Blood, Sweat and Tears *Demigod RP*


One Thousand Club

You all knew it.

You're different.

Everyone is...But you are different in a major way. You are a child of a god.

Welcome to Camp Half Blood. I am Chiron, your new teacher. Here, you will learn more about your lineage and how to fend for yourself. Here, you can also heal from a bad past, if needed.


~No perfect characters. Perfection will get you booted

~No anime. Please use an actual photo, or a description of your character

~No godmodding

~At least three lines per post, please

~3 character limit. No exceptions

~No pets

~Be respectful to other Role Players. Your character can be as mean as can be, however, you must show respect to me and others.

~No children of Artemis or Hera. Hera is married, and Artemis is, of course, a virgin huntress with no kids. However, Artemis's huntresses will be accepted as well

~No children of The Big Three

~Good grammar and spelling is appreciated

~No "text talk"

~Stay within the list of gods I give you. If you want more, PM me and I'll add him / her

The Gods

(The allowed parents)

Apollo - God of music, poetry, archery, the sun, light, medicine and prophecy. Inventor of the lyre, and animal symbol is a mouse

Aphrodite - Goddess of love and beauty. Magical item is an enchanted girdle, and animal symbol is a dove

Demeter - Goddess of agriculture. Mother of Persephone, and animal symbol is a horse, usually a black mare

Athena - Goddess of wisdom and battle stradgey. Nickname is "The Grey-Eyed Goddess", and animal symbol is an owl

Hepheastus - God of blacksmithing and fire. Son of Hera and Zeus, husband to Aphrodite

Hermes - God of theives and story telling. Messenger of the gods, and his magical item is his staff and winged shoes

Ares - God of war. The lover of Aphrodite, and the "Bane of mortals"

Dionysus - God of wine and parties. Discovered the grape vine, and roamed the earth, punishing every mortal who didn't believe in his divinity

Hecate - Goddess of magic. Symbolizes the darkness of the moon, animal symbol is a snake

Iris - Goddess of the rainbow.





God/Goddess parent:


Weapon of choice:



Name: Jason Fisher

Age: 16

Personality: Jason tends to be proud, thinking he can take on the world. Although he is proud, he keeps his thought in his head. He then lets them out onto sheets of paper in the form of poetry, art, or music. Jason is very talented in his works of art, but lacks in the area of studying. He has no attention span.

God/Goddess parent: Apollo

Appearance: Jason is tall and skinny. He has golden curly hair that comes down to just below his ear, but he often straightens it. He tends to be classy/scene. He would wear a white suit coat over a black tight T-shirt. He would often pair this with gray skinny jeans.

Weapon of choice: A Shank (homemade weapons), but when not available, a sword.

History: Jason's mother died in birth, and he was moved into an orphanage. He grew up a loner, with only his art to comfort him. In his imagination, he was a prince, his father was just away on business. This gave him his proud spirit. When he found out he was a demigod, he became almost unbearable.

Other: (Nothing)

Name: Jasmine Brooks

Age: 16

Personality: Jasmine is a very quiet and calm person. She finds herself irresistibly drawn to the full moon. Jasmine is very mysterious and likes to keep to herself. She is smart, but wouldn't like you to know it. She hates attention.

God/Goddess parent: Nyx

Appearance: Jasmine has straight, long, black hair with natural white highlights. She is average height and skinny. She can only be found wearing black or dark blue.

Weapon of choice: Bow and Arrows

History: Jasmine was found on the streets and taken in by the Brook's. When Jasmine turned 12, they noticed white highlights and blamed her for them. At thirteen, she was sneaking out to sit under the full moon. The Brook's finally decided they could take no more and sent her to a "boarding school." They didn't know where they were sending her. They just knew she would be gone.

Other: None

It won't let me reply either. If you could send me the links to the other RPs you wanted me to join that would be great.
(Amanda784d, you are accepted)

--- Merged Double Post ---

Name: Selena

Age: 16

Personality: Selena is very outgoing and is just leaning magic. She is very sweet but can kick butt when needed. She sees the glass as half full and is always ready for a chalenge.

