Blood and Glory


Rebecca Viridian

  • General Information

    Age: 22

    Gender: Female

    D.O.B.: January 14, 3999

    Blood Type: O negative

    Dominant Hand: Right

    Rank: C (Group Rank B)

    Kill Count: 135 Kills (Group kills: 594)

    Team: The Four Horsemen (Pestilence)

    Rebecca is just as fanous as any other champion, She has a fan club and a few followers to suit, and when Media recognizes her, her personality gets her to say "Meh," and change the channel. She really does not care, she was just there for the killing and the Nectar supply.
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Name: Top Secret

Alias: Isaac

Age: Known only to himself

DOB: ??/??/????

Height: Around 6'0

Blood Type: ??

Dominant Hand: Completely Ampi-dexterous

Rank: SS

Kill Count: Creatures: 2391/ Champions: 123

Team: N/A

Fame: Isaac, as he is known to the few Champions he chooses to assist rather than slay, is an afterthought few know about. Even the most informed citizens of Arcadia, seedy or no, would have to dig deep into the history of the Hunts to even gleam vague details of his rescues. As the number of Champions he has saved is so small no one has thought to draw a line of similarity between them. More than one of the Champions not even aware he did indeed, help them. His record of killing Champions is more of a personal tally, a momento kept from each fallen Champion and kept in his hut.

Primary Power: ???????

Limitations w/o Nectar: 'Unknown'

Limitations w/ Nectar: 'Unknown'

Drawbacks: 'Unknown'

Secondary Power: 'Unknown'

Armor/Suit: Isaac's suit and cloak are a rough and torn amalgamation of dirtied clothes and various bits and pieces of armor taken from the bodies of slain Champions.


Support Tech: 'Uknown'

Misc. Items: A small music box he always carries with him.

Attitude: Insane, Unpredictable, Confident, Reserved, Curious

Attributes: 'Uknown'

Skills: 'Uknown'

Sanity: Isaac is completely Insane.

History: 'Unknown' (In Progress)

Theme Song: [media]

Note: Isaac is not a conventional Champion, rather he is a Plot Device devised by MPoS for use by Shura for some added zing during hunts when/if she decides to implement him. Champions beware, you will find the game really changes, when YOU are the hunted.....

Approved by the Shu :)
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Charles A. Fisher

  • General Information

    Age: 45


    May 16, 3975.

    Blood Type:

    Dominant Hand:


    Kill Count:


    Charles is not too famous, if at all, and he prefers to keep it that way. The less he is known to the people, the easier it is for him to manage his "second life". He would more often than not play along with the media, even though he'd prefer to bash the paparazzi's head in with their cameras. On a bad day, though, he will just flat out ignore any fans or paparazzi that come his way.

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Death / Hades

Aketu Taneti

  • General Information

    Age: 25

    D.O.B.: September 18th, 3996

    Gender: Male

    Blood Type: O-

    Dominant Hand: Left

    Rank: Singular - C / Group - B

    Kill Count: Singular - 173 / Group - 594

    Team: (The) Four Horsemen

    Fame: Aketsu, by himself, is moderately famous. He typically doesn't play into the hands of his fans with flashy moves and cheeky smiles, instead just kind of doing what needs to be done to keep him and the other Horseman alive for another hunt.
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Marick Altheus Termen

  • General Information

    Age: 29

    Gender: Male

    D.O.B.: Some time in 3992

    Blood Type: AB+

    Dominant Hand: Left

    Rank: B (Group)

    Kill Count: 169 Individual, 594 Group

    Team: The Four Horsemen (Death, War, Pestilence, and Famine)

    He, along with the other Horsemen, are part of a TV show, much to his disapproval. On his own, he, along with Death, might be the most famous of the Horsemen, simply for their very recognizable appearances. He doesn't particularly care that he has fans, and he doesn't really play to them.
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Markus Byzantine

  • General Information

    Age: 41

    Gender: Male

    D.O.B.: June 17th 3080

    Blood Type: AB+

    Dominant Hand: Left handed, Ambidextrous

    C, group is B

    Kill Count: 137, 594 total group kills

    Team: The Four Horseman.

