Blood and Glory


Champion Profile

Royce Medellin


General Information
Date of Birth: 11/21/4001
Gender: Male
Blood Type: AB-
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 150 lbs
Eyes: Blue
Hair Color/Style: Brown, Longer, messy
Body Build: Ectomorph (Light Build)
Skin: Caucasian
Tattoos/Marks/Scars: Two slashes from the claws of a bear, diagonal. One runs from the left collarbone down to the right rib-cage, and the other runs from the lower-left rib-cage to under the abdomen. There are also three scars on his face; one on each cheek, and one across his nose. He wears three bandages at all times to hide the scars on his face, because he considers them to be gross imperfections that make him hideous.
Champion Record
Rank: C (Kills: 100)
Kill Count: 112
Primary Power: Aura manipulation
Limitations (W/O Nectar): 1) The cool down period between aura switching is two posts (Ten minutes).
2) The time limit to use any aura is reduced to one post (Three minutes).
Limitations (W/ Nectar): 1) Cool down period between aura switching is one post (Three minutes). 2) The time limit to use any aura is lengthened to two posts (Ten minutes).
Drawbacks: 1) Use of the line causes two things to happen to Royce’s body. The more he uses the line, the more it physically strains him during combat. In addition to this, usage of the line causes Royce to become physically sick immediately after use.
2) Due to the fact that he generally avoids using the line, his body overreacts to its effects for up to a day after use.
Armor/Suit: Royce uses an exoskeleton which is powered by a system of hydraulics, which primarily deliver energy to each one of his limbs. The use of the exoskeleton allows a significant boost in both strength and speed. The exoskeleton starts from a small piece of technology that appears to be a small backpack. Out of that, the technology molds to the frame of the human body, from the head to the feet. It is not a suit in the traditional sense; it does not cover the entirety of Royce’s body. Just the outer-part of his limbs. The whole front part of his body is untouched. When Royce puts on his headphones, it effectively blocks out all sound; allowing him to focus more on his powers and manifest them with more ease. This is more common practice by muscle memory rather than done for useful means. The headset also works as a way to communicate with his teammate(s).
Support Tech: N/A
Weapons: A sniper rifle and a sword. The sniper is holstered on his back, while his sword is sheathed by his left leg.
Misc. Items: N/A
Team: Stealth Strike (with Iris)
Psychological Profile
Attitude: 1) Courageous
2) Responsible 3) Optimistic 4) Calculated 5) Selfless
Attributes: 1) Dynamic
2) Driven by emotion 3) Focused 4) Motivated 5) Risk-Taker
Social Traits: 1) Royce's family was of low social standing throughout his life.
2) Parents offered Royce no direction while growing up. 3) Still ended up withholding great psychological health.
Skills: Great verbal skills, teamwork skills, listening skills and problem-solving skills.

Combat Persona
Spray & Pray
Mental Stability
Sanity Level
Usage of Nectar
Nectar Side Effects: No matter what Royce does, his body remains rather thin. He cannot eat to bulk up, or exercise to bulk up. Usage of the line has cursed him with a metabolism which will eventually eat him alive if he does not consume a certain amount of calories throughout any given day. Usage of the line also makes it extremely difficult for him to sleep, along with an increasing sense of permanent paranoia. Use of ‘the line’ is causing Royce to become an angry person, opposite of his natural persona. Royce is not noticing the severity of the impact in which using the line is causing him. Not only is over-usage of his power shortening his life slowly, but as the use of the drug continues, his personality grows slightly colder.
Current Symptoms: Rocye's hair turns white. Physical strain on the body to the point that he is physically sick afterwards, every time. Under the influence of the line, Royce also becomes irrationally angry within the instant of ingestion.
Severity: Mild
Royce was born to two parents, who were completely and utterly in love. Not married at the time, the two raised him out of wedlock for a number of years before getting enough money to tie the knot. Royce’s father was an inventor and his mother was disabled due to a car accident which had left her legs paralyzed, when Royce was only an infant. She was not able to work, so the family remained poor for quite some time. At birth, Royce was not expected to live past infancy. When he reached five years old, his parents were told he would not live past ten. At fifteen, he was a smaller stature than most his age; something that rang true his whole life. Rather than letting it keep him down, Royce used it to his advantage. At least he was quick, and he had quite a knack for technology. In the middle of his teenage years, Royce’s father gifted him an exoskeleton – and passed down a sword that his grandfather had used to slay monsters. The teen immediately began training with the suit, which was when he learned that he had powers. After prematurely engaging a monster with the exoskeleton and the sword he was gifted from his grandfather, anxiety and fear of death had saved him when it manifested in the form of an aura construct – yellow in color. Of course, it had only been discovered after his hyper-endurance power had been tested. The scars on Royce’s torso were from the fight with that same bear… Or, what once was a bear. The boy trained in Arcadia, grew in Arcadia, and fights for Arcadia at twenty years old. He is pretty popular, and his parents no longer have to worry about money. He met his teammate, Iris, in his first year of attending Eximius.
Theme Song: [media]

