Blood & Feathers [Inactive]


The Tale Weaver
Ayl submitted a new role play:

Blood & Feathers - The fate of the entire world of Yorn lies on the shoulders of a handful of heroes. Will they succed?

Blood & Feathers

Long ago, there was nothingness. Pure darkness with no creation to roam it’s existence, but the mighty Architect. The Architect was a being of tremendous power, able of creating life from...
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Kanub'Ol is the capital of the once mighty dragon race. They used to dominate the sky's with their wings but we're brought back down to the ground by the Fae. The city has many shops selling their goods from homemade swords and weapons to simple home goods. Near the center of the city was the shrine to the goddess and creator of the dragon race, Tadinna. Val was preying to the goddess and reciting holy scriptures from the ancient text. Val finished his evening prayers. Now that is done with, time for me to get ready for the daily prayer tomorrow . Val was a man of simple means and had few valuables including a handmade pair of swords for protection and he always carried a book with all of his holy scriptures in his pack.

"Time for me to get some rest for tomorrow." Val headed to his simple cot in the back of the shrine with his scriptures on his back. Then all of sudden he was getting some bad headache. Val lied down to see if that would get rid of it. A few minutes later he fell asleep but then he opened his eyes to see nothing but pitch black around him. He was lying in a bed that wasn't his. He saw other beds with people in them, he didn't know any of them. He checked his back to see if his scriptures were there and they were. Val saw nothing but darkness so he decided to stay where he was to not cause any more problems.

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All was calm and peaceful in the city of Ordassil. The setting sun cast the city in a golden glow with last fading light of day. Many of the students wandered their way to their dorms after along day of study and practice. Some made plans to spend the evening relaxing and enjoying the night and all of its blessings. Other had plans of a different kind. Rusar saw no need to socialize with the other students, not when there was spells to be learned and targets to shoot. The elven mage had woken up early to visit the targeting rage to her skills with a bow in check. Then spent the whole day with books and scrolls tucked away in the library of the College trying to see what new secrets there were to learn. Shed been studying for nearly six decades but there was always more to learn.

Rusar had stumbled across some variations on spells she new and had lost track of the time with in the quiet halls of books her only sign that night had come was the tired stinging of her eyes from reading all day. "just a few more pages" she told her self with a yawned. She uncurled her legs from under her and took a moment to stretch a few of her vertebrae popping back in to place as she did. She glanced out the window seeing the moon cast its light upon the floating city and smiled slightly. She enjoyed her time in the school immensely, more than she expect when her mother sent her away to study. She rested against the plush high backed chair several more books on the floor at her feet.

With all the time she spent in the library it was a wonder why she had a dorm at all. She brought the old leather bond book up from her lap to continue reading it but she could feel a strange pulling sensation on her body and mind. Rusar tried to move in order to see what it could be but her body didn't respond as she wanted. Her vision started to fade but it didn't feel like normal sleep. It felt as if some strange force was trying to take over her. Rusar panicked slightly and tried to will herself more awake but the pull was stronger. A haze over took her mind and vision slowly taking over until she lost consciousness all together.

When next Rusar felt her self starting to wake up she was also dizzy and disoriented. She shifted slightly finding her self laying down as opposed to curled up in a chair. She briefly wondering if she had simply fallen out of the chair until she realized what she was laying on was soft like a bed. She didn't remember going to her room or even leaving the library. Panic shot through her once more but she didn't move. She listened instead hearing the sound of some movement and a mans voice mutter something she couldn't quite make out. She opened her eyes slightly finding it to be extremely dark. She shifted as silently as she could in the bed sitting up still finding it difficult to see but was slowly adjusting to the dark, enough to make out two figures and several beds. Rusar was tempted to summon a light spell but didn't want to risk being attacked.

Teka is currently on a hunting trip with his father, who is a famous hunter in his town - Elluel. His father is tracking down a deer and is hiding in a bush. He aimed at the deer carefully with his black trusty crossbow and fired. The arrow hit the deer and the deer died instantly. "Seems I got right in the heart. Let's go back, kiddo." Teka's father said, signaling him to come as he walked out. Teka nodded and walked out with him to the deer and Teka picked it up before heading back to town.

When they are in town, Teka and his father sold the deer for some money and they headed off to buy some food in the market. A while later, as the sun started to set down, Teka and his after brought back the food and started to cook and then they and his mother along with his younger brother started to eat. After he had finished his meal, Teka stood up and yawned before heading to bed, feeling strangely sleepy today. "I must be just tired after the trip." He thought to himself before his head started to ache, making him to feel dizzy. Eventually, he gave up and fell onto his bed, passing out.

