It seemed almost hysterical of the whole scene the frame had witnessed, ESPECIALLY the part where it was mentioned they all had tags on them. "Reach for your neck Umbra", his voice said to his head. It proceeds to silently reach to the back of its neck, pulling out a small tag that was attached with one word. Blue.

Interesting. The frame looked around the strange area before giving a nod as it made it's way to the other armored men, the ones specifically in blue armor. "These lot have been very interesting from the start haven't they buddy." Umbra nods, giving the back of its head a scratch.

What are the names again? Tucker.. Church.. and Caboose..? Right. Without a word or a sound for the matter, Umbra sticks close to the ones in blue, walking silently behind. How long will this take before it can go home.




Split Ends


Suddenly, you all felt a large... well, thud against the ship, which knocked some of you who had been standing off balance. This also had resulted in Kylo Ren dropping Doc entirely, the latter falling to his knees as he immediately began gasping for air. Not because he was being choked, of course, but because he had been winded several times just from how spooked he was. He glanced up soon after and began to look around.

"W-W-What just happened...?" Doc asked, worried that they had crashed or something. Which, of course, made no sense, but still.... he had been through enough today.


"I think we're here, dumbass," Michael said, rolling his eyes as he looked out the window. If any of you were to look out the window as well, you would notice that you were certainly in an area that was a far cry from the clear skies and crisp blue waters from hours before. Yes, as you looked outside, you would find nothing but grass, sand, two bases, and caves. And in that moment, it became clear...


You had finally arrived in Blood Gulch.
Red Riding Hood glanced outside the flying machine they were in and smiled in amazement and curiosity. She couldn't help but also let out a minor little squeak of 'this is awesome' - environments like aren't this natural and bare-bones back home, apart from one place in particular. Red Riding Hood whistled as she continued to take it all in, only to be cut from her moment of admiring the world around her by - you guessed it - Captain Falcon, who raised her up by her neck and ran out of the aircraft, only to find himself and Red Riding Hood herself between armoured soldiers in red and blue. Red Riding Hood was a little dizzy after the rush, and then glanced to the scene with similar confusion.
"YES! Freedom! C'mon Red, we're freeeeeeeee!" Captain Falcon picks up red by the of her neck and rushes off the aircraft and into the middle of shouting contest between red and blue clad soldiers....In the middle of an arid canyon "....What is this....?"
"...Uh, some welcoming party. Put me down." She said simply to Captain Falcon, and unless he would let go, Red Riding Hood would get free by herself. She then looked to them and was about to speak up, only to stop immediately before she had even started, with gradually more coloured soldiers in their own almost identical sets of armour come on in and out to greet them all.
It was mere seconds later that the hatch at the end of the plane opened up, and you were all free to walk out. As you breathed fresh air, after hours of being in that cramped space with each other, you were at least glad to be out of the plane.... hopefully. Regardless of what your feelings were, however, it wasn't long before you were greeted by the first of these supposed teams you were set to fight for.


"Jumping jelly beans! The new recruits're here!" The man in red armor exclaimed. He spoke with an extremely southern and elderly accent, and it was clear by his voice alone that he was the leader of the Red Team. "GRIF! SIMMONS! GET YOUR ASSES OUT HERE AND GREET THE NEW RECRUITS!!"


Suddenly, two other soldiers approached, these two wearing orange and maroon armor respectively. The one in orange armor groaned out, clearly upset about the current situation for some reason.

"Jesus, Sarge, couldn't whatever new vehicle or gun wait until after I was finished with my three o'clock nap?" The orange one, apparently named Grif, asked in a grumbling tone.

"Well, I for one am eager to see whatever you have in store for us, Sir." The one in maroon armor, apparently named Simmons, replied in a much more respectful tone.

"Oh, shut the fuck up, you kiss ass..." Grif complained further. It was then that he turned around and took notice of all of you... and another groan escaped his lips once he did so. "Good lord... who the fuck are these assholes supposed to be?"

"I was just getting to that, numbnuts. Maybe if you'd quit complaining all the damn time, you'd have heard me when I shouted about it earlier!" Sarge shouted in response to Grif's complaining. You could all practically feel Grif's eyeroll, even under that helmet of his.
Red Riding Hood 'also' rolled her eyes, not really understanding all of the fuss - to her, it seemed unnecessary. What's clear is that one or more of them on either side is verily upset about all of this, as after the man in red spoke up, a man in blue came from the other side. It was as said - both red and blue teams are present, but there is one glaring question at the back of Red Riding Hood's mind - all this talk of new recruits, and not only does everyone not have all the answers they need to know, but not even a grip on what is 100% going on.

Yet another voice could be heard calling out from across the canyon, this one being in Blue armor. It seemed that they had finally arrived.


"You fucking Reds did not get that many new recruits." The man in blue armor said, which earned a groan from Sarge.

"We can, and we did! Finders keepers, losers weepers!" He replied in a mock-pouty tone, even making fake sobbing noises all the while.

"Yeah, suck it Blue! These are our guys!" Simmons retorted as he flipped the Blue Team member off.

"Like hell they fucking are! That's like sixty fucking people!"