Aura Manipulation Explained
There are seven different auras, each with their own unique attributes and colors.
Red: Enhanced condition. Speed and strength at max efficiency achieved to the maximum point in which the body would allow it. Orange: Surfaces during moments of extreme emotion. It is a personal affliction more than anything else. Yellow: Aura generation (constructs), weapon infusion. Green: Healing. The bigger the problem, the longer it takes to heal. Massive trauma can result in the user going into a coma for an undetermined amount of time. Blue: Combat perception, enhanced intelligence. Indigo: Mental communication through touch. Violet: Aura reading, illusion awareness.
Kundalini is the trump card. All of the auras could be used at once, for an extremely limited amount of time (let's say, one post). It's triggered under moments of extreme trauma. Leaves the character in a coma, for two posts worth of time. Each time Kundalini is accessed, it causes extreme trauma to the body and significantly shortens the overall length of life. This would obviously only be used if escape seems impossible.
Hyper Endurance Explained
Overall, Royce takes a reduced amount of damage from normal actions which would usually hurt a person. He could still feel all the pain inflicted onto his body. When using the line, monsters actually hurt themselves when striking Royce with blunt force due to the increased density of his bones.
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Iris Leornes


General Information


Gender: Female

D.O.B.: Start 2/17/4001

Blood Type: B+

Dominant Hand: Ambidextrous



Weight: 120lbs

Eyes: Emerald green with gold flecks around the Iris

Hair Color/Style: Crimson hair cut short around her neck in layers.

Body Build: Ectomorph, long slender well tones body Crimson cat ears, slender tail, claws on her hands and feet, teeth are sharper

Skin: Slightly tanned skin

Tattoos/Marks/Scars: Dark tiger striping along most of her body.

Champion Record


Kill Count: 97

Primary Power: Cat Physiology - Overall her strength, balance and flexibility are enhanced, Her hearing is more sensitive and she can see in dim lighting perfectly fine. She has fairly tough claws on her hands and feet, all of her teeth are sharpened.

Limitations (No Nectar): With out Nectar Iris's enhancements are very slight. Her strength only slightly improved upon but the most she could do is crack a 2ft thick wall of concrete.

Limitations (With Nectar): Iris's overall size increases as she appears more tiger than human, doubles her size. Very easily distracted by shiny objects, grabbing her tail will cause a severe lost of balance, metabolism burns much quicker in this form metabolizing the dug much faster.

Drawbacks: Once Nectar wears off she down sizes back to her normal size starved of nutrients and dehydrated. Mentally she will be in more of feral state until the full cool down period has worn off. Will need to detox once effects have worn off or she will suffer severe side effects.

Secondary Power: Enhanced Speed: Physical speed and reaction time is increased. She runs faster when on all fours. She can only reach up to a top speed of 75 miles/ hour. She can only run at her top speed in short bursts before she is exhausted.

A black skin tight suit which expands for when she is in her alternate form. The suit protects again blunt trauma and slicing damage if it is just a glance however will not protect fully from a deep cut or piercing attack. The suit can be programmed with one of 5 presets to blend in with the environment (Forest, snow, rocky, dessert, dark/night). Shock Absorbent boots: Absorb and protect against blunt impact. The bottom of the boots have some spikes which allow for better traction when running

Support Tech:. Nectar port - a small implant withing her right fore arm which allows for the injection of Nectar into her system over a period of time. Can also be used for a emergency boost. Protected by a thick armored bracer.

Weapons: Shock Claws: Slightly armored gloves which absorbs kinetic energy to convert and store it as electricity to then be discharged at will. Interlocking blades lay over the fingers reaching out past the tip to form 4 inch daggers. The blades are extremely sharp. Back up weapons include several daggers,

Misc. Items: Flash bang, stung grenades, tracking collar,

Team: Stealth Strike (with Royce Medellin)

Theme Song:


Psychological Profile

* For this section please refer to this link: Click

Affectionate, Childish, Insensitive, Determined, Cheerful

Attributes: Alert, Excitable, Disorganized, Resourceful, Trustworthy

Social Traits: Affectionate family upbringing, Previous success with in the family, psychological problems with in the family

