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Blood Ties (DrTrollinski & Soul OMU)

Lexie smiled a bit while holding his hand. "Exactly and we have, I enjoy each and everyone of them." She said while squeezing his hand back and lifting up her glass to take a drink, her cheeks turned a bit rosey when he said those words to her, each time they made her tingle.
As he scooped the last of his fries into his mouth he drank down the rest of his lemonade to wash them down and then went back to smiling at her and gently caressing her hand with his thumb. "Isn't it strange that... when school starts in September, that'll be our last year in high-school before we're thrown to the big bad world?" He chuckled a little. One of the men from the other table got up and wandered up the stairs at the bottom of the restaurant to get to the bathrooms. Nothing out of the ordinary there. "Oh well. We'll be together throughout that year, and we'll be at each other's side after graduation, too." He winked at her.
Lexie smiled a bit while holding his hand, letting him rub his thumb over the back of her hand. "Yeah... Do you know what your going to do yet or where you're going?" She asked while looking at him.
".. I don't know. I was thinking about college, but... I don't want to be in debt, nor make my parents pay for it all." He laughed a little. ".. I might jump straight into work, get trained up from there. Be a big tough-guy cop, maybe." He chuckled gently to himself. "I don't know yet, to be honest... I'm still thinking. What about you?" He asked.
"A lot of money in the mechanic business, if you do things right. Hell, you could end up being a mechanic for Audi, or BMW. Just gotta' show you've got the skill for it." He said encouragingly, squeezing her hand once more. "I'm sure you could nail something like that... The bike you gave me's perfect evidence." He said with a curt nod.
"Don't be ridiculous. Anything's possible if you put your mind to it. Thomas Edison didn't get where he got to by saying he doubted it, did he?" He grinned and rubbed her hand. "What do you want for dessert? My treat. I'm gonna' be having the syrup sponge cake with custard." He smiled at her. (@Soul OMU - I'm so sorry. I must have missed the post.)
DrTrollinski said:
"Don't be ridiculous. Anything's possible if you put your mind to it. Thomas Edison didn't get where he got to by saying he doubted it, did he?" He grinned and rubbed her hand. "What do you want for dessert? My treat. I'm gonna' be having the syrup sponge cake with custard." He smiled at her. (@Soul OMU - I'm so sorry. I must have missed the post.)
Lexie smiles a bit while holding his hand. "I think I might try and deep fried cheesecake." She said while looking at him.
"Then that's what we'll have." He smiled and then waved off at the waiter who came rushing over to them both. "Hey, we're ready to order desserts." He smiled, the waiter looked at them both for a moment and then flicked out his notebook and a ballpoint pen, and then looked up at them both with a smile.

"Wonderful. What will you both be having?"

"Alright. I'll have the syrup sponge with custard - She'll be taking the deep fried cheesecake." He said. The waiter simply nodded and then wrote down both of the orders.

"They'll be with you both shortly." He smiled and then wandered off. Once he was gone, Cole lowered his hand to take hold of Lexie's own once again, and then looked at her with a warm smile. He simply stared into her eyes. All of these years he'd been waiting, and now it was finally worth it.

".. I hope you've had a nice night, Lex." He said.
Lexie smiles and nods. "I am and I have. This was really nice." She said while holding his hand and looking at him. (Last post for tonight because I decided to be nice to you. :) )
"That's good to know." He said warmly. ".. After we've had dessert, I'm going to run to the bathroom, and then we'll leave, okay? Head back to my place." He said, rubbing her hand a little. Goodness, more fun in the bedroom, like it had been over the past week. Should be fun, right? It was just sad that Cole didn't know what he had coming for him on such a wonderful but also soon to be a very disastrous night.

