Blood Red Roses, Dagger Sharp Thorns, & Bleeding Swollen Hearts. [Wolf Rp]


One Thousand Club
Bloody Thorns Pack

Alpha male- Dagger

Alpha female- searching...

Alpha's pup- ...

Beta- Arashi

Beta's mate- searching...

Beta's pups- ...

Territory- a lush green territory, full of large lakes and streams with many fish, and many animals to hunt and feast upon.

Number of pack members- 4

Swollen Hearts Pack

Alpha male- searching...

Alpha Female-Yumi

Alpha's pups- ...

Beta- Sayomi

Beta's mate- searching...

Beta's pup-...

Territory- a rocky mountain, full of animals to hunt, but the rockiness of the terrain makes it hard to hunt.

Number of pack members- 4

**Form 4 adults**




Personality- (meet me is fine)

Looks- (pictures are accepted)







Other- (anything i missed??)

**Form for pups**







Litter mates-

Looks- (pictures are accepted)

Personality- (meet me is fine)

Other- (anything i missed??)

My Wolves :) <3

Bloody Thorns Pack


Age- 4 years

Gender- male

Personality- meet me


Pack- Bloody Thorns Pack

Rank- alpha male

Crush- no

Mate- no

Pups- no

Siblings- smiles its a secret > :)

Other- no

Name- Arashi

Age- 3 years

Gender- male

Personality- meet me

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Rank- deputy

Pack- Bloody Thorns Pack

Crush- no...

Mate- no

Pups- NO!

Siblings- ....

Other- nope

Name- Daichi

Age-3 years

Gender- male

Personality- meet me... i dare you > :D


Pack- Bloody Thorns Pack

Rank- pack member

Crush- nope

Mate- searching...

Pups- nope


Other- nope

Name- Kite

Age- 2 years

Gender- female

Personality- meet me ;)

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Pack- Bloody Thorns Pack

Rank- Pack member

Crush- nope...

Mate- searching...

Pups- wanting....


Other- nope....

Swollen Hearts Pack

Name- Yumi

Age- 3 years

Gender- female

Personality- meet me

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Pack- Swollen Hearts Pack

Rank- alpha Female

Crush- no

Mate- searching...

Pups- wanting...

Siblings- Sayomi

Other- no

Name- Sayomi

Age- 3 years

Gender- female

Personality- meet me

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Pack- Swollen Hearts Pack

Rank- Deputy

Crush- nope

Mate- searching...

Pups- wanting...

Siblings- yumi

Other- no

Name- Chi

Age-2 years

Gender- female

Personality- meet me


Pack- Kato Pack

Rank- Swollen Hearts Pack

Crush- nope

Mate- nope

Pups- nope

Siblings- Kyo

Other- nope

Name- Kyo

Age- 2 years

Gender- male

Personality- meet me

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Pack- Swollen Hearts Pack

Rank- Pack member

Crush- nope

Mate- nope

Pups- nope

Siblings- Chi

Other- nope


1- be respectful of other members

2- do not control another members characters

3- when having romance (if you know what i mean) say FADES TO BLACK

4- Make a wolf for each pack

5- put snow flakes at the bottom of your form if you read the rules

6- when fighting an alpha, you win if I say so, You lose is I say so

7- do not fade to black with your own wolves

8- do not come pregnant

9- Have fun!!!

Story line

Bloody Thorns Pack and Swollen Hearts Pack have a horrible hatred with eachother, why? because.Once long ago Dagger and Yumi were mates, they had four pups. but one day Dagger was caught sneaking out to visit a female rouge. she was pregnant with his pups. Yumi was so hurt, but after pain come hatred, she was so enraged, she went out one night and murdered the female. Dagger didn't know she did it. he was so hurt. he didn't eat for a long while, then he found out Yumi killed her. he was engaged like Yumi had been but worse, due to his rage, he took the lives of his own flesh and blood... his pups. Yumi was heart broken, Every wolf Dagger fought died. Yumi fought Dagger she had a near death experience but escaped and made a new pack, Dagger is a violent, aggressive beast, and Yumi can trust no wolf the same.

Name- Scout

Age- one year


Pack- Bloody Thorns

Mother-Dagger's female rouge

Father- Dagger

Litter mates- None

Looks- Brown fur, black eyes, distinguished white spot on left hind leg.

Personality- can be fun and nice, but if anyone crosses him, he doesn't hesitate to attack

Other- Scout is a very cute wolf, and is destined to be the alpha male someday. He is already thirsting for revenge on Yumi for killing his mother.