Skills: Graceful, Problem-solving, Lack of time-management and negotiating

Hobbies: Sleeping, Hunting, Stalking her team mate, Singing


* This will be a slider system with in the final program

Mental Stability


Usage of Nectar: 7

Preexisting Conditions:

Nectar Side Effects: Restlessness, twitching, increased heart rated and blood pressure, delusional

Current Symptoms: Insomnia, muscle twitching, visual hallucinations, paranoia

Severity: Insomnia- mild, muscle twitching- mild, visual hallucinations- moderate, paranoia- mild


Iris came from a very affectionate medium class family who did well for them selves. Her father was part of the police force and her mother a teacher. While growing up she was always a bundle of energy and had trouble concentrating. School bored here and she wasn't much of a fan with reading. She excelled in athletics so she was signed up for various after school sports; doing best in track and field. She looked up to her father very much and admired him for his strength, focus and heroism he showed while at work. When ever she got a chance would plead to go to work with him, which more often than not resulted in a no. Despite the lack of discipline she did put her all into trying to become just like her father. Unfortunately her lack of an attention span and inability to sit still proved to be too much of a challenge for work where patients and forethought were key.

Around the age of ten is when Iris realized there was something else she could do that was almost like her father only didn't requite quite as much tact and patience. Champion hunts had never been a popular thing to watch in her house. Her parents appreciated the safety the Champions brought but not so much the manner in which it was done and the use of Nectar was never something that sat well with her father. This was because he had to deal with the dealers who obtained the drug and tried to sell it on the street. Iris saw her first hunt at a friends house and became excited at the idea of being able to hunt monsters and be famous for it.

Iris trained as hard as she could to make sure she passed the entrance exams for the academy. She passed the physical and mental portion of the exam but struggled on the academical portion. She studied day and night for weeks to make sure she was ready. When the day of the exam came she was nearly a nervous wreck. She took the test but left feeling defeated after struggling through the exam. Iris stayed in her depressive slump until her results arrived. To her surprise she passed all three parts of the exam, the academics just barely but it was still a pass.

Iris spent the next five years living her dream, training and studying to become a full fledged Champion. When she was introduced to Nectar she was hesitant at first with how her father had spoke about it. She met Royce Medellin who also didn't want to use Nectar and they became odd but fast friends. She trained and tried to fight with out the use of it. She managed two years before feeling her self starting to be left behind by everyone else. It wasn't until she was severely injuries while fighting against a monster that she caved and started using Nectar.

The rush of power and euphoria was immediately addicting for the girl and she started to excel in her training once more. The only issue was the fact that her body metabolized the Nectar quickly leading her to take more than the normal dose. She would have easily fallen into addiction if not for the support and example provided by Roy. Iris finally graduated from the academy, a little worse for her mental state but balanced out by her friend and new team mate Roy. The two helped and covered each other during hunts.
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Connor Friesland

General Information

Age: 20

Gender: Male

D.O.B.: 4001)

Blood Type: O+

Dominant Hand: right


Height: 6’0

Weight: 170 lbs

Eyes: Green

Hair Color/Style: Brown messy

Body Build: Mesomorph

Skin: Mediterranean complexion

Tattoos/Marks/Scars: Numerous scars and markings on his arms and legs, less so on his torso and face, as usually they are armored.

Champion Record

Rank: D

Kill Count: 37

Primary Power: Super Strength, Just like it says on the tin, Connor’s repertoire of attack thus is brute force and constant barrage of blows. Whether it is bone shattering punches, powerful kicks, ripping of limbs, or ramming enemies through walls, he is a battering ram and everything before him is a target.

Limitations: 1. power: without nectar, Connor is stronger than most but still not as strong as he could be, without effort, he’s 1.5 times as strong as the average person. With effort he’s about twice as strong.

2. Stamina, Without nectar boosting his regenerative capabilities, muscle tears happen faster than his body can repair them. So when he’s forced to use effort, he actually tires out much faster than a normal person.

Limitations (With Nectar): 1.Range, what is it? He might have the strength of the Hulk with nectar, but that really gives him no ranged abilities aside from chucking something at his enemies, he’s got to get up close and personal in most cases.

2. Clouded mind blooded hands. Clear thought is not something he really can do during combat. Once he gets into a pattern of destruction, it is hard to snap him out of it. Partially because destroying things is fun why stop?