"Yeah, and surely they'll all kick your asses! Now get outta here, we have initiation to do," Sarge said as he began trying to attempt to shoo the Blue away. However, the Blue didn't budge, and instead another Blue joined him, this one in turquoise armor.
Red Riding Hood groaned as she heard them argue. "Geez, they're like children! They're gonna be at this for a while at this rate, and I'm already beginning to think that all of this could have been avoided." She said in an angered tone, narrowing her glance to them both as they continued arguing more and more, until Doc ran up to the scene - with the bombshell of the following: everyone had been tagged into a certain team somewhere on their person - for Red Riding Hood, the tag she had was on the grey armband, almost covering up the symbol on it.
"Look, the point is that these aren't your fucking guys, Reds. At least, not all of them. Like... maybe half."

"And who put you in charge of this, Blue!?" Sarge asked with a snarl as he began to butt his shotgun in the air towards Church.

"Me! I did! I'm literally the fucking leader of Blue Team, dumbass!"


"Guys! Guys!" The familiar voice of Doc echoed as it exited the plane, seeming to have recovered from Kylo Ren's assault quite well. "There's no need to fight!"

"And who the fuck are you supposed to be!?" Church shouted as he turned his head to meet Doc's.

"Oh, I'm Doc! The medic of your two teams!" He cheered happily, before returning to the topic at hand. "Anyways, everyone here has nifty tags on the back of their shirts that say what team they're on! So, they're already divided up!" He said. As you all turned your shirts (or whatever you were wearing) around to get a good look, you would find that, in fact, there WERE tags on each of your individual articles of clothing or armor or whatever, which conveniently said what team you were on! However, oddly enough, some of you (solo team guys) noticed that you didn't have a tag.

"Huh... well, I guess that clears that shit up. Blue Team guys, you're with me, Tucker, and Caboose." Church said as he and the rest of his team followed him back to their base. Without much of a choice in the matter, you began to follow suit as well.

"Right... and new Red Team members, you're with me, Lopez, Simmons, and the other two!" Sarge exclaimed as he began to make his way back to his base, and much like those of you on Blue Team, you followed due to not really having a choice in the matter.
Red Riding Hood couldn't believe it. Her face said it all - vacant fear, borderline speechless. That's another event nobody has any memory of whatsoever, and with these tags, the cumulative squad of 60+ people is about to be cut into red, blue, and everything else that doesn't fit into either. Red Riding Hood glanced to her tag and what it said, labelling her on the Red Team, so she had to follow Sarge. She staggered back in 'no thank you' at first, not really wanting to follow through with this, and glanced to Captain Falcon shortly after steadying herself on the ground. They had no choice. Thanks to this 'branding' of some degree, they had to follow whoever they were 'bound' to. Red Riding Hood looked down and pulled her hood up, covering her eyes, looking troubled to Captain Falcon. "...Captain?" She spoke to him to get his attention, seeming torn, yet continued speaking and managed a smile on her face as she did so, trying to keep herself composed as long as she could.

"...Best of luck out there, yeah? I hope we'll meet again, but until we do - if we do - it seems this is as far as we go." She continued in an emotionally strangled tone. After saying her farewells to him, Red Riding Hood turned, waved goodbye to him behind her back, and tried to compose herself on the way to the base of the red team. She couldn't stand suppressing her emotions anymore, yet she also wanted to uphold herself as responsible and there for the people who may need her help the most. But above all else, she doesn't want to be in this world without knowing anyone - and now she is, ever so soon after meeting them, back to being a lonely Red Riding Hood. As she would group up with the rest of the team, she glanced behind her and managed a neutral smile. 'When we meet next, we shall be enemies, and your mercy will not be permitted.' Red Riding Hood thought to herself. 'When we get there, I want to see you for all of your potential, and I hope I will be proud of you.' She finished, then turning back, lowering her hood, and reluctantly staying with the Red Team, her new teammates in Blood Gulch.

Maybe even her last teammates ever, if she can't get back home.

Character Information
Link to CS: Here!
Hex Code: #c93648
Status (physically): Fine
Status (mentally/emotionally): Fine outside, demoralised inside
Powers: Magical abilities and species abilities
Items: Blood Weapon Scissors, presumably full water bottle
Skills/Abilities: Adaptable fighter, versatile (weapon-wise), best in none
Course of action: Reluctant compliance
RP Information
Location: Blood Gulch/Red Team Base
Mentions: None
Nearby/In Group: Red Team (all of it)
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Captain Falcon in the midst of his confusion and sadness hears Red basically saying good bye. He turns to look at her already making her way over to the red team. He reaches out to her too "Red...Not you too..." Falcon whimpers
BoltBeam BoltBeam
As those of you on the Solo Team went to investigate the strange beeping noise inside the ship, you would find that it was coming from the projector. Once every last one of you who didn't have a tag had finally entered the ship, the door automatically closed behind you, leaving you all in pure darkness. You all couldn't see anything for a good few moments, until suddenly, the projector flashed to life on its one. It was static for a moment, but once it subsided, you found....


"Hello there." Said the.... lizard in the suit and tie, with slicked back hair.