God/Goddess parent: Hecate


Weapon of choice: Dagger

History: Selena is not very close to her over protective father and is so happy to finally get away from the fight beteen them. Her dad told her that her mother died in a car crash and was very angry when she found out her dad had been lieing to her. She had always felt out of place, but when she is in camp she feels like she'd not the only one.

Other: none

--- Merged Double Post ---

( my seconde character)

Name: John

Age: 16

Personality: John is very spirited. He sees the glass as half whatever and loves life. He getts in trouble a lot, because of his pranks and his stealing, but is very sweet and kind.

God/Goddess parent: Hermes


Weapon of choice:

History: He has live at camp since he was 12 and used to live with his mom. He loves his mom, but can't see her that much. His mom told him that his dad left when he was 2 wich was half true.

Other: none
Name: Cole

Age: 15

Personality: Cole is ridiculasly shy. He will not speak unless spoken to, but, when you break his thick shell, he is a good friend - the kind that will jump in front of a stray arrow for you - and a blast to hang out with. He can be crazy and random, but also very serious in a bad situation.

God/Goddess parent: Apollo

Aperance: Cole is tall and skinny, but has good muscle built. He has dirty blonde hair that looks like he cut it himself in teh dark, and dark brown eyes the color of coffee.

Weapon of choice: Bows and arrows

History: His mother was killed by a monster he never saw when he was 7. He was moved into an orphanage. He grew sick of it, and ran away, only gto be found by a group of campers returning from a quest. They were told his story, and immediatley brought him back with them to camp.

Other: none
~Oh, I'm starting!~ Jason flicked his golden curls away from his face. Why hadn't he straightened it? It didn't matter. He looked great. Jason walked forward with confidence in his steps. It was his first time ever being to camp. Now, he would finally meet people just like him. He would meet more demigods. Now, where was that teacher he was supposed to be looking for, anyway? This was going to be a strange camp. Jasmine slowly wiped the tear from her eye. She knew why she was here. She was here because her family didn't want her. Maybe this wouldn't be so bad. Maybe, just maybe, she could find a family here. Jasmine slowly pulled out her notebook and a pencil. She sat on a rock just inside the camp, and began to draw. She drew the gods in teen form, but instead of drawing Nyx, she drew herself. Yes, this looked like a good family. Jasmine wiped a final tear from her face and smiled.
Selena had been at camp for over a week now and still knew no one. She had just walked out of the Hecate cabin, to head to her lesson when she saw a girl crying by a rock. She walked over to her to see if she could help. "Hi, I'm Selena. Are you all right?" she asked. Selena could tell she was new and felt bad for her, because she knew how she felt. You felt so alone like you you were not wanted.

John was in the arena beating the crud out of a dummy. He couldn't wait for the capture the flag game later today. He loved capture the flag and was pretty good at it.

(Sorry for the short post. I have writers block.)
Name: Kylie

Age: 15 3/4

Personality: Kylie is really nice, adventurouse, serious in serious times, funny, creative, and caring.God/Goddess parent: She doesn't seem like it, but she is a child of Ares, god of war.

LIke that, but with an orange camp half-blood t-shirt and no mole under her lips.

Weapon of choice: Her body (feet, hands, legs, arms... mostly all the things you use for Karate.) She does not believe in guns and stuff like that.

History: Kylie was adopted. She heard that when she was born, she bit her mom when her mom was trying to 'feed' her, for she was the child of Ares and was war-like. Her mom left her at teh hospital. Luckily, one of the nurses thought that I was adorable and took me home as 'her' baby. At 6 years old, the nurse enrolled Kylie in Karate. She excelled fast, and was already a black belt at 8 3/4. One day while tge girl was walking home from school, something pushed her to the ground. It was a Minotaur! She did a soumersalt backwards and stood up, ready to fight. THe minotaur charged, but dissapeared in a puff of smoke when some campers came to the rescue. Soon after, Kylie was brought to Camp Half-Blood and learned that she is the daughter of Ares.

Other: Is a girl.
Cole was outside of his cabin, shining an arrow, when he saw some guy wondering around. He knew immediately that he was probably a newbie, and also knew that he should - wanted to - go over there and offer some help. However, there was a reason he didn't. Ugh, stupid shyness....Dude, just go say 'hi'. He'll do the rest...Right? Idiot, you are...

