Revan decided to head towards the armory realizing that he's under equipped, he would put his hands behind his back and start searching for it, it took him some time but he eventually found it. He'd cross his hands behind his back and look up at the sign that says armory, he would walk into it and look around at everyone in there, "Ah well hello there everyone" .​

The suit of armor started with charades, making an odd motion, yet easily recognizable. It then proceeded to write on its hand in sharpie, asking Price for a gun so it can shoot things. Automatic, probably, judging by the previous gesture. Looks like Price's dream came true, someone does want an automatic rifle. "Right." John turned around and grabbed an assault rifle, loaded it up, chambered it, safety on, and tossed the rifle to him. "Ammo over there," he points to the ammo, "as well as other ordnance, if you want any more. We're 'bout to head up now."

Price moved around him and turned to those who wanted to go. He ignored the purple man playing tag and all the weird things happening in there, focusing on the task at hand. "We should get started, don't wanna miss our chance." John was about to walk out, when someone else entered the armory. "Cheers, mate. Captain Price," he tipped his boonie to him. "We're heading up for some practice. Grab a gun and some ammo if you wanna tag along." Price walked passed him, and of the armory, giving Kassandra a nod. Then proceeded to the roof to get things started.
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Donut ignored Odessa's question. Either that, or he didn't hear it. Either way, she got no response.

"Uhhh... well, I have some food in my room if you guys would rather go there instead." Grif said as he took the Twinkies back one by one. It was then that some dude came over eating ice cream made of dirt and started talking about some outbreak and his sister or whatever. Grif was about to acknowledge that he was, in fact, eating dirt, but then he saw him spit it out, which gave Grif the impression that he already knew. With that, however, Grif slowly stood up and Simmons followed suit. "Alright, well.... let's get go--"


Simultaneously, both of the Red Team soldiers present had both bumped into the Doom Marine. They backed up a bit, and Grif flinched back in a bit of surprise.

"J-Jesus Christ! When the fuck did you get here!?" He shouted, while Simmons just stared at him fearfully.

At this point he considered some options. He could either take their weapons and go about his business, or he could just try to locate the Red Armory and outfit himself on his own. Of course, communicating vocally wasn't exactly something he does if ever. He instead tried a more action-focused approach. He looked towards Grif and Simmon's weapons and pointed at them, then looked towards the Base and pointed at that as well. If they and those around him read his motions, they'd figure out that he wants to obtain a weapon, and would like directions towards the Armory.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts Addicted to Coffee Addicted to Coffee @AnyoneWhoWasWithGrif&Simmons​
Narancia Ghirga

Finally the bedsheet was in Narancia’s hands and he now had the perfect item to make into a makeshift sack. Now all he needed was just a few more supplies, maybe even a weapon, and then he’d be ready to hightail it on outta there whenever he so pleased! Without realizing it himself, Narancia didn’t really think of what he’d even do after finally running away. You’d think that in such a situation someone would at least make sure that he wasn’t just running from one danger into the next but apparently not him. Nevertheless his half thought out plan was slowly coming to fruition. He took the sheet by its four corners before dumping all of his supplies besides a pistol, his paper clip, and knife in there. Then taking the brightly colored headband from his head, Narancia used it to close the sheet, effectively making a sack. Fantasizing about his soon to be freedom while he finished the bag, Narancia gave a casual salute goodbye to the clearly uncomfortable Odessa. The teen did feel a bit mean for teasing her poor choice of words but Donut certainly did have the right to ignore an invasive question such as that. Though considering that besides her, Narancia didn’t have anyone else to bug except for that Sora kid who was clearly uncomfortable with him, he’d most likely catch up with Odessa later. First though, he needed to ask something of the pink armored man. Narancia recalled that back earlier he and the gal had never actually found the pantry or wherever they’d that sort of stuff.

“You wouldn’t happen to know where the food and water is stored would ya?”

