Lealan smiles at him, a releasing a breath she wasn't aware she had been holding. "Eh, It was probably the Teleporter Syncing to you or something. I'll have someone look you over to make sure you got the proper up link, it wouldn't' do to accidentally leave you on a planet. But anyway, Let's get you a room, and then, Adventure awaits!!"
P PopcornPie
Benedict would walk up to the portal before being stopped by Josh, who pointed to the rest of group longingly, wanting to at least say goodbye. Benedict would in turn slap Joshs hand away
Ah Josh, is that emotion I see? I’ll have you know showing emotion Is a...federal crime.“ Benedict would say as Josh bows his head in defeat
Ah, come Josh...we must find who stole my hotel.
Benedict and Josh would then walk through the portal and into Benedicts office, it was very dim, the only source of light was the grand fireplace, with its light along with lightning from the nearby window brightening up the room, showing three figures whom Benedict has certainly seen before. Standing by the fireplace was none other than Colonel Mustard, Professor Plum, and Mrs. Peacock all in the flesh
PAH! Benedict old boy...there you are! I say did you ever find who stole your hotel!?
Indeed, we must find this traitor at once, he OR she is a risk to your capital.
Benedict be straight with us now...who was it“ Peacock would ask, gripping her wine glass tight in suspense. Benedict would calmly step up to his desk, taking a seat as he lit his pipe, the rain now pouring even harder
Ah, after intense investigation and examination I’ve concluded that it’s it’s....IT IS-
The three would scream in mental anguish as lightning dramatically lit up the room before Benedict could even finish
Ah...I’m not finished...get out.
Benedict would then gesture to the door as Mustard approached and slapped him on the back
HAHA! A funny joke Benny old boy! Still angry about the safari trip gone wrong I see? Well next time don’t give a rhinoceros sales tax! HAHAHA!
Mustard would laugh out loud before the radio would suddenly come on
We interrupt your curfew for an important announcement, the stock market is crashing, with the “Them” corporation losing millions in investment money....stay tuned.
O-Oh my....
How can this be!?
B-Benedict, are you ok?
Benedict would sit there...calmly smiling, not moving an inch. His eyes piercing...his gaze could’ve scared the devil himself away...he was NOT okay.
I’ll call the navy!
I’ll call our lawyers!
I’ll get another drink!
And with that they all ran out of the room, leaving Benedict to sit there, still not moving...whoever did this, whoever stole his hotel, whoever ruined the economy...they knew what they were doing, was it Edmund? Whoever it was...they were going to pay, may their soul have mercy when he finds them....
Ah......game on.
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
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"Is that really how it works? I don't think we got synced when we awoke on the plane...Then again, we were countin' sheep." He carefully dropped his bundle, then slid off Lealan's back. "Thanks for this, Lassie. I bet Rex would've wanted me to go with him, though...Maybe, when I get stronger, I'll see him. And how him me stuff." He punched the air a couple times. "Anyway, I never asked for much. Just somethin' to sit on, somewhere to store me food, and a TV is a must...I would ask for a cooler, but, ugh, those feet of mine are probably long gone by now. And I don't envy whoever found 'em."

DerpyCarp DerpyCarp
As the Operator and Umbra watched Lealan and Lucky leave together, Umbra looks at the boy with a shrug, to which The Operator shrugs as well in return. It happened too quick for them to get a word in, oh well, too bad.

With that, The Operator stands by Umbra as they enter the portal together, coming through to a small starship. Through the bright flash of light, Umbra and The Operator enter a small chamber in the back of the Orbiter, a massive pod covered in ice as Umbra looks at the boy with a nod.

The Operator simply smiles as he fades away, turning translucent as he vanishes into dust that moves into the Warframe with a bright blue glow. A loud hiss erupts from the pod as smoke and fog erupt from it as well, the pod opening like a Lotus flower with various petals as the ice around the glass slowly melts away, the Operator stepping out with a loud yawn and stretching as he wakes up from his sleep.