A few days later as Teka thought so is actually a few hours later, Teka woke up on a bed. The place is pitch black, preventing Teka from knowing where is he but he is sure he is not alone. There is breathing besides his. He wanted to get up and wander around, trying to see if he is right but he decided to stay down. A dark place is not a good place to move as his father taught.

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Kvothe was in the Ordassil Academy sitting rather bored on his bed in the dorm. He had been confined to his room as someone was gettting on his nerves and teachers don't seem to appreciate taking the 'Liar liar pants on fire' jibe literally.

So to pass the time Kvothe had one hand resting his chin with the elbow on his leg while the other hand had a spinning ball of fire which he had concentrated into a small spot. It was an exercise to help him control his fire, trying to maintain the fire as a perfect sphere while it span at high revolutions. This went on for a while, until something was bugging Kvothe. He was starting to get a headache, so Kvothe clapped his hands together, making the ball of fire dissipate rather fashionably. He then felt really sore at his...back? This was odd, he wasn't going to sprout wings again last time he checked nor did he have spinal problems. The dull ache spread throughout his body.

"Urgh, I better get some sleep and wear it off." He fell asleep a quicker than expected though.

When Kvothe woke up, he was on a bed in a cold room. "In the name of the Architect, Jack, what the hell is this fo-...?" When Kvothe openend his eyes he was in pitch black darkness. He looked around, rather confused at the situation. He didn't panic though, that usually led to problems. Instead Kvothe sat up on his bed and waited for the commotion to come to him.
"Ah, back at last," sighed Kael, as he and some of his brethren arrived at Hordramas. He had been away for a long time, some 75 years, and was glad to be back. He took note of the beautiful architecture of the city as he arrived, something he had missed as a child. The city was build into the Forrest, and trees extended all around him, complemented well by the green-tinted buildings of the city. He first passed through the poorer common district, where the buildings were literally built into large trees. The children ran around in the street, playing games, and the merchants were pedaling their wares. A hunter had an elk thrown over his shoulder and some kids, presumably his, crowded around him as he returned home. He couldn't help but feel a tinge of guilt as he passed through these areas, though fairly prosperous compared to the poor districts of other towns, still had very little compared to the nobles that lived more towards the center of the city. He couldn't stay sad for long however, as the wealthy areas of the city were simply beautiful. Grand towers extended to the tops of the trees, and they all shone with a green tint, representing the elves' bond with nature. He passed by the Artisan quarter, taking in the beauty of the artwork, pottery, and intricate carvings. As usual, this area was the largest hotspot for travelers, and he caught sight of a group of umans and even the occasional dwarf. As he and those traveling made their way through the city, they were surrounded by people celebrating their arrival, children ran up and asked for magic tricks, which he politely declined. It was all very happy, which was rather unsettling to Kael, as he had returned due to the death of his father. To be honest though, his father had not been a very good man. He was constantly off managing the country, so Kael had not seen him often, he provided for his family well with large sums of cash, but had failed at being an actual father. Kael was additionally sore because news of the death had reached him just days before his Archmage exam.

His destination happened to be a large house build into the side of a giant tree, the manor of the Shadeleaves, his family. As he stepped through the large double-doors he hear a voice shout.

"Kaeeeeeel!!!" a girl shouted, and ran toward him, embracing him in a hug. "Yes, dear sister Eliza, it is I, returning to you, not as a puny adolescent, but as a high mage of the High-College of Arcana!" Eliza was rather tall, having grown to a fairly large height for elves, so it was a bit awkward for Kael to hug her, as she stood above him, despite being just 80 years. "She should best be looking for a husband soon, preferably one of financial power," he though to himself. She was fairly good looking, certainly not ugly, but not amazingly beautiful either, and she was from a wealthy enough family that she wouldn't have too much difficulty finding a Nobleman or successful merchant to wed.

"Can you show me some of this great magic you're boasting about so boisterously?" his sister asked.

"Why certainly," he proudly stated, "be prepared to be amazed, as you witness a magical feat unlike any other!" He invoked the fire elements to create a small flame in his hand.

"Oh please, that's child's play," his sister replied, "you used to do that for us when you had just discovered your magical capabilities."

Kael thought back to when he would create fire to impress his family and friends. Back then it had left him very tired and depleted for about an hour afterward, but now he didn't feel much of anything. He had been so young and naive back then.