    Fame: While famine is primarily only popular within the Undercity of Arcadia, the Four Horseman has their own T.V. show. Prior to the first hunt each year, an uncut marathon of The Four Horseman: Path of Apocalypse is shown, providing the previous years episodes but without restrictions.

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The Champion of Tecavah

Sica Pera

  • General Information

    Age: 24

    Gender: Female

    D.O.B.: 5/4/3997

    Blood Type: B-

    Dominant Hand: Right

    Rank: C

    Kill Count: 103

    Team: None

    Fame: Sica isn't paticularly famous amongst those in Arcadia but in Tecavah she is known. Naturally though, due to techavah's disapproval of the hunt they do not care but the few who do tend to root for Sica. When it comes to her fanbase she tends to show off as much as she can and is always willing to demonstrate.
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Kyle Chandlers

  • General Information

    Age: 20

    Gender: Male

    D.O.B.: 8/20/4001

    Blood Type: O-

    Dominant Hand: Right

    Rank: C

    Fame: Cult Following


the Eagle


Grit was actually won inside a bet, and has grew on Kyle to become his best friend and pal. Grit was replaced with most of his body parts(wings, body, tail, talons, legs, everything except for the brain) with cybernetics and kevlar krokalub scale lining for added protection from light damage, but maintains aerodynamic ability. Grit is usually called upon to distract an enemy or help Kyle get an object to charge.

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Civilian Profile

Dr. Lucille "Lucy" R. Chromatia

  • General Information

    Age: 24

    Gender: Female

    D.O.B.: 02/14/3997

    Blood Type: A-

    Dominant Hand: Left

    Occupation: Doctor

    Kill Count: Classified

    Fame: Famous in the medical community for being one of the youngest doctor's on the project.



Hrothulf Sven Goodmansun

  • General Information

    Age: 21

    Gender: Male

    D.O.B.: 4000

    Blood Type: O+

    Dominant Hand: Right

    Rank: D

    Kill Count: 0

    Team: Ash & Kiri

    Fame: He has a note able amount of fame since he just graduated top of the class for being the next upcoming champion so right off the bat he has definitely caught some attention.

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The Gunman

Micah Acacius

  • General Information

    Age: 21

    Gender: Male

    D.O.B.: Jan 1, 4000

    Blood Type: O-

    Dominant Hand: Ambidextrous

    Rank: C

    Kill Count: 112 in Arcadia, 353 during his time in Tecavah
    (10-450 use some sense with this one based on experience.)

    Team: (Optional, Plan ahead of time with other players)

    Fame: He is well known, and is quite the showman about it. During hunts of less dangerous monsters, he may perform trickshots to entertain the people.



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Lyon Cornelius Harpin

  • General Information

    Age: 18

    Gender: Male

    D.O.B.: 4003

    Blood Type: O

    Dominant Hand:

    Rank: D

    Kill Count: 10

    Team: N/A Currently

    Fame: Lyons fame is rather small in comparrison to many but he is still talked about as an upcoming champion and the power he wields.



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Atom c: hi!

Vibrations? character's worst nightmare xD

Lucille Montpellier

  • General Information

    Age: 23

    Gender: Female

    D.O.B.: 21st August 3998

    Blood Type: O

    Dominant Hand:


    Kill Count: 79 kills 247 assists

    Team: Solo act

    Fame: Not exactly a household name, and yet not too unpopular. Her kills are straightforwards and clear cut, with little to no show about it. Her practical approach of 'shoot first, double tap second, confirm kill third, then ask questions' earns her slight support. She is looked down upon by most for assisting nearby Champions, however, and her dwindling amount of kills has been attributed to her 'giving' them to other Champions.
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    Not very much is known about the six-armed gunman. Even she herself lacks any knowledge of her origins. Her first official appearance that she knew of was to put a bullet right through the skull of one of the hunts that had another Champion cornered. Right after, she was shunted back into re-education in the Academy, when a health scan revealed that the lady suffered from amnesia through blunt trauma to the head. Her history completely enveloped in mystery, and having no identification except a clearance for being a Champion, Lucille Montpellier, as she was named so in her ID, worked forwards becoming a Champion...again.

