Blood Curse, Private Edition {Actual RP}

✙ Bandit Harlem, Outside Marcus' Cabin ✙

Looking up at the tall man, Bandit let out a sigh. He has something that would protect everyone and everything from her tonight. A small smile pulled at her lips as she thought about these 'cages'. He was a smart man to have these built. Bandit knew what were-creatures could do. It was not pretty at all... She thought and cringed. She looked up at him again as she nodded her head. "It fits you well... I mean being a bear. Cause you are tall and shit..." She mumbled the last part as he opened up the door to his home.

She clutched her ears for a split second as a screech from speakers was heard before an announcement. She looked toward the sound and widened her eyes. She then looked at Marcus, nodding her head quickly, and moving into the cabin. She took slow steps as she looked around. She spotted the stairs that led down stairs and shot right for them. She made it down quickly, looking at the cages. She walked up to one and let her finger tips brush across the cold metal.

~Valen Helsinger, Business District Bar~

The Magnus Purifier remained quiet and sipped his brandy while the ugly Vomica on the other end of the bar spoke his blasphemously rebellious words for all to hear, causing a stir amongst the other patrons. Valen gave no outward signs of him listening in, but within him broiled a rage which would have melted stone. How dare this creature...this sin against God and nature...consider itself higher than the human race? The very impudence the Vomica displayed made Valen want to thrash it against the draw out his iron daggers and flay him to ribbons, making sure that each small peeling of skin was felt by the pitiful creature as he cried for mercy, his blood flowing to the floor. The image itself made Valen squirm on the inside...he so desperately desired to do so, but he settled for something less gory.

Standing up from the bar, he grasped the neck of the bottle of his brandy gently, not even glancing at the male Vomica before suddenly spinning and throwing the glass container at the creature and watching it shatter on the bar in front of the speaker. Valen then marched forward, his stride as smooth and graceful as death, his hazel eyes blazing furiously with a fervor akin to that of a religious zealot. Pushing the vampire girl and her stool aside so that he could stand near to her companion, he glared at the ugly being and remained there, eyes narrowed and his expression as empty as stone. "...You should be careful about what it is you say. The disorder and chaos of which you speak can bring nothing but harm for everyone; Vomica or human alike. Leave this girl out of your schemes, creature...she is already better than most of your kind in my eyes. At least she, unlike many, still attempts to cling to what ever humanity she has left...and for that, I am willing to accept her. So long as she obeys the law, of course."

His eyes focused on the Vomica before him more, his expression finally bearing an emotion; curiosity. Where did he recognize that face? It hit him like a ton of bricks being carried by a freight train as he realized who this was. Feeling his lips twist upward into a cruel grin, he leaned in toward the Vomica and displayed his teeth. "Well...I figured you were dead, Hawthorne. Perhaps it would have been better if you had, considering your father's stance with your kind. Tell me; how does it feel to be abandoned by your father, hmm? Does it hurt...? I sure hope it does, but it would only be a fraction of the pain others have suffered at the hands of you Vomica. Where did you hide yourself for so long? I am sure it is quite a-" Valen was interrupted by the sudden blare of sirens which echoed into the bar, carrying themselves in echoes throughout the room. He stiffened and listened intently, certain as two what they could be signalling. His thoughts were confirmed as the message was played.

"Citizens of Kalladen, it is seven hours until full moon.

Please proceed to your homes and take caution.

Magnus Soldiers will be patrolling the city streets.

Any Were caught in the city streets will be shot on sight."

When the announcement was over, the grin slipped from his face and he turned away from the Vomica, his duty taking over as he spoke loudly for everyone in the bar, his voice displaying his authority and his lack of concern.
"You heard the announcement, citizens. Proceed to your abodes and shut yourselves in, or face persecution under the Law. Anyone who isn't a Were caught on the streets will be arrested; whereas for Weres, they will be executed without hesitation. Be safe and maintain your healthy respect of the Law." With that said, he glanced once more at Donald Hawthorne and grinned. "...Weres will not be the only things I will kill tonight if they get in my mindful, Mr. Hawthorne, and observe the monster which your kind created as he performs his duties." Leaving it there, Valen exited the bar casually and without hurry; he had no fear for any of these creatures...why would he?

As Valen emerged from the bar and began down the street to HQ, he observed the passing people as they rushed to make it to their homes before the patrols were released. Even if only Were-creatures were going to be killed if found out on the streets, anyone being arrested may as well consider it a death sentence if they are Vomica. Valen smiled in delight as he dwelt on what kind of suffering he could inflict on the beasts who ruined his life tonight...he would need plenty of incendiary weaponry, as well as some well-sharpened knives to skin the fur off of any victims found. He enjoyed using the leather and fur of his 'prizes' for clothing...his current coat was made from dead Vomica. The thought of 'going to war' with the Vomica this evening made him think of a song from an old novel he had did it go? Oh, yes! With a joyful expression and a kick in his step, he sang the tune for those nearby to hear.