Ugh... his past, he was being forced to travel down a road he did not want to travel, one that lead only to pain and horrors.

"Is something the matter?" asked his sister, still standing in front of him as he contemplated this.

"No, no, just thinking of a wondrous magical feat to leave you in shock," he fibbed, "shall I burn the house down next?"

"Please save the fire for the cremation of your father," a new voice stated.

"Mother..." Kael said while turning to the left to face his mother.

"Welcome back Kael," she said weakly, "I'm sorry, I'm in no mood to celebrate right now," she said sadly.

"It's alright mother, I'm sure father's death has taken a tole on all of us," he stated as his sister rolled her eyes. She had been particularly bitter about his father's distance, something that must have been amplified while he was off studying.

"Anyway," his mother stated bluntly, "I still have work to do to make the preparations for the funeral, so please avoid destroying anything or making too much noise in your time here."

Kael had only just arrived, and he was already tired of the place. His sister's happy demeanor, and his mother's dreary mood had both annoyed him more than he would have thought.

"Well, I figure I'll go take a look at the artwork in the Artisan Quarter, maybe buy a piece," he said, though this was more of an excuse to leave the emotionally conflicted house.

He quickly excited and headed over toward where the artists were crafting their work, but found his legs taking him into another direction, into the forest. As he left Hordramas and entered the trees, he felt a calm wash over him. The life of a high wizard at the college was a very busy one, without much time for solitude. As he walked, he thought he spied something moving among the trees. It was likely an Ent, silently watching him as he walked through the forest. This unerved him quite a bit, and he began nervously looking around him as he walked. Suddenly, he stepped into air, and began falling. He saw water below him, as he fell, and braced for impact. He hit the surface with a resounding clap, and felt great pain in his right side as he submerged into the river. All of a sudden, he was moving downstream, still underwater, being pulled in every direction by the current as he attempted to find his way up. He was running out of oxygen as he tumbled around in the water and slowly felt a darkness wash over him as he blacked out.

He was frantically running down a hallway. He had pursuers fairly close behind him, as was scrambling to get away. "We know where you are little f**ker, there's no use running away!" a voice shouted. "If you think you can just leave like that, you're mortally wrong!" another voice yelled. "Maybe he'll be the next "test subject,"" a third voice rasped.

They were gaining.

He was too tired to keep running.

He stood still and waited for the end to come.

What would happen to him?

If he was lucky, he would just die right there.

But he didn't want to die.

He wanted to live.

His pursuers caught up to him and he closed his eyes, preparing himself for the horrors that would follow, but something unusual happened. They ran right by him, still shouting their taunts and threats to the empty air in front of him.

He breathed a sigh of relief, and then immediately collapsed due to fatigue.

When he woke up again, he was in an unfamiliar bed in a darkened room. His immediate thought was to create a light, but he heard many breaths around him. Were they friend or foe? He had no idea. But who was he kidding, he was a high-wizard, very few could stand up to him. Into the darkness he announced, "Who goes there, be you friend or foe? It is I, esteemed high-wizard Kael Shadeleaf!" With that, he lit up a fire in his palm and revealed the room and those around him.
The shadows engulfed her like a cloak, protecting Nymira as she patrolled the richer district of Eagle's Crest like a cat searching for a mouse. Her target, a pompous noble and a miserable excuse for a man, sauntered by and she seized the opportunity to relieve him of his money purse. Nymira flicked her hair out of her face with a self-satisfied tilt of her head and moved toward the poorer side of town. Once she was safely concealed in a temporary safehouse, the ruins of a home, she straightened from the crouch she had moved in and rifled through the purse. She emptied the gold into her hand and discarded of the purse, in case it would be recognized. After depositing a few coins into a hidden pocket on her corset, she again retreated to the shadows to surprise a family with an increase of wealth.

The return to her safehouse had been a long one for a strange feeling plagued her, and she had walked in circles just to ensure no one was following her. Though the thought that someone could track the great Nightmare was laughable, she could not shake the unease she felt and thus provided herself with extra reassurance. As she crossed the threshold of the decrepit home, a sudden fatigue overpowered her and gave her a headache as she tried in vain to fight it. She half-staggered to the darkest corner and slumped against the wall, leaning her head against the crude brick. She took a deep breath, crossed her legs to better prop herself up, and closed her eyes, letting her hood fall in front of her face and conceal her in the dark.