Jeremiah Jeremiah P PopcornPie Venom Snake Venom Snake QizPizza QizPizza DerpyCarp DerpyCarp Hahli Nuva Hahli Nuva GeorgeTownRaja GeorgeTownRaja ManyFaces ManyFaces Ineptitude Ineptitude SpaceRavens03 SpaceRavens03 Birb Birb darkred darkred Topless Topless @SoloTeam

Those of you who resided at the Blue Team Base would find that the trek back, while on the other side of Blood Gulch, was not that hard of a trek at all. In fact, it took only a few moments before you arrived at the base.


"Well, here we are." Church said as he looked up towards the base behind him. You were all now free to, if you wish, either explore the base, or interact with Church, Tucker, or Caboose. Alternatively, you could simply stick to interacting with each other for now.

Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch Chungchangching Chungchangching 2Bornot2B 2Bornot2B PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss FactionParadox FactionParadox darkred darkred GeorgeTownRaja GeorgeTownRaja Riven Riven Veradana Veradana Gaius Danius Griinia Gaius Danius Griinia Ferociousfeind Ferociousfeind jigglesworth jigglesworth FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla StaidFoal StaidFoal Senki Senki ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials @BlueTeam

The trek to the Red Base was a much shorter one than the one to the Blues', due to it basically being right where you had landed.


Sarge let out a loud, hearty chuckle as you all made it to Red Base, clearly proud of all the members he had accumulated.

"Heh heh heh heh! Welcome to Red Base, men! And... erm... women!" He paused for a moment and cleared his throat. "Feel free to have a look around, or come to me or the other Red Team members for any questions, comments, or concerns! Except Grif... 'cus he's a fat dumbass! But, brownie points if you physically assault him in some way, shape, or form!"

Like with the Blue Base, Sarge left you all to your own devices, allowing you to either explore as you so pleased, or to interact with him, Grif, Simmons, Lopez, or Donut. Or, if you wished, you could still interact with each other.

RedLight RedLight BoltBeam BoltBeam 2Bornot2B 2Bornot2B PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss Dylan.thomas7 Dylan.thomas7 Gundam Watcher 27 Gundam Watcher 27 Sir Skrubbins Sir Skrubbins Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts FactionParadox FactionParadox Superwholock Superwholock SheepKing SheepKing animegirl20 animegirl20 Dragonlord318 Dragonlord318 Sayo-Nara Sayo-Nara Marksman Marksman Caffeine Freak Caffeine Freak StaidFoal StaidFoal Maxiliase Maxiliase
“Mind telling us just what the hell is going on?” Snake said this with irritation clearly in his voice. He could give two shits if this guy was a lizard, he’s seen crazier.
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
Saburo walked over to the Blue Team after confirming which one he was on, glad Aloy was on the same team as him as he stood next to Capitan Falcon. "I'm Raven, good to meet you." He stated quietly, extending his hand. He might as well make "friends" with his team-mates, they might yet save him from being gunned down by the Red Team. He didn't particularly care which team won, so long as he survived and wasn't captured or tortured, those were the big ones. At least death might be instant and painless, with any luck. Walking over to the man with blue armour, he recognized Caboose from the video.

Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- darkred darkred thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore


The mechanical being that hadn't been seated and had remained completely inert during the flight, many would think it was simply another piece of technology belonging to the people participating in the Blood Gulch War, unaware that it was actually a merciless alien cyborg from the distant future who's only desire was to kill. The inert eyestalk lit up with a blue light as the Dalek looked around for once as they landed, observing the tag of cloth that read "RED", it was also a red colour and was attached to it's manipulator arm. "Daleks do not take orders from inferior beings!" The tank-like cyborg shouted, it's voice mechanical and grating, the stalk-like protusions on what would be considered it's head lit up as it spoke. "EXTERMINATE!" The alien mutant inside shrieked, it's gunstick aiming at Sarge. There was an electrical buzzing sound and then a fizz, nothing happened. The gunstick pointed up as the Dalek looked down at it. "My weapon is non-functional!" There was almost a hint of fear beneath the rage and anger coming from the mechanical shriek. Scanning it's own systems, the Kaled mutant inside was less than pleased to discover it's self-destruct mechanism had also been disabled. It would have to find a new weapon and use that on this planet. A humming noise was heard as the Dalek's anti-gravity drive was activate, the cyborg tank reluctantly joining Red Team.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
Lucky thought another clown in armor was coming to see them. Naturally, when it was a big fucking lizard coming on board. He was so distracted by this unexpected sight that he didn't even notice the door close. And, once he did, a very audible "sHIT-!" broke up the brief silence. He even banged at the door, almost forgetting that some weird magic would keep him from opening it.

The rabbit could only huff. "Hang in there, Lana. As soon as I'm able..." With gritted teeth, he turned to face the lizard, studying his curves and odd proportions. His lips fell back into place, and he slowly asked, "You were kidnapped once, too, weren't you, laddie?"

"Please, don't say 'yes'. Don't confirm that we are actually going to stay here until we drop dead...war or no war."
Lucky's fur shot up. "When this war is over, you're going to blast all of us 'new recruits' for knowing too much, aren't you?! You might think I'm against that, but in my case, please do!"
Pearl Pygmy

Pearl followed off of the plane, finally getting the space to stretch her arms and walk a few laps around the vehicle. Once her limbs were fully awake, she jogged back to the group, sitting back as the Reds and Blues argued over recruitment rites. Once the fucks had calmed down and given her space to speak, she took the opportunity.