Name- Yoko

Age- a year and a half

Gender- Female

Pack- Swollen Hearts

Mother- Yumi

Father- Dagger

Litter mates- sister Yuni and brothers Kuko and Kiko

Looks- she looks exactly like a younger version of her mother

Personality-sweet and laid back, but very protective of her family

Other- She knows about the feud between the packs and knows what caused it. However, she doesn't feel resentment towards her father.

(I don't know how to do snowflakes but I read the rules)

Yumi lays on a tree stump curled up in a tight ball, she sighs and stands up hopping off the tree trunk and slowly walks towards the lake.

((okay :( ))

Yumi- trots across the clearing her head down she sits on a boulder over looking the sizzling lake, she tips her head back and lets out a mournful long sad howl
alright ill be on blood is duh best revenge

--- Merged Double Post ---

Ok! My charies!

Name- Katanna

Age- 3

Gender- Female

Personality- Please, do meet me


Pack- Swollen Hearts

Rank-Pack Member


Mate- Got sick and died : (

Pups- Yes, two Bramble and Shenali

Siblings- None

Other- Dont think so

Will post other wolf and pups soon!
Scout wanders around the woods, searching for tonight's meal.

Sometimes, he thinks, I wish I had siblings. Then Dad wouldn't make me do all the work. Stupid Yumi, she had to go and kill my mother and siblings.

Just thinking about what happened to his mother got him so mad. Scout could feel himself shaking with rage.

I'll get her someday, Scout promises himself. Then, quick as a whip, turns around and slashes his claws into the rabbit trying to dart behind him.
Yoko paces around the clearing, searching for her mother. There have been rumors of a spy going around the pack. And, just the other day, she was in the woods and smelled something. It was the trace of a wolf, but not from her pack. She could tell it was a young wolf, and she guess it was from the Bloody Thorns pack.

Yumi hadn't been seen for two, maybe three days. This was not unusual, but Yoko needed her mother back.
Yumi sands up and begins to run she runs as fast as she can she ran until she felt like she was going to cough up her blood lungs, she stopped at a cliff side that over looked a lake, she sighed and sat down slowly
Scout~ Scout looked across the river, his river, and saw an unfamiliar shape on top of the cliff. It looked like another wolf. As the shape on the cliff shifted, Scout saw the unmistakable gray coat of Yumi. He bared his teeth and was about to howl when he noticed another wolf wandering around on the east end of the river. He silently crept closer. As he got nearer, he saw once again Yumi's gray coat. This time, however, it was on a younger wolf. Instead of feeling hatred, as he always did when he merely thought of Yumi, he felt something else, something he couldn't place. He took a deep breath and went to introduce himself to this wolf.

Yoko~ When I first saw him, I knew my life was changed. I was near the edge of the big lake, searching for Mother. In my peripheral vision, I noticed a brown wolf coming near me. I looked into his eyes and saw my father, Dagger's eyes. This wolf, barely older than a pup, was definitely Dagger's son, and the rouge my mother had tracked and killed. But what I also saw was something I had been looking for, without realizing. I saw promise. "Hello, I am Scout. Son of alpha Dagger in the pack Bloody Thorns," he said, his voice startling me. "I am Yoko, daughter of alpha Yumi in the pack Swollen Hearts," I replied. His eyes narrowed slightly at the mention of my mother. This is going to be interesting, I thought.



4 Years








Swollen Hearts
















1 Year




Bloody Thorns





•Litter mates•







Scout took a hesitant step towards the daughter of his mother's killer. Why isn't she running in fear from me? he wondered. He sat doown next to her.

"You know, your mother killed mine.", he finally said.

"Yes, I know." She replied. "I am sorry for you. But your father tried, and thought he succeeded in killing me and my siblings."

"Yes, I know," came his faint reply.

They sat in silence for a while.
Yumi felt a motherly inteinct rise in her chest, she howled for her only living daughter and began to run towards her scent No, no, no, no she thought then lept out from the bushed and snarled a the pup standing in front of her only daughter she stood over her daughter, her pelt bristling, she was much larger then the male pup, she bared her teeth and growled at the pup "What are you doing here?" she snapped and stepped towards the pup, her pelt fluffed out to full size, and her sharp teeth bared

Dagger lunged out from the bushed ramming into Yumi, Yumi yelped then threw Dagger off of her quickly getting back onto her feet, Dagger jumped onto her biting the back of her neck, Yumi slammed her back against a tree, Dagger yelped and Yumi put her paws on his chest biting onto his throat, Dagger kicked her off flipping her onto her back, he went to bite her throat, but she moved quick and bit onto the side of his face. ripping some one the skin off, the stood circling each other baring their teeth and growling loudly
Scout quickly sprang into action and jumped, snarling, right next to Dagger. He was about to lunge for Yumi, when Yoko got in between Yumi and Dagger. Scout did not want to hurt her, but had no choice, for if he did not help Dagger, his father would surely kill him or banish him from the pack. Finally, Scout snarled in a low voice, "Yoko, move now. I don't want to hurt you, but you will leave me with no choice." Yoko didn't move.

