Off to a Better Place

This roleplay is part of the Chronology Series.
Please see our Discord Server for OOC Chat and further info.

You wake up on what looks like a military aircraft. The last thing you remember is growing unbearably tired before passing out, with no recollection of how you got here. Any weapons you had on you are gone, and any powers you may have possessed seem to be absent as well. As you come to, a man appears on a projection screen and sums up your situation.

“Yoyoyo dudes, dudettes, and dudeorinos! It's me, Vic, your local guideorino and best friendo! You lucky dudes and dudettes have been recruited to join the Red and Blue teams at Blood Gulch Outpost Alpha. Now don't you worry your pretty little faces, ‘cuz it ain't that hard, my homies. All you gotta do is kill the enemy!”
As the video shuts off and you land in wherever this "Blood Gulch Outpost Alpha" is, you encounter what are perhaps the two most dysfunctional teams in the galaxy:
The Red Team

The Blue Team

Just what have you gotten yourself into?

1. Naturally, all of RPNations rules apply here.
2. Please be respectful of me, the gm. As gms, my word is law. If I feel the need to remove you from my rp for whatever reason, I will not hesitate to do so. That being said, I’m sure that it won’t come to that! If you feel the need to ask about something, feel free to do so!
3. No OOC talk in the IC, please. A Discord has been made for this rp as well as an OOC chat here on the site which will be made for OOC chatter, so please keep it out of the rp!
4. That being said, please no OOC drama in the rp. If you have an issue with someone, please take it to pms and discuss it in a civil manner.
5. However, if I find out anyone is bullying/harassing someone in my rp, I will not hesitate to remove you from my rp. We’re all here to have fun, guys.
6. This should be a given, but no godmodding/meta-gaming!
7. Players of all posting types welcome! Whether you’re a one-liner, para, multi-para, novella, first person, third person, or second person rper, you’re more than welcome to post here! That being said, please no text speak in your posts (“u” instead of “you”, etc.) and please try and be as grammatically correct as possible! I understand a few mistakes here and there, but please at least put some effort into your posting.
8. Duos (two characters per player) will be allowed, but they are limited to ten.
9. Please post at least once per chapter! Chapters will be updated every week-few weeks depending on how smoothly things go. If something comes up, dm me personally either on here or on Discord so we can work something out. Your character will be removed from the rp if inactive for extended periods of time.
10. A bit cliche, but have fun!

This roleplay will focus heavily on a Team mechanic. Essentially, you will have the opportunity to join either the RED or BLUE Teams! The team you choose will heavily influence what you do throughout the rp, and while everyone more or less ends up in the same place, the objectives for your team each chapter will be radically different! The Red Team tends to go on more abrasive, offensive missions, while the Blue team tends to have more tactical, sneaky objective. So choose whichever fits your character best! Alternatively, you can go Solo! The solo team will play a major role later in the rp, and will act as hired mercenaries for either the Red or Blue teams each chapter. However, the solo team comes with one rule, which will be revealed later in the rp:
You MUST play a character who acts as a mercenary or hired assassin if you choose this! Think along the lines of Deathstroke or Boba Fett. Solo Team will be added to a group DM on Discord if you choose this team (or on RPNation if you REALLY don't wanna use Discord) so I can discuss your role in the plot. However, make sure that you have decided for sure which team you want by the time the thread goes up, because once it goes up, your team will be locked in place and you won't be able to switch! Also, due to the nature of the Solo team, it will have a smaller player cap than the Red and Blue Teams, so make sure you nab a spot before they're all gone!
RED: 20/20 FULL!
BLUE: 19/20
SOLO: 14/15

Appearance: Self-explanatory. Just a picture is fine.
Name: What is your character's name? Do they generally go by an alias / nickname?
Age: Chronologically, how old is your character?
Canon: What does your character originate from? If your character is an OC, just say "OC". If your character is an OC specifically from an established canon, put the name of the canon and "OC" next to it.
Powers / Abilities / Equipment: What is your character capable of, and if they have notable items they carry around, like weapons, is there anything special about them? While I’ll be lenient with what to nerf and what not to, naturally, you know the drill. In any case, even just a Wiki link is fine.
Personality: What does your character act like, typically? Again, just a Wiki link is acceptable.
Short Bio: What is your character's backstory in a nutshell leading up to how they came to come here? Once again, pretty much just a Wiki link is acceptable.
Team: What team will your character be on?
Other Info: Optional. Just basically any extra info you feel is necessary that the GM should know about.

P PopcornPie as Lucky (Whacked!) [Solo Team]

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