Interacting with: PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
Briefly Mentioned: Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts
Location: Red Base, Donut’s room
Current Items:
On Hand-
1. Paper clip (1)
2. Throwing Knife (1)
3. Pistol (1)

Bedsheet Bag-
1. Assault rifle (1)
2. Pistol (2)
5. Ammo
6. Extra Ziplock bags (10)
Revan would nod at captain price before walking pass him. He would head towards the weapons and looking at all of them. He would proceed to grab himself two pistols and put them on his waist. He would then proceed to go grab himself a random assortment of ammunition not being used these weapons. "Strange weapons though they look similar to what we have, I wounder what system i am in, or...".

He would pause for a second "It seems possible though i'm not sure". He would shake his head before storing them. He decided that he should get some fresh air to come up with a reasonable conclusion. He would head out the armory heading towards the roof of the base to clear his mind. Revan when he finally got to the roof looked over the canyon trying to decide where could he be.​
Raynar Saassin Raynar Saassin thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore

Chris seemly impressed on this massive individual standing in front of him, Chris would get what this individual wanted and would reply "I am heading that way as well if you want to follow me"
Almost forgetting that starchy taste he had in his mouth Chris walked towards the directions of the armory
Majima is stopped by the apparent scent coming from a nearby room, he stops humming to say “eh?” wondering which room it’s coming from and what the scent could be. After taking a few steps back and smelling around, he conducted that it was the smell of food coming from a room labelled “Grif’s Room” . He looks towards the room and says “Bingo” while letting out a short laugh just before opening the door rather hard with no concern whether someone was in there or not and steps right in, making himself welcome and his presence known.

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While Chris and Doom Slayer go their separate ways; Sora, Simmons, and Rex follow Grif to his room. Rex thought he should spice the boring walk to his room with some questions. "Sooo, yellow guy. How long has this war gone on for? are you guys comfortable doing this?" thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
Chris seemly impressed on this massive individual standing in front of him, Chris would get what this individual wanted and would reply "I am heading that way as well if you want to follow me"
Almost forgetting that starchy taste he had in his mouth Chris walked towards the directions of the armory

Seeing that someone saw what he was after, the Doom Slayer proceeded to follow Chris to the armory. Finally, things were going his way. Talking isn't one of his traits, he lets action do the talking.

Addicted to Coffee Addicted to Coffee thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
Raynar Saassin Raynar Saassin thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore

Seeing that someone saw what he was after, the Doom Slayer proceeded to follow Chris to the armory. Finally, things were going his way. Talking isn't one of his traits, he lets action do the talking.

Addicted to Coffee Addicted to Coffee thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore

Arriving at the Armory Chris thought to himself this massive individual has not spoken a single word since we arrived. "You don't speak much do it you?" Chris asked the massive being behind him? Chris would grab two plasma pistols for his wrist, along with some ammo and a battle rifle.
Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore

Slamacow smile.PNG
Oh God, why isn't this man protecting me?! I closed my eyes in anticipation, wondering what this armored man will do to me. He's getting closer and closer until. . .


Oh. . . Oh! He just wanted to play a game of tag. He zoomed out of the armory, expecting me to chase him. Well, I'm pretty old to play tag nowadays but I guess I'll entertain him for a while, what is a harmless game going to do to us? And why is this childish person taking part in a war anyway? Enough questions though. I wanna play with this armored man. I let out a sigh of relief once I realized he wanted no harm, laughing it off. I gave the person I was hiding behind on a pat on the back before chasing after the armored man, waving goodbye to Mr. Blue outfit.​


Lobo agreed with the ninja on teamwork. There was only one team worth sticking around for and it was Team LOBO. After all there were none of the letters in his name that were the same as team... At least he didn't think so. Spelling was way harder than smashing skulls and rippin' spines.
"The main man don't so well with others, so's long as nobody gets in my way you'll get just what ya ordered."
He crossed his arms and looked around at the others. So far it didn't appear as though he'd have to split the credits so everything was fine in his books.
"So if yer done yappin' I'll go and do that thing ya need done."
He'd heard more than enough on what the lizard needed done. So now he could stop wasting his time and do it. Actually he did have a very important question.
"When I go ta work fer these bozos I get ALL my gear back right?"
Lobo didn't care too much about his powers being gone, he could kill just as well without them. But he'd be damned if someone touched his stuff. Especially his hog...