At first, she thought she had fallen from her sitting position, but that was neigh impossible. She was a light sleeper and always slept sitting, so the instant she would have felt herself falling was the instant she would wake up. No, this was different. She was no longer in the ruins. She was in... a bad of some kind... In a room with other living things, as she could discern by the breathing she heard. Then, the others began to stir and she guessed they were not mere animals, but intelligent creatures as they started to react. One swore to a deity, one cursed and whined, and another, while inquiring of everyone, boosted conceitedly of his position.

Nymira shook her head at the fools and silently slithered to the floor and underneath the bed to hide. A light erupted and she silently cursed the fool who had created it. She was not going to allow them to get her killed by revealing her position in the dark. However, as she peaked out from beneath the shadows of beneath the bed, she found no real threat. Besides magic, there were no weapons to be seen. As a rather regrettably late reaction, she checked to see if she possessed her own weapons, but found none.

The situation was getting worse and worse. She was unprotected and could easily be killed now, especially if she was overwhelmed by the numbers. However, they seemed as clueless as she was. So, after a deep breath, she slid out from beneath the bed and materialized behind the mage that had provided the fire. She gently grabbed his wrist and shook her head slowly, maintaining eye contact.

"You don't know who might see," She said in a hoarse whisper that suggested it was not used often.

Kassiel could hear more activity near him, a sign that the others, whoever they were, were waking up, probably caught in a magic sleep as he did. Suddenly a light went on to his far right.

"Who goes there, be you friend or foe? It is I, esteemed high-wizard Kael Shadeleaf!"

"A mage? Here? Just what in the name of the First is going on here?" the thought echoed through his mind. "Should I respond? Might he be dangerous? No, he's probably been...abducted same as me and these others. 'Kael Shadeleaf' did he say? An elf? This situation is getting stranger and stranger by the minute! I should try and solve this mistery"

Kassiel could not hold his curiosity anymore. He was never one for overthinking, and rather rely on his gut more than anything. "I am Kassiel Varkon, Lord of House Varkon of Eagle's Cr-". But before Kassiel could finish his sentence, the room echoed with the sound of hands clapping. The sound became more and more vivid as it seemed to get closer and closer.

"Awake so soon? My, it seems we have ourselves some lively ones this time! Good, you will need it in the coming events, for none other than you can save us now.". The voice felt strong, yet sensible, not that of a madman or a band of kidnappers, but of a scholar, a man with an appreciable amount of elegance. A snap was the last sound any of them heard before the room bloomed alight with fires sprouting out of torche cones that where hanging from each side of the wall. Only now could the people in it see clearly, how big exactly the room was. And what a sight it was!

Golden gigantique statues were addorning the room, eight of them in total, each representing a person. Two of them would be of women, while the other of men. Kassiel recognised the one that depicted Kirsk, the Divine himself, patron of Umans. He had also recongnised the others as well. Andoras, Sagae, Tardinna, Thoran, Melonel and Morhan. The First themselves stared at them from behind jewel eyes. Kassiel suddenly felt weak, small and insignificant as he gazed upon the eight statue, which was practically throning the entire room. Although the biggest, this one stood out not only because of it's size, but also because of it's color. While the other statues were made of gold and were colored a shining yellow, this one was made of silver, with tones of black. It's eyes were two sapphires, glaring upon the room, dominating it. Slowly, the heir of the House Varkon stood up from his bed as his jaw was dropped in awe as he figured out where they were.

"Marvelous, isn't it?" said the voice once again with glee in his voice as he watched the just awoken ones staring at the room they were in and the statues that were in it. "I presume most of you already know where you are, but let me be a good host and say it anyway!" he continued, as Kassiel's skin started vibrating at the anticipation of the confirmation of his whereabouts. He stil couldn't believe he was there afterall.

"WELCOME,GUARDIANS," the voice thundered "TO HEAVEN'S REST, HOME OF THE GODS OF YORN!" . Kassiel turned towards where the voice's source, and he saw what he recognised immediatly of being one of the Morgows. The Children of the First. He was tall, though not as tall as the First were described in every story he'd hear about them. His hair was long, let down to his waist, as dark as a raven's feather. His robe was a joyful combination of spring colors that seemed to forever dance around him, never standing still one moment, mesmerizing even. Shaking his head to regain his focus, once again out of habbit reaching for where his sword would be but instead hitting the air, Kassiel stood there, frozen, not knowing what to do or say. He stood before a God. A lesser one to be honest, but a God nonetheless.