    Lucille's motivations, now renewed by her amnesia, were simple: aid as many Champions on-field as possible. Her first memory was to save another in distress, and it stuck with her ever since. She was cleared once more for Champion duty at 19, and she has been in the games for four years, her shots screaming through the field, leaving the prey weak and on their last legs. Few hunts were ever claimed by her, as she leaves most of them to the other Champions. Her entire career was built on assisting other Champions, and her rather diminutive amount of kills placed her at an all-time low in the leaderboards. Heck if she cared though. She was doing what she wanted. She was later dubbed Arachnea by fans, after the skilled weaver who challenged the gods and was turned into a spider, for she was skilled with her art, and she does have eight limbs.


    Lucille Montpellier was orphaned at 9, where her parents died by way of a stray grenade. Her life wasn't exactly a bed of roses even before that. Poor and surviving off the scraps of food that they can find, the Montpellier family was not well off, so to speak. Lucille wandered the land, alone, hating the world for its cruelty, until she near collapsed from lethargy.

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    Sabrina Elizabeth Prince

    " Who are you..."

    Feeling the stinging sensation as she laid motionless in a hospital bed, forced there due to her grave injuries, she looked upon the screen and saw Kyle Chandlers, a champion keep two Centurious at bay. She slowly hummed and kept to her self as she spoke softly saying. " Don't blame yourself.... " She watched as she patiently saw a close up of Kyle's face seeing the sweat drop from his brow as he fought. She slowly chuckled, watching him peg two of the monsters with his playing cards, only to finish them both with a slash from his staff, Glory landed slowly on his shoulders as he wiped his hair back and grinned. She sighed and hesitated.

    Watching Kyle Chandlers battle made her a personal fan, but she was more than just that she was his child hood friend. Only him reappearing as a champion only made her insistent on seeing him, and not only that she wasn't about to lose her friend again. She learned through public knowledge that he had a bar, so on a busy night she went to "Club Paradise". The place was quite lively as she slowly made her way to the bar, only hearing a male voice next to her. " Nice match Gambit. " As a male figure made his away from behind the bar and raised the glass to him and approach the female. The two locked eyes for a second, and Kyle slowly chuckled before saying. " I know you.... I used to call you ugly. " Sabrina's face scrunched up as she laughed and responded with a hesitant. " Yeah, and here you are disappearing on your best friend.... So......" Kyle slowly turned his head and smiled before saying to her. " Well, I'm back and on my way to the top.... So.... You've been watching me... " She slowly lowered her head and spoke softly. " Well Kyle, I'm joining you on your next mission... " Kyle turned to her and offered her a drink before stating. " I know.... It's not going to be easy..... Well lets see what you got, Sabrina. "

    That was all she could remember, or wanted to remember anyways... They faced a trio of Lurchbilge's. She was injured, thought to be killed in the battle. Sabrina's power relies on touch, and upon trying to touch a stricken enemy, she was struck herself by a Lurchbilge, she was gravely injured, leaving Kyle to kill the last two Lurchbilge's in a matter of time. Now however, she has recovered, and relies on a protective Krokalub suit for protection as she looks to make an entrance in the next round hopefully to surprise Kyle.

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Cecil Gore

  • General Information

    Age: 20

    Gender: Female

    D.O.B.: April 28, 4001

    Blood Type: O

    Dominant Hand: Right

    Height: 5'5

    Weight: 155.9

    Eyes: Light green, shades of grey around the irises.

    Hair Color/Style: Top of her head is forest green , slowly transitions to a lighter green, the tips becoming white.

    Body Build: Long legs, short arms , medium midsection giving her a small shape. From afar she appears to be transparent, due to her light complexion. Her teeth are sharp (think shark) while her nails are longer than usual, but not to the point where it passes four inches from the tip of her finger. Body type would be described as athletic and agile.