Taking a slight breath beforehand, Pearl exclaimed, "What in the SHIT-SHELLING HELL is going on here? I was informed on none of this BULLSHITTERY, and will be taking no part in this frivolous war. Except that the one competent, rational person here, Church, has convinced me to harass the Reds while I fucking skin your superiors alive on the side. My entire day has been utterly demolished, and someone is paying for the inconvenience."

~ ~ ~

Calmly following Church, Pearl inspected the blue base. One thing stuck out to her immediately, "Excuse me, Church, what the hell is this structure doing out in the open?"

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
As long as she was stuck here, Myrtle figured she might as well explore the base. Anyone who wanted to accompany her was welcome to. It would be important to get her bearings, and while she had Pearl to associate with and rely on, the Tentacled likely had her own agenda. Although it was relieving to hear her scream flames and fury down on their captors. Myrtle, too, had no intention of fighting in a war for a country she did not know. The allure of a soldier's death rang far too hollow when it would not be for her own homeland and people.

Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch Chungchangching Chungchangching 2Bornot2B 2Bornot2B PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss FactionParadox FactionParadox darkred darkred GeorgeTownRaja GeorgeTownRaja Riven Riven Gaius Danius Griinia Gaius Danius Griinia Ferociousfeind Ferociousfeind jigglesworth jigglesworth FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla StaidFoal StaidFoal Senki Senki @BlueTeam


"Echo" looked over at the green uniformed solider named Snake and the others without "nametags." that were left on the ship.

She and others were promptly "greeted" by some strange lizard-like creature and stood up crossing her arms.

"What the hell do you want with us?!"

The Helghast and Vektan halfling stayed cautious. She had a sinking feeling she'd have to work for this "lizard" on forced terms. Faced with others who was in the same situation with no weapons or powers, a wrong step would lead to other problems.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore (Toffee) Venom Snake Venom Snake (Snake) and others in solo team.

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Captain Falcon looks to Raven and reluctantly shakes his hand "Captain Falcon....I'd pose for ya but I'm kinda upset currently, so y'know....Excuse my lack of enthusiasm..." Falcon sniffles before turning to to the blue team "So this is us, huh? An assortment of coincidentally color-coordinated weirdos from across the galaxy?"
FactionParadox FactionParadox
As all these random soldiers came after the plane landed, Benedict started thinking.....what is Josh? Is he a penguin how can he do a peace sign if he has no fingers is he a celestial?...This puzzling state of rumination locked him in a deep trance as he stood there thinking, the little Benedicts in his mind scrambling for answers as Josh took notes and carried Benedict off the ship and to the Blue base. After a careful planning process, Josh assumed the best thing to do was to go into the Blue Base to set his master down unless someone interrupted his waddle to the base.
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
Prior to deployment, Llen would turn her head to look at Shalltear, before looking away.
I wasn't trying to flirt asshole.

After they got deployed, Llen would be surprised to find she was on Red team, after checking her tag of course. Although, after being led to base, she noticed Shalltear was on their team.

Crap.... This is certainly an unexpected coincidence.

Reaching base, Sarge would tell them they can take a look around, chat with the other team members, or kick the orange armored guy's butt for no apparent reason.
Llen would choose option three, considering she was in a foul mood.

So what exactly would she do? Llen thought for a second, before coming up with the best idea ever. She would walk up towards Griff, looking inconspicuous, before standing next to him and greeting him.
"Hello, my name is Llen! I think you and I will get along fine here!"
After saying that, she kicked Griff in the most painful spot imaginable.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore

Megumin felt her eye twitch behind the patch. Then again, she should've figured that he wouldn't know of the Crimson Demons, considering that everything around her was entirely unknown. Wait, is he… The bastard's already bored! "Don't speak of a Crimson Demon so casually! I am Megumin! An arch wizard, one who has mastered the most powerful explosion magic! Where I'm from, I was ostracized from the world because of my unfathomable power!"
The man looked back at her, smiling in his own amusement. Whoever this girl was, she certainly did seem like quite the riot! He'd have to be wary of her later on...

"Yeahhh... I hear you loud and clear...."

Now, for the one moment he had been waiting fo-
Suddenly, you all felt a large... well, thud against the ship, which knocked some of you who had been standing off balance. This also had resulted in Kylo Ren dropping Doc entirely, the latter falling to his knees as he immediately began gasping for air. Not because he was being choked, of course, but because he had been winded several times just from how spooked he was. He glanced up soon after and began to look around.

"W-W-What just happened...?" Doc asked, worried that they had crashed or something. Which, of course, made no sense, but still.... he had been through enough today.


"I think we're here, dumbass," Michael said, rolling his eyes as he looked out the window. If any of you were to look out the window as well, you would notice that you were certainly in an area that was a far cry from the clear skies and crisp blue waters from hours before. Yes, as you looked outside, you would find nothing but grass, sand, two bases, and caves. And in that moment, it became clear...

