Blood Red Roses, Dagger Sharp Thorns, & Bleeding Swollen Hearts. [Wolf Rp]

e dag snarled and lunged for the wounded alpha, His pack running as fast as they could, Kite saw Scout and rammed into him knocking him off his paws "traitor." the beautiful she wolf whinned and ran off towards the war site.
Scout jumped up and growled at Kite. He had never liked her. Instead of attacking the she-wolf, Scout turned and lunged for one of the dogs who was about to jump on the wounded Dagger. He whined as his father lay crumpled on the ground.
Dagger laid back her body broken and he whined as blood dripped from his mouth and nose he looked at scout gave him one lick on his cheek and laid his head on the ground his eyes slowly getting lighter

Kite attacked the Saint Bernard and slammed it against the tree, it whined and Kite bit onto the dog's muzzle tearing off his fur and skin
Scout whined in sadness. He lay his head on his father's chest. Yoko snarled and jumped on the Saint Bernard. It was attacking some other wolf so it was throughly distracted
Name- Tara

Age- 10 weeks

Gender: Female

Pack- Bloody Thorns

Mother- Unknown

Father- Unknown

Litter mates- Unknown


Personality- Very happy like, but only shows it around other wolfs. Very naive.

Other- n/a

Name- Bleu

Age- 3


Personality- (meet me is fine) Meet me

Looks- (pictures are accepted)

Pack- Swollen Hearts

Rank- Pack member

Crush- n/a

Mate- n/a

Pups- n/a

Siblings- n/a

Other- (anything i missed??)​n/a

@DemonicPhenomenon911 I forgot the snowflakes lol.

Dagger whined back to his pup nuzzling his cheek gently showing affection was one this Dagger rarely did but he would always be proud of Scout.

Yumi turned and faced the massive Great Dane, He snarled and Yumi Snarled back, the Great Dane lunged for yumi, she bit onto his throat and tossed him aside slightly, The Great Dane whined then snarled again, Yumi didn't have much to work with, she was already weak and bloody , but she wouldn't leave Yoko alone at such a young age. She barked and growled showing no fear the thought of Yoko being alone powering her on. She jumped for The dog and it jumped for her, she bit onto its face and shook violently Then the Rottweiler appeared and bit onto Yumi's back
Scout nuzzled Dagger one more time, as a farewell. Though not the most affectionate of fathers, Dagger had done his job well. Scout turned and sunk his teeth into the giant rottweiler on Yumi's back. With a sudden burst of strength, he threw the rottweiler down and protected Yumi. Yoko got up after being knocked down by a dog. She noticed Scout and her mother against a huge rottweiler. With a roar that startled herself, she leaped into the air and landed on top of the dog.
Yumi was startled this pup had hated her for reasons she knew but he hadn't The Biggest of the dogs (The Great Dane) Stood up tall against the three dogs and bared his teeth He bit onto Yoko's back and tossed her down a hill and into a shallow creek, He hit Scout in the face with his paw scraping his cheek with his claws, Then lunged for Scout and pinned him on his back Baring his white sharp fangs in his face
Scout yelped and whined. He was trapped by the Great Dane. He couldn't move. Accepting that he was about to die, Scout started howling the death whine in his pack. Yoko looked up at Scout. In the instance she did, the rottweiler took the chance to flip her up. She fell hard, and looked up to see the big dog drooling on her.
The Great Dane was about to bite onto Scout's head and kill him Then Dagger jumped onto The dogs back and threw him off of his one and only pride, he stood over his son as the Great Dane got back up and jumped onto Dagger, Dagger laid under the dog and bite onto his face over and over, the dog swatted at Dagger then they both stood onto their hind paws and hit their paws at each others chest, Dagger's claws scrapped at the dogs protective enamel on his chest, Then Dagger leaped onto the dog knocking it on its back and bit onto his head, the dogs blood squirting onto Scouts cheek, The dog whined and grasped Dagger's scruff and shook him, Dagger whimpered and latched onto the dogs throat suffocating it as best he could until they both went limp. Dagger laid on top of the Large dog, both not moving.

Yumi let out a howl and knocked the dog away from her pup, Yumi snarled and made a savage noise at the dog, Then the lunged for each other at the same time, Yumi and the dog made savage noises and blood squirted onto Yoko's paws Yumi swatted at the dog as it tired biting onto her throat, Then she bit onto his protective Enamel on his back and tossed him down the large steep hill and he landed in a pond.
Scout lay on the ground panting. The dog had been crushing him. When Scout found the strength to stand up, he was facing his father's unmoving body. Heartbroken howls escaped Scout as he realized what had become of his father. Now that all the dogs were gone, Scout walked up to his limp father. He lay his had on Dagger's back. A goodbye to his heroic father.

Yoko stood up and ran to her mother. She noticed Scout laying down next to his father. A mournful whimper escaped her, as she took in the scene of this pup next to his father.
Yumi looked up and saw Scout and Dagger sadness made her whine then she howled for her pack, Then Dagger's pack walked out from the woods and sniffed his UN-moving body Yumi walked over and Kite snarled and bared her teeth as Yumi her fur began to ruffle and she barked at Yumi
Scout jumped up when he heard Kite's bark. He saw Yumi and Kite baring their teeth. Dagger's death made Scout leader of the pack. He jumped in front of Kite and growled until the she-wolf backed down.

Yoko stood by her mothers side, not wanting another fight to break out, but willing to fight to save. Her mother. Then Scout jumped in. Yoko was impressed by the pup's sudden leadership. Then, it hit her. Scout assumed Dagger to be dead. So Scout figured he was in charge now.
Yes you are accepted!!!

Yumi looked Yoko and lick her cheek "I'm so happy your safe" she whined and nuzzled her shoulder.

Kite went over to Daggers body and bit onto his scruff and began to drag him toawrds their terriotry

Scout followed Kite. He cast a glance towards Yoko and Yumi. "I'll be back," he whined. He turned back and followed Kite through the woods. "Good bye Dad," he whimpered softly. Keeping his head down, Scout trudged past the familiar trees surrounding the territory.

Yoko whined after Scout. Poor pup, she thought after him. She licked her mother's cheek and turned back toward's their territory. She was limping slightly, but it didn't matter to the pup.
Yoko glanced at her mother limping. She opened her mouth to say something, then was shot by a hunter's rifle in her hind leg. Whimpering, she struggled to get up, but failed.
Yumi jumped and acted quickly, she grabbed her pups scruff and tossed her behind a fallen tree, Yumi looked around fast trying to spot the hunter, she moved around fast, so she was harder to shoot, she looked around fast hoping that Yoko was alright
Even though she was in an intense pain, Yoko knew that any sound could get her mother killed. So she lay there, in silent agony, hoping Yumi would give up on finding the hunter so she could leave.

Suddenly, she heard a noise from the north. It sounded like something or someone collapsed. Then, two gun shots rang out and Yoko heard Scout howl in pain. Finding inner strength, Yoko stood up and began limping towards the noise.
((I'll be on vacation from Monday, August 6th until Tuesday, August 14th with little to no internet connection. Sorry))

Bleu padded around aimlessly, not 100% sure of where he should go, or where his den was located.


Tara hobbled around, her tongue lolling out of her mouth happily. At first, it felt amazing to be free, no parnets, but she would soon regret ever being born.

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