Again the voice was heard, yet the man's lips did not move. "Do not fear, young Uman, for I shan't harm either of you. On the contrary, I need your help desperately. We need your help desperately!" . The accent falling on "We" did not reassure the young Lord, yet instead, made him even more warier. He looked around, taking advantage of the light to study the others who were but earlier unseenable to hi. "Elves, fae, umans, dwarves...orcs, dragons and ogres?!". All gathered together, though some still in their deep slumbers. Now Kassiel finally realised that they were indeed kidnapped, but apparently for other reasons that petty ransoms.

Rusar watches as other awoke from their slumber all just as confused as she was apparently. She heard one speak up breaking the odd tension that filled the air, introducing himself as a High Wizard. "Someone who studies magic as well?" She thought to her self only vaguely recognizing the name. She looked over as he sparked up a flame shedding some light in the pitch black room. She took advantage of the light to get a better view of where they were but was only able to make out a few glints of reflected light. She shifted slightly to introduce herself as well to the fellow wizard when someone came up behind him warning of some danger. She wondered how many other had been brought here and what the reason was? She didn't have much importance politically or some great wealth. The presence of another mage might suggest that someone perhaps wanted magic? She doubted that reason due to the fact that it would take a special kind of magic she didn't even know to fairy away a group so large.

"Awake so soon?"

Rusar jumped slightly hearing the strong voice made loud by the silence the preceded it. She winced as light flooded the room revealing the truth to where they had been taken too. She blinked a few times her eyes adjusting to the light. She looked upon the golden statues of the gods in awe not even the statues which oversaw Ordassil could compare. She was lost in her awe until the mention of guardians drew her attention. She shifted her gaze to the supposed kidnapper recognizing as being one of the Morgows. "Guardians?" She muttered softly to herself remembering back to her studies, things starting to make more sense. She rose from the bed grateful she wasn't in her night dress since there were quite a few males around. She chanced a glance around the room seeing other of varying race present as well some who still bared grudges against one another. Thankfully most were still asleep.
Kvothe raised his hand. Magic shows were nothing new to him, mages loved showing off. He wore a cold impassive face that betrayed no emotion. If there was someone who needed to keep emotions in check, it was him.

"Praising our apparent greatness is nice, but care explaining why we were dragged out of our lives in the fashion we were? Talking would have been simpler. Surely one of the great First Ones also have manners which rivals all folk. I'm sure sleeping beauty [he pointed at a random sleeping character] could have been deep in crochet until you dragged them by the feet." His voice was cold and monotone through the whole talk.

Some would gape in awe or struck to the spot, but Kvothe cared little. Too much had happened to him in his life. Too much taken. To shock him would be praise worthy indeed.
Val saw the gold statue of Tadinna and he quickly said a line from the scriptures he had learned over the years and finishes it and hears the Fae insulting him. Val was furious with him. Why are you talking like that Fae. I've been around longer than you and I have seen bugs that smarter than you, so don't run your mouth like that until you can see what they do, or are you going to put a curse on them like you did with my people. I have the right mind to rush over there right now but I to see what I'm going to deal with. We can be allies or very hated enemies. Your choice.

Val searched through his pack for the swords he had, but they disappeared just like the Uman's swords. He still had his scriptures and that's all he cared about. He waited for the rest of the group to wake up while he stared at the statue of Tadinna and continued to mumble prayers under his breathe.
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A deep gasp escaped from Thova's lips, her head pounding like her own skull was being shaped against the anvil of her store. Her hands moved to her head, her fingers digging into her long locks of hair as she squirmed on the bed. She cried out in surprise to feeling the unfamiliar sheets of the bed beneath her vanishing, replaced by the hard impact with the stone covered floor. The jarring sent a sickening shiver down her spine, her eyes blinking to try and adjust to the light. Her mind was racing, flashbacks of working at the fire of her family's smith, the last of the Aztul family of craftsmen. She went to retire for the evening as she was getting herself dressed for bed before the crippling headache, much like what she had now, consumed her, leaving her in such pain to fall on her knees and cradle her head in her hands. She fell to her side before the entire world grew black...unconscious until now.

Pushing herself up from the floor, Thova could hear the voices of a few others. So she wasn't alone? Where was she? Who are the other people in the room with her? From the sound of it, they were just as confused as she was...aside from who she assumed to be the host of the little gathering. Putting her hand on the base of one of the statues, Thova looked around, noticing a great number of beds aside from the one she was in. Her face fell to realizing she was staring up at the statues of the eight Firsts, glancing down to her hand before trailing her gaze up to none other than Thoran himself, staring down at all of the guests with his unfaltered gaze.