(Goodnight! And thank you! :) )
DrTrollinski said:
"That's good to know." He said warmly. ".. After we've had dessert, I'm going to run to the bathroom, and then we'll leave, okay? Head back to my place." He said, rubbing her hand a little. Goodness, more fun in the bedroom, like it had been over the past week. Should be fun, right? It was just sad that Cole didn't know what he had coming for him on such a wonderful but also soon to be a very disastrous night.
(Goodnight! And thank you! :) )
Lexie nodded as she holds his head and leans over to kiss him briefly. "Alright then. Sounds like a plan." She said while smiling a bit. (@DrTrollinski)
"Wonderful." He smiled. Five minutes later, the waiter came back over with their desserts and placed them down in front of them. The desserts were pretty huge, and Cole wasn't even sure if he was going to be able to finish it all, but he was going to have to try. He started eating it with the spoon he was given alongside it - it was hot, sweet, and pretty damn delicious in general. ".. This is wonderful... How's yours?" He asked. (@Soul OMU)
Lexie smiles a bit when dessert comes and starts to dig in, smiling at the taste and the warmness of it and the flavours. "Mmm! It's delicious." She said while looking at him.
"Good." He smiled warmly at her and then continued tucking in. He looked around the restaurant and at some of the other patrons. It was quite a happy environment indeed. The suited men still seemed a little out of place - they belonged in some fancy place in New York. A more fancy place than this, I mean. They didn't really seem to belong here at all, but Cole didn't really think too much of it. He kept eating until he couldn't eat anymore, which honestly didn't leave much of his dessert left, anyway. He smiled across at Lexie and then slowly pushed himself up from the table. ".. I'm just gonna' use the bathroom, and then I'll pay." He smiled.
"Alright." He smiled and then turned away from the table and then walked to the bottom of the restaurant. He made his way up the stairs that lead up to the restrooms and then pushed through the door into the Men's room. Not even fifteen seconds after he left, a boy that was probably around George's age, if not a little younger, also got up from a table he was sat at with his parents and went and climbed the stairs. He went into the bathroom as well, and went to use a urinal that was a couple of spaces away from the one Cole was using. Nothing unusual about a kid needing the bathroom, but then something else happened - One of the suited men stood up and made his way over to the stairs to go to the bathroom as well - this guy was almost seven feet tall and he was built like an oak tree. How horrifying.

Now that, was suspicious, but Cole and the other boy that was in the bathroom were none the wiser to what was about to happen.
Lexie thinking but noticed the man leave the table and narrows her eyes a bit but shakes her head while sitting back in her seat, trying to think of a logical reason for why those men would be here.
When Cole was done, he walked over to the sinks and started washing his hands. The boy walked over about ten seconds after him and started washing his hands as well. There were some paper towels for people to dry their hands with, but they were on the kid's side of the sink. Cole was about to walk around and grab one, but the boy grabbed two and handed one of them to him. Cole smiled at him. He reminded him of George quite a lot - he was about his age, had the same length hair, and was pretty helpful. The only difference was that he had a lighter color of hair - a blonde-brown color.

"Thanks, pal." He said.

"You're welcome..." The boy said in response as he started drying off his hands as well. His eyes locked onto the behemoth of a man that walked through the door and went up to Cole, and in that split second, everything changed. The man grabbed Cole from behind, right around the neck, and started trying to choke him. The young boy was mortified and instantly tried running by, but he was grabbed by the hair and let out a cry. Cole wasn't going to allow that. He reached up and started clawing at the man's eyes until the boy was released and ran out crying. "Dad! DAD!" He cried as he reached the ground level. "Someone's gettin' attacked in the bathroom!" He yelled as he flew into his father's arms. The men at the table instantly stood up and the five of them started progressing towards the stairs. A lot of the patrons all turned and looked at the boy, but didn't go to help Cole. Cole was upstairs fighting for survival, kicking and clawing at the tall man's face.
"Get!" He threw a punch at the man's face and hit him. "The!" Punch. "Fuck!" Punch. "OFF!" He yelled, his face bright red with hatred and fury. He was so worried, but the man finally did release him. Cole instantly back away from him and dashed out of the bathroom door, and then made a run for the main door of the restaurant. His neck was bruised, but that was about it. He looked back at Lexie and took a few quick breaths. "LEXIE! RUN!" He yelled at her, and then shot out of the building and made off down the street, only to have the now six men chase after him after shoving Lexie aside.

".. Hello?" A voice called out over the phone. It was the voice of Brandon.
Lexie gives out a soft grunt of pain as she slams her back against the table. "M-Mr King!? There are some guys after Cole... T-they just chased after him out of the Italian dinner..." She said faintly as she fell, her back bleeding slightly and badly bruised.
"Jesus Christ... I'm on my way." He said, instantly hanging up. He ran to the front door and then stopped, turning around for a moment. "Miranda! You and the kids stay here! I need to go help out Cole!" He said, and then instantly ran out of the house and slammed the door behind him. He ran over to his car and hopped into it, flicking the engine on and instantly speeding off down the street.


"Don't move. I'll call an ambulance." A voice called from above her. It was the father of the boy who came crying down the stairs. The one who was in the bathroom with Cole. He called 911 and asked for an ambulance to come due to someone having a bad injury, and then he put the phone down and crouched down beside her. ".. Did you know those men?" He asked.


Cole was running. He was sprinting and near enough crying, but no matter how fast he went, the men always seemed to be right behind him and ready to spring onto his back and take him down. He couldn't stop, but he was so breathless and tired, and he had a cramp from where he was running directly after eating. He felt sick, but he couldn't stop.

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