Blood Bound

Rue shook terribly, still looking around desperately for help. She didn't like this, but before she could actually do anything, she felt herself be grabbed by the neck by the bird girl. This caused Rue to scream even louder than before, becoming more and more terrified. It was only at the threat to kill that Rue was thrown into a complete frenzy and did the only thing she felt that she could at that moment, but it was also the most un-natural thing and something she never actually tried; spraying. Lifting her tail, Rue sprayed at the girl, desperately hoping that would force her to back off. 

Quill couldn't see the picture, but was very freaked out by the tail. It seemed demonic. Then he heard Nikolas storming down the hall and Quill gripped the bars tightly, whispering "pen" desperately. But when Nikolas came into view, quill jumped away from the bars. Nikolas was one of the guards that Quill knew to fear. 

When Nikolas opened his cell, Quill scrambled to get away but found himself without any options. He fought back against being dragged out of his cell, but Quill was fragile and weak, far too frail to escape. As Nikolas took out the pen, Quill froze. "Pen!" He shouted, lunging for it. But Nikolas held it away from him. He was told to kick the boy who was helping him. How about I kick you? Quill thought angrily. Then the man was called up to the second floor. Quill was thrown into his cell and he whimpered.

a few moments passed before his own was at his feet. Quill gripped it tightly and curled up. "Pen, pen, pen, pen!" He said happily. @BenjiBard87

Samara Derringer

August 17, 1944

Sector 7, Lab 3



Samara Derringer shut the plexi-glass door that kept the screams from her ears. She wasn't particularly fond of that part of her job. But it was a constant fixture. She'd threatened resignation several times but the government felt she was too valuable so they catered to her needs. They sound-proofed her room and her lab so she wouldn't hear their screams. And they allowed her to sedate her test subjects and give them pain medications so that they would not feel pain. So that they wouldn't scream. Because where Samara could be cunning and vindictive, that wasn't who she was. Samara Derringer was raised with a kind, compassionate heart. That was who she was. In some ways, she regretted taking the job. She knew what the government was asking them to do to these kids, after all. And none of them survived past eighteen.  None of them were ever strong enough to make it i to adulthood. But on the other hand, she knew the work was important and that without her there, they'd be left with the cruel scientists who reveled in their agony and their fear. Scientists like Izabel Roshev and Slade Wilson.

"How are things with wonder boy in there, Mara?" someone asked from the door. Samara clenched her jaw.

"Fuck off, James," she snapped, turning to face him. The 32 year old male geneticist was a genius and the scientific mastermind behind this whole lab, but he was also a total jerk and a pervert.

The man made a mock shocked face, placing a hand over his heart before he smirked. "Why so hostile, sugar? I'm the whole reason angel boy here is still breathing. His clock was up long ago. You should be more grateful."

Samara shoved past him and walked into the room where Logan Windsor was sleeping soundly on the exam table. He was hooked up to a heart monitor, an IV, and a few different body and brain scanners. There were bandages wrapped around his torso, with antibiotics being applied to his shoulder blades where the flesh around his soon-to-be retractable wings. Samara had allowed him to clean himself and given him clean clothes to where. After she'd finished what she'd needed to get done that day, she'd sedated him because she knew he needed a good 8 hours of rest. She thought of Logan like a sort of younger brother. She'd been the one running his experiments every day for 7 years now. Logan had been brought in when he was four when the government discovered that his biological genome was predisposed to angelic transformation. Logan was the facility's very first successful angelic organism. 

"I am grateful, James," Samara said. "But he's over 18 now. And even you don't have the capabilities, or the time, to find a solution. Logan will not survive.  Caring about someone isn't enough to make them live."

James opened his mouth to respond, but before he could an intercom went off telling all staff to report to the second floor. Heading to the door of the lab, Samara looked back at Logan to be sure he was sleeping before she turned the lights off, shut the door, and locked it behind her. Taking a breath, she allowed James to lead her to the second floor. 
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Maerwyn smiled, turning her attention to the woman and approaching guards. 

"What? You going to kill me?"

She laughed, then pulled her arm back into the cell.

