Blood Is The Best Revenge **wolf Rp**


One Thousand Club

Alpha male- Ryo

Alpha female- searching...

Alpha's pups- ...

Deputy- Arashi

Deputy's mate- searching...

Deputy's pups- ...

Territory- a lush green territory, full of large lakes and streams with many fish, and many animals to hunt and feast upon.

Number of pack members- 4


Alpha male- searching...

Alpha Female-Yumi

Alpha's pups- ...

Deputy- Sayomi

Deputy's mate- searching...

Deputy's Pups-...

Territory- a rocky mountain, full of animals to hunt, but the rockiness of the terrain makes it hard to hunt.

Number of pack members- 4

**Form 4 adults**




Personality- (meet me is fine)

Looks- (pictures are accepted)







Other- (anything i missed??)

**Form for pups**







Litter mates-

Looks- (pictures are accepted)

Personality- (meet me is fine)

Other- (anything i missed??)

My Wolves :) <3

♥♥Sasaki Pack♥♥


Age- 4 years

Gender- male

Personality- meet me


Pack- Sasaki Pack

Rank- alpha male

Crush- no

Mate- no

Pups- no

Siblings- smiles its a secret > :)

Other- no

Name- Arashi

Age- 3 years

Gender- male

Personality- meet me


Rank- deputy

Pack- Sasaki pack

Crush- no...

Mate- no

Pups- NO!

Siblings- ....

Other- nope

Name- Daichi

Age-3 years

Gender- male

Personality- meet me... i dare you > :D


Pack- Sasaki Pack

Rank- pack member

Crush- nope

Mate- searching...

Pups- nope


Other- nope

Name- Kite

Age- 2 years

Gender- female

Personality- meet me ;)


Pack- Sasaki pack

Rank- Pack member

Crush- nope...

Mate- searching...

Pups- wanting....


Other- nope....

XKato PackX

Name- Yumi

Age- 3 years

Gender- female

Personality- meet me


Pack- Kato Pack

Rank- alpha Female

Crush- no

Mate- searching...

Pups- wanting...

Siblings- Sayomi

Other- no

Name- Sayomi

Age- 3 years

Gender- female

Personality- meet me


Pack- Kato oack

Rank- Deputy

Crush- nope

Mate- searching...

Pups- wanting...

Siblings- yumi

Other- no

Name- Chi

Age-2 years

Gender- female

Personality- meet me


Pack- Kato Pack

Rank- Pack member

Crush- nope

Mate- nope

Pups- nope

Siblings- Kyo

Other- nope

Name- Kyo

Age- 2 years

Gender- male

Personality- meet me


Pack- Kato Pack

Rank- Pack member

Crush- nope

Mate- nope

Pups- nope

Siblings- Chi

Other- nope


1- be respectful of other members

2- do not control another members characters

3- when having romance (if you know what i mean) say FADES TO BLACK

4- Make a wolf for each pack

5- put snow flakes at the bottom of your form if you read the rules

6- when fighting an alpha, you win if I say so, You lose is I say so

7- do not fade to black with your own wolves

8- do not come pregnant

9- Have fun!!!

Story line

Sasaki Pack and Kato Pack have a horrible hatred with eachother, why? because.Once long ago Ryo and Yumi were mates, they had four pups. but one day Ryo was caught sneaking out to visit a female rouge. she was pregnant with his pups. Yumi was so hurt, but after pain come hatred, she was so enraged, she went out one night and murdered the female. Ryo didn't know she did it. he was so hurt. he didn't eat for a long while, then he found out Yumi killed her. he was engaged like Yumi had been but worse, due to his rage, he took the lives of his own flesh and blood... his pups. Yumi was heart broken, he left Ryo to start a new pack. she left with her sister Sayomi, & sayomi's best friend Chi & her brother Kyo.
View attachment 4619

View attachment 4618

Name: Kasumi Name: Fang Name: Ookami
Age: 4 Years Age: 3 Years Age: 4 Years
Gender: Female Gender: Female Gender: Female
Personality: Meet me Personality: Meet me Personality: Meet me
Pack: Kato Pack: Sasaki Pack: Sasaki
Rank: Subor aka Hunter Rank: Subor aka Healer Rank: Subor aka Pupsitter
Siblings: Fang&Ookami Siblings: Kasumi&Ookami Siblings: Kasumi&Fang
No to all the rest wanting to all the rest wanting to all the rest
Where are we supposed to post our characters because I posted them in one of the other threads

Age-3 years

Gender- Female

Personality- meet me



Rank- Pack Member ( Could she be Alpha female by chance? If not, its fine!

Crush-None at the moment..

Mate- Searching

Pups-None yet

Siblings- Nopeee

Other- She has a scar from a hunter on her cheek. SNOW FLAKES!!

--- Merged Double Post ---


Age- 2

Gender- Male

Personality- meet me


Pack-Kato Pack


Crush-None, at the moment

Mate- none, for now

Pups- uh uh

Siblings-Nerp de Derp

Other- Omg snowflakes!
So I guess i'm going to post my characters here too...