"We'll drink the wine till the cup is dry,

And kiss the girls so they'll not cry,

And toss the dice until we fly,

To dance with Jak o' the Shadows.

We'll dance all night until the moon runs free,

And dandle the lasses upon our knee,

And then you'll ride along with me,

To dance with Jak o' the Shadows.

We'll sing all night, and drink all day,

And on the girls we'll spend our pay,

And when it's gone, then we'll away,

To dance with Jak o' the Shadows.

We'll toss the dice however they fall,

And snuggle the girls be they short or tall,

Then follow young Valen whenever he calls,

To dance with Jak o' the shadows.

We'll give a yell with a bloody curse,

And hug the maids, it could be worse,

As we ride away with the Devil's purse,

To dance with Jak o' the Shadows.

There's some delight in ale and wine,

And some in girls with ankles fine,

But my delight, yes, always mine,

Is to dance with Jak o' the Shadows!"

Valen ended up laughing at the end of the song, enjoying it greatly; oh yes, it was marvelous. Perhaps he should teach it to some of the lads beneath him. They could sing it gloriously as they slaughtered the enemies of humanity, with their barrels blazing and their bullets flying! Yes, Valen would do was a great idea, and one he found positively entertaining. Tonight was going to be a wonderful night indeed...and he would have no fear when he himself dances with Jak o' the Shadows this very evening.
~Maya Hawthorne; Center Park/Southern Kalladen~

Maya opened her mouth to respond, her eyes narrowing into slits. The only thing that managed to stop her verbal assault was the announcement that rang out, she stayed quiet, cocking her head to the side and listening intently. How long had they been there? Time had completely flown by, and like an idiot, she hadn't been keeping watch. She pinched the bridge of her nose, things were starting to get really difficult, that was to be expected, but the injury in her shoulder was slowly sapping all of the patience out of her.

"The fact they we're going to be treated like that does not mean we need to prove them right, we are not monsters, and if we portray ourselves as such that is how we're going to be treated. Of course they're not going to welcome us with open arms, there are going to be fights and carnage, but at the end of the day we should still uphold a certain amount of dignity," she said, looking over her shoulder and regarding him with a scrutinizing stare, a cold shift in the wind caused a shudder to snake down her spine, the freezing wind on her bare skin sobering her anger immediately, she took a deep breath and smiled, her old house coming into view helping to calm her immediately.

"Well nice to meet you Blaze Carson..." she said, a small smile found it's way to her lips, Blaze? What an interesting name... Was it a nickname? Maybe? Now didn't seem like the time to bring it up. She opened the front door, squinting slightly at the fact that it wasn't locked, the state of the house completely threw her off, who the hell did this? Couches tossed aside, wall paper torn and destroyed, as if someone was.... looking for something. Her eyebrows furrowed together as she stormed to her bedroom, everything was perfectly intact, strangely, she swallowed, quirking her eyebrow upwards, could their still be people in this house? She shifted through her closet, finding a soft sweater before rushing to her brother's room and retrieving a t-shirt and tossing it to Blaze.

"Alright, now where do you suggest we go to rally up troops?" she asked, shifting through the ransacked house for a phone.

~Donald Hawthorne; Business District, Bar~

Donald jerked backwards when the glass bottle exploded into shards in front of him, he didn't even have to glance up to know who threw it. Shit was about to go down, he knew his decision on how to react would decide whether he lived or died, but when he pushed the woman and her stool aside to talk to him anger began to burn in his chest. Who the hell did he think he was? Was he really stupid enough to start an argument in a bar FULL of Vomica? Now that any of them would get into the fight, they weren't that stupid and Donald didn't matter that much to them. Then the bastard brought up his father... just as he stood and prepared to full on swing the speakers blasted their announcement, distracting him slightly as he was forced to listen.

Then off Valen went, gone, after preaching the words he was sure everyone in the room new by heart, was he going to let the man freaking walk away after saying shit like that to his face?

He didn't really have a choice, did he? Well actually he did.... it was as simple as live or die, and as much as he found his life to be disposable right now, this was not the way to go. He angrily finished his drink, biting his tongue as the disgusting flavor took over, distracting him from his anger a little as he forced himself back into his seat. He could feel the stares, all the stares, he knew people were beginning to recognize him, surprised that he wasn't dead by now. Gritting his teeth he turned back to the girl.