Drawbacks: 1. The pain…it’s excruciating: Connor’s power constantly rips his muscles, only to be regenerated quickly. When he first starts off it isn’t so bad, but soon it falls into a spiral. He starts getting in pain, his body starts pumping adrenaline, he fights harder, faster, more violent. That rips the muscles even more. Repeating the process over, and over, and over. At some point the pain begins to overwhelm him. Clouding thought, mind and judgment. TL;DR: the pain his powers cause him makes him go berserk. At the end of his line use, he will “crash” All this pain catches up with him at once, sending him into unconsciousness.

2. KILL KILL KILL! Connor is generally a nice person, really he is. With line pumping through him…not so much. His aggression his peaked. His impulse control is barely held on. It takes either someone he respects or someone he cares about to get through to him when he gets into the swing of things, though when he gets into his greatest throws of pain, there really is no getting through to him. It’s best to let him burn himself out.

Secondary Power: Conor has regenerative powers to help him deal with the damage that he endures from his mutation, and what happens during the battles when he’s berserking. He can heal most things up to major lacerations; he does not however possess the capabilities to regenerate limbs. Also without line, normal regeneration only boosts his healing a bit. He’ll heal in 4 days what it takes most people to heal in a week.

Armor/Suit: Connor’s suit has nothing fancy about it, its body armor. It consists of light yet durable metal plates along with a Graphene fiber weave. Though the armor is exceptional resilient to piercing and slashing, blunt force trauma still is painful, and it does nothing for extreme temperatures.

Support Tech: Target identifier, The hope is that even when going berserk, the indicators for this will steer Connor towards the target. It has been proven to work in most occasions and generally at every point aside from his “Maximum pain”

Weapons: For combat, Connor relies on 4 things. 1. a collapsible axe, to cause directed and powerful strikes. 2. General strikes, kicks, punches, attacks, and such. 3. A hook and chain, which he can use to drag mutants to him to use options 1 and 2 better on them, and 4. EVERYTHING AROUND HIM. He has no qualms about ramming a monster through three walls and the using a debris to beat the life of them.

Misc. Items: A deck of playing cards, for when he’s normal.

Team: student to the “Red menace @The Kaosophile"

Theme Song: [media]
Psychological Profile

Attitudes: Earnest, eccentric, sincere, unconventional, realistic

Attributes: Candid, organized, enthusiastic, Knowledgeable, Impulsive

Social Traits: Friendly, Impolite, brutally honest

Skills: Listening skills, management skills, lack of leadership skills, Technical skills, lack of negotiating skills, lack communication skills

Hobbies: reading, doing basic repairs on things, cooking, sleeping, “swimming” (more of floating really when his muscle are aching, sometime laying in the water can soothe them.)


* This will be a slider system with in the final program

Mental Stability

Sanity: without line 2. With line…about 8

Usage of Nectar: 5

Preexisting Conditions: “Was normal before, I mean…I was Normal before I took nectar. Afterwards things got different, spoke faster less focused, much talking yes, I mean…Talking was easier, much easier, thinking to. Was norm- Damn it!”

Nectar Side Effects: pain, Nausua, irritability, unconsciousness after dose is done.

Current Symptoms: “Speaking and thought…getting faster. Problems occurring, can’t stop can’t slow down. Damn it! I can focus…for short burst of time...things get faster, to fast, not right. also Obsessive now. Must be neat and tidy. Room must be organized. Must be organized! Very important yes! GRHHH! Focus damn it! I’ve gotten very… OCD when it comes down some things, personal possessions, state of room. ADHD in normal thought action and speech.

Severity: “It’s not that bad when I think of it. Could be worse. Much worse, could be crazy, axe murderer, not good, not good. GRHHH! It…is…DRIVING. ME NUTS. I feel like I’m losing myself! I’m worried where this will lead later, I’m keeping nectar to a normal level but still, afraid of what will happen. 5 years? will have no speech? Will still be like this? Will be worse? Will be more hyperactive? Damn it, there it goes again. Very annoying. Very annoying.”

History: There are many situations that a person can come from, for Connor, it was a normal family, boring lives, boring jobs, crazy world. The family followed the usual 9-5 work schedule, with Connor attending school. When it came to school, he managed to pull better than average grades usually getting a’s and b’s. Which made his parents proud, the hoped their child would become something like a biologist, or an electrical engineer, generally they wished for everything BUT his current career choice.

What set him off on this path was watching the champion fights. They were the guardians of humanity, the protectors of the civilians, They always needed more, the monsters always were more vicious, always numerous. When he spoke up about his desire to enter the academy, his parents were entirely against it. However…with non-stop discussion from their son they relented. He was able to attend the academy. He passed his tests with decent scores. The academic portion was his best, and physical was fairly decent as well. The mental portion was a bit tricky but he managed through.