"By the ancestors..." she said to herself, hearing the Morgow utter they were in Heaven's Rest, slowly walking beside the taller human that was facing the stranger. "Please sir...if you would...just...spare us the agony of guessing...why are we here?" asked Thova softly, her legs shaking from trying to stay on her feet from the intense headache.
"The pleasure is all ours, esteemed one," Kael quickly brushed off the hand on his wrist and began to walk toward the large figure in front of him. "I'm terribly sorry for the tongue of our companion here, he gets like this at times," Yes, Kael remembered this fae from the academy. The little asshole spent most of his time moping around and getting angry with people. Kael despised people like this. He was likely just a conceited creature that believed his hardships were somehow more worth attention than everyone else's. Kael had been through his own share of tough times, but he didn't make a show of it. He just carried on with his life as normal.

He was happy to notice that one particular wizard, an elf who liked to mix her magic with archery, was also present. He had observed her practicing and was enthralled with this unique form of magic use. She would without a doubt be a useful companion in the trials to come.

"Anyhow, what can we do for you?" Kael inquired of the Morgow in front of him.
"What is... happening...?" Teka asked himself as he tried to sit up, getting a look of what is happening. The thundering voice gave Teka a slight headache before he heard something strange, make him to ponder..... "Guardians....?" Teka asked himself, wondering what does it mean. Until when his vision cleared, Teka is shocked. "What is all of us doing here?!" Teka thought to himself as he saw umans, fae, dwarves then orcs, dragons and orges.

Lexi had just finished her nightly stroll. so far she helped some people with a criminal. Now she was currently walking around Tuveirna humming a song while looking for something she could do or help with. She was going in circles seeing the same things over and over again. She was starting to get dizzy and confused. She decided to find her house so she could try to go back to normal. So Lexi walked around the town dizzily looking for her house. When she found it she lazily opened the door and was hit with a excruciating headache. She fell to her knees and held her head with her eyes closed tightly while shaking her head violently, she believed the headache was from being dizzy and confused and tried to fall asleep only to pass out once she thought of sleep.

She woke up in a room filled with nothing but the creepy darkness that she was used to, before some people took her in. Lexi sat up and looked around to feel the presence of people She decided to keep quiet. Because for all she knows these people could be looking for her or all the fae. She tried to make out some things in the darkness and felt around to find she was sitting on a bed, but that's all she could figure out.
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Kvothe sighed at the sight of Kael. Just what he needed was that pompous prick who was famous for his ego and [n his eyes] clouded judgement. The last time he properly saw was not actually since 5 years back. That was the last time when Kvothe had a trauma attack of his parents deaths, where in his anguish he nearly incinerated himself and taking the whole building with him.

Luckily, Kael and other magicians where there to put a barrier around him, but it was a event all would remember. It was an event that also changed Kvothe, where he would become the emotionless, cold person he is. Ever since then he had his emotions clamped down to avoid him getting angry or emotional, to avoid fuelling his fire.

He wasn't even going to reply to Kael's jibe, as he saw it as a waste of breath to someone who would brush it aside with is arrogance.

Kvothe swivelled from where we was to the dragon and spoke in a cold monotone voice:"Well done, you've pointed out your race has a longer lifespan than mine. Im 20 and I'm already 2/5'ths through my maximum lifespan. So please don't point out the obvious." He left it a second to sink in so that the dragon would think about what he said.

"Secondly" he raised two fingers to demonstrate "I'm sure there are people more intelligent me. Again, I have only so much time in life to learn things. To be honest though, when I have only 30 years ahead maximum, I couldn't give one to learn it all, its a waste of my time. With so little time, I also care little if I dare, as I have nothing to look forward to anyway."

He raised a third finger "Thirdly, are you seriously accusing me personally of something I have no affiliation with? That's incredibly stereotypical and will not earn you many friends if you get so hung up over distant pasts like that. They may have been stupid to de-wing you, but I have no part in it."

He raised a fourth finger "Saying you will kill me seems rather silly when surely that would shame you in front of these so called gods? Plus you are clearly missing your swords, so good luck with that."

He raised his thumb, making it a full open hand:"I do not concern myself about that so much right now. I'm sure there are more urgent matters right now than being condescending and threatening me with words. Now if you mind, I want to hear what my kidnappers have to say."

