Double Trouble
Double Trouble looked mildly disappointed at how little a reaction they got, but only for a moment. Honestly, it was a little unprofessional of them to expect to really hit the nerves of someone they’d barely had time to analyze, so really it was their fault that they were let down. They were quickly distracted anyways by the map of Blood Gulch on the projector. Eagerly looking at it from different angles, the mercenary tried to take in as much of it to memory as they could. After a few minutes of taking a good look, Double Trouble returned to analyzing the crowd until the slightly bumpy landing. They strutted off the ship as the doors opened, examining the people already apart of the teams they might be forced to ally themselves with. Not a great crowd, actually. How did these people start a war in the first place? A brawl over the last piece of cake? They were certainly relieved when they reached back and didn’t find a tag for either team. Smirking at the crowd of armored people, they chided, “Well, seems I wasn’t tagged for either side. Guess that means I’m off the hook.“ They pressed their hands together and smiled as they said this, but underneath the well-acted surface was a small bud of worry. Now what? Were they just supposed to get picked by a team now? Were they going to have to get back on the ship home and make that long trip for naught? The tiny flower of concern was quickly killed by the mercenary noting an odd noise coming from the ship. Slinking back into the vehicle they’d just exited, Double Trouble witnessed the lizard man on the projector and silently listened to him, a smile forming on their face at the mentioning of proving themself, growing with the mention of payment and how much that wouldwas initially offered the pale muscular man. Double Trouble had no idea what credits were, how much a billion of them was worth in Etherian coin, if they could be transferred into Etherian coin, or even if that was how much they’d all receive in the end. But if that was the scale of reward they were playing in, then Double Trouble certainly had no reason to doubt that after all the transactions and the mercenary work, what they’d get in the end would be able to keep them fed for quite a while. Maybe the others had reason not to go along, but Double Trouble was someone who worked for pay, and pay alone was more then enough to rope them in. Bowing politely, they declared, “Well then, dear Toffee. It seems like the teams have a new future mercenary on their payrolls. Even without my full set of assets, I think this is going to be as easy as pie.” They gave a smile to the lizard man that dropped with mischief, blinking with their secondary eyelid, “I don’t think you’ll be disappointed at all with my performance, darling.”

Mentions: RedLight RedLight (indirectly and briefly)
Interactions: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore

"Never had much magic in the first place." Lucky smirked. Okay, so resisting was a bad idea...but Toffee never said anything about turning against them. As soon as he got those weapons? Swiss Toffee. Doc will become a donut. Any of these tin cans who resisted him would see what happened when he was double-crossed.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
"You bastard!" Luffy charged at the lizard as he only appears on the projector screen. "Gomu Gomu no..." He stretches his arm back but not as far as he would expect as he isn't aware that he lost his powers. "Pistol!" He fails to hit the projector screen as he stumbled but he didn't destroy the projector screen as he went the other way. In other words, he missed.

He slowly gets up as he notices that he lost his powers. "My powers are gone..." Luffy said to himself sadly. "Does this mean that my body is no longer made out of rubber?" He asked even though no one is talking to him.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
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"Um..... what?" Odessa looked at the room, very very confused at the interior decorating, and at Donut. She then smiled a little nervously as she looked at the hunky male models plastered on the walls. This looks like a girl´s room. She didn´t act on that thought.

"Ah. Yes. I was going to ask where the food and water was, and I stumbled upon this room," as she turned to face the pink armored man.

She didn´t have enough tact to apologize. Indeed she rarely ever apologizes.

But she did smile in a wry way.

"My name is Odessa and you are?"

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore

Karma was just wandering around when she heard some boombox and then turned to watch some blue rapping and dancing like a lunatic as the boombox played some ridicolous song about what she can gather, girls and girls and more girls. And the repeated phrase bow ticka wow wow. She found herself just staring numbly at Tucker´s rapping, raising an eyebrow at how quirky he was. She was pilote enough to allow him to continue making a fool of himself, then when the song finished, she let out a small clap.