Before he could attempt anything else, or try to get away with pickpocketing, the entire room seemed to rock. The man grabbed the arm rest to the chair he had been sitting back on to prevent himself from falling over. He grunted at the interruption of his scheming.. he hated when that happened.. He looked over as someone would declare that 'they were here'. What did that mean?? The ninja's curiosity was rather peaked! He got up from the chair, deciding he'd have to go back to his thievery later, and walked over to the window. To his surprise, albeit you couldn't really tell WHAT he was thinking with his poker face, he saw a landscape that was quite unique to him. He had never seen such open space such as this! It was so.. dusty, it looked hot, and the buildings were unique to him. He made a small 'hmm' noise, before hearing the hatch of the plane open up.
It was mere seconds later that the hatch at the end of the plane opened up, and you were all free to walk out. As you breathed fresh air, after hours of being in that cramped space with each other, you were at least glad to be out of the plane.... hopefully. Regardless of what your feelings were, however, it wasn't long before you were greeted by the first of these supposed teams you were set to fight for.


"Jumping jelly beans! The new recruits're here!" The man in red armor exclaimed. He spoke with an extremely southern and elderly accent, and it was clear by his voice alone that he was the leader of the Red Team. "GRIF! SIMMONS! GET YOUR ASSES OUT HERE AND GREET THE NEW RECRUITS!!"
Along with many others on the aircraft, he simply turned away from the 'Crimson Demon', and walked out of the hatch to the ground below. He slowed down half way through, having to shield his eyes from the sun. It was so.. bright!! And hot! He had never been in a climate quite like this, he was far too used to lush, vegetation filled areas. He had only heard of arid climates like this from... certain old 'friends'....
It was mere seconds later that the hatch at the end of the plane opened up, and you were all free to walk out. As you breathed fresh air, after hours of being in that cramped space with each other, you were at least glad to be out of the plane.... hopefully. Regardless of what your feelings were, however, it wasn't long before you were greeted by the first of these supposed teams you were set to fight for.


"Jumping jelly beans! The new recruits're here!" The man in red armor exclaimed. He spoke with an extremely southern and elderly accent, and it was clear by his voice alone that he was the leader of the Red Team. "GRIF! SIMMONS! GET YOUR ASSES OUT HERE AND GREET THE NEW RECRUITS!!"


Suddenly, two other soldiers approached, these two wearing orange and maroon armor respectively. The one in orange armor groaned out, clearly upset about the current situation for some reason.

"Jesus, Sarge, couldn't whatever new vehicle or gun wait until after I was finished with my three o'clock nap?" The orange one, apparently named Grif, asked in a grumbling tone.

"Well, I for one am eager to see whatever you have in store for us, Sir." The one in maroon armor, apparently named Simmons, replied in a much more respectful tone.

"Oh, shut the fuck up, you kiss ass..." Grif complained further. It was then that he turned around and took notice of all of you... and another groan escaped his lips once he did so. "Good lord... who the fuck are these assholes supposed to be?"

"I was just getting to that, numbnuts. Maybe if you'd quit complaining all the damn time, you'd have heard me when I shouted about it earlier!" Sarge shouted in response to Grif's complaining. You could all practically feel Grif's eyeroll, even under that helmet of his.


"Sarge, this better be good, because I was in the middle of watering my begonias, and you know how hard it is to grow those in these weather conditions." Another soldier said, this one clad in pink armor. He also didn't sound too enthused about these developments, and if any of you were listening, you could tell that his voice sounded oddly similar to that of the one from the musical that had played earlier.


“¿Alguno de ustedes no encuentra extraño que acabemos de obtener un excedente de nuevos reclutas con poca o ninguna advertencia del comando? Y tampoco llevan armadura.

(Don't any of you find it odd that we just got a surplus of new recruits with little to no warning from command? And they are also not even wearing armor.)"
Yet another soldier approached now, this one wearing brown armor. He spoke in an extremely monotone voice, almost like he was a robot or something.

"Lopez is right!" Sarge exclaimed as he turned to face the rest of the members of his team, which can only be assumed was Red Team. "We should greet our members with smiles and warm welcomes! So quit your bellyachin' and get to greetin'!"

"Eso no es lo que dije, maldito troglodita.

(That is not what I said, you fucking troglodyte.)"

"I know, Lopez. They can be quite the handful, can't they?"


(Bite me.)"
As he got out, looking around, he would begin to listen to the conversation of the... weird armored men before him. It was weird... who were they?? He had never seen anything like them... they kept talking about how the group were all recruits and such... They were all wearing rather bright, warm colors, he couldn't help but feel they were all on some sort of team together...

Yet another voice could be heard calling out from across the canyon, this one being in Blue armor. It seemed that they had finally arrived.


"You fucking Reds did not get that many new recruits." The man in blue armor said, which earned a groan from Sarge.

"We can, and we did! Finders keepers, losers weepers!" He replied in a mock-pouty tone, even making fake sobbing noises all the while.

"Yeah, suck it Blue! These are our guys!" Simmons retorted as he flipped the Blue Team member off.

"Like hell they fucking are! That's like sixty fucking people!"

"Yeah, and surely they'll all kick your asses! Now get outta here, we have initiation to do," Sarge said as he began trying to attempt to shoo the Blue away. However, the Blue didn't budge, and instead another Blue joined him, this one in turquoise armor.


"Who the fuck are these guys, Church?" The next member of Blue Team asked as he approached, talking to the other Blue, who was apparently named Church.

"I don't fucking know, Tucker! What... what, was my constant shouting at these dumbass Reds not enough fucking indication that I don't know who these guys are!?" Church screamed at Tucker, the newly arrived Blue.