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
"I look happy, don't I?" Ren sarcastically tells Lana as he sees her expression change because of how he looks behind his mask. She realizes that he's really dealing with something bad—that she will never understand. "The only thing that'll make me feel better... Is facing the day I accomplish a feat my grandfather didn't." Ren replies to Lana, telling her that she isn't capable of helping him. "But as I look to the sky... I could feel his disappointment." He continues, then he looks at everyone around him—his 'captors'. She hugs Ren, and he could feel the warmth of her embrace. "This won't make it better either... I'm developing an immunity to the lightsi--". He tries to distract himself from her embrace, but he eventually gets cut off. As Ren listens to Lana's final statement, he's slowly deciding that he cannot bring himself to hate her. He just simply remains silent.

Sayo-Nara Sayo-Nara
Lilith was sill exploring as per usual when she noticed Caption Falcon minding his own business, She was felling kind of lonely recently so she decided to have a small conversation with him. Lilith waltzed on over to him and awkwardly asked "So uh... this place is pretty spacey huh?"

Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters-
The motion was quick with the frame to hold out an arm to catch the assault rifle. Umbra held the weapon close, giving it a nice look down the side of the weapon, from the stock to the barrel. If it could show an expression, it would be smiling as it gave a nice feel around its entirety.

It felt like a Braton, but, certainly bigger. "Tech like this is certainly not as powerful, and not as different from ours at the same time isn't it buddy", says the operator. Umbra nods to itself in satisfaction. With that, it slips the weapon onto his back, the rifle almost seemingly attaching to it like his back was a magnet.

It felt great to finally hold a weapon, though it still feels underarmed without it's sword. Umbra proceeds to walk over to the other batches of munitions, pulling out 3 extra magazines, giving each of them tosses to feel their weight as it slips them onto its lower back, magnetically attached the same way. With his armaments set up, he made his way to Price and the rest of the "class". Umbra didn't need any teachings of weaponry or how to kill, it simply wanted something to do. "Let's have some fun." With those words, Umbra could sense the smile in the Operator's voice.

jigglesworth jigglesworth
Blue Blue Team
GeorgeTownRaja GeorgeTownRaja

I thought she was going to leave me to pick myself up because of how no-nonsense she looked but this is nice. I was smiling until she asked me a question. Leader? Group? What group? I cupped my chin before turning to the people in the armory. "Wh-- Oh, uh, you mean these guys?" I said, pointing my thumb towards the jackholes and returned my vision to the depressing looking girl. "Nah, I'm not apart of them. Maybe it's that bearded guy going to the roof who's leading them."
GeorgeTownRaja GeorgeTownRaja

That's a question I hoped nobody would ask me. I paused for a short time trying to think of a believable lie that she will buy. If I tell her the truth she'll probably spread it around the entire base giving me no chance to make friends! "I was fighting somebody until he knocked me out and now I'm here." I let out an awkward laugh, clearly lying through my teeth but I'll just hope she somehow buys this because I am not good at bullshitting people even though I do it a lot.

Before she could speak again. I decided to tell the truth because I know damn well that she's going to see right through me.

"I was taking a shit on the toilet."
F-Zero_-_Captain_Falcon_as_seen_in_F-Zero_GX_and_F-Zero_AX.pngCaptain Faclon watche Slamacow leave and wave at him. He waves back at him confused as to what he needed from him the first place. He then here's someone ask him a question. "Spacey? It has about as much space as a Black Friday sale filled with cows!" Captain Falcon laughs before turning to Lilith "AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!" Falcon backs up against the wall of the armory and pins himself to the wall in fear "You're a ghost...Oh my space gods, you're a ghost..."
ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials
Lilith was startled by his reaction since mostly everyone she met wasn't scared by her. (Aside from Doc who she pranked earlier)
"Oh jeez sorry about that, I didn't think you'd be scared of me." She then thought to herself "Well that could've gone better"

Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters-
GeorgeTownRaja GeorgeTownRaja

I chuckled at her comment and rolled my eyes when the serious girl wanted more stories out of me. I don't just tell people about what I experienced, especially when that person is a complete stranger. Sure, she helped me get back up and doesn't seem that aggressive but that doesn't mean we're buddies now. "No offense but I don't know you enough to spill info like that yet," I said, putting my hands onto my pockets.​

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