Blood & Feathers [Inactive]

Delany woke and immediately shook the fog from her mind. She rolled to a crouch and placed her hands around the hilts of her sword and dagger as she took a quick, mental survey of her surroundings.

Some of the others from the journey to Heaven's Rest were arrayed around in a haphazard fashion, all in different stages of waking. Few were standing but others were still in their repose. Delany saw no obvious, immediate threat so she relaxed her stance and stood fully.

She looked for the pompous man who had claimed himself of the house Varkon as he appeared to be one who had more knowledge of worldly events than Delany had. She spied him against the backdrop of the myriad of lights of the town splayed across the near horizon. She casually approached him as she raked her luscious red hair back out of her face.

Delany stopped nearby, cocked her hip to one side and place her hand upon it. "So," she said with a wry smile and green eyes that danced with mirth in the starlight, "do you want to wake the rest of this lot, or shall I do it?"
As he stared upon the village of Silvond, Kassiel thought intensely about their next moves. The moon was now a full one, unlike the one when he was taken from his chambers in Eagle's Crest. That means that they were gone from their former lives for at least a day. This could've been the day of his wedding, where he must've married lady Jezebel Harl and consolidate a long lasting alliance with House Harl. But that was in the past now, as they had their future cut out for them. If they did not do their best to accomplish their mission, they were going to die. More than likely, his absence would be noticed and the entire capital would be under heavy searching by the Royal Guard, in charge with keeping the order inside the grand city. If he wished to remain on the course set for them, he must avoid future meetings with Royal Guards patrols, as they would soon realise he was not in the city and therefore put a searching warrant for him.

His long, raven black hair was waveing in the chilly night breeze as he stood atop the hill, gazing down on their goal, when a voice that cooed behind him made him turn around, only to see yet another beautiful woman of the same race as him approach him, asking slyly whether he would like to proceed with forcingly waking up the others. Kassiel took a quick glance over the few that were awoken and those who yet dormitated, taking a minute to think. "Leave them as they are. We do not understand the magic behind the way we were beamed away from wherever we were, so waking them up prematurely may affect their mental condition in ways we cannot even imagine. Best to leave them to wake on their own for now." was all he said regarding the matter, before taking a hand to his chin, rubbing it softly. Stubble had begun to form on his face, which would be benefical as it could hide his identity. He also deemed it necessary to cut his hair sooner or later, for he was literally the only Lord in Eagle's Crest who had long hair. Kassiel loathed looking just like everyone else, but he had no choice. His life was no longer his, he now lived for his duty as a Guardian. The past was dead, erased, the future yet to be written and the present somewhat confusing.

"We should make camp here and wait for the others to wait, although the cover of the night would've been perfect for us to take a good look around the town to see what we are dealing with. Alas, it matters not anymore, we have our priorities. But excuse me, madam, I seem to have forgotten my manners while being teleported from place to place. My name is Lo-" Kassiel stopped for a second, remembering that he no longer was a simple Lord, rendering the title useless in introducing himself. "Kassiel. My name is Kassiel. At your service." he ended properly with a short bow, his hand placed on his chest in a gentleman salute.
Teka finally slowly woke up, pushing himself up from the ground with his hands, one holding his bow to prop himself up. "A-Again...?" He thought to himself, rubbing his forehead as it still ached for a bit before stopping, maybe he hit the floor too fast? Anyways, back to the main problem. "Where are we....?" He asked to no person in particular, looking around until he saw a village. He slowly stood up to get a better view with his keen eyes, which are known for seeing far distance and with great details, mostly like his father's.
Faeliel heard the sound of chattering coming from not far from where she was swinging her hadhafangs. She stopped and placed them on her belt, latching them on so as not for them to fall off. Walking for not more than twenty steps, she saw an Uman male and female conversing with each other against the village's soft glow. She carefully approached them, so as not to startle the two, passing by the other sleeping bodies around her.

"G-greetings." She called out to the two, playing with her skirt while looking at them. "I'm F-Faeliel Naryamae of.. Hordramas." She added, with a slight bow to the two. She looked to the male and examined his features, square face, eyes that held confidence in them and his long black hair. 'He looks like royalty from his outfit..' She thought to herself. Her gazed wandered back to the Uman female, with her beautiful red hair and emerald green eyes, to Fae, she was beautiful, even for an Uman.

She quietly waited for their response, knowing her presence is not known to the others.
Delany regarded the nervous, young elfess who had approached. She raked her hair back from her face and casually crossed her arms.