He hit a snag though the first time he had to use nectar. He was cornered with another student, facing 3 other mutants. The other student was tired, injured, so was Connor, if he didn’t use it, they were going to be destroyed. The first thing he noticed was the intense strength. Then he noticed the pain, the screaming agonizing pain. He threw himself at the monsters. All he remembers is the crunching of bones, the tearing of flesh, the pounding of fists like the beating of drums. When he came to, he was back at camp, his friend relating the berserk frenzy he had witnessed Connor go through, and how aggressive he’d been during the onslaught. He was afraid that Connor would have attacked him. Still, after a bit, he graduated. His parents gave him a Scraifi, or a mutated dog. He named it Ripper, after it’s tendency to tear and rip apart anything it got it’s jaws on.
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Champion Profile

Rick Gramme


General Information
Date of Birth: 12/12/3996
Gender: Male
Blood Type: AB+
Height: 1m93
Weight: 93 kg
Eyes: Blue
Hair Color/Style: Blonde, Short, spiked hair
Body Build: Mesomorph (Medium Build)
Skin: Tanned
Tattoos/Marks/Scars: No tattoos or marks, but numerous scars dot Rick's body. Various long and thin scars, as well as various sizes of thick, dot-shaped scar tissue are present nigh everywhere on his body. He has three scars which seem to have come from burn marks on his left and right leg (two on his left, one on his right).
Champion Record
Rank: B (Kills: 500)
Kill Count: 563
Primary Power: Storn is able to move his body at an incredible speed and the faster he goes the quicker his thought processes become. This allows him to dash towards an enemy, inflict a strikes, then dash back to avoid any counter-attacks.
Limitations (W/O Nectar): 1) Without Line, Storn's thoughts become as he describe it "cloudy" and slow, nearly incapable of hurting anyone but himself in his confusion. Not only is his thought process slowed, his entire body reacts noticeably slower than a normal human, with often one to two seconds delay. The difference in severity of these limitations is depend on the amount of time he has spent without Line 2) This regeneration works very slowly. His regeneration is limited to his head.
Limitations (W/ Nectar): 1) While he's not sure about a hard limit on his speed, he largely relies on the terrain to be relatively flat. While running quickly, he has to rely on his knowledge of the terrain, as his eyes cannot process his sight as fast as he is often running. 2) It slows down bleeding and will heal wounds over a reasonable amount of time (it takes time). It does not replenish blood, and if he loses two to three pints of blood it stops working.
Drawbacks: 1) Due to his power, Storn's metabolism is going completely overboard and goes extremely rapidly. While his second power helps him with this, it's still a concern, and he needs to eat at least three to four times the normal calorie intake a normal person would. Even with Line, Storn's still fragile. When running as fast as he does, one does not want to trip. It usually ends in broken bones, or in one extreme case (in a fight with another speedster, who tripped), a red skidmark. 2) His regeneration blocks all forms of pain, including hunger. It also means it dampens his form of feeling, meaning he has a hard time guessing how much force any person can take. Which makes him give very crushing hugs.
Armor/Suit: A nearly skin-tight power suit, which has minimal armor but enhances his muscle strength. It's made out of a very resilient fiber, which will ensure there won't be any tears due to the environment.
Support Tech: His helmet contains all sort of scanners, which are usually ignored because of his tunnel vision. They do come in handy from time to time, however.
Weapons: A harpoon gun, which is big and slow to reload. If something is really dangerous, he'll try to put it down or weaken it with this weapon. Two swords, which hold a razorsharp edge. These are his main weapons, and his fighting stile is very showman-like.
Misc. Items: Nanofiber boots and gloves, allowing him to stick to most surfaces. Very slippery things or things which are extremely hard to gain traction on (like glass) are not affected by these gloves. Note, these require Storn to be in top shape, because climbing up a wall is very intensive. They can be turned on and off, but it's a fairly lengthy process and not viable in the middle of combat.
Team: Nope
Psychological Profile
Attitude: 1)Rebellious 2)Rude 3)Focused 4)Cruel 5)Persistent
Attributes: 1)Alert 2)Inefficient 3)Intelligent 4)Improves self 5)Stress
Social Traits: 1)Psychological problems 2)physical attributes are fine 3)affectionate upbringing
Skills: Problem solving skills, lack of teamwork skills, careful, lack of negotiation skills.
Combat Persona
Spray & Pray
Mental Stability
Sanity Level
Usage of Nectar
Nectar Side Effects: Storn gets extremely focused, often experiencing some form of tunnel vision, which makes teamwork extremely difficult.
Current Symptoms: Mental and physical "lag" which grows worse the longer he's gone without Line. Hallucinations, which seem to be getting worse. Tunnel Vision. Insomnia.
Severity: Moderate
@tomio um... Did you read the instructions for the CS? you were supposed to fill everything in on the draft sheet to put here. Once all the changes are made then you can make the BBC version of the sheet with the personality sliders.