"I know how things work around here. You aren't allowed to kill me. She's too valuable."

Maerwyn spat the last few words out like they left a bad taste in her mouth. 

"And, unfortunately, I can't kill you, being locked in here and all. So, we're at a stalemate."

Maerwyn paused, turning her black eyes towards a terrified looking little girl in the adjacent cell. Then, before anyone could react, she shot her claws towards the girl, hovering them dangerously close to her throat. 

"One little slice. That's all it takes, and all your work is down the drain. Get me the keys, or I kill little skunk girl here."

Suddenly, there was a crackling noise from up above as a static filled voice announced,

"All staff please report to the second floor. All staff please report to the second floor."

Alistar smiles. "You know that's not how it works." There were lots of subjects. It hardly mattered if one was killed by another. Unless..

"And, either way, I'm even less allowed to let anyone out. Nobody is, really. There are lines you should know not to cross, and I don't suspect this is one of them." Not even sure if what he was saying was true, he calls off the guards. They walk away quickly, relieved.

"We can talk about this," he mutters loud enough for Maerwyn to hear. "I have the authority. Complete privacy, no cameras, no witnesses. Or do you just want to kill a test subject, which of there are dozens and dozens of?" Well, besides the fact that almost none of them were the same. Otherwise, it didn't matter. Which is to say it mattered. Quite a bit, actually. "And if you actually end up killing me, you wouldn't live long enough to see the funeral. So don't get any ideas."

Richter Haynes was in an unusual mood. In fact, one could even say he was happy... almost. It was very rare for him to be happy... and if he was happy, it was usually at someone else's expense.

As he straightened his red tie, his face broke into something that could almost be called a smile. He looked back at his reflection, smile slowly fading as his eyes locked to an old photo taped to the edge of the mirror. Wordlessly, he tore the photo from the mirror and stuffed it into his shirt pocket.

"It's okay," he murmured to himself, as he exited his office. "It will all be all right now."

As he walked down the hallway, several faces looked up at him. Some nervously smiled, while others took a few steps back in fear. Richter guessed they were first floor workers. It was unusual for first floor staff to intermingle with the real staff, but it did happen on occasion. Richter guessed they'd never even met Greg Fairbanks, yet somehow the news must have traveled up and out somewhere along the line. He found the smile creeping back again as someone scrambled to open the meeting room door. So, being director had its perks after all.

Adjusting his tie, Richter took a seat at the head of the long meeting room table. Most of the staff were already assembled, and all though Richter anticipated there would be a few stragglers, he started anyway. 

All heads turned towards Richter as he pulled out a large stack of folders.
"As you all know, the creatures on the 6th floor are not human." Richter made sure to look around the room as he said this. "I just want to make sure that everyone is aware of that. There seems to be a lot of confusion as to whether our treatment of such creatures is inhumane. I can assure you, however, that there is not a single one of them that isn't a monster. Do not be fooled by their schemes, or by their appearance. They take great pleasure in playing human. They will toy with your sympathy, and once you've let your guard down, they will tear you apart. I've seen the creatures turn on their own families. It is a sight I would like to purge from my memories."
Richter paused for a moment, then cleared his throat to continue.
"I believe it's time we initiate step two of the program. Step two will take things to greater extremes than step one. It will be a lot more dangerous than before. I assume all of you were aware of the true nature of this program when you were assigned here, but I wanted to give you the opportunity to prepare yourselves for what's next. Should you not feel comfortable in continuing, then by all means, feel free to leave your letter of resignation on my desk."
Richter's expression darkened as he continued.
"However, should you choose that route, I would like to remind you of a certain man. Does the name 'Greg Fairbanks' ring a bell?"
A few hushed murmurs passed through the assembled staff.
"Greg Fairbanks. He was the former director, wasn't he?" a young brunette woman piped up.
"That's right. It was said that there wasn't a trace left of him after he resigned. He ceased to exist. Now, I don't want that to happen to any of my valued staff."
There was a silkiness in Richter's voice as he let the words sink in.
"Now, step two will initiate tomorrow. Please be ready to start the procedure at 9:00 am. Dismissed."