"It's a damn shame you know..", the Operator sighs with a shrug, "I truly liked that creature.. Despite not being the nicest thing in the world without a place to stay, he would've fit with us, no home. We could've put his anger and rage to use blowing up entire starships and space stations.. WHILE saving millions.. He might've not been a hero, but he definitely could've at least had the oppurtunity to be one." Umbra tilted his head at the Operator as he shrugs in return, with the Operator giving him a soft smile.

"Well, let's hope he has a bright future with that lady.", the Operator speaks as he steps out towards the front of the starship, to which Umbra nods in return as he follows behind closely. As they reach the navigation console, a massive slender cat and a big fluffy dog both tackle the boy, giving purrs and licks as the Operator laughs. "Sierra! Shadow! I missed you too!", the boy giggles, Umbra walking over to turn on a small radio.

The atmosphere turns silent as a familiar transmission loop comes through the radio's speakers, "THIS IS FORTUNA! REPEAT AILING FROM FORTUNA! THE PROFIT TAKER IS ACTIVE! REPEAT THE PROFIT TAKER IS ACTIVE! VENUS IS UNDER ATTACK!" The Operator perks an eyebrow at the warframe with a grin as he reaches over and inputs Venus's coordinates into the console, looking at Umbra as he does so.

"Back to work?", the boy asks with a cheeky grin, the kavat and kubrow both remaining on the boy's lap. Umbra reaches to his hip and pulls up the Skiajati, a nod as he slowly unsheathed his blade with a satisfying movement. The Operator nods as he hits the button, the engine whining up with a hum as it begins the countdown to hyperspace. Before it does though, a simple whisper comes from Umbra, making the Operator's face brighter.

"Back to work."

Honorable Mentions:
DerpyCarp DerpyCarp
P PopcornPie
Here I am, I guess. Back to my humble abode. I taped Lilith's drawing into my wall with a smile on my face, making sure I'll remember her because It's not every day that somebody appreciates my help and it's my teammates that usually have to comfort me, not the other way around. I once had a real human moment where I scared of 10 people trying to help me and then I was like 'Maybe I'm bad at socializing' so I'm surprised my words of encouragement worked. I thought she was too far gone for help after learning about her past.

And the good luck charm by Raven. I decided to keep it in my pocket because it's supposed to 'keep me safe in bad situations'. Her words, not mine. Let's hope that it does that because she has dark magic powers so I bet that she cast some kind of spell in it, I'm just guessing because I don't fully grasp her magical abilities. Anyway, she's my favorite because we stuck together ever since we first met. People usually get pissed off fast when they stay close to me for too long so I'm glad she didn't try to avoid me.

Well, I better rest up before this happens again.​
"Well, we need to pick you out a room first. And I can install a bed and/or chairs. We will need to get a TV, as I don't actually have one. I just had Ssss.A.I.L download whatever we need from the internet, sssseeing as most T.V. Sssshowed ended when the Earth was destroyed." Lealan Shrugged. "Although, ssssomething that bothered me, was uh... What year was it in your home dimension?"
P PopcornPie
"Well, I would like it to have space, but not too much. Just enough to wiggle me elbows, and-YOU MEAN, THERE'S NO DUCK DYNASTY?!" Lucky dropped to his knees, releasing a big, echoing "NOOOOOOOOOOOO!" Pounding a nub to his heart, he lamented, "If I'd known that would be the last episode I've ever watch, I wouldn't even have gotten up to take that shit..." Wiping his eyes, he rose to face Lealan again, gradually lowering his voice back down. "Um, fuck, I never had much skill in keepin' track of time...It was, like, 2009. I dunno. I'm assuming that this isn't even the 2000's anymore." Well...At least recliners probably improved in Lealan's time. But what good were recliners from the future with no Duck Dynasty to enjoy?!