"Hello, Faeliel," Delany replied as she worked out the pronunciation of the girl's name. "I'm Delany." She added with a pleasant smile, "Seeing as we're all in this thing together, why not come over here and join us?"
Val could hear one of the Fae's and Umans introducing themselves. He walked over to them but at a slow speed as to not startle them. He reached them, hovering a good 6 or 7 inches over both of them since he was a fully aged male dragon. My name is Valynx of Kanub' Ol, nice to meet you all. I have never seen this many races in one area. It's a pleasure though, sorry for my temper back at the temple. Val walked closer to them to greet the rest of the group that was awake.
Rusar saw more of the the other people around starting to wake up and converse. She was hesitant to go over and join the group but they were supposed to work together in order to find the scrolls so learning about each other might help them complete their task. She sighed softly before pushing her self to her feet brushing the hair from her face. She approached the small group of those who were awake, "uh... Hello." She greeted feeling a bit awkward.
Tamur stood and walked over to stand next to the other dragon, only slightly shorter than him. He nodded to the others and introduced himself. "My name is Tamur." He comitted the names of the others to memory, making sure to link the name with the faces. He was unsure what they were to do next, but decided he'd just follow the others until a time came that he needed to go against the grain.
Thova’s deep jade eyes slowly opened, previously blanketed by a familiar darkness that took her the first time before they had been taken to that heavenly sanctuary of the Firsts. But looking up now, it was nothing but an empty sky, stars glinting brightly as hints of clouds drew shadows over the brightly lit sky. She had been asleep outside of her family’s forge? No…no she was inside her home in her own bed. Perhaps it was just another dream… Her hands pawed at the ground to feel grass, her brow furrowing as she ran her fingers along the freshly fallen dew. No…no this wasn’t right…this wasn’t right at all. Thova quickly sat up to discover that she was in the middle of a large field, nothing to be seen for miles other than rolling hills. Catching something from the corner of her eye, Thova gasped to see none other than the other companions in her dream, looking down to the ground beside her to see a long golden spear, crafted with the finest of metals with intricate designs all along the shaft, little tufts of fine silk at the end. Now she remembered…there was the forger, Mhulnjr the Forgekiller, who had crafted everyone sleeping around her a personalized item for their journey. Looking down at her reflection off of the spear’s blade, Thova touched the branding on her neck…it was real…all of it was real.

She had noticed the uman, Kassiel, had awoken before her, taking notice to a village in the distance before pushing herself up to stand and stretch her legs. Slowly, one by one, others from the group started to wake up and come to their senses, making Thova start to draw herself closer to the bunch. Listening to each person introduce themselves, Thova bowed deeply as well in greeting.

“I am Thova Aztul of Ghal Basob, blacksmith and last of kin to the Aztul Clan,” introduced Thova a little grimly, straightening herself up to wait for others to speak.

(( OOC: Sorry that took so long you guys :( Have my internship taking up a majority of my day along with other stuff at home ))
Nymira's eyes snapped open, then narrowed with confusion as she found herself beneath the open sky. She frantically sat up, pulling her hood over her head to hide her face from the moon's rays and obscure herself into shadows. She was too vulnerable in the open. Archers could surprise her. She slowly reached for the bow she carried, but found a new one instead. Memories flooded back to her and her defensive stance relaxed some. A small sigh of relief escaped from her lips and she lifted to find the others around her, some still asleep, but many awake and introducing themselves. She replaced the new bow on her back, her fingers brushing the pouch that held her newly forged throwing knives. She slowly withdrew her hood, her black wavy hair spilling around her shoulders. Slowly, Nymira stood and approached the group, eyeing each one in turn, sizing them up.

"Nymira," She said simply in her soft tone, adding to the names floating around.
As Kassiel gazed among his new companions that just awoke, he learned each of their names, as they presented themselves one at a time. A lot of Elves, he noticed. "Well, it is an honor meeting you all. My name is Kassiel!" he spoke, again with the intention of preserving his real identity for the moment. "Well, it seems our objective lies in the village beyond. We might as well get a move on, while the night is still young." he suggested. He certainly did not want to be the leader of this group, but he did want to get out of this clearing, where they could be easily attacked by any monster or bandit. Now that they were all awake, they could've easily deployed to the village, seeing as they had no materials required to camp there.

As he started his trekk, he glanced backwards once to see if he was followed. He gripped the handle of his sword as his eyes pierced the night to gaze upon his allies. He certainly hoped they wouldn't look to him for leadership, as he had no idea what they were supposed to do. He was now a Guardian, which made everything clearer. His superior abilities, his smarts and all his skills were the result of a holy enhancement. But he was no fool. He knew that those enhancement would've meant nothing if not being paired with the long years of intense trainning and discipline he had received back in Eagle's Crest.

Not too long after, they finally reached the entrance, where the young Lord stopped and gazed upon the silent village. No dog in the muddy streets to bark at their presence. It seemed like it rained not too long ago. "So, my companions," he spoke again in a low-toned voice, but hearable enough "what do you all suggest we do?". He inquired their opinion as to not seem like he was supposed to be their guide through this quest. He knew his greatest flaw was his leadership ability, the main reason he preferred mostly the roles of a soldier, fighting, over the role of a strategian, plotting tactics and the like.
Thova groaned to a sore back and neck, rubbing the small of her back deeply before massaging the muscles on her neck as she followed the uman Kassiel's lead towards the village in the distance. She found it a little odd that there seemed to be nothing in the open field they woke up in. There were no owls hooting into the night, no rustling of twigs from animals moving along the brush, no people walking around in the village in the distance. Everything was still...and unsettling for Thova. She looked up to notice Kassiel glancing back at all of them, saying nothing as she simply nodded her head to him to tell the uman she was right behind him.

Reaching the entrance of the silent village, Thova frowned as she started to walk to the forge of the local blacksmith, her strong hand touching the hearth as she glanced back to the rest of the group. "This forge is as cold as it has not been used for many nights. A blacksmith never lets the fire go out... I do not like this place and the fact there does not seem to be a trace of anyone that lived in this village makes it all the more unsettling. We should tread with great care, Kassiel," warned Thova seriously.

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