"Talk about it?" Merwyn hissed to Alistar. "Sure. After you..." Maerwyn looked as though she was going to say more, but trailed off, her black eyes narrowing in disgust. She let the little girl go, recoiling at the smell.

"You little brat! You sprayed me! You know, I wasn't going to actually kill you. But now..."

She clutched her claws together forming a single large point. 

"You're dead."

In a flash, she lunged towards the little girl again, intending to run her through with her claws. Only, she stopped halfway.

"...?! What?! My body... it stopped on its own!"

Eyes still narrowed, she glanced towards Alistar.

"You!" she snarled. "You've done something! What did you do to my...!"

Her words cut off abruptly as she let out a scream and began thrashing wildly around the cell. After several moments, her body went limp. The wings and claws slowly receded, until Mae looked completely normal again.
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Rue squealed as the girl released her grip. She didn't like the smell either, it stung her eyes and made her nose run but she didn't have much of a choice! Rue whimpered and looked around desperately, why wasn't anyone doing anything?! She noticed a man that the girl had been speaking to and tried to grab him through the bars, desperately wanting to be comforted and protected by someone, but she quickly turned around as she heard the girl scream, but only fast enough that she saw the girl lunge at her, intending to run her through. 

"MAMA!" Rue screamed, covering her face with her arms, waiting for the blow. But it didn't come. Rue looked through her arms, but covered her ears at the sound of the girl screaming and cried out. After a few moments, she opened her eyes to see... the girl lying on the ground out cold. Rue, still shaking terribly, moved closer and put her hand (paw?) on the girl's forehead. Her mother would do the same thing to her if she was unwell. Chirping worryingly, she looked at the girl before shaking her lightly, trying to revive her. 

@Phadia @The Departure
Murmurs and whispers weaved among the staff gathered in the meeting room as Niyokas strolled in, still bearing the burden of his frown. He was still seething about the interruption to his...Lecture. He could visualize the two freaks down below, probably laughing at his expense. The more he thought about it, the more his frown hardened. But it was good for him to let the anger boil inside, and would only serve to burn them well with it. 

Eyes met briefly with his, then snapped away to pretend they'd never seen him enter. The response he was used to, of course, and one that humored him deeply. The prisoners were not the only ones afraid of him, but they at least had the decency to show it in its most glorious form. There was little to be gained from cowards hiding behind a wall of manners. John didn't bother to sit, knowing he'd be on the move as soon as dismissal could come. Instead, he leaned against the back wall, folding his stocky arms.

The door opened, and the whispers smoked out suddenly. Richter Haynes entered the room, working his way to the head of the long table where his leather-bound throne looked over them all. He lowered into it, ensuring his tie didn't fall an inch out of place in the process. If only John had that luxury...his own black tie would often be used as an aid for strangulation. At last he cracked a subtle smile, invisible to the naked eye.

" As you all know, the creatures on the 6th floor are not human. " Niyokas heard Richter start, dropping the daydream to listen. Most of it wasn't relevant to him, more aimed at those wrestling with their morals. He allowed himself to drift off for a moment.

 "I can assure you, however, that there is not a single one of them that isn't a monster."

Niyokas didn't twitch a face muscle but inside, his soul was smirking. 'I think the same could be said of everyone involved in the work here,' He thought reflectively, 'I, at least, have the balls to accept it...'

"Should you not feel comfortable in continuing, then by all means, feel free to leave your letter of resignation on my desk."

John pondered on trivial amusements in his head once more. It was helping to entertain him, and distract his frustrations regarding things he'd rather be doing right now. The thought of using Richter's tie to choke the life out of No. 61 flowed into his minds eye...

"Greg Fairbanks. He was the former director, wasn't he?" Some other voice called out.

John added music to the scene playing out in his happy place. He wasn't sure whether or not to stick with Bocherini, or that lively old ballet song that made him want to dance...and then he pictured the twirling pirouettes he would share with No.61 as each spin tightened the hold around his neck. To him, this was heave-


'Damn, did I miss something important?' He thought as reality stabbed into focus rudely. Everyone was pouring out of the room, and he followed in the hopes he might eavesdrop on whatever he'd missed...