"Okay, okay, geez... there's no need for you to be such a prick about it..." He muttered, before turning to face all of you. "Wassup, you all can call me Tucker. Unless you're a hot chick, in which case, you can call me the best action you've ever had! Bow chicka bow wow!" He exclaimed as he began... doing air thrusts with that last part. Lovely.

"Now really, really isn't the time, Tucker."


"Oh! Oh!" Another voice came, this one in blue armor as well. Some of you might have recognized it from that song that was playing in the cockpit, or those videos about friendship and financially secure housing that Doc had showed you. "Church! Church! I ate an egg, and the glass from the egg hurt my mouth, and now I think I am bleeding in my stomach."

"Caboose... how does that relate to literally anything that is going on? Like, at all?" Church asked with a sigh.

"Well... maybe these people have more eggs! And if they do, then we can feed them to the Reds, and then they will eat them and get their mouths hurt too!" Caboose, the new Blue's name, said in a very loud "whisper", despite the fact that it wasn't a whisper at all and was more of a shout than anything, and that the Reds were right there beside him.

"Jesus fucking..." Church muttered under his breath as he began to rub at his temples, despite the fact that his face was hidden underneath that helmet of his. Regardless, Church looked back up after a few moments. "Look, the point is that these aren't your fucking guys, Reds. At least, not all of them. Like... maybe half."

"And who put you in charge of this, Blue!?" Sarge asked with a snarl as he began to butt his shotgun in the air towards Church.

"Me! I did! I'm literally the fucking leader of Blue Team, dumbass!"


"Guys! Guys!" The familiar voice of Doc echoed as it exited the plane, seeming to have recovered from Kylo Ren's assault quite well. "There's no need to fight!"

"And who the fuck are you supposed to be!?" Church shouted as he turned his head to meet Doc's.

"Oh, I'm Doc! The medic of your two teams!" He cheered happily, before returning to the topic at hand. "Anyways, everyone here has nifty tags on the back of their shirts that say what team they're on! So, they're already divided up!" He said. As you all turned your shirts (or whatever you were wearing) around to get a good look, you would find that, in fact, there WERE tags on each of your individual articles of clothing or armor or whatever, which conveniently said what team you were on! However, oddly enough, some of you (solo team guys) noticed that you didn't have a tag.

"Huh... well, I guess that clears that shit up. Blue Team guys, you're with me, Tucker, and Caboose." Church said as he and the rest of his team followed him back to their base. Without much of a choice in the matter, you began to follow suit as well.

"Right... and new Red Team members, you're with me, Lopez, Simmons, and the other two!" Sarge exclaimed as he began to make his way back to his base, and much like those of you on Blue Team, you followed due to not really having a choice in the matter.

Now, that simply left you all on Solo Team, who would soon hear a strange noise from inside the plane you'd arrived on.

Which is when another armored man would shout out to the group. The ninja looked all the way across in the canyon, spotting a soldier who was wearing more of a blue color. And then a few more... He thought to himself for a few seconds, and with their use of 'Blues' and 'Reds' in their vocabulary, he finally got it; they were on some sort of opposing teams!! The ninja squinted, and watched the group of lunatical soldiers argue. Even the ones on the same team would seem to fight with each other...

It all seemed to clear up as Doc mentioned something about tags...

As you all turned your shirts (or whatever you were wearing) around to get a good look, you would find that, in fact, there WERE tags on each of your individual articles of clothing or armor or whatever, which conveniently said what team you were on! However, oddly enough, some of you (solo team guys) noticed that you didn't have a tag.

"Huh... well, I guess that clears that shit up. Blue Team guys, you're with me, Tucker, and Caboose." Church said as he and the rest of his team followed him back to their base. Without much of a choice in the matter, you began to follow suit as well.

"Right... and new Red Team members, you're with me, Lopez, Simmons, and the other two!" Sarge exclaimed as he began to make his way back to his base, and much like those of you on Blue Team, you followed due to not really having a choice in the matter.

Now, that simply left you all on Solo Team, who would soon hear a strange noise from inside the plane you'd arrived on.
The ninja would look on his own clothing, and find that there wasn't any tag there... but he saw others had tags.. what was that about... as the people with tags began walking with their respective team members, he would notice that there were a select few who also didn't go either way. He assumed they didn't have tags either... He was about to try to address the rest of them, when he noticed a weird sound coming from the ship.

"..... You all... hear that, correct...?"

He turned to the ship, the source of the sound, and without confirmation from any of the others, began walking back towards it, going inside to investigate...
As those of you on the Solo Team went to investigate the strange beeping noise inside the ship, you would find that it was coming from the projector. Once every last one of you who didn't have a tag had finally entered the ship, the door automatically closed behind you, leaving you all in pure darkness. You all couldn't see anything for a good few moments, until suddenly, the projector flashed to life on its one. It was static for a moment, but once it subsided, you found....


"Hello there." Said the.... lizard in the suit and tie, with slicked back hair.
He walked inside, and as the rest of the group did, he found they were all suddenly surrounded by darkness... until of course, a projector flickered on. The ninja stared at the figure up and down.. it was some sort of figure made of light. He had heard of things like that... but to him, figures projected from light were a thing of mythology....