He sat back on the bed, finding it quite comfortable. His facial expression was still passive.
Tamur stood staring out across the plains at the Veil. Despite the vast distance between his current shelter and the large, violet curtain of magic, he could see it as clear as if it were right in front of him. It frightened him to be as close as he was, half way between the outpost Riverdale and the Veil, but at the same time, it was exhilerating. Tamur stepped back into his shelter, a long abandoned but surprisingly secure shack. The abode was made of stone and was practically seamless in its construction. The windows were barred, which made sense, being so close to the land of the Orcs, and the door was made of heavy and solid metal, with several locks as added security.

Tamur dared not set a fire so close to the Orcs, so instead just decided to sleep as soon as darkness fell. He lay down on his mat and began to drift off, when suddenly, a pain like he had not experienced since he awoke four months ago from his fall, a pounding like hammers inside of his skull. The pain intensified rapidly to the point where Tamur could not retain consciousness, and he passed out.

A few hours later, Tamur awoke in total darkness, but the darkness lasted for but a few moments. A voice spoke from the darkness, and a light so pure like nothing he had ever seen shone.

"Awake so soon? My, it seems we have ourselves some lively ones this time! Good, you will need it in the coming events, for none other than you can save us now."

Tamur shot up as quickly as his groggy mind would allow, and walked over to join the others who were waiting with the man, who was clearly one of the gods he had heard of in passing. He looked around, noting each of the golden statues, when his eyes fell upon a beautiful woman with great bird-like wings, and a fragment of a memory, a similar statue made of marble. A statue of the First, Tardinna. Several feelings welled up within Tamur at once, but the most prominent among those seemed to be anger. Tamur shook it off and followed after the others, remaining silent.
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Kassiel studied the ones that just seemed like coming from nowhere. A Dwarf asking for answers, a Fae and Dragon locked in a serious dispute that could escalate quickly into something violent if not interrupted soon, two elves, one seemingly concerned about something the Morgow said and the other out right engaging in conversation with the God before them, another Dragon that just risen from his slumber and a Fae and Elf that were just waking up. He knew naught what to believe from this gathering of misfits, nor could he possibly think of a reason why they all were here. The one who stood before them was no doubt a Morgow, he looked and acted exactly the way everyone would think of him. Graceful, elegant, externalizing an aura of grandeur and holiness. The Fae seemed to not care much about it, although the fact that surprised Kassiel was that the said Fae had no wings! This was truly unique, as he'd never seen such a thing. Most probably he had lost them to some gruesome master who owned him as his slave, mocking him for what he was. He shuddered at the thought of such a heinous act. The Elf that approached the Morgow seemed a rather level-headed person, a mage perhaps? He could not tell exactly.

"Yes, I would like to know as well. Pray tell us why we've been summoned in the power of the night from our beds to the home of the First, the Creators of all that Yorn consists of?" Kassiel inquired.

As the Morgow slowly gazed upon the lot that was before him, he thought to himself. "I honestly do not know how the First chose these ones, but it seems like the attribute "boring" does now suit them at all! There may be still hope yet!"

The thundering voice from before made itself heard again, as the Morgow spoke with his own mouth this time, his voice being much more smooth and tender, compared to the raging one heard before. "I do apologise for the rude calling, but time is of the essence! Indeed, should we have proceeded normally, you would've been contacted from the start and told about what you truly are and what is expected of you. It has been many years since the last of your kind have been chosen to bring peace to Yorn. Unfortunately, we all know how that situation is no longer the case, and so you have been summoned once more, but this time for an even direr task!" he spoke.

Pausing for a bit before continuing, he closed his eyes as to recollect his thoughts. "Perhaps you have heard of the stories about the great feats your predecessors have done during the Millenium War, how they ended it and such peace was instaurated in your realm after a long, bloody slaughter. These heroes were none other...than the Guardians of the First. Handpicked for their traits, blessed with divine powers to give them an edge, to be above the other mortals, as leaders and advisors. I'm sure that some of you have already discovered you were capable of performing unique actions. Alas, their bravery was in vain, for now war rages anew. But the most important that of our Creator's dissapearance." he paused as to see their reactions.

"Indeed, the great Architect himself has dissapeared from this plane of existence and now, all that he created is doomed, as without his majestic energy to sustain Yorn, the whole realm is falling apart. Earthquakes and volcanic erruptions have started dotting the mainland, as you've probably felt or seen for yourselves! The First, in their mighty power, have sealed themselves in the Hall of Stars, the main hall here in Heaven's Rest. We, the Dorak and Morgow, have been tasked with getting you started in your endevour to save Yorn, and bring back the Creator from his exile."