There also an issue with your rank you need 500 kills to be rank B you would be a rank C as are most of the players.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/0223184319.jpg.6773b1201606fcb78dd6ecd75eef6f1b.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="34726" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/0223184319.jpg.6773b1201606fcb78dd6ecd75eef6f1b.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Elisa Redtail


General Information

Age: 21

Gender: Female


Blood Type: B

Dominant Hand: Right



Weight: 135 pounds

Eyes: Green

Hair Color/Style: dark brunette, varies by day and mood.

Body Build:mesomorph


Tattoos/Marks/Scars: many small light scars all over, two big ones, 1 matching pair of claw marks on the back. 1 bite mark on left shoulder

Champion Record


Kill Count: 130

Primary Power: Genetic chimera, she can freely mutate her body to take on the features and associated heightened abilities of animals, this power changes the closeted features into forms similar to the emulated animal (eg. night vision would give her cats eyes) She prefers wolf, bear bull and falcon mutaions, but her versitility is her greatest strength

Limitations (No Nectar):

Can only emulate one animal at a time

Emulations are stronger than humans but slightly weaker that a real thing (if she were trying to emulate a blood hounds sense of smell she would end up with 150 million scent sensitive cells compared to a blood hounds 300 million and a humans 5 million.


Maximum of three animals simultaneously

Emulations are at their full strength, but are harder to control (she can smell at the level of the blood hound but that sense is more easily overwhelmed.)


emulation is physically exhausting to the point of near winding if not on line, where it still feels like running a mile.

Emulations must be precisely balanced or the mutations will permanently overwhelm her cells and become unchangeable,and has already happened in several places, her teeth are permanently sharpened as well as her nails and some of her hair seems feathery to the touch.

Secondary Power:

animal affinity

Elisa has a natural affinity for animals and can befriend and communicate with all non mutated animals and weaker monsters (Note: VERY WEAK MONSTERS) when enhanced by line she can use it affect stronger monsters, and while she can't befriend or control them, she can give smalll suggestions.


Fox wears a pants and tank top suit of a flexible but tough armor that was made to accommodate for rapid changes of form, its light and strong but doesn't cover as much as traditional armor would

Support Tech:

Jump pack. She uses a small high powered jet pack for various reasons including aiding flight (She can only really glide otherwise) jumping. and rapidly closing distance between her and a ranged opponent. She wears a pair of kinetic absorption boots that minimize stress on her legs and body from landing jumps.


Adaptive hand covers that transform with her and can be used as brass knuckles, talon and claw coverings or even needles for poison delivery.

Misc. Items: She has a rock climbing and rappel kit with grappling hooks and lines for ascending buildings and other obstacles.

Team: N/A but open to cooperation

Theme Song:

(please excuse the picture, I have no idea what they were thinking.)

Psychological Profile

mature affectionate socially independent untrusting callous

Attributes: resourceful tough work is in conflict with personal life knowledgeable in areas(monsters, nature, navigation), un-knowledgeable in others (math reading, technology)

Social Traits: indifferent up bringing, poverty, parents gave no direction.

Skills: planning and problem solving, lack of social

Hobbies: Climbing, gardening, Animal care






























Usage of Nectar




Mental Stability

Sanity: 6

Usage of Nectar: 4

Preexisting Conditions: Severe social isolation, unused to human interaction

Nectar Side Effects: twitching, restlessness, insomnia, accelerated heart rate

Current Symptoms: Generalized Anxiety disorder, visual hallucinations

Severity: Due to her isolation from other humans, her side effects are mostly mild but easily exacerbated by interaction.


Elisa was born to two parents on the very edge of Arcadia in the year 4000, and lived a neglected childhood. Her mother was killed very early in her life and her father never came home after that, forcing young Elisa on the streets. She lived as a stray on the edge of Arcadia for most of her child hood, pick pocketing and scavenging her way to meager meals. however her life was forever changed when she developed her mutation when she was 9. She learned she had the power to mimic and partially transform into animals. For 4 years she used it to track down food, befriend stray pets and escape the police. Then she learned that if she joined the champions academy, she would get food. She trained her body and mind for a year, undergoing strenuous workouts every day so she would be a good candidate. She broke into libraries and book shops to study.