"..... So... who the hell is the scaley scoundrel...."

He pointed to the figure, being the first to ask what the HELL was happening.

Mood: Intrigued, a bit worried
Health: Healthy
Actions: Investigating the ship with the rest of the solo team


Before the red-haired woman stepped off the ship with her new "Team," mainly Church, Caboose and Tucker, she observed where they'd be staying. The place was barren, with no signs of wild grass or animals to eat, but enough technology to hopefully stay alive. She'd strive to keep her own "tribe/team" mates safe.

As she walked in the base, she watched for the woman named Kassandra ( FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla ) but mainly stood near the door.

After getting a feel for the base at hand, she would walk near where Captain Falcon (@Kameron Esters)and Saburo stood.

"Saburo, who's this?" ( FactionParadox FactionParadox )

But in the back of the woman's mind, Aloy was thinking of everything back home, she had to survive this "war" if she was going to make it home.



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Lilith went inside inside the base thinking that it would be the perfect place to do all sorts of spooky shenanigans, but she was all spooked out for the day, so she decided to talk with one of the blue armored solders. "So your name is Caboose huh?" she said before giving out a small chuckle, "That's a pretty funny name."

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
"There is no need to be so crass, John." The lizard man replied as the former asked where they were. "You may call me Toffee." He then said in response to Delta's question, before furrowing his brows at the incessant ramblings of Lucky. Having to refrain from rolling his own eyes, Toffee pretty much disregarded all of his words once he was done with his rant. "Are you finished?" He asked.

After the moment of silence that followed, Toffee continued. "To answer your question, no. I am not here to murder you in cold blood. You're far too useful for that." Toffee said, before pausing and continuing shortly after. "So... I wouldn't doubt that you're all wondering why you weren't given teams, correct?" He asked. Although the question itself was clearly rhetorical, he still waited for you to answer. How polite.

P PopcornPie Birb Birb Venom Snake Venom Snake @SoloTeam

"Oh, hello there!" Caboose exclaimed as Saburo approached him, waving with childlike glee as he did so. "Are you the milk man?" He asked. He was then approached by Lilith, who told him his name was funny. "Thank you. I think that it is a very funny name too!" He said happily. After a moment, though, Caboose gasped sharply once his brain processed what exactly Lilith was. "Wait... are you the milk LADY!?"

Meanwhile, Church turned to face Pearl, who had apparently decided to question him on the base's location.

"I don't... I don't fucking know!" Church shouted angrily. "It was already like this when we got here! What do you just want me to fucking like... pick the Goddamn thing up and move it!?" Church asked, seeming pretty pissed off by Pearl's question for whatever reason.

"Come on, Church. There's no reason to be such a dick to her about it," Tucker said as he approached the two, before looking at Pearl specifically. "Besides, I'd let her move my base any day. Bow chicka bow wow!" Tucker exclaimed, while Church just sighed loudly in the background.

"Yeah, I-I guess it is strange... muscular man." Church replied to Captain Falcon half-heartedly as he listened to Tucker continue to make innuendos off to the side, clearly already worn out from today's schenanigans.

Meanwhile, as Mrytle decided to explore the base, she would be able to go to one of five places. There was Tucker's Room, Church's Room, Caboose's Room, the Armory, and the Roof.

FactionParadox FactionParadox Ferociousfeind Ferociousfeind Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials @BlueTeam

"Oh, uh, alright then. It's nice to meet you I g-- HAAAWWWWW!!!" Mid-sentence, poor Grif had already been assaulted by the newest Red Team member. He clutched his nuts and berries and whimpered lightly, before slowly falling to the ground. "W-why.... me...?" He muttered wakly.

Meanwhile, Sarge, who had noticed this extreme act of bravery, ran over to Grif and Llen, smiling at the latter with as wide a grin as he could muster from behind that helmet of his. "Great job, Private! You haven't even been here five minutes and you're already assaultin' Grif!" Sarge exclaimed happily, before sniffling slightly. "Bring's a damn tear to my eye..." After a moment of silent, proud, manly sobbing, Sarge placed a firm hand on Llen's shoulder ad shook her lightly. "Ya know what... for your extreme act of bravery here today... I'm promoting you from Private to Specialist, effective immediately!" He said, before extending an arm out to shake her hand. "Congratulations, Soldier..."

Grif simply continued crying on the ground while all this transpired.

Gundam Watcher 27 Gundam Watcher 27 @RedTeam
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"Glad someone acknowledges this fact."
He responds to Church. Captain Falcon looks to Aloy. She looks rather unkempt but she also looks like a survivor. Like a master of the wilds sort of person. He's heard stories of such people. He'll never know how people manage outside of civilization for that long, but hey, mother nature provides for her children. Falcon puts a hand on Saburo's shoulder. "It's okay, Rave" Falcon's signature smirk of confidence spreads across his face "I got this." he steps forward in front of him "You ask my name, wild one? I shall tell you my name. I am. The one. The only. CAPTAIN FALCON!" Falcon poses and his voices echoes across the canyon. Falcon straightens up "But you can call me Cap or Falcon. Whichever or"
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore FactionParadox FactionParadox darkred darkred
"'Useful', huh? Thanks...I guess..." Lucky awkwardly sat back down, resentment still bubbling inside him. "Can't wait to outlive that usefulness..." He muttered.