(sort of interaction with: @Phadia)
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The smell hit Mae first. 

"Ugh..." she let out a moan and tried to open her eyes. Everything was out of focus. Through the blurriness, Mae could make out what looked like a little girl... or was it a skunk? She couldn't tell. 

Why... Why is there a little kid in the place like this? Mae asked herself, then let out a shaky sigh. At this point, she didn't much care. Her arm was hurting even more than before, and she felt like she'd fallen off the side of a cliff. Moaning again, she tried to roll to the side, hoping that she would be able to pull herself up and off the ground, but she quickly realized that she didn't have the strength. 

I'm so hungry... The thought popped into her mind of it's own free will. Then she realized. That's right. I haven't eaten in... she tried to remember, but she wasn't even sure what day it was. The rations had been limited even at the orphanage, and she hadn't had any food since the night she'd last been in her own bed.

And I haven't had anything to drink...

As she ran her tongue across her dry lips, the realization sunk in.

I've got to focus on finding some food... or at the very least, some water. If I don't... she let the thought wander off. Turning her attention to the little girl, Mae could feel the worry creeping in. 

Surely they have to feed us at some point... Running on the assumption that they'd been kidnapped, Mae tried to assess the situation. Yeah, that's right. They wouldn't just leave us here to die... right?

Yet, the little girl was concerning. She wouldn't last long without food or water. 

No, I can't make that assumption. We've got to try and find some water on our own. She tried to focus on the little girl. Her face was blurry still, but Mae guessed she was around four. 

She opened her mouth to say something, but quickly closed it again. She wondered if a girl so little would even know what she was saying. Some of the girls in the orphanage didn't ever learn to speak...

"Water..." she whispered. Or rather, she'd tried to say it normally, but it came out as a whisper. 

She hated relying on her, but she didn't know what else she could do. Smiling at the girl, Mae hoped she'd get the message. 
Rue kept her hand on the girl's forehead until she started stirring, to which Rue squeaked and jumped back, expecting her to jump up and attack her again. But upon seeing that she seemed... tired, Rue moved closer again, holding onto her teddy for comfort as she was still shaken from what happened. She looked completely exhausted, though Rue couldn't quite understand why. Hoping it would help, she pushed her teddy towards the girl, wondering if that would help her. Though she still seemed weak, which worried Rue badly. Was it because she sprayed her? Rue squeaked and covered her mouth, it was wasn't it? 

When the girl mentioned water, Rue blinked and looked around. The girl's cell seemed totally bare of anything. She let out a small squeak and looked to the corner of her own cell. There was a bowl of water there that had been given to her a few days prior but she hadn't touched it.The reason for this was... she didnt want it. Rue was confused herself about this. She didnt mind water prior to her mutation, or food. But now it seemed that all she wanted was milk. Unbeknown to Rue, it seemed that her age caused some kind of fault in her mutation when she was turned into this... thing. Now she could only have milk and nothing else, not that the staff seemed to know that since they gave her this water God knows how long ago and tried to give her some kind of mush some time ago, leaving the girl ravenous. But this girl needed the water...

Rue squeaked and pushed the bowl towards the girl, hoping she would take it. It wasnt much use to her. She kept glancing at the people who passed, squeaking and chirping at them, hoping one of them would stop and help them...


Samara Derringer

August 17, 1944

Second Floor, Meeting Room 1



Samara listened to Richter, her anger growing with every word he said until rage boiled through her veins. How dare he sit here and act like he was innocent? This entire lab, everything about this facility, everything those kids were and everything they had done was his fault. It was his fault. He started the lab. He kidnapped innocent children. He put them in dirty cells and treated them like filthy animals. Haynes was the one who hired people to turn these children into beasts just because they had a gene predisposing them to it. He was the one who did it all. He also happened to be the one who killed any person who dared quit. He killed Greg Fairbanks because the man had had enough and he'd wanted out. Richter killed him, because Greg opposed him. The man was cruel and he was heartless and Samara was done listening to his narcissistic lies. Let him kill her. At least then the rest of the staff would know who he really was. Logan was dying anyway. She had nothing left to lose.

