Blind Attraction [Inactive]

hey where do you want to start at? It's important that i know so that i don't start at a wrong point please give me your thoughts as they will help me out.
((Well, you could start with your character coming over to show the girl something, kind of like in your outline. It could be the moment he realizes she's blind, so something of the like. You can't really go wrong, so don't fret!

Otherwise, a daily ritual of some sort? Maybe he helps her out, takes her somewhere she needs to go, like a store. Just, anything you'd like really. In the future, please use the OOC section :) ))
A grumble emitted from a room in a typical apartment complex in an ordinary city, it was another typical day, but the grunt emitted from a man of regular proportions and an odd wish that he always told himself. “I Will find a way for her to see the beauty of the world, be it through words or through her own eyes.” He told himself this every morning when he woke before he even went to the bathroom in the morning. After he had ate his breakfast this morning he picked up his phone and began making his phone calls to researchers and doctors alike inquiring about a cure for blindness, each turned him down saying that it was impossible to cure blindness. Frustrated he picked up his easel and his painting kit and walked outside into the hallway and locked the door. Pushing on it to make sure that it was locked he looked at the door and smiled lingering there for a moment before moving on towards the staircase of the complex. He swept the hair from his face and adjusted the easel in his hands and opened the door to the staircase and began walking down the three flights of stairs to the main lobby of the complex.

Pushing the door open he was greeted by a child dashing past him and when he looked he noticed how there was another a short distance away running off. Smiling he remembered his own childhood games of tag and how he always ended up being it. Walking into the lobby he gave a nod to the elderly man that owned the building who smiled at him and nodded back as well. Pushing open the door he walked into the not so busy side walk of the city. Pausing for a moment to get his bearings he walked into the crowd and then on towards a small park where people of all age gathered. Walking to the park he was jostled about as people rushed to and from places unknown and he couldn't help but be put in a slightly sour mood as it always happened.

When he arrived a the park and smelt the grass and the trees he smiled again, it felt good to be in a place of solitude surrounded by chaos. He looked a the trees and the shade they offered and the spots of color brought by the flowers and the distant laughing of children and their parents. Walking to a pavilion he set his easel down and looked around. Seeing a group of children playing in the distance he set his materials out and began to make a rough sketch and then began to paint them. Hours passed before he had realized it and he collected his things and walked back to the complex looking for someone it seemed. Not seeing the person he was visibly deflated as he walked back to his apartment. Pushing the door he was greeted this time by a group of ladies and one paused and asked him if he had found a good subject and he simply shook his head and replied maybe tomorrow I will. Walking to the staircase he pushed the door open and walked the three flights of stairs to his flight where he pushed open the door and walked into the hallway. He turned and walked to a window and leaned against the ledge and looked down into the city illuminated by the setting sun.

Turning around he moved towards his apartment door but he paused in front of the door before his and clenched his fist and moved it infront of the door like he was about to knock. He paused and shook his head it wasn't a good day to try and talk to her. Walking to his door he pulled his keys out and slid it into the door and turned it with a soft click the lock moved back and he removed the key and slid the ring of keys back into his pocket. Turning the handle he walked into his apartment and placed the easel by the door and removed the paper from it and moved to the dining room table and place it on the table and looked at it and smiled. He would have to visit her tomorrow, that much he promised himself, putting the rest of his materials on the only empty spot on the table he walked to the fridge and opened it. Looking into the mist he saw only the back of the fridge and sighed, it looks like another night of an instant meal. Letting the door close on it's own he opened the cupboard above the fridge and grabbed a bag of instant noodles and filed a kettle with water and set it on the stove and turned the stove on. After he did that he walked to his room and took his clothes and folded them neatly on and put them in a stack on a small dresser at the foot of his bed. Hearing the whistle of the kettle he walked back to the kitchen and pulled a bowl out and put the noodles in the bowl and then poured the water over top of the noodles and let them sit. After a few minutes of letting them sit he took a fork and began to eat the noodles in silence wondering what she might be doing. After he finished his humble meal he washed the bowl and the fork off and placed them in the drying rack beside the sink and then he put the kettle up and by that time the bowl and fork had dried off so he put them up as well. Moving to the table he began to organize the mess that was his table. Putting unfinished works in a stack and finished works in another stack he looked through the unfinished stack and found one that was a scene still fresh in his mind and he went to his artists table and set it down and reached over and grabbed the rest of his materials and set about finishing the work. Hours later he put his brush down and glanced at his watch and grunted. Standing up he stretched and walked to his bathroom brushed his teeth and used the toilet and then went to bed.