    Skin: White, early transparent.

    Tattoos/Marks/Scars: Around her wrist and ankles are scars of something digging into her skin, showing that she was bound at some point. From her collar bone down to her naval is a long scar, but you can't see it due to the once piece she wears. On the nape of her neck is a small smile that shows sharp teeth much like her own. On her right shoulder is a skull, its teeth drips down her entire arm, its teeth ending at the edge of her cuticles.



James Dolan Belmonte

  • General Information

    Age: 22

    Gender: Male

    D.O.B.: November 13, 3999

    Blood Type: AB-

    Dominant Hand: Right

    Rank: C

    Kill Count: 123

    Team: None yet.

    Fame: James has grown popular amongst those casual watchers who wish to see extravagant kills and displays of power. His animalistic combat style providing the entertainment they seek, which is exactly what James goes out of his way for. Though the hardcore fans are not as enthralled with his shows, what prowess he can show in combat is enough to warrant a small portion of that audience showing interest in him. Whether or not there is any skill to his combat, James flaunts it most moments he can. Often playing the crowd up with interviews and other popular mediums for media. His 'on-air' personality sparking a sense of charm, kindness, and a hint of arrogance. That being said, oddly enough he has declined most endorsements and offers of that sort without real explanation. Often telling them the only thing he wants to be associated with is himself. Which in turn has harbored quite a few more fans simply for the interest of conflicting personality. Overall, on camera he shines with a sense of perfection. Even though off camera that is far from the truth...


Red Queen

Elrene Geffenia

  • General Information

    Age: appears at least 20 years of age

    Gender: Female

    D.O.B.: unknown

    Blood Type: AB-

    Dominant Hand: Ambidextrious


    Kill Count: Since becoming a champion: 0

    Team: (Optional, Plan ahead of time with other players)

    Fame: Elrene, on several occasions has threatened media and fans for bothering her. As a result, fans and media crews rarely approach, retaining a decent proximity around her. Elrene disregards them entirely. To her disbelief, her cold and distant attitude towards fans and the media has astonishingly only made her more famous.
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Angel of Death

Alex Meyers


General Information


Gender: Male

Blood Type: AB+



Weight: 150lbs

Eyes: Brown Flecked with gold

Hair Color/Style: Black. Well groomed

Body Build: Thin and athletic

Skin: Pale white

Tattoos/Marks: VibroTech logo on the back of his neck

Champion Record


Kill Count: 13

Fame: Brand new, but the people are watching him closely

Abilities and Gear

Primary Power:
Flight. Can fly off the ground at extreme speeds. His top speed clocked in at 131 MPH (on a closed course) His main ability doesn't drain him much at all and also only requires large amounts of nectar if Alex wants to fly at high speeds.

Limitations (W/O Nectar): Without nectar Alex can barely fly. He can only hover off the ground and walking is much more effective. Pretty much just a gimmick without the drug.

Limitations (W/ Nectar): To fly at top speed, Alex must exert extreme force. His maximum height is only 15 feet with a full dose of nectar

Drawbacks: The higher and faster he flies the more he is exerted. His body becomes worn and must recover after high speed flight, due to the high G forces he experiences.

Secondary Power: Enhanced eyesight. has extreme vision which is augmented by his use of nectar. Alex can pass a vision test without nectar one mile away. With nectar however, he can pass one at a distance of 3 miles.

Drawbacks of Secondary: After using his ability for extended periods of time his eyes feel strained, and if he pushes his sight past his limits he will begin to lose his sight until he is completely blind for a short time.

Armor/Suit: Typically wears a white long coat and black jean pants. While on hunts he wears the same outfit with a simple white helmet and a Kevlar vest under his jacket.

Support Tech: VibroTech Cybernetic Wings. A prototype of wings used to augment the speed at which Alex can fly. (Very similar in appearance to those wings of tyrael from diablo) The wings can also function as a close range weapon if Alex is caught in a situation where his pistols cannot help. The wings have been implanted into Alex's back and when not in use, they tuck into a small plate on his back.