"Tch, sorry about that... it is getting pretty crowded... and tension is riding, I guess we have to get home, I'd offer to walk you but that would be really weird, wouldn't it? And I probably wouldn't get back to my own hole in time," he chuckled bitterly.
- Marcus McConnell, Outside his Cabin -

Marcus couldn't help but give a relieved sigh as the girl didn't seem to be too terrified by the idea of his cages. If anything, she seemed relieved as well, a smile on her face saying enough. At her words, the taller male snorted a bit of a laugh. "Yeah, guess yer right," he said as she walked into the cabin, door. "All 'tall and shit'." Shaking his head, he moved around to the back of the cabin and grabbed the shovel that lay in the dirt. "Time to get to work," he grumbled and made his way toward the bodies, trying his best to ignore the pangs of hunger that knotted his stomach more and more with every passing moment.

Quickly he dug, getting the grisly deed done as soon as he could, though remaining oddly precise and calculated about it. If one were to see him, they'd be sure to notice it wasn't his first time burying bodies. Once the hole was deep enough, he knelt and lept upward, propelling himself upward and outward with inhuman strength and agility. Landing near the first body, he hardly even looked at it as he searched the pockets for anything useful and found nothing. Dumping it into the hole, he repeated the task with the second, then discarded both body and weapons into the pit he'd dug. Muttering some cold words to himself about how these two 'had it coming', he picked up the tool again and filled the holes as quickly as he could. "Done is done," he huffed, spitting on the freshly upturned soil and heading into the cabin himself.

After washing his hands, he moved down toward the basement, moving up behind Bandit. "They're somethin', huh?" he said with a bit of humor in his low toned voice. "Crude as they may seem... they're a helluva' tool for keepin' me from hurtin' anybody." Grasping one of the bars in his strong grip, he tugged at it roughly, but the steel didn't budge. "Sturdy as hell, too. Need ta' be, I s'pose."

Sighing at the forced small talk, he went to say something when it was interrupted by an audible roar from his stomach. "Christ, that's embarrassing," he grunted. Looking toward the stairs for a second, he turned back to face her and continued. "Well, we've got a bit of time to kill, Bandit, and I've got a couple'a steaks upstairs. Best to try an' eat before... well, ya' know. That, or wake up feelin' like yer' a starved corpse. Care to join me? I'm no chef, but dinner's dinner." Smirking, he nodding toward the stairs.
✙ Bandit Harlem, Basement Marcus' Cabin ✙

She looked at the steel and let her fingers run over the bars once more before a voice made her jump and growl, turning around and glaring at the person. Her eyes widened as she looked up to Marcus. She begin to stammer "I'm so sorry! You just scared me and I just gout out of that horrid place and the soldiers... You helped me and I am just on edge from everythi-" She stopped herself and looked up as he tried to shake the cage. No sound was made at all. The cages were perfect and secure. "Hmm.." She was impressed, still wondering if this cage would hold them. She would know when morning comes.

Hearing his stomach, she let out a giggle, then thought about her own. She was hungry, maybe it was her or the beast, she could care less at the moment, she just wanted a warm meal. She had not had a good meal in awhile and was not going to turn this down. Her head nodded quickly as she looked up at him. "That would be great." She looked back at the cages. "When should we get in them?" She asked quietly, like there were others around to hear. "In the cages that is. You said they lock up and unlock when we are back to normal?"
- Marcus McConnell, Cabin -

Nodding again at her agreement, Marcus started toward the stairs when the girl spoke again. "When? Hell... probably a good hour before, I s'pose, if not a little longer. Can't ever be too careful... sometimes things can get weird closer to tha' moon," he explained, not going into much detail but assuming she knew. Hell, it differed at times, but there were nights that the were-bear had seemed an entirely different person before the change, moods shifting wildly as the beast fought against his rationality. "Yeah, they unlock at around nine in the morn'. Usually we'd change back before that, but again can't be too careful with this kinda' shit."

Giving a shrug, he headed up the stairs, tugging off his boots at the door before he moved into the kitchen. The steaks lay on the counter, room temperature now, which was exactly how he'd wanted them. Tugging a pan free from the clutter under the stove, he fired up the worn looking appliance and began to sear the hunks of meat quickly. As they sizzled in the pan, he stepped away from the stove and lit another cigarette, hoping that the nights decisions hadn't been a mistake on his part.
'She seems like a nice enough kid,' he thought to himself, fighting to concentrate against the smell of the cooking meat.
~Blaze Carson; Hawthorne Home~

Blaze cautiously follows behind the girl into the home. It was a nice house. Everything seemed to be untouched by the destruction brought on by the panic the virus instilled. He wondered if his own apartment was like this. Was it still how he left it? Did his clothing still hang in the closet? Did dishes still sit unwashed in the sink? He started thinking about how long he had been locked away. Nearly a year. would have been a year come midnight. How perfectly fitting to have escaped on the anniversary of his incarceration. The thought allowed a smirk to creep onto his face.