He dreamed in his sleep of the day that the girl he loved would be able to see the world as he saw it. The next morning as the sun came into his room and woke him from his slumber he smiled and got up with out a grunt and went to go have his shower. After wards he walked into the kitchen and pulled an apple from the fruit bowl and took a large bite out of it. Chewing on it he put on his clothes and put on a very small quantity of colenge as he had very little left. Adjusting his hair he unlocked his front door and turned the handle and pushed it open. Walking into the hallway again he closed the door and locked it behind him testing to make sure it was locked after wards he walked a few steps to te door beside his and paused in front of it. Gathering his nerve he clenched his fist and knocked twice on the door as he always did and waited for the resident to answer the door. Shifting his weight to his other foot he became a bit antsy as he always did when he needed to be patient. 
@Lillian Gray ))
Most days passed relatively slowly now. In the morning, she awoke to the sound of a blaring alarm. On Mondays, a student would come to her house and practice on her piano. It was the only solace in the small space she called home. Living on her own, it was hard, being blind made it that way. For the rest of the week, excluding the weekend of course, she walked to a local music shop where she gave lessons to anyone in need. If she didn't show up for a day or two, it never mattered, the owner was a kind and understanding man. It wasn't much, but, it paid the bills and got her through tougher times. She didn't need much anyways.

No art donned her walls, and the small tv she owned was just that, small. She only needed it for the sound, if she even decided to turn it on. On a usual night, she'd listen to books on CDs, or play with her seeing eye dog, Albert. He was the best and only companion she had, besides her kind neighbor.

This morning was a little different, but not unpleasant. A smile broke out on Bridget's face. Albert was going wild, barking with excitement at the guest beyond the door. She paced to the front door and felt for the lock before pulling it open. He was there, she knew it, but unless he spoke the girl wouldn't know which way to look. So she stared blankly ahead with her hands on the door for guidance.

"Good morning, is that you Jonathan?" She asked politely, still beaming as she tucked a bothersome piece of hair back behind her ear.
He smiled at her but knowing she couldn't see it stung him, he grimaced and gently touched her hand letting her know he was there. " Good morning Bridget, how are you today?" He crouched down as Albert came charging over to him and pounced on him and covered him with wet sloppy slurps to the face. Chuckling he pushed Albert off of him and ruffled his fur playfully. Standing up he looked at Bridget and sniffed as he was tearing up at his own grief. Reaching out he took her hand from the door. "You don't mind a hand do you?" He hoped not as he already held her hand gently and he had stepped forward a step so that he might be able to lead back inside. Walking her over to her chair he gently lowered her arm so she would know to sit down. "What tea would you like today my princess?" He asked in a tone that almost let on that he had feelings for her.

Turning around to hide the blush on his face for no reason he walked to her cabinet where the tea was and paused thinking to her usual request and pulled it out and set it on the counter and pulled the kettle out and then a glass so he could have some water. Looking a moment for the kettle he filled it up with water and placed it on the counter waiting for her response before putting it on the stove.
"Not at all." Bridget smiled towards the sound of his voice, a calming and smooth tone. She'd grown familiar to his tone and always looked forward to hearing him on the days he visited. Albert followed close behind as habit kicked in, the German Shepard sat close by her side, his tail wagging against the ground. It was the only way she could tell, between the panting of his tongue and the light brush against the tile of the kitchen.