Weapons: 2x VibroTech custom Chameleon pistols. Each pistol fires out bolts of energy and regenerate ammo at a decent rate. They are equipped with a fire selector that allows for different types of ammunition to be used. The ammo types are as follows: Standard lethal rounds as well as, Stun, Armor piercing, and Incendiary rounds. When a new ammo type is selected there is a quick discharge of the previous ammunition through the ventilation ports on the bottom of each pistol. After the discharge there is a relatively slow recharge rate of the new ammo.

Typically Alex keeps one pistol on lethal rounds and the other on stun. This leaves him with the versatility of stunning his prey making them easier to move in on for a quick kill. Alex has dubbed his pistols "Bonnie and Clyde" after a historic crime duo.

All else failing Alex carries a large hunting knife

Team: Team VibroTech

Psychological Profile

Attitude: Bright and happy in demeanor, Alex has a generally good outlook on life.

Attributes: Smart, observant, quick witted

Social Traits: Charming, not afraid of conversation, prefers to be alone when possible but tries to get as much media exposure as he can

Skills: Alex has a silver tongue and is very wealthy, his father's money can help him out of tough situations and can also give him an advantage of being around the media

Nectar Side Effects: Fatigue, Irritability, Anger issues

Current Symptoms:
Insomnia, occasional outbursts of anger

Severity: Slight (for now)

Description: The son of tech mogul Mitchell Meyers, owner of VibroTech Labs. VibroTech has decided to branch out and start a monster hunting team of champions starting with the CEO's son Alex. As a champion Alex is essentially VibroTech's poster boy. He is always equipped with his father's newest and greatest technology. He is a skilled acrobat and a talented marksman. He prides himself in his ability to be extremely accurate with twin pistols, even while on the move. He is quite new to the wild hunts, having just finished with his training. He is confident in not only his own abilities, but also the technology he wields. He has a drive to make his father proud but also to step out of his shadow and make a name for himself.
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(Erunir Aduidin)

  • Age: 19

    Gender: Male

    D.O.B.: August 31 4002

    Blood Type:O

    Dominant Hand:Right


    Kill Count: 3(Group of bandits)

    Team: None Yet

    Fame: None, Comes from a small village? L
  • Born in a small slums of a town beyond the wall in the cover of trees he was raised to fight and be a great fighter. When he turned a band of bandits broke into his house killing both of his parents. Erunir took his fathers knife and fought the men allowing not one of the three to live. Erunir started getting into fights with the locals and was soon labeled as a delinquent, He ran away from the small town and ran into a weapon maker who took him in and taught him the ways of weaponcraft.

    When Erunir turned 19 he packed his favorite two weapons and set out for Eximius. The islands location island he found while looking through a world map in a book. Erunir encounter many things in the darkness of the night and what lies in caverns which just helped him train his abilities . Erunir Finally arrived at the island after months of travel(I start here in RP)



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Gemini Quincy Vale

  • General Information

    Age: 25

    Gender: Male

    D.O.B.: 6/7/3996

    Blood Type: O

    Dominant Hand: Right

    Rank: B

    Kill Count: 411

    Team: Pff, team? There's no "Freak" in team!

    Fame: A star, just like he always dreamed. Gemini was a hit right from the start of his career, his massive horde of supporters referring to him with two nicknames: Freak-1C, the more common one used among fans, and Equalizer, a more formal name used for the media and news broadcasts. From these two nicknames, multitudes of offshoot titles and shortened versions of his name are used to refer to him: Freakqualizer, Eek-1C, E.Q., Freak, the list goes on and on. Some fans even call him Quincy for short, unaware that it is his middle name. From his fun-loving demeanor, to his confident and flashy fighting style, to his crowd-pleasing charisma, to his wild and boisterous nature, he remains one of, (if not THE) most famous and popular Champions in Archadia. His fanbase includes citizens of all varying interests and experience in Hunting - elites, connoisseurs, newbies, female admirers, avid members of his fan club, you name it. When "the Freak" goes out on a Hunt, you can be sure there are people tuning in.
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