DerpyCarp DerpyCarp

  • Kassandra, honestly, hadn't exactly been expecting much from the Director simply because of the entire mess this whole trip had been. When she'd been offered "old armor", she'd expected a ratty chestplate she'd probably sell to some random Kephallonian for a few drachmae. What she didn't expect was to be offered a whole set of futuristic armor based off of the super-suit Meta had used against the group. She still remembered how the A.I.-wielder had moved so fast against her, taken so many blows. And that was without the Spear of Leonidas at her side; with this? In the wrong hands, the Spear and this "Hephaestus-" What a funny way to say Hephaistos- "Combat Suit" could turn someone into a one-man army, wreaking havoc upon the Greek world even more than the Cult of Kosmos could behind the scenes. But she knew better than that. She was certainly planning on telling her friends about her adventure against the Director's orders, but she wasn't going to take the suit and wear it for the rest of her life.

    No. If anything, this would probably end up becoming a keepsake, or stay hidden where only she and the people she trusted could access it. Something like this was... Gods. There was no way to describe just how potent it was according to the Director. She snapped out of her train of thought, her brown eyes observing the Director for a few moments to make sure he was actually serious. Only when she realized the Director wasn't did she step forwards to the armor, gently placing her hand on the cool metal, standing still for a few seconds before finally nodding.

    Efharisto.” In contrast to her loud battlefield voice, Kassandra's single "thank you" was relatively quiet. Only because the two were isolated would the Director likely hear her Greek word before she started taking the armor down, equipping it piece by piece until there was just the helmet. At this point, she hesitated, glancing down at her armor. It was painted Spartan Red, just like her old misthios' scarf she gave to Captain Price, so the color scheme matched her perfectly if she so pleased.

    But instead of putting the helmet on, the Ancient Greek stared at it for a few moments, holding it in her hands just like she did with her pater's wolf-embroidered helmet. Finally, she decided to put it away in her magic inventory. She could try it on later, and honestly she wasn't exactly a fan of helmets or hoods in the first place. It's a reason why she omitted the general-purpose mercenary's helmet that most people kept with their set.

    Regardless, she tested the suit itself a little bit. Just moving her arms a slight bit here and there, feeling her enclosed hands clasp and unclasp. Honestly, it fit just as well as her old outfit. It wasn't the same, but if she had to take this back out in the future she knew it would be reliable enough.

    "It really does feel like Hephaistos himself made this... Except I assume he didn't make this at all." Leonidas' granddaughter commented, nodding towards the Director in one final thank-you before beginning to head out of the chamber. But before she exited the door, the Greek stopped cold. She remembered Washington's words about Tex being the Director's "A.I." spirit. It must have been hard enough to lose your wife once; to lose a loved one twice would be Hades, and Kassandra suspected Tex was gone for good this time. She'd been missing when Meta was killed, and probably wasn't as lucky as Church had been, likely one of the A.I. spirits killed with Meta. She frowned, deciding not to turn around as she struggled to find some words of comfort.

    "Oh, and... I'm sorry for your loss." That was all she could muster before lowering her head and walking out the door in her suit of armor, leaving the Director with her last words.

    By now, Kassandra was the final outlander left in this world of Reds and Blues. A Spartan misthios who'd turned Blue and found close friends and allies via the tests of physical and lots of mental endurance tolerating battles and idiots alike. The thought of a Spartan being colored blue would probably make anyone in her Greek world sick, but as a mercenary without any nationalistic ties, she could care less. She cared more about her friends, who were now gone. All that was left was to head home.

    She stood still in the rusted, overgrown room for a few moments, taking every last inch of the place in once more. Sure, she'd done so the moment they got to this base, but another good look couldn't do her any harm, right? Gods, everything feels so empty here. Without anyone left, there was no chatter, no commotions... It was unsettling. Especially without her friends. The banter that lasted a few minutes was gone now, and the void that filled it was something she didn't want to linger on. She took her focus off the silence surrounding her just before walking forwards to the green portal that was meant to take her back. Ikaros was waiting there, having perched on a nearby test dummy, and chirped at her once.

