling asleep. Toppling over she came to rest, leaning against the side of Dorissa's calf. "Jus' wake me up when they rise, arright, so I c'n force the hungry ones into line."
At the reminder of hungry ghosts Dorissa looks worried, but she does not move, even when the siaka-woman appropriates her as a pillow. Instead she pats her absentmindedly.

“Look, now,†she says in her brisk fashion, “what’s all the rest of this about, then? What have you all to do with this…head-thing? I’m assuming you don’t work with or for it, judging by the way it was trying to blow you up.â€
Cinder pats the dragonfly.

- Ember should be able to lead us to the last location of the ship.

He has only a single cask of rum, so he can't be gone far.

What is the mileage of a fat sailor, per rum litre?

Anyway, we should move as soon as possible.
The ship, you can find. It didn't go far...well, it's getting farther way, just drifting. Swimming is an option but a timely one. Of course there is the griffon.
Yawning again, Hunger pushed herself up to her feet and began staggering off toward the less-ruined, unburnt section of town. "If we're goin' somewhere, then I'm gonna need to get somethin' t'wear. Hopefully there was someone on this island that didn't dress like a colorblind Nexus prostitute."
Xandra nods at the siaka woman. "Best of luck on that. Keiku and I are going to fly out and recover that ship before it drifts too far away. C'mon, boy. Lets fly."
Dorissa looks mildly bemused again. “Why? It’s not as if anyone here will care, one way or another. I only wear these clothes for sentimental reasons, myself -- most of the time, strictly speaking, I’m not clothed at all.”
Hunger yawned, tilting her head. "Goin' around starkers jus' gives folk the wrong impression, 's'all. Besides, no clothes, no pockets, an' y'can keep all sort of useful things in pockets."
Dorissa laughs. “Depends on what sort of ‘folks’ you’re thinking of. And I’ve found a lack of ‘things’ to be as liberating as my lack of pockets.”
Rei looks back and forth between the two with a mixture of mirth and sadness. "You are both missing out on the wonderful virtues of a perfectly styled kimono or the designs of Cynis Mareo or Ledaal Askathia. Clothes can be such useful tools and wonderful escapes."
Hunger shrugged. "There's not much better'n a good, fancy coat 'n sharp-lookin' gear t'tell a crew who's in charge without 'em havin' ever to ask." Hunger looked back at Rei. "What's a kimono? Is that one o' those dress thingies yer frou-frou sissy Realm men wear?"

The ship is empty save for a message written on the wall in the mess. It's a mess, really. Made up of various foodstuffs pressed into the wall. It reads: Clapping Dragons Rock. Also, finding yourselves alone, Pearl presses up into your back and whispers some naughtiness into your ear, giggling.

"Which room is ours?"
Xandra turns around and slips her arms around Pearls waist. "The captain's cabin, of course. Would you like to help me inspect our chambers?"
Cindy stands besides Rei, looking at the Anathemas.

- They are just powerful barbarians, my dear Rei.

The advantages of civilization, or soap for what matters, is lost on them.

Still, I admit I prefer clothes that can.. Uhm, better cope with dirt and movements.

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