"Wow you have some talent," she said, only half-sincere as she smiled, her seductress mode turning on for some reason, "did you come up with the song yourself or did you just wing it?" She found herself leaning in for some reason as she talked. She didn´t know why she was acting this way since this man sure as hell wasn´t a target, and her wife would kill her if she even heard she was flirting with yet another man, or indeed kill everyone here, though Karma supposed that she would be in the exact predictment which gave her some sense of satisfaction. Besides what she won´t know won´t hurt her. "And do you greet all the women this way?"

"Sssso we will be getting new weapons AND payments? Then it' agreed! HA-HA! Come on Lucky, let's get this hunting party ssssstarted!" Lealan would scoop up Lucky and deposit him on her shoulder, while whispering to him. "So we are totally gonna protect Lana and Rex no matter what team we are on, right?" Lealan moves to where the door of the ship was, Lucky in tow if he doesn't hop off.
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore P PopcornPie
"Course we are, Lassie!" Lucky stumbled after Lealan, hissing into her ear. "Looks like we'll really have to get violent, though." With everything these "professionals" told him, he felt his piss come to a higher boil; They didn't kidnap a rabbit, they had stolen a volcano about to erupt. "They can tell me I can't all I want, but I am burning this shitshow down."

DerpyCarp DerpyCarp



Fixing One's Problems

As Tony and Red Riding Hood took it upon themselves to explore the base, they came across several options. There was Sarge's Room, Simmons' Room, Grif's Room, Lopez's Room, the Armory, the Garage, and the Roof.
Red Riding Hood thought to herself aloud for a moment. "Hmm, where do I go? Either visit one of the allies, or head into one of two rooms, or go for none in favour of up above..." She said aloud, glancing to the soldiers rooms in question while she considered them. It looked like she was about to head towards one of them, but no, Red Riding Hood's sights were set on the garage, and so to the garage she went. She marched over to the door and would give a warning to those who are inside there via a knock on the door like 'I'm coming in' before she would open the door if possible and enter if that succeeding, hoping the moderately faint warning was enough of an indicator. She has no idea what she's walking into, but surely someone is manning the garage if they even have one in this base! 'Right then, what am I walking in on?' She thought to herself.
Character Information
Link to CS: Here!
Hex Code: #c93648
Status (physically): Fine
Status (mentally/emotionally): Fine
Powers: Magical abilities and species abilities
Items: Blood Weapon Scissors, presumably full water bottle
Skills/Abilities: Adaptable fighter, versatile (weapon-wise), best in none
Course of action: Into the garage
RP Information
Location: Blood Gulch/Red Team Base/The Garage
Interactions: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
Mentions: None
Nearby/In Group: Red Team (all of it)
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Was this too many grenades? Megumin couldn't tell until she stumbled a bit, dropping a few with a yelp. But before she could bend down to retrieve them, a 10-year-old looking girl in pink offered help. After a second or two, Megumin's face lit up brightly. "Yes!" she said in relief. Afterwards, she proceeded to dump the pile of grenades onto the poor girl, keeping only a few for herself. "I wanted to show the guy in pink the type of explosion I was talking about, but these 'bombs' are a mockery of my beloved Explosion!" Fed up with everything that's happened as of now, Megumin found herself venting her frustrations like a whining child to Llan. "Explosion was my life's purpose, and they took it away! My beautiful Explosion is gone and they're forcing me to use these things! I'm a Crimson Demon, and this is what I get?" she said in near sobs. "I will—"

As it turns out, Donut was right behind her all along and just now made his presence known. The sudden interruption caused Megumin to shriek and jump to the side. The grenades she once held clicked worryingly against the floor.

PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore Gundam Watcher 27 Gundam Watcher 27
View attachment 677206

Was this too many grenades? Megumin couldn't tell until she stumbled a bit, dropping a few with a yelp. But before she could bend down to retrieve them, a 10-year-old looking girl in pink offered help. After a second or two, Megumin's face lit up brightly. "Yes!" she said in relief. Afterwards, she proceeded to dump the pile of grenades onto the poor girl, keeping only a few for herself. "I wanted to show the guy in pink the type of explosion I was talking about, but these 'bombs' are a mockery of my beloved Explosion!" Fed up with everything that's happened as of now, Megumin found herself venting her frustrations like a whining child to Llan. "Explosion was my life's purpose, and they took it away! My beautiful Explosion is gone and they're forcing me to use these things! I'm a Crimson Demon, and this is what I get?" she said in near sobs. "I will—"

As it turns out, Donut was right behind her all along and just now made his presence known. The sudden interruption caused Megumin to shriek and jump to the side. The grenades she once held clicked worryingly against the floor.

PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore Gundam Watcher 27 Gundam Watcher 27

Llen would have sweat drop when Megumin explained why she grabbed alot of grenades.
I feel like I'm surrounded by too many Alfheim players right now. This is Gun Gale, a Realistic RPG. This isn't fantasy.
She would speak up.
"Are you sure you didn't confuse yourself over the character transfer gimick?"
She had dropped more grenades, and Llen quickly gathered them up.

"You might need to return a few of these. Just saying..."

"What are you doing?" Donut asked in his usual naive, cheery, shrill voice.

"Well, I was on my way to the armory when I came across this sex- Secret beauty over here!"
Llen replied, covering up her sexual preference. No one needs to know.

Price did manage to get the guns from her hands, it seems. He popped the rounds from the chambers, took out the magazines and placed everything back in the armory. As he did so, Raven came back in and informed them of a triage he's setting up. Smart kid. John's glad that if Blue's got any medic, it's someone practical like him. "Understood," he said to him. Price then turned back to berate the girl, but Michael had grabbed a laptop and already smacked her upside the head. As well as some other guy, whom Price didn't know, nor did he know what he did to deserve getting hit with a laptop. John wasn't sure if this girl was crazy, naive, or both, but either way, she should NOT be holding a gun. He waited for a moment, since the girl was hit over the head, and took the time to address another woman that walked in, who he missed due to the commotion.

Kassandra, of Sparta, apparently. Now, that he definitely knows of. Spartans were some excellent Greek warriors, militaristic, devotion to their country and to the bloke beside 'em. Granted, she isn't of the Spartan army, and he doesn't know what a "misthios" is; but considering everyone is stuck in this canyon for a while, he'll have time to ask. Unfortunately, as she pointed out herself, she doesn't have experience with guns. On the bright side, Price doubts she'll hesitate to pull the trigger when she needs to. Besides, a good head on your shoulders, and anyone can learn to use a gun. "Right," he said to Kassandra, nodding. He put his assault rifle back and grabbed a sniper instead, slinging it over his back. "Give the word, and we'll head up top." It's best everyone is comfortable with the weapons for when Church gives them their first op.

He turned to the trigger-happy child again. "Alright, kid, you had your fun," he started, brows furrowed, face contorted. "But you do anything to get this team, your team, killed? You won't last long in Blood Gulch, for more reasons than those fucking Reds." He gestured vaguely to Michael, specifically, who is much more likely to shoot the kid than Price. "Got it?" Sure, she's young, but she's also someone that could very well get their team killed. Who knows, maybe they can use her as a distraction.
E28376EA-129C-46C7-9BA2-C67486008113.png“Alright then. How would we access and manage funds and contracts? Do we have some kind of iDroid or other device for it?”
Captain Falcon looks to Raven. Right off the back, he could tell this girl needed some color in her life, though oddly enough she actually looks pretty good in dark colors.....Even though this girl's skin is literally gray in color....Then again, so was another friend he knew. As slightly odd is it was, he still put on a friendly smile "Why hello there! I suppose you're on the team too?"
GeorgeTownRaja GeorgeTownRaja
Sora & Rex look at each other with sort of "eh" faces and decide to tell Grif and Simmons what's up?

"We like to relax like this when we have too much on the mind." "Or just y'know, do it for the heck of it. What about you guys, what brings you up here?"

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore

Baby Bonnie Hood

"One primary and two secondaries? Are we not allowed to bring more than that? Honestly, I would feel under armed." She said with utter disappointment about the load out explained, but then got excited when Toffee mentions about the pay. "Two billion?! Now you're just being generous." She said.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore @sOwOTeam
"Yeah, I guess..." Raven doesn't like to be around with people as she prefers to be alone but she has to look for answers about this mysterious coma she had.