Yoko couldn't believe what Scout was saying to her. What had happened to the sweet, nice wolf from just a few seconds earlier? He meant what he said, but how could she abandon her own mother. Dagger was, if you'll forgive the phrase, glaring daggers at her. She suddenly remembered how he thought she and her siblings were dead. She felt triumphant for a moment, until she saw Scout's warning glance behind her. She turned her head and saw Yumi, sprawled on the ground, injured. She instantly forgot about Dagger .

Scout made a quick decision between his father (who had never been much of a father) and the she-wolf and her mother, whom he hated. Scout stepped between Yoko and Yumi, sheilding them from his father. He whispered to Yoko, "I'll try and fight him off, but I will surely lose. When he is thoroughly distracted, run." Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Yoko nod. Then, Scout threw all his focus to his father.

"Hey, Dad." he said.
Dagger snarled at Yumi and Yumi snarled back, they began walking in a circle sizing each other up, Yumi was smaller then Dagger who was much larger then a normal male. She bared her teeth and snapped at the air, Dagger grabbed Scout by the scruff and threw him against a tree, He charged at Yoko preparing to bite onto her face, Yumi growled and slammed into the males side knocking him off his paws, Yumi raked her claws down his tummy and bit onto his throat, Dagger kicked her off and bite onto the side of her face tossing her half way down a cliff, she fell down the cliff till she hit a edge. blood poured from her face where he had bitten. Dagger began to slide down the cliff side to finish what he had started.
Scout was dazed for a minute. There was an intense pain in his left hind leg. But that didn't matter when he caught sight of Yumi with blood pouring from her face. "NO" he roared leaping up and slamming into his father. With his father knocked over, Scout bit hard into his father's neck. Yoko came over and started scratching at Dagger's legs, making them bleed. Scout snarled at his father and ran over to help Yumi.
Dagger stood up quickly his ears pricks towards the woods, he smirked and quickly ran off into the woods, Yumi smelt something besides blood, her pelt bristled in fear, and she tried to stand as the noice got closer the barking was easier to make out, Human Dogs Yumi stood up slowly and began to claw her way up the cliff, half of yumi's face was removed and blood poured onto the rocks as she got to the top. "Run." she said to scout "Take Yoko some where safe." she said and ran towards the barking
"MOM!" Yoko screamed, but it was no use. She allowed Scout to lead her back to her pack. "Mom," she kept whimpering. "She'll be fine," Scout whispered. He and Yumi curled up near the edge of the forest, awaitingbYumi's return. Yoko fell asleep but Scout remained awake. For he had complete faith that his father would try to attack again.
Yumi ran towards the barking until she came face to face with the menacing dogs, A great Dane, Saint Bernard, Pit bull, and Rottweiler stood in front of her baring their teeth, they wore a thick covering over their body to protect them from teeth and claws, she bared her teeth fluffed her pelt up
Yumi woke up, sensing her mother's danger. She stood up and howled the warning call for the Bleeding Hearts pack.
the Rottweiler lunges for her, she goes under him and scrapes his belly with her claws but all it tore was the skin of the suit they were wearing, it bared its teeth, and Yumi turned and started to run away, the opposite direction of Bleeding hearts pack and towards the cliffs and raging waters. The dogs ran after Yumi barking and baring their pearly white teeth, Dagger bounded after the dogs he bit onto the pit bulls face , it yelps and they walk in circles for a moment then a human with a gun comes out of the woods, Dagger smirked and turned away from the man, the human aimed the gun on the back of Dagger's head, then pulled the trigger, and in almost a flash of light Dagger skidded under the pit bull causing the bullet to rip though the pit bulls skull killing it, Dagger bared his teeth at the humans and ran off towards the rest of the dogs
Sayomi Chi & Kyo

they look at each other then tip their heads back and howl Back to Yoko, Dagger hears then howl and howls a battle cry for all the packs to hear, he bounds forward and leaps onto the Saint Bernards back and bit onto the back of his neck, the Saint Bernard Yelped and rammed into a tree trying to knock Dagger off, Dagger bit down harder, the Saint Bernard bared his teeth and Rolled onto his back Crushing Dagger under its weight, Dagger Yelped and stayed on the ground unable to move, Arashi Daichi & Kite heard his howl and ran into the woods to find their Alpha
Scout heard his father. He lept up and shook Yoko awake. He sprinted towards the woods, certain his father was in big trouble. Yoko was following him, equally sure Yumi was wherever Dagger was. Together, the two sprinted towards their parents.

Faster, faster was what they were thinking.

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