Once again, his thoughts drifted back to Lana. If he had usefulness to outlive, then she did, too. And Rex. And Lealan. And Benedict...okay, that wouldn't tear him up as much. "I should be with them..." "Yeah, Toffee, what the hell was the point of making us get chummy, just to make us kill each other, eh?!"

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore

He wasn't quite sure on how to respond to Caboose's statement. Giving a slightly irritated glare, he went back over to Captain Falcon.

"It's quite alright, this is quite a shock for all of us." Saburo reassured the man, patting his arm gently. He was trying to be supportive. "Well, regardless of who we are, we're in this team now. We need to stick together if we want to get back home." He added, a little surprised at Capitain Falcon's introduction, the man certainly had a flair for theatrics... "Nicely put." He stated before turning to Aloy. "His name is Captain Falcon... I think we should explore separately, see if we can't find something." The half-demon sorcerer offered, before going over to Church when they were both alone. "Can you point me in the direction of your armory? You seem to be the leader here, so I assume I take orders from you. Since my abilities aren't working, I would like some body armour like yours and a gun if I'm going to fight. Also, can you put me on your duty roster so I at least know what you want me to do..." Saburo inquired, standing up straight. He wasn't remotely built for war, he was pretty skinny and not very muscular, he had some tone but not much. If they were going to be forced to play at soldiers, might as well play to the best of his ability. "Couldn't you have cleaned this place up, it's disgusting..." His nose wrinkled as he looked around the base, his slight germophobia was being set off. It wasn't particularly severe, but a bad infection when he was younger made him hygiene conscious. Besides, he wanted to be doing something, anything. The bespectacled 19 year old wanted time to think, to process everything and hopefully he would able to be alone and allow him to snoop around the base.

darkred darkred thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore


Entering the base, the scout began looking around. It's primary objective now was to obtain a functional weapon again, the Dalek needed a weapon of some sort. Without it, the alien felt very threatened and... insecure. It did not feel fear as normal humans would understand the concept, the closest thing it had to that emotion was it's all-encompassing xenophobia. Leaving the group without a word, the Dalek began exploring the Red Base and saw the armory. The weapons were designed for humanoids to use, until the eyestalk stopped swivelling. One of the guns had been adapted, it lacked a trigger mechanism and the stock had been altered. Grabbing the adapted assault rifle with the manipulator arm, it swivelled the weapon and place it's gunstick into the port until it clicked, clamps went down into the gaps between the bars surrounding the gunsticks. The option to fire it's weapon illuminated on the control screen for the mutant, which turned it's midsection around to face a humanoid target. "Exterminate!" It shrieked, firing the weapon. Instead of a bullet, a sizzling white bolt of plasma erupted from the barrel of the gun and hit the target, causing a burn mark on the armour. It had punctured through. Firing repeatedly, the Dalek assessed the damage.

"Satisfactory. Partial firepower restored." It barked, returning to the group and being careful not to aim at the other members of Red Team. When it did so, the option to fire deactivated again. It was evident that whatever or whoever had adapted the gun for it's usage would only allow it to fire on certain targets. Secondary Objective was now activated. Access satellite communication protocols of either base to contact the Dalek Fleet orbiting the planet Spiridon. Approaching Sarge, it looked at him with it's blue eyestalk. "You will state the purpose of our mission." 7570 Gamma barked the order at Sarge, having little regard for the chain of command when it came to lesser species.
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Celty stared blankly at the lizard man—or at least, as blankly as one could manage with a motorcycle helmet in place of a head. That is to say, very much so. A question was asked, and the dullahan gave a sharp nod. If it was just a matter of killing the other team and surviving, well, as much of a pacifist as she was, she has resorted to violence before. The thing is, it seemed that that wasn't her purpose here. So what was it?

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
Odessa walked around the Red Base, taking it all in. The events following their arrival were rather hazy and she couldn’t quite remember how she got here. She does remember being on a plane, chatting with some people. But enough of that. The first thing she did was look for an armory. She needed a weapon.

She also stirred clear of the rest of Red Team. But that didn’t stop them from interacting with her.

Open for interaction.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore

Suddenly the aircraft we were transported in reached its destination and we all stepped out. I shielded my eyes from the sun for a second as I stepped out letting my eyes adjust to the new surroundings. It was pretty barren and looked kinda boring, but I guess it did sorta look like a war field. Soon, more men clad in colored armor appeared and it turned out that we would be joining one of the colored teams. A tag that I had just now noticed said the word red, so I assumed that red was my team. I smiled and looked over to Lucky to see if we were on the same team, but it didn’t even seem like he was on a team. I tired to go talk to him, but I was lead off to the Red base and had to leave Lucky behind. I was pretty distraught about it, but I knew I’d see him again sometime, so I just put on a smile for now.

P PopcornPie thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
Lealan was quiet as tje others talked, and when Toffee stared at them in silence, it took her a bit to realize he was waiting for a response. "Oh. Im not used to being interacted with. Just told who to kill. So what do you want with us? To perpetuate an endless stalemate as this bloodfued continues for all eternity? To slowly sabatoge the efforts of the two teams as we pretend to be their friends but inevitably betray them? A massive dance party?"
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore P PopcornPie

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