    "I know. We're finally going home." The warrior gave a tired smile to her eagle before stepping close, letting him hop onto her shoulder. She then walked to the portal, stopping just inches away before the green light, to turn her head back to the rest of the facility.

    "As stupid as all of you people are here... May the gods guide you, too." She murmured, half-directing her blessing to the Reds and Blues still stuck in Blood Gulch, and half-directing it to the Director himself and Washington. With that off her chest, Kassandra finally stepped into the light...



A Story To Be Told

"HA! You bet!" Captain Faclon shakes her hand "I don't pull punches, Red. I push them! And speaking of punches, it would be an honor to teach someone my epic skills. Every legend leaves a legacy and I intend to die one some day. You take care of yourself, Red. And don't run with those huge-as-H scissors you got. Wouldn't want you to trip and accidentally gut yourself with them" Falcon chuckles as he lets go of her hand "But for real though, don't. So long, Red!" Falcon gives her his famous two-fingered salute before realizing he used his injured hand but still ignored the immense pain he was feeling
"Ha, trust me with these things!" Red Riding Hood responded. "I should be fine - I've had them practically my whole life! But yeah - they 'are' quite big, aren't they...?" She said in a somewhat teasing tone, before laughing it off. After that, she smiled as the handshake would be mutual - looking back to Captain Falcon as he saluted. Red Riding Hood, upon letting go of the handshake, merely bowed courteously, and whence she looked back up, she would see him leaving. "Hey! Take care out there!" She called just as he went through the portal.
Falcon looks to the portal and slowly walks his way into the portal back to his world in time.
And so, Captain Falcon was gone. Red Riding Hood stayed with everyone for a while longer after he did - just watching this all play out and generally just try to 'remember this' for as long as she could. Granted, she couldn't leak all of this back home, but it's something to remember none the less. When enough time passed, she rose to her feet and took her scissors with her - as well as the ten throwing knives still with her. She promptly walked to the portal, but before entering it, she turned to everyone else with a smile - or at least, everyone who was still there. "Take care, everyone!" She said first and foremost, waving with her free hand - as the other was on her scissors. "Now remember - don't be irrational, kay? If you go on and die, 'someone' is gonna miss you, even so far away." She said sombrely before she turned around back to the portal and walked through it, and within moments, Red Riding Hood was 'devoured' by the light, taken back to her home world.

And so, Red Riding Hood was back home. Not in the state as she remembered it, but home none the less. "The Station Grounds..." She thought aloud as she landed on the stone below her boots, sighing. "Man, this place has so many memories... Where I was found, where I learned to fight and-" She cut herself off as she heard monsters roaming nearby - just before she would say what she wanted, she would find herself face to face - alone - with canine-like and serpent-like monsters, too! There was quite a few of them, to be sure, but what got Red Riding Hood's attention was the lack of initial aggression - though they did shortly close in as if to attack, it was as if they didn't 'want' to at first - but in truth, they just didn't recognise her as they hadn't seen anyone in the area for a long time. Red Riding Hood glanced to the monsters and smiled, only to dash off in the other direction, out of the Station Grounds, and leave the monsters behind. "Not today, fellas! I've got some work to do!" She shouted as she ran off from the monsters - and try as they might, they could not catch her nor could they leave the area, so Red Riding Hood was free to go.

Upon her emergence, the immediate next thing she would do was go to where everyone 'else' was - or at least, what seemed to be left of it. The HQ of the Dawn Liberation Force. What she had hoped for was everyone to be waiting for her - a happy ending. She was not met with that - far from it. She was instead met with desolation - there wasn't a lot left, and even fewer people remained than there already was.
"What the-! Geez, someone's been busy here - is 'this' what happens when I trust you all?!" She exclaimed aloud and heard some rubble move nearby. She glanced to it - another passing monster, but this one seemed to be... out of where it usually lies? "...Huh? Misplaced monsters?" She thought aloud, and approached as if nothing happened. The monster in question was but a seed on a foot and with 'horns' for ears - and upon being approached, glanced straight back and past Red Riding Hood. As she turned around and looked, she was met with that tower she had 'not' missed, and which had grew even more.