He watches Maya shift through the closet, getting one last good look at her before she covers herself in soft fabric. As she rushes about he follows not to far behind her. He studies the house as they rush around. It seemed much like the home he grew up in. Just an average middle class family with high religious values and a world of opportunity standing at the doorstep.

He catches the shirt she tosses him and slips it on over his head. He begins to think where they could find the most people in the least amount of time. The full moon was approaching so they would have to be quick. Any Were during the full moon would see even them as their next meal. "Well, I know back in Fathom, a lot of them spoke of the surrounding forests and that is where most Vomica frequented. That would probably be our best bet for recruitment. We will also need a safe place to form our little army. I remember when I was little, there was an old church out in the forest that me and my brother used to play in. It has been abandoned for many years and would probably be a good place for us to gather in.".

~Leeah Vladrin; Business District Bar~

It didn't take long after the infected of the bar began to pipe up for it to be quickly brought to an end. She braces herself by throwing her arms in front of her face when she is shoved to the side. The man appeared to be one of the higher-ups of Magnus. Being tossed aside like a piece of trash just confirmed what she was already dreading. She was infected. She was ill. She was less than human, a broken toy than needed to be thrown away.

She watched the man speak. He seemed so heartless and cold, yet...Leeah had an intense fascination with him. He held a sense of power and confidence that she so desperately sought. He was on the side of normality, well...somewhat. She looks around at all the shattered glass and wondered why no one else was stepping in. There where plenty of other infected that frequented this bar, surely someone else held the courage that she lacked. She used her fingernails to brush the glass into a small pile on the bar.

After the man walks away, she lets out a deep sigh. She is surprised that the guy she was talking to walks back to her instead of going after the man. She continues to sweep up the glass, refusing to meet his gaze "Oh, it is fine. I don't exactly have a home to go to right now, so I have been staying in the park. My landlord at my apartment kicked me out when she fond out I was...infected.". the word still tasted so sour on her lips. "I will probably just wonder around for awhile and find a safe place to crash for the night.".
✙ Bandit Harlem, Marcus' Cabin ✙

She looked back at the cages and studied them before realizing Marcus had gone up stairs. She took off, running up the steps, stumbling a bit. She grumbled at herself as she reached the top of the stairs and looked down the hall toward the kitchen. The smell of cooking steaks caught her nose as she cringed. It wanted out. It wanted to eat. She clenched her fists and slowly took steps toward the kitchen. She looked inside the door and stepped in, leaning against the wall. She watched the man for a moment.

She spoke up, finding it a bit awkward. "What did you do before all of this, Marcus?" She waited a moment before asking another question. "Did you have any family? A Wife? Kids? Parents?" She picked at her nails, looking down at them. She thought about her life before she was turned into a monster. She was a bartender at the pub on the west part of town. "Did you ever live in town? I dont think I have ever seen you." She looked up at him again, waiting for him to answer her.

(Oh god... Horrible!)
~Vinn Sage, Inner Forest/Business District Bar~

Vinn was resting by a tree just outside the city just waiting for someone to come by, but no matter how long he waiting no one was coming by, not even the animals. He eventually stood to his feet and let out a big stretch. He said out loud to himself "Well it seems like nothing is going to go my way today, so maybe I do have to make a trip into the city.". Scared to enter the city, he kind of hesitated before packing up his belongings and taking a drink from his bottle. He was really afraid of getting caught and being sent back to that horrible jail.

He finished packing up his things and began to walk. He didn't want to run, worried that someone might catch him using his powers.As he was walking he was looking around He noticed the trees swaying, the bushes rustling from the critters moving around, and he could plainly hear the sound of dew falling off the leaves and hitting the ground. At times these things where peaceful, but no right now. The thought of being alone was getting to him, and the thought that he might starve out here if he can't find anything in the city, but that was the least of his worries. He has to just try to not get caught.

Vinn arrived in the city, but when he did it was very quiet. He was looking around but all he could see was abandon buildings, flickering lights, and maybe a rat or two. He said to himself "You know this city used to be a great place. Now look at it, it's a dump. Well, if I am going to find anyone, food, or supplies I might want to check to bar. I know someone will be there to help.". He took one more moment to look around and make sure it was safe and darted off towards the bar. As he made his way to the bar, he was trying very hard to stick to the shadows, even if he was just walking. Vinn arrived at the front of the business district bar. He was unsettled about walking in as first, but after thinking for just a moment, he just walked in. As he entered the door way he just froze as the eyes in the room all moved to him. He just stood there waiting for someone to say something, but nothing. Finally he just simple said "Hi.".

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