"Do you remember anything before you came here?" She asked.

Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters-
"Oh, I was about to win a race before I somehkw blacked-out and got my tight rear midnapped! Again! How did I manage to get kidnapped during a race? How did tbey do that? Well, however they did it, they're good, I'll give 'em that. They are good!" Captain Falcon vents
GeorgeTownRaja GeorgeTownRaja
Narancia Ghirga

Instead than getting any sort of an answer from that pink armored individual, Narancia watched as the guy followed behind a brown haired girl, a few years younger than himself. It may have just been the implications of a grown man following closely behind an oblivious young teenager but the gangster certainly didn’t trust him for a second. He might have if he’d been there to get the context but having that as the only information certainly didn’t spell out the most pure intentions. Just in case the worst possibility turned out to be reality, Narancia went and followed behind him, temporarily splitting off from Odessa. It was all really just a precaution of course. It wasn’t like Narancia had any previous context of what’d gone on beforehand anyways. He’d just check on them to hopefully confirm his suspicions as false.

After a while of playing follow the leader, they all eventually ended up in a room covered in posters of semi nude men and musical shows, that last thing he’d ever expect to be in a base like their’s. He’d confusedly view the space before him, barely noticing Odessa’s presence in there as well. Despite the owner’s and Narancia’s wildly contrasting interests he did have to admit the place looked rather nice. Maybe Trish, the boss’s daughter would’ve liked it? It did looked like it belonged to a teenage girl and she was also a girl so the connection wasn’t that hard to make. Much to Narancia’s surprise the place ended up not even belonging to some chick, it was the pink man’s bedroom. Even with the initial shock Narancia certainly couldn’t just judge the man’s tastes. He himself did proudly wear what could be understandably mistaken for as a skirt. All in all, thanks mostly to the man’s quite obvious tastes, Narancia doubted he would have done what the gangster had wrongly assumed to be the case. Just as he was going to leave with his purpose complete an idea struck. Quickly, Narancia asked the pink man,

“Hey, would you mind if I borrowed one of your sheets? I promise that I’ll give it back to you later.”

He unapologetically tacked on the lie just in case Mister Pinky wasn’t in the mood to give handouts. The sheet would be thing perfect thing to store food in when he attempts his escape out of this hell hole! It’d certainly also make up for the lack of any available backpacks.

Interacting with: PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss StaidFoal StaidFoal thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
Location: Red Base, Donut’s room
Current Items:
1. Paper clip (1)
2. Throwing knife (1)
3. Assault rifle (1)
4. Pistol (2)
5. Ammo (bagged)
6. Extra bags (10)
"Well dont feel bad about that, cause none of us do. But youre here now...In the middle of an arid valley with no food or water in sight...." Captain Falcon looks around the Gulch again, feelings of dispair slowly begin to swell up in him
GeorgeTownRaja GeorgeTownRaja
Pearl Pygmy

After a long, long time, Pearl finally responded, "You know what, Doc? All this fucking rock... it's nice enough. A lot calmer than I expected, to be honest."

She stood up, looking down at the self-proclaimed medic. He hardly looked like it, but she was too mellowed out by sitting and watching the breeze do its thing to yell at anything just yet. Had to warm her vocal cords and piss herself off first before any of that came back. She looked back to the Blue base, "I promised Vitan I'd train her properly, though. I'm going to go find her now. Clearly, the Reds are too self-absorbed to be a threat as of yet."

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore

The silence is kind of creepy and I'm no stranger to quiet moments, in fact, most of my life stayed relatively silent without much talking unless we meet somebody that blabs on a lot. I stared back at him getting slowly creeped out and I was half expecting him to go crazy, open his gaping mouth and start shaking with rage like those Endermen when I look at them for too long. He started breathing loudly making me feel more nervous. I decided to try and break the silence by snapping my fingers at his face because this staring contest has gone on long enough.

Just when I was about to snap my fingers, he spoke.