She was helped into a chair, an honest relief, would he ever realize? Bridget was capable of helping herself, but not having to worry about bumping into obstacles for once was such a pleasure. So she accepted all of his help, gratefully, and always with a smile. She blushed at the nickname of princess, feeling quite special.

"My knight in shining armor." Bridget replied shyly, lifting her hand to cover her mouth slightly. She racked her mind, unsure of what was in the cabinet at the moment. Sometimes she forgot, it was bound to happen. "Do I have any of the green tea? With the orange in it?"
and i've officially brain farted.)) 
He smiled at her comment of him begin her night in shining armor, it really did feel like she was the princess and he was the one always protecting her and helping her outright and within the shadows. "I thought that you might ask for that one you usually do, Yes you do have it." He placed the kettle on the stove and pulled out a box of sugar cubes. "The normal two blocks of sugar? Or do you want to surprise me today?" He laughed as he had already taken two cubes out and placed them on the coaster of the cup. He looked through the cupboard until he found a bag of roibos tea which he had recently taken a great liking to. Pulling another cup and coaster out he set the bags ready in the cup and waited for the water to come to a boil.

"Do you feel like having a apple on the side with that? Or would you prefer to have a sugar cookie? Or would you rather be surprised by something that I found?" He laughed at his onslaught of questions and grinned to himself and asked himself. Would she still hold me in as high of a regard as she does now when she sees the world for the first time? Shaking his head at the sound of the whistle of the kettle he poured the water into the cups letting the tea seep into the water. Waiting now for her response to his questions.
"Slow down!" Bridget was laughing. She answered in rapid succession to his questions. "Two cubes as per usual, no apple, no cookie, now show me what you found."

She heard the cup being placed in front of her and she carefully slid her hands up onto the table to find the edge of the cup. Her finger hit the hot mug and she pulled it back, startled.

The girl bit her lip and started straight ahead of her. What did he bring then? Things like art, clothes, jewelry, such things meant little to her when she couldn't see. Gifts of food or music, even candles, those were the things she liked best.

"So then?" She asked excitedly. "What is it?"
He chuckled as well knowing that she would respond the way she did. Sitting down beside her he pulled the surprise from his pocket and unwrapped it from it's packeging and waved it under her nose long enough for her to get a wiff of what it was. He chuckled as he knew she wouldn't be able to guess what it was. Placing it over the steaming cup of tea and smiled, "Now sit still and try and guess what you just smelled, and as a simple hint it is food. That's the only hint I'll give you for now." He smiled and took the other one from the package and placed it on his own cup.

As the surprise warmed over the tea the faint smell of a sugar cookie and Carmel began to come from the surprise. He chuckled again and scooted from where he sat to in fornt of her cup so in case she decided to cheat she would only feel his face. He restrained his own glee and breathed softly hoping she wouldn't notice that he had moved in front of her cup baring her way from it.
Bridget sat still, hands folded on the table. The smell of caramel hit her nose and she smiled happily. "Caramel?" There was something else though. Her sense of smell was better because of her lack of eyesight, but it wasn't good enough to sense what it was in front of her.

She crinkled her nose, debating whether or not she should cheat. Giving in to temptation, Bridget unsteadily extended her hands, expecting to hit her cup. When she hit something else, she recoiled just as she had when her fingers brushed against the hot mug.

"What was..." The girl mumbled and extended her hand again. She pressed her hand against his skin, suddenly realizing what was happening. "I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to hit you."
I thought you might" He laughed hard and handed her the surprise from the top of the cup. "It's a cookie with Caramel in the middle of it, I hear that it's quite popular in the Netherlands where they call it a Stroopwaffle." He laughs again and returns to his seat and picked his own up and bit into it. "I found it at a coffee shop and tried it, it tasted good so i thought you might want to try it." He had finished his and looked at his tea and smiled wondering if he could as her what was on his mind. He sighed heavily as he always did when he was weighing to very difficult options.