All these informations shook Kassiel. The Architect gone? What was the meaning of this? Why would the one who gave birth to everything just...vanish without a trace?

"You will excuse me if I do not buy all of this, Morgow," he accentuated with irony "as it seems a little too far-fetched! Why us? How could we possibly find the Architect and bring him back?!". Being a lord, and heir to the family's head, Kassiel obviously knew all the history of Yorn from the beginning. The moment the God before them started briefing them about the heroes who had ended the war, he knew exactly who they were. Guardians, mortals from all races, tasked by the Gods to preserve peace and tranquility. Although their peace laster only three centuries, they were still remembered by the nobles of Eagle's Crest, and given as an example to the future generations.

"Why should we even embark on such a quest? We know nothing about this mission and it certainly does not sound like a stroll in a park to me! I fear it not, but I refuse to engage in a suicide mission for what may well be a magical farce!" he worded bluntly. Kassiel was no fan of magic, that was for certain. A permanent sentiment of uneasiness gnawed at him everytime he would be in the company of a magic wielder, which is why this whole situation had him on edge.

The God faced the Uman speaking to him in a more severe tone than a Morgow would expect from a mortal, who should be in awe near him, but nevertheless appreciated his liveliness. "You will be fully informed on what you must do and where you must go, should you accept the honor of becoming a Guardian. Being picked by the First for your skills and talents is one matter, but followin their orders is another. Fear not, for you will be fully equipped and prepared for the journey ahead of you, that I can promise! Reach deep down into your souls to see whether you are ready for this or not, as the perils that lie ahead are not for those faint of heart! So, chosen ones, shall you accept the burden of saving your homeworld? " he questioned them

Kvothe was still leaning on his chair. The world going to shit? Nothing new. There was usually something going wrong, the world generally hangs in a balance of chaos and peace.

"Very well. I have nothing to do in my spare time that is of great worth anyway. I guess I can entertain myself with this event to bring something to fill the void in my life."

He slowly slid his body up from the bed, graceful. He spoke monotone and cold. "I hereby accept this burden, even if it is because I have nothing better to do."
Val was enthralled by the Dorak and Morgow that were surrounding him. He has read about all the feats that Tardinna had helped accomplished and the creation of his race. This was a great honor given by them to make him a guardian. Val knew that he was going to have to make an uneasy peace with the Fae that he yelled at if they were going to be fighting together. He waited for the god to finish speaking. Val called to the Fae, sorry if I over reacted. We need to work together and if we are fighting between us, then it will all fall apart. Val faced back to the god. I hereby accept the burden of this great task. Val went back to standing back and staring at the statue of Tardinna.
Rusars attention focused on the Morgow as she remembered back to myths and lore she had been told of and read referring to the Guardians. She'd been able to tell that something was a miss, natural disasters were nothing new but reports came in more frequently of their occurrence which was worrying. But for the Architect to have disappeared?! It made sense with the ongoing around the world but how was that possible? Even if they were guardians how could they bring back the gods? She looked over to the uman who had out right rejected to take his part in the saving of the world. She found his skepticism understandable but short sided. There was no known magic that could be used to whisk people away to unknown locations. That in its self was enough to prove the Morgow truth.

While the umans response to the situation was understandable the faes response was just irritating to Rusar. She was quickly being reminded of just who this Kvothe was with in the college, she respected him for his ability to use fire magic for it was the best she'd seen even of other High Wizards. However she found his personality very grating and could only stand him in short spans. His arrogance gave her very little comfort in how serious he views the situation. A quest of this magnitude was not something done simply because they had free time or nothing better to do. At least the dragon seemed to understand the weight of the task that was asked of them.

Rusar shifted her gaze to the statues around the room then back to the Morgow. She wasn't sure how useful she could be in trying to combat a force as great as the gods, most likely not a lot. However she would be damned if the world fell apart and she did nothing to at least try to stop it.
"I too accept the roll of Guardian." She announced
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Nymira's jaw tightened as the mage flicked her hand off his wrist and disregarded her. Ignorant, conceited fool. However, her attention was drawn away from him as the god appeared. Her good eye flittered across his body, seizing him up, looking for the tell tale signs of lying. There did not seem to be any. He could be telling the truth. The others seemed to think so.

Nymira shifted her weight from one foot to the other, still ready to run if need be. She watched as, one by one, the others in her company accepted the burden to become Guardians. Swallowing hard to push away doubt, she stepped forward and locked eyes with the god before her. She gave a firm nod, expressing her willingness to take the offered title.

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