At first speechless, Red Riding Hood saw this as a challenge! She motioned a thumbs up to the poor misplaced monster, and then opted to enter the tower.
"Alright, rise and shine, emperor terror!" She mocked as she stepped into the tower with her weapon in front of her like nothing was going on. "You've been up to some shenanigans, and I don't know if you know this - but this is 'not' happening 'again', you hear me?!" She roared as she flared up her confidence and her energy. As if to answer, growling surrounded her from the tower itself, literally beginning to move and shake everything inside of it and atop it - the entire structure 'grew legs' and finally moved around - a development that launched the poor girl out of the tower and elsewhere into the Jail - though where she fell was unknown, as the fall knocked her out entirely as the tower roared in the distance.

The rest... was unknown until she awoke...


Character Information
Link to CS: Here!
Hex Code: #c93648
Status (physically): Fine
Status (mentally/emotionally): Confident and eager
Powers: Magical abilities and species abilities
Items: Blood Weapon Scissors, throwing knife (X10)
Skills/Abilities: Adaptable fighter, versatile (weapon-wise), best in none
Course of action: Home is where the heart is (headed home)
RP Information
Location: The Jail, unknown location
Interactions: Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters-
Mentions: Everyone who hadn't already left
Nearby/In Group: @SayYourGoodbyesAndGo
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As Kassandra apologized for The Director’s loss, a look of shock suddenly came across his features, followed by a quiet gasp. His head lowered and he looked down to the ground, a look of sorrow quickly overtaking his emotions. Suddenly, with those few words, Kassandra appeared to have broken down the in-control, almost polite facade he had earlier. The face of The Director suddenly had become that of a quiet, sorrowful, almost broken man.

“Thank you...” He murmured softly as she left, just loud enough for her to hear. Once she was gone from sight, the man would look up, defeated. “F.I.L.L.I.S... please replay file two-hundred eighty-seven.” The man said. When he did so, a holographic image was displayed in place of where The Meta’s armor had just been, said image being a buffering signal. After a few moments, another image appeared on the screen.


The image in question was that of a middle-aged blonde woman, donned in a soldier’s attire. She was laughing at the shaky camera, trying to push it away.

“Leonard... put that thing down!” She exclaimed with a laugh. “You’re gonna make me late! They’re waiting for me!” She said, before attempting to walk away from the camera, only to laugh and sigh happily as she began making her way back. “Leonard...”

As the video continued, and the woman continued speaking to the camera, The Director fell back into a chair, watching the video sadly. He leaned forward, observing the video intently, eyes tracing over every detail as if he was memorizing them, like it was the last time he would ever see them.

“Just a bit more time, Allison... that’s all I need. Just a bit more time... and I can bring you back. I can do it right this time...” He said in a pleading, almost desperate tone. And, as the lights shut off around him and the door began to slowly close, the last of the video played.

“Don’t say goodbye...”

“I hate goodbyes.”
Lealan would place a comforting hand on Lucky's head. "Well, the year here is 2752. So there is a chance that Duck Dynasty was a thing, and if it was on the internet, I'm ssssure it sssssurvived. I know a guy, Koichi, He's a total Nerd and into History. We can get into contact with him later, and sssssssee if he's heard of it. I'm ssssure we can find ssssomething. And if not, maybe we can find sssssomething ssssimilar enough?" Lealan thinks for a second. "We may want to do ssssome testing with the Teleporter to be ssssure that you won't get left behind. We'll head to a nice Lush Planet."
P PopcornPie