(Please forgive my horrid post. I am at a bit of a block....)
Jasmine smiled up at the girl. Had this girl seen her crying? "Oh, I'm Jasmine. I'm new here at camp." Jasmine started, "Did you see me cry? Oh, I must be such a horrible demigod." Jasmine wondered what this girl would say. She hoped she would understand. Maybe, this girl would be part of the family Jasmine was looking for. Then again, maybe not. Jason

--- Merged Double Post ---

Jason looked around the camp. He then spotted a boy just a few yards ahead of him. "Hello," said Jason, "I'm Jason, son of Apollo. Who are you?" Jason extended his hand towards the boy. (This is aimed towards Cole. Just so you know.)
Cole released a sigh of mixed releif. He put teh arrow down and shook the boy's hand, then said, trying to keep his small voice on hold, "Cole. Heh, son of Apollo." Well, looked like this boy was his half brother. "Nice to meet you."

(Sorry, I am not getting much from him to write...My characters talk to em X) You can call me weird, now =P)
"Wow, we're like brothers! Oh, half brothers. Ya, it's nice to meet you too." Jason was excited that he had already met family. He needed it.

(ehh...sorry for the short post.)
Cole smiled shyly. Urgh, stupid shyness. "Yup, half brothers. Don't worry, I'm more fun when I don't have a weapon in my hand. Om, do you need help with anything? I saw you looking around for something."
"Oh,yes. I was just wondering where the teacher was?" Suddenly, Jason felt more comfortable and decided that just one question was not enough. "What do we do here? What is training like? Oh, what weapon do you think they will give me?" Jason smiled with confidence. Yes, this was to make a friend.
"They'll probably start you off with a bow and put a target in front of you. Maybe a dagger, but bow and arrow training is more likely. Om, what we mostly do is train. train to fight. Maybe go on a quest, but maybe not," he said, looking down at the arrow as he continued to shine it. "Om, by teacher do you mean Chiron? I am not sure where he is, probably around the Big House, or something. Want some help finding that?"
Cole nodded, and put the arrow and rag down. "Okay, come on then," he said simply, and didn't wait for an answer or a sign that Jason was following before he started walking.
"Yeah, I saw you. Are you okay, I am pretty new here to? Is there anything I can do to help?" Selena asked feeling sorry for the girl. Selena sat down next to her. For some reason she really wanted to help this girl, maybe it was just the fact that she knew how she felt.

John stopped and figured he should maybe start to head to the meeting place for capture the flag.

(Sorry about the short post.)
"Thank you," Jasmine smiled up at the girl. This girl was kind. She didn't expect that from someone she didn't know. "I was just wondering where I should be. I mean, I only knew to come into the camp. I don't know where I'm staying or where the teacher is.
"Well, I can tell you where your cabin is, if you tell me who your god or goddess parent is, but capture the flag is going to start pretty soon so we better hurry," Selen said."I'm pretty new here to. I have only been here a week." Selena liked this girl, she was nice.

John was half way there when he heard the bell go off for capture the flag. When he got there Chiron was already waiting for everyone.
WalkingDisaster said:
Cole nodded, and put the arrow and rag down. "Okay, come on then," he said simply, and didn't wait for an answer or a sign that Jason was following before he started walking.
(Wondering if you saw it, Amanda...)
"Nyx," Jasmine replied simply. She hated talking about her mother. She didn't even know her.

(Sorry, writer's block.)

Jason followed quickly behind the boy. He wondered what the boy thought of him. Was he to proud? It's not like he didn't have the right. He was a demigod, after all, wasn't he? Yes, who wouldn't like Jason? Jason was sure he was on the right track to getting lots of friends and having lots of fun.
Cole walked with Jason to the courtyard, and saw Chiron waiting for everyone. He cursed and turned to Jason. "Capture the flag. I completely forgot about it. We can talk to Chiron after, sorry," he said regrettably
"Sorry, we have to go do capture the flag. i will show you your cabin after, okay?" Selena said "Come on lets go." Selena reached her hand out to the girl to help her up.


John stood at the meeting spot waiting for everyone to arrive. He hoped he would be on Athena team, the could kick butt.

(I hate writer's block!)

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