She was (barely) accepted into the academy and went through it for five grueling years, barely staying in her academic courses and excelling in the practical ones. She continued to isolate herself though, gaining no friends or allies through her entire academic career. She used minimalistic amounts of Necter to get through most of it, only increasing to a full dose to pass the final exams. She passed with full marks and joined the Wild Hunt eagerly, causing quite a smash when she entered the field for the first hunt, people will remember her first take down as one of the highlights of the year. The kill, soaring down on brown red wings to eviscerate the monster quickly earned her the title of Bloodbird. A title she found herself liking. However, disaster struck during her second year. She had decided to Hunt in the Northern side of Arcadia, in the mountainous region. After An hours worth of good kills, she decided to head back, when she was butted off a cliff by a Monstrous ram. She caught herself, barely and started to slowly climb back out. She reached the top after an hour and searched for food vainly for another hour, eventually discovering the corpse of the same ram that had butted her off, being eaten by a small flock of monstrous red winged-blackbirds. She befriended the birds and ate with them. Over the next two weeks she scraped by with hunting weaker monsters for meat, being forced further and further from the city to avoid the gathering monsters. After two weeks, she tried to find the medical team she knew they'd send after her, she found them all killed by a pack of feline monsters. She survived in the mountains for another 9 months, sticking to the high peaks and using her Bloodwings, as she started to call them after her own stage name, as scouts and gatherers. At that time, she stumbled upon another champion, dead and guarded his body until the thankfully living team recovered her and the corpse. After undergoing heavy psychiatric evaluation and therapy, she was allowed to return to active service as a champion, to great acclaim.



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@Phantom King - everything looks good! Sorry for not getting back to you sooner I got caught up in finishing the rp.

@theunderwolf - it all looks good, only thing is the side effects and current condition. On the overview page is a tab called Nectar. in there is a list of side effects to add one or two physical effects please. Other than that your good to go
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/image.jpg.6648ac370e05c6e44da1760ec9d29815.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="34787" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/image.jpg.6648ac370e05c6e44da1760ec9d29815.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Katherine ("Kat") Ariat

Stage name: Ghost/Shadowcat

General Information

Just turned 18

Gender: Female

D.O.B.: December 1st, 4003

Blood Type: O

Dominant Hand: Right



Weight: 105

Eyes: Green

Hair Color/Style: Green (sometimes she changes it, when she dyes it)/ kept short, wavy, messy, and a little tousled look

Body Build: thin, but not like fragile skinny, just nicely thin with a little muscle in the abdominal area (she's an active girl)

Skin: fair, a little pale

Tattoos/Marks/Scars: None

Champion Record

Rookie: 1 year,

Kill Count: 20

Primary Power: Intangibility: She possesses a "phasing"ability that allows her and objects with which she is in contact with, to become intangible. The ability to pass through solid matter by passing her atomic particles through the spaces between the atoms of the object through which she is moving.

(WITH LINE):The use of her abilities also interferes with any electrical systems as she passes through by disrupting the flow of electrons from atom to atom, including the bio-electric systems of living bodies if she concentrates in the right way.This typically causes machines to malfunction or be destroyed as she phases through them, and can induce shock and unconsciousness in living beings.

(WITH LINE): She can touch another person and make them intangible as well BUT at the cost of her not being able to phase. Its a sacrifice, she can transfer her ability to another (maybe up to three people but the result can be lethal because of the toll it takes on her) but because it transfers, it leaves her body into theirs for a short amount of time.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/image.jpg.e9c6727f2f3c54a8ba5057bf2911fc25.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="34788" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/image.jpg.e9c6727f2f3c54a8ba5057bf2911fc25.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Limitations: (No line):

Since she is unable to breathe while inside an object, she can only continuously phase through solid objects as long as she can hold her breath.

Limitations: (With Line): Because Line drains her energy (especially when using it) the density of some materials can prove deleterious to her phasing, causing her to be severely disoriented or experience pain if she tries to pass through them. This results in a limited time use (or until shes drained) of her power.

Drawbacks: Because moving through an object requires holding her breath the thicker the object is, she has trouble breathing and developed asthma, since the first time she used Line. And each time she uses Line, her limitations become a little more severe.

Secondary Power: Because her power has to do with her atomic anatomy, so does her secondary power. However, her secondary power is permanent and doesnt need to activated. Her power has given her the gift of sensitivity. Sensitivity to the smallest vibrations, or changes in the air (with atoms).

Limitations: (No line): (List 2)

Limitations: (With Line): (List 2)

Drawbacks: (This can be very minimal in relation to the above Drawback only 1 needed)

Weaknesses(I added this): Some energy attacks also prove problematic for her. For example, an energy blast causes her to lose her ability to become fully tangible for several hours, maybe even a day or two. Magic and magical beings can also harm her in her phased state. This happens since most magic and energy powered attacks, affect her at the atomic level. (Meaning her phases state).