So despite his efforts here he was, in some interdimensional prison. The Main Man... Locked up for trying to fulfill his contract.
"Even after I saved all their sorry hides back in brainville, this is what I get."
He slammed a fist against the wall and sighed. Not trying to break it, he'd learned a while ago that he couldn't break out. Hed gone through all the stages of grief. From the disbelief the cell could hold him.
"Yeah, I'll be waltzing out here like it was nothin'"
To threatening the guards with words so vulgar they'd permanently scar a child.
To offering to let the guards live if they let him out ASAP
"Know what, forget 'bout what I said earlier. Ya can keep yer lives if ya just lemme out. Scouts honor."
To sulking on the hard bed he was provided.
"Maybe if I close my eyes and lay here I can still picture the beach..."
Finally accepting his situation. The Main Man wouldn't be locked up forever after all, he'd make sure of that. In the end being by his lonesome gave him some time to himself. Hisreward being that he ended up finding a small rubber ball after. He lay in his bed just tossing it and humming. Losing himself in the rhythmic pattern of throwing and catching... He began to sing in what some might call a heavenly tone.

"Looooove remained a drug that's the high and not the pill
But did you know that when it snows
My eyes become large and the light that you shine can be seen?"

He belted the following chords, getting up and dramatically gesturing and singing into the ball the whole while.
"Baay baaay, I compare you to a kiss from a rose on the grey!
Ooh, the more I get of you, the stranger it feels, yeah
Now that your rose is in bloom
A light hits the gloom on the greeey..."

He began to decrescendo and fell back onto his bed, staring up at the ceiling of his room he returned to humming as he let the darkness of his cell swallow him.
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Michael de Santa Epilogue
"Back to Retirement"

So, one by one, everyone left through the portal. Michael hadn't really grown close to... anyone throughout this event, really. What, having intentionally kept to himself as well as "dying" about halfway through didn't really allow for much interaction, now did it? Regardless of that, though, he was still a bit... sad to see it all end. Not because he was attached to anyone in particular, but more so because he had felt such a rush during all of this. More than any heist or crazy killing spree or drag race could ever give him. But... more than that melancholic feeling, he was tired. Very, very tired. So, as he approached the portal, Michael took one long drag of his cigarette before looking back on the mostly empty room.


"I'm gettin' too old for this nonsense..."

And, with that, he stepped through the portal.



The youthful, familiar voice of Michael's son, Jimmy, rang in his ears.

"F-five more minutes, Jim..." Michael complained as he rolled over onto his side, swatting his son away with his hand.

"Dad!" Jimmy shouted to get his father's attention, which caused Michael to roll over with a groan, a groggy tone in his voice.

"What, Jimmy?" He asked, squinting and yawning. It took a moment for him to adjust as he looked around, before realizing where he was. A grin curled upon his lips as he found that he was back in his living room, with the TV playing his favorite movie, "Die Hard." He let out a quiet laugh, before turning to face his son, who was still standing over him. Michael stood up suddenly, embracing his son in a hug as he let out a laugh.

"Woah uh-- Dad--"

"It's so good to see ya, son!" Michael exclaimed as he pats his son on the back through the hug. Jimmy just kinda stood there, confused and unsure of how to react. A moment of awkward silence followed, which was finally broken when Jimmy spoke again.

"Uhh... you can let go of me now, Dad..."

"Oh... sorry," Michael said, before suddenly letting go and clearing his throat. He placed his hands on his hips and kinda awkwardly gazed towards the ground for a moment. "So uhh... what do ya want, son?" He finally asked.

"Oh, well uh... I was just wondering if I could maybe take your car for a spin?" Jimmy asked, wincing a bit, as the question in question usually resulted in a resounding "no" from his father. Though, after the expected awkward silence, Michael simply smiled and reached into his pocket, before tossing his son his car keys.

"Ah, what the hell! Knock yourself out, kid!" He said cheerfully.

"Shit, really?? Thanks, Dad!" Jimmy exclaimed as he caught the keys mid-air. Without wasting another breath, Jimmy full-on sprinted outside of the house. Michael laughed and shook his head at his son's eagerness, before sighing and taking a seat on his couch. The man looked over and found his glass of whiskey he'd been drinking when he'd been transported into that hellhole. He picked it up and sloshed the drink around in his hand a bit, smiling.