"You know, Haynes, I'm getting really tired of listening to your narcissistic lies. I'm tired of watching you sit on your goddamn high horse while those kids suffer," she said as she stood up. Turning to face him, she continued. "You did that to them. What they are and what they've done is entirely on you."

Samara turned to face the rest of the room, or at least those who hadn't left. Noticing the horrified look on James's face, she made sure to keep her eyes off of him.

"Each and every one of those kids down there was born human. They never turned on their families. How could they? They were taken away from them before they were old enough to even truly understand who they were. Richter Haynes did this to them without reason. This was a choice he made for a reason I cannot fathom. He finds children who have a specific gene that predisposes them to becoming paranormal. To becoming the monsters and the killers that most of them are now. Each time one of them dies, another child is taken from their homes and brought here to spend their lives in Hell until the day they will inevitably die as so many other have before them. Logan Windsor is one of these kids. Brought here when he was just 4 years old, Logan had been tortured in a lab every single day for 9 years now. He should've died already, but Dr. James and I have developed a way to stop him from dying like every other child that reaches adulthood. They weren't born monsters. They were innocent children," Samara explained. She knew there were some who would not believe her, but she also knew there were some who would.

Turning back to Richter, she said "You have a lot of blood on your hands, you sadistic bastard. I know you were the one who killed Greg and I know you'll probably be the one who kills me, but I'm done. I will not stand for this. Not anymore."


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Richter turned towards the woman, forcing his expression to remain level.

"You're wrong," he replied simply.

"Those "families" we took the creatures from; they're not their real families at all. It was part of the program from before I even started. A test to see how the monsters would react in a 'family situation'." He paused, pulling out a stack of photos from one of the folders. He then set several of the photos onto the meeting table where everyone could see.

"These are photos of the deceased. Parents, siblings, neighbors... in nearly every situation, the monsters killed the ones who raised them. The test was a miserable failure, so it was decided that it would be best to house the 'children' here, where they couldn't kill anymore innocent people."

Richter paused again as if deciding what to say next.

"Of course, this information wasn't disclosed to all the staff members, but they weren't 'born human'. They were created. Implanted into the "mothers" at the earliest stages of life. Some even killed their own mothers while still in the womb. Now, tell me again these creatures are still human."

Still trying to maintain a level expression, he locked eyes with the woman.

"You let your emotions get the better of you based off of incomplete facts. Though, if you really are so unhappy here..." he trailed off, unable to keep the smile from his face. 

"Why don't you speak with my supervisor?"

There were a few hushed murmurs from the people still left in the meeting room.

"That's right. You assumed I was the one behind this. I only run this facility. Do you know how many facilities like this exist in the world? There are at least ten. No, make that nine. We recently lost the one facility. One of the prisoners escaped. Killed everyone in the facility, the proceeded to kill everyone in the nearby town. You see, this is exactly why I called for this meeting today. There seems to be some sort of misunderstanding here. The creatures on the sixth floor are dangerous. They're locked up for a reason."

@Victoria Bradley

(Sorry, everyone! I'm going to have to post more about Mae sometime later. But here's something to roll with.)
Alistar sighs and turns away. There was nothing he could do right now. He heads off, stopping to write something down on a slip of paper, and heads towards the second floor, where the rest of the staff was, as they'd been called there.

Almost all of them.

He was stopped by three guards with guns, one of them holding his phone. "You've been figured out," one of them says shortly, then shows him what's on the screen.

A personal security camera where one wasn't.

And Alistar himself.


"Don't worry," they say nastily at seeing Alistar's face. "We're keeping it our own little secret. Unless....."

"One step out of line," one of them adds, "and we'll just... make a visit? Deliver the mail? Then everyone will know, and you'll be killed. Or worse."

Alistar nods numbly and hurries off. They don't stop him.

He reaches where the rest of everyone is. Quietly slips into the room, his face slowly regaining color. He looks at a woman who had fury in her eyes. He felt like he recognized her, but.. not quite.