It had become a slight ritual of his as of late and it was no doubt that she had picked up on it by now as she always did. Then again she did have a knack for figuring out when something was bugging him. He laughed again this time nervous, but still it helped disperse his remaining doubts. "What would you want to see first if you could see?" It had been bugging him for a while since he had known her but he had never had the gut to ask her about it as he thought it would be inappropriate to ask. But since they were so close now it couldn't hurt to ask since he was such a curious mind and he often asked what was on his mind. ((whoppie post 1000!))
Bridget wanted to ask what was wrong, but he cut her short. What did she want to see? It was a hard question, because honestly, what was out there? She had no idea what she should've said. What looked nice and what didn't?

"Well." She bit her thumb, staring towards where he spoke. "The first thing I would want to see would be color. People describe things with color, but, it just doesn't make any sense. I don't know what blue, or orange is. I know what colors things are, but." Bridget shook her head, this time cutting herself short. "I suppose that's weird."

She bit into the cookie and realized she loved it. The caramel was a sweet addition to the soft treat. Bridget took another small bite. As she chewed, she thought slowly. There was another answer to his questions, although, she didn't want him to laugh.

"Also..." Bridget said quietly. "I want to see what my friend's faces look like."
He had heard her last part clearly and he smiled, "That's a good answer, colors make everything in my world. The color of the sun setting, the world is full of colors, the colors of life. The most beautiful is white, it is the start of everything you can change it as you will adding more and more colors until you have painted a picture." He blushed as he thought of his next thought but if he was going to be bold about anything it was time to do so now, he had finally asked the question that was bothering him for so long.

"I also like to think that the color of love is white, instead of the other color often related to it. I think that it is white because everyone is their own color. So if the color of love is a color that can't be changed easily then the love wouldn't last. But if it was whit you could pain your whole life on the canvas and each person you meet becomes a new color of paint on the color of the canvas on your life. Some leave a bigger mark then others, I like to think that love has a separate canvas as many people enter and exit your life and many in one sense you fall for and those people mean the most to you. This is simply what i believe it doesn't help that I'm a artist either as without color to me life is meaningless."
"That's beautiful." Bridget smiled. Her eyes smiled on their own, blind as they were. They craved to see the world how he did, in all these wonderful colors, but it wasn't so. It never would be.

Little did she know he'd been dying to ask her the simple question. She sipped at her tea and munched on the cookie until it was gone. Now that he'd asked his question, she wanted to make a request of her own. It was something unusual and she had to hope that he wouldn't feel awkward by it.

"Can I ask something of you?" Bridget started. "I've known you a while, but, I only know you by voice." Now she was the one blushing. But she'd started her question, and now she had to finish. "Do you mind, if I just...touch your face?"

It gave her a sense of identity for others when she was allowed to touch their face. Knowing what their skin felt like, or the bridge of their nose, even just how thick their eyebrows were funny enough.
I was wondering when you might ask that." He laughed and moved from where he was sitting and squatted in front of her and took her hand and placed the cup that she was holding down on the coaster. Taking a deep breath he took her other hand and placed them on his scruffy checks. It had been a few days since he had last shaved so his face was scraggly with hair. But that's what happens when you are a painter fixing your work for a few days you loose track of the day and forget basic things. He closed his eyes and smiled. "Go ahead and explore all you want to."

He wasn't bothered by it as he had a blind friend when he was younger and they had asked him the same thing so he was used to it already. He smiled having the hands of another person after so long felt comforting in a way. It reminded him of his mother and as he thought back he began to tear up remembering her. It hurt to know he hadn't talked to her in so long it hurt to know that he had not talked to her in so long. He cried silently waiting for her to finish.
Bridget was happy he said yes. He pulled her hands to his face and she carefully traced over his skin. She started near his forehead, noting how unruly his hair was. She was so elated that she almost didn't notice the small wetness on his face.

"Hey?" She tilted her head, but continued to trace lines on his face. Bridget felt his nose, winding her way over his cheeks again. They were rough from him not having shaved.

Bothered by the feeling of tears, she traced her thumbs up to under his eyes and wiped them away. She hadn't meant for him to cry. What did she do?

"I-I'm sorry." She stuttered. "Are you crying?"
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