"Still cold..." He muttered happily, before taking a satisfying sip. And, as soon as the glass from said drink left the corners of his mouth, his phone began to buzz violently in his pocket. He reached into his pocket, shuffling around a bit as he fished for his phone. When his palm finally found its war around the glass exterior, he slid it out of his pocket and gazed upon the screen, only to find that the contact in question calling him was his old kinda-not-really-pal, Trevor. Answering the phone, Michael held it up to his ear. "Y'ello?"

"Hey... Mikey!" His psychotic friend answered. "So... you ain't gonna believe this, especially coming from me. But there is a.... talking space raccoon here in my home. Broad as day, too! And, he's holding a fuckin' gun!"

And, with that, Michael hung up with his thumb and sighed, shaking his head. He'd put up with enough dumb multiverse space bullshit for one lifetime.


For now, all Michael wanted to do was sit back, kick up his feet, grab a bowl of popcorn, a glass of whiskey, and watch old 80's action flicks on TV.


Epilogue Addendum
"Heavy Lifting"

Since the events of what some dubbed as the Blood Gulch Incident, things had been quiet in Blood Gulch itself. The Reds and Blues, for the most part, had returned to their mostly relatively mundane lives of bickering constantly with each other, whether it be the two teams doing it or the teammates themselves.


“I’m telling you, dude, Planet of the Apes is the best movie of all time, hands down," Grif said to Simmons as the two stood atop the roof of their base, idly chatting as usual.

“But how can you blatantly ignore the intricacies and brilliant subtext of Star Trek?” Simmons inquired in return.

“Uh, probably because Star Trek is fucking boring.” Grif snarked.

“So, according to you, literal shit throwing apes is more invigorating than literal space war.”

“Yeah! I mean, we’re fighting a space war now, and it’s boring as hell!”

“...Fair point.”


“GRIF! SIMMONS!” Came the familiar southern voice of their commanding leader, Sarge as he exited the front of the base. Groaning, Grif stared down at him, along with Simmons, who did so without the groaning.

“Whaaaat do you want, Sarge?” Grif complained.

“Get down here, stat! We’ve got another new recruit coming in!” Sarge ordered.

Another new recruit!?” Grif shouted angrily. “Didn’t we just get rid of the last batch of ‘new recruits’? You know, the fucking assholes who put us through some dumb adventure?”

“Yes! And now we’ve got another!” Sarge said matter-of-factly. “Now get yer asses down here so we can greet him!” He shouted. With a loud cry of annoyance, Grif made his way down along with Simmons, who did so without complaining.

Within a few minutes, the three reached the cargo plane as it landed, and stood at the back of it, watching the door open slowly. “This guy better be fucking good… and quiet…” Grif complained.

“Shut the hell up, Grif, before I put my rifle so far up your ass that you spit bullets!”

“Yeah, shut up, Grif.”

“Oh, fuck you, Sarge! And you too, Simmons! Star Trek is a shit movie, just like you kissing Sarge’s ass all the time! In fact, maybe they should make a movie about that, because then at least it wouldn’t be boring, because it’d be so dumb and bad!”

“Well, at least I don’t sleep during meetings and smoke in my helmet so no one can see, Grif!”

“Oh yeah, well at least--”

As the three continued to bicker and argue, the door was finally opened all the way, revealing the man inside…

“Urgh… Heavy feel funny…”

The great, lumbering Heavy Weapons guy sluggishly pulled himself up from the cold, metal flooring of the cargo plane, sitting up straight, keeping himself from keeling over by holding a hand over his aching head, trying to stop the world around him from spinning.

Finally piecing himself together, the Heavy tentatively looked around.

And having woken up, alone, on an unknown cargo plane…

...surrounded by grunts bickering over the cinema, armed head-to-toe…

...and in the middle of absolute nowhere, in a place more harsh and barren than the Siberian tundra back home…

…Heavy, despite being a man of few words, found two that summed up his predicament quite nicely.



(Collab with Sir Skrubbins Sir Skrubbins )
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