Blood and Glory

Angel Of Death

Alistair James Lysaght

  • General Information

    Age: 20

    Gender: Male

    D.O.B.: April 5th 4001

    Blood Type: AB+

    Dominant Hand: Right

    Rank: D

    Kill Count: 10

    Team: Presently Solo

    Fame: Presently not well known, considered possible up and comer

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Nadia Rader

  • General Information

    Age: 26

    Gender: Female

    D.O.B.: 8th January 3995

    Blood Type: A+

    Dominant Hand: Right


    Kill Count: 61

    Team: None

    Fame: Nadia is a tall, intelligent, good looking young woman with an odd characteristic in one of the most exciting and dangerous events around - of course the media loves her! However, given that she’s only got a few kills and isn't terribly active in hunts she’s not got too much attention from the larger media outlets. Nadia accepts her life as the champion Mute and genuinely appreciates all of the support she has received from the fans she meets. Although she’s quite shy and bashful in front of the camera (and most other people), the attention is quite fun and makes her feel good, so she usually agrees to any appearances on smaller TV and radio programs.

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Finn Stern

  • General Information

    Age: 19

    Gender: Male

    D.O.B.: February 28, 4002

    Blood Type: O-

    Dominant Hand: Ambidextrous (but prefers right hand)

    Rank: D

    Kill Count: 50

    Team:None; usually works solo

    Fame:Finn does not have an extensive fanbase or following, having been a Champion for less than a year, but that is quickly changing. Thanks to his "pretty boy" good looks and having a naturally likable personality, Finn has attracted a large fanbase of mostly females. Though Finn does not believe he has any special talents or features, he is constantly endorsing clothing lines. Anything from the newest three-piece suits to the tightest underwear, Finn has been able to endorse with much success. Fashion Designs and Photographers praise him and his natural photogenic look and attractiveness, as well as his charming (yet sometimes morbidly dark) personality. (In photo shoots that are particularly revealing of his chest and back, heavy doses of make-up are applied to cover the gruesome scars)
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Jerald Gravet

  • General Information

    Age: 25

    Gender: Male

    D.O.B.: 1/1/3996

    Blood Type:AB-

    Dominant Hand: ambidextrous


    Kill Count: 17

    Fame: He is widely unknown.

Grave Fox

Cain Geffenia

  • General Information

    Age: Presumed age: 15 - 18

    Gender: Male

    D.O.B.: Unknown

    Blood Type: Undefined

    Dominant Hand: None

    Occupation: Ex-underground slave arena fighter

    Team: Elrene Geffenia

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