Name- Rosa

Age- 2

Gender- She-wolf

Personality- Rosa is a quiet wolf that knows her boundaries. You won’t very easily draw her out but she is very loyal if you do. She has trouble trusting anyone or anything but is dependable, she just refuses to depend on anyone else.

Looks- View attachment 4600

Pack- She will end up in the Sasaki Pack but currently is a loner

Rank- She is currently a loner and will take in position given to her

Crush- None

Mate- She is running away from one

Pups- Dead, they were sickly because she was too young and they died

Siblings- They have disowned her

Other- Rosa’s previous pack life is nothing to brag about and she isn’t fond of sharing it. As of right now she had been kicked out of her pack because she brought shame to her cruel mate and family by losing a litter of pups. Right now she is on her own, tired and beat up from the constant travel.

Name- Orion

Age- 4

Gender- Male

Personality- Orion is an adventurous brave wolf who is out to find a new beginning.

Looks-View attachment 4599

Pack- He is currently a loner but will join Kato’s pack

Rank- To be determined

Crush- Nada

Mate- Nope

Pups- NO

Siblings- No

Other- He grew up with his Father sense his mother had died in labor but the wolf was old. About a year ago Orion’s father died of old age leaving behind his three year old son to find out his own life.
Name- Exile

Age- 4 years

Gender- female

Personality- Meet me


Pack- Sasaki

Rank- to be determand but would best fit as fighter

Crush- None

Mate- dead

Pups- dead

Siblings- Dead

Other- She has a large scar on her left side.

Name- Scarkill

Age- 4 years

Gender- male

Personality- meet me


Pack- Sasaki

Rank- WOuld do best as a brother

Crush- no

Mate- no

Pups- no

Siblings- don't know


Name- Peter

Age- 3 years

Gender- Male

Personality- meet me


Pack- Kato


Crush- No

Mate- no

Pups- no

Siblings- no

All accepted

--- Merged Double Post ---

Ryo sniffed the air, a scent of rouge drifted to him and his fur began to bristle and he growled. His deputy bared his teeth and barked snapping at the air, kite stood behind them admiring their attempts to scare away the rouges but she knew it wouldn't work.

--- Merged Double Post ---

Ryo and Arashi howled a long loud aggressive howl and ran into the woods, towards the rouges. they snapped and barked loudly as they crushed twigs and sticks, and running through sticker bushes, they got to the edge of the territory fur bristling and teeth bared, awaiting the rouges and to see what their up against.
Dont mean to be a buzz kill but Shyoumi and Arashi are in the rank of Beta's not deputy

--- Merged Double Post ---

((i edited my carys please read!!))
( So is Mai Alpha Female ? )

Syon scanned the forest, looking for a meal to bring back to the pack. There was a cool wind blowing and the sky was slowly darkening. He needed to get to his pack before it got too late. She heard a rush of footsteps, and his ears pricked up. Hopefully, he could find a good meal. He wandered deeper into the forest, hoping for the best. He had traveled quite a ways, and was slightly weary, but had to continue on. He proweled deeper into the forest and soon stumbled onto a green meadow. It was beautiful. Full of lakes and great places to lay under the sun. Maybe he could claim this as thier new territory! He looked again, spotting a deer ( I dunno, some animal ) And drifted nearer and nearer. Then he stopped dead in his travcks, and sniffed the air. No,no,no,no this cant be Sasaki territory! It just cant be.... He had forgotten everything about them on the long journey, now remembering the boundries. He looked around quickly not seeing anyone. He slowly began approaching the animal once more until ...SnAp.... A growl from behind the tree line came out of nowhere, out popping a Sasaki wolf. Syon lowered his ears and tail whimpering, as to beg for mercy.
Might I remind you that this is the signup section, and you are now roleplaying in it. Make another thread in the animal rp section, and begin again there.
Name- Niaomii

Age- 24

Gender- female

Personality- meet me



Rank- Average pack member

Crush- none

Mate- none

Pups- none


Other- Nope

Name- Lily

Age- 22

Gender- female

Personality- meet me


Pack- Sasaki

Rank- Average Pack member (Not everyone had to be important)

Crush- None

Mate- None

Pups- None


Other- Nope
Name- Shadow

Age- 1 month

Gender- Female

Pack- Sasaki

Mother- Dead

Father- Dead

Litter mates- Dead

Looks- (pictures are accepted)

Personality- (meet me is fine) Meet me

Other- (anything i missed??) <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_05/image.jpg.82cdbbdf4b614a9ec38a60543d43f625.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="1070" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_05/image.jpg.82cdbbdf4b614a9ec38a60543d43f625.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_05/image.jpg.e5fffaf8ff5529bcb92477214218811a.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="1071" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_05/image.jpg.e5fffaf8ff5529bcb92477214218811a.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


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