"Do you know how many facilities like this exist in the world? There are at least ten. No, make that nine. We recently lost the one facility." Damn right, he thinks with an inward flinch. "One of the prisoners escaped. Killed everyone in the facility, then proceeded to kill everyone in the nearby town. You see, this is exactly why I called for this meeting today. There seems to be some sort of misunderstanding here. The creatures on the sixth floor are dangerous. They're locked up for a reason."
Mae took the water gratefully, somehow finding the strength to sit up enough and take a drink. 

It tasted stale and a little... slimy, like it had been sitting stagnant for a long time, but it felt good to have a drink. 

"Thanks," she murmured weakly, pushing the bowl back towards the little girl. "You should have some, too."

After drinking the water, she felt a little more able to focus on the situation. Leaning against the bars for support, Mae glanced around the room. It was completely barren, but the first thing she noticed was that the floor was made of nothing more than dirt. Instantly, she wondered if they could dig their way out... but she quickly dismissed the thought, 

No, it's too open. We'd be seen for sure. 

Then Mae had another thought. "Do you know where the keys are?" she asked the little girl, hoping she would understand. 

She looks small enough to wriggle out between the bars. If she could get the keys... 

(Sorry for the short crappy-ish post! At least it's something... :S )

@Rumble Fish @The Departure
Nec sits just outside the building. staring at the ground. It was as if she'd never known the truth of the facility, even though it was right in her face. She'd ignored the meeting, and went outside and thought about it. Upon realizing the truth, truly considering it, she found that she had started to cry. These kids were dangerous, sure, but on whose behalf? Not theirs. She'd thought it was terrible having to have a job like this, but... try being the victim of it.

She was probably dragging this out too much, but maybe she wasn't. She honestly had no idea what truly happened to them when they weren't in her sight, but what she heard was enough.

She hadn't cared until now, and...

Feeling uncomfortably like someone was watching her, she looks around. Nobody. Sighing, she looks back down and realizes that there was someone watching her. A boy. The boy looked dirty and ragged, and it wasn't hard to guess where he'd came from. "What are you doing?" She asks, trying to sound authoritive but failing. "Leaving," the boy says softly, just loud enough for Nec to hear. He turns away, but Nec calls out quietly to get him to stop. He stops and turns back around. "What?" he asks. "You need to just go inside," he says. "Getting away from this place will be good for me, and trying to stop me will be bad for you." Nec just stares for a while. The boy turns away again, but Nec starts towards him. "Stop," he commands. "But you're not supposed to get out," Nec says softly. "It's not safe." The boy looks her square in the eyes with his own changing eyes. "For you," he says. Nec whimpers when she realizes his eyes are changing. He grows taller and stronger, and as his conscious is torn away from his own command, he turns and runs.

She wanted to tell someone. But... she'd be fired. End up missing like the other one that went missing. Greg something...

And, she doubted he would try and kill anyone. But... if he rejoined society, there'd be not hope of that.

She walks back inside silently.
Rue watched as the girl drank the water, feeling some relief as she did. But she looked at the water reluctantly as the girl offered her to have some. She frowned slightly, since she didn't really want water thanks to this stupid mutation... But it was either that or die of dehydration. Reluctantly, Rue drank from the bowl, shuddering violently. The taste of it made her feel ill. She blinked and looked at the girl as she asked her if she knew where to find the keys to the cells. The blinked and looked around for a moment before giving the girl a disappointed look, she had seen them before but couldn't remember where. The youngster sighed and lied on her side, suddenly feeling rather ill. She held onto her teddy in an attempt to comfort herself. Where had she seen those keys...?  Suddenly her head lifted up as it suddenly came back to her. Without sitting up, Rue pointed towards the outside of the cage where people were walking past and then patted the side of her leg, where a pocket would be. The youngster wasn't wearing anything other than the dark blue pyjama bottoms she had been wearing the night she was abducted, and it did happen to have a pocket there. Rue huffed as she tried to sit up but quickly gave up, all she could do was look at the girl, slightly afraid that she was going to suddenly attack her again.


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