Deciding that this guy is way too weird and creepy for me, I started backing away and into the base.​
"That is wonderful to hear," Toffee said in response to Double Trouble, nodding slightly as well. He then watched with a bored expression as he saw Luffy's display. "Are you finished?" He asked, slightly annoyed. With yet another sigh, his attention was refocused onto Bonnie Hood. "I'm afraid not," He said with a shake of his head. "I don't make the rules, though I'm sure that it would be in your best interests to follow them, hm?" He said, then answering Snake. "You will be able to access your funds when you return to your home world. Either they will be directly transferred into your bank account, or if you do not have one, you will simply receive a check for your efforts."

Topless Topless FoolsErin FoolsErin GeorgeTownRaja GeorgeTownRaja Jeremiah Jeremiah P PopcornPie Venom Snake Venom Snake QizPizza QizPizza Ineptitude Ineptitude Hahli Nuva Hahli Nuva ManyFaces ManyFaces Birb Birb darkred darkred

"Huh?" Church asked as his head panned up and his eyes were met by Umbra. He stared for a moment, unsure of what the Warframe was doing for a few moments. However, he eventually did indeed pick up on it, and once he did so Church would reach behind him and grab a black Sharpie from off the nearby counter. "Uhhh... here ya go." He said as he handed him the aforementioned marker.

Tucker seemed to grow slightly more nervous as Kassandra leaned in, mainly because he was so used to them often throwing stuff at him or punching him or shooting him and then walking away. Still, he was happy that he could be picking up at least some kind of chicks here.

"Uhhh... yup! Came up with it all by myself! Just me 'nd my noggin!" Tucker bragged in a cocky tone as he attempted to nonchalantly cross his arms... though it just came off as more stiff and awkward than anything. When asked if he greeted all women this way, Tucker made a noise with his lips. "Psssh..... only the super fuckin' hot ones like you, babe!" He chimed.

When Slamacow began backing up into the base, Caboose merely began following him at the exact same slow pace he was backing with.

PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss Riven Riven Chungchangching Chungchangching @BlueTeam


"Hi there! I'm Donut!" The man in pink armor exclaimed in a cheery, high pitched tone. He stood up to greet her, and as he did so, would cock his hip to the side in a very... feminine manner. "And that is such a good look for you~!" He continued. Donut then watched awkwardly as Manumin dropped the grenades and they just began to roll along the floor, the man in pink armor making a loud EEP! noise as they did so. "Oh! Oh! I'll get them!!!" Donut shouted as he bent over and began picking up all the grenades that had scattered all across the floor. Once he had done so, he handed them back to Manumin. "Here you go!" He exclaimed. When Narancia had asked if Donut could hand over any bedsheets, Donut simply waved off her concern with his hand. "Oh, don't be silly! I've got plenty of sheets!" He said, before he made his way over to a nearby basket and began rummaging through it, the shades of his bed sheets being oddly... exotic. "Let's see... do you want tuberose or framboise? Or.... oooo, how about jacaranda?"

Back up on the roof, Grif would simply shrug in response to Sora's question.

"Well... we usually just come up here to talk, I guess."

"I come up here to do my post as I'm told to. Grif just follows me so he can goof off and do nothing." Simmons corrected, much to Grif's chagrin.

"Oh, shutup, you kiss ass," Grif replied as he rolled his eyes behind his helmet. "We both know that you don't do jackshit up here anyways."

Finally, in the garage, Red Riding Hood would find that it is empty and pretty dark. It took a bit of searching, but she eventually did find a light. And, upon doing so, she would notice that the garage itself was very empty. Some miscellaneous tools laid about, as well as some half-eaten pizza, though only one object in particular probably really stuck out to her.


A pretty large vehicle with a turrent attached to the back! Cool!

BoltBeam BoltBeam PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss SheepKing SheepKing StaidFoal StaidFoal Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts @RedTeam

"Oh... well, I'll just come with you, then!" Doc exclaimed, standing up. "I'd better go and give everyone on both teams checkups anyways! Ya know... before you guys go out to fight everyone and all!"

Ferociousfeind Ferociousfeind

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