Armor/Suit: A skin tight suit that phases when she does, because of its function, its very thin and doesnt protect her very well from attacks. It can keep her cool in heated weather, keep insulation for warmth in cooler temperatures, and phase with her. Thats about it. Oh! And it just looks cool.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/image.jpg.098f45e72ec7067d769c1af401393749.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="34789" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/image.jpg.098f45e72ec7067d769c1af401393749.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Other than that, just normal clothes like depicted in her appearence pictures.

Support Tech: Theres a button on her suit that, when activated, created a shield in the form of a bubble, that surrounds her. Its about 8 feet in diameter and lasts about 10 seconds or until broken from too many heavy blows. It takes a certain charge for it to use able and each charge lets her use this defensive device about two times.

Weapons: Carries two large pistols that can unfold and turn into two daggers (for hand to hand situations) however, they are just normal bullets that the gun carries.

Misc. Items: What ever she comes across or what ever is available at the moment.


Psychological Profile

Loyal, open-minded, caring, kind, but keeps herself guarded, forgiving, immature, insecure, optimistic, sincere, spunky

Attributes: adventurous, dynamic, energetic, clumsy, patient, polite, soft, SEEMINGLY independent

Social Traits: Raised in a poverty stricken family, but they were a good well. Always loved each other and treated each other as best as they could, despite their severe financial struggle. Through this she's learned to be humble, but developed a habit of stealing....

Skills: motivating skills, resolving conflicts, sticky fingers/has a problem with stealing....

Hobbies: Collecting things that she steals/finds, singing

Personality - (TBA)





























Usage of Nectar




Mental Stability

4 (not completely insane but her decisions can be a little crazy and irrational)

Usage of Line: 2-3; doesn't completely rely on it but for multiple enemies or stronger enemies its very useful

Preexisting Conditions: Because she was brought up in poverty, her unhealthy diet developed low immunity to things. She always had to fend for herself when her parents were an available for help. She had to steal her way to end her hunger, an rarely got into fights when another kid would pick on her unfortunate life. However, this never turned her cold to people, just made her want to better her life.

Line Side Effects: Headaches, dizzyness, pains, fatigue, and feelings of being disoriented (These all last for a while)

Current Symptoms: Asthma and developing paranoia, possible insomnia

Severity: These effects and symptoms aren't too serious, she's only used Line about once or twice.

History: Life was tough as a kid. A young girl who developed a habit of stealing. It wasn't to be rebellious or to cause trouble, it was simply a way of life. Parents hardly had any money to get by, and she wasn't the only child, there were 3 other mouths to feed. So, she did only what she could to keep herself alive and save the little money her parents worked for.

A friend would always tell her stories about these "Champions" and decided thats what she wanted to be. She wanted to be useful, to do something to better the world.

One day while roaming the streets of the city, she came across a thief stealing a sack full of something from a laboratory. The bag clinked and clanged, as it moved, there mustve been glass inside. The theif's sack had a hole at the bottom, and out fell a vile with a liquid. It was labeled "Line". She kept it for a while until she got older and heard things about what it can do to you. What amazing, yet possibly lethal, gifts it brings. Well, when you come from a poverty stuck family, and bullies that pick on you for that reason, what do ya got to lose? So, she drank it. At forst there was no difference. Nothing changed. However, it didnt take long to kick in, her vains had a faint glow as it ran its course through her body as it twisted and changed her genetic make up. That same day she discovered power....

Now shes a rookie and still striving to be a Champion, kill count isnt impressive but hey you cant blame a girl thats hardly had any experience using her power in battle.



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you need to use the cod on the new template in order to fill in your personality.
oh i didn't think it would work sorry ill work on it then @.@
No worries. If you look in the template there is a code where personality is that is much easier to follow
Thank you :3

one last question I'm sorry I'm new to this, when i paste this, should i do Insert (from RPNs post toolbar)>Code> then paste? or just paste it .-. ?

wait i got it xD
If everything goes as planned, I should have my character finished by tomorrow. School work has been impeding my progress.
I probably will finish my CS by tomorrow too >_> assignment and all. And right now I'm too busy laughing at @Kazanna CS. Armstrong ftw! xD

Your character will be easily distracted by him @Shura
Yeah, there are a hand full of people who are almost done with their profiles and a few who still need to make their introduction. The RP might be slow to start because of the number of people joining but be patient, the fun parts will start soon ^^

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