[Blight!] Tominic Through the Pipes [OOC]

Tominic is the Morse Code of Auto, it's in the new volume of the compass.

Will most likely get the inaugural post up this weekend, once everyone is ready.
Posted my sheet.

Still have to spend 3 BPs, fluff the weapon, choose the familiar.

Suggestions are welcome.

ST: Can I have the weapon add twice the Power Core rating in damage, rather than the +2?

I'd start with a level 1, so it wouldn't change much (still won't fire without one) but leaves me open for upgrades at your discretion.

And is more cool!
Can you please post the full Artifact description and statblock for my hammer? I'll paste and add that to my Artifacts post.
Awww! Haperry got a dragonfly as well...

Must change.

I'll go with a snail or something now...
Just had a look at xarvh's sheet and I have a query - I thought the maximum for the Charm background was 5? same as any background rating?
The manual specifies that it is not a Background per se, but just a way to use BG points to buy Charms.

Otherwise, you should pay 2BPs for the 4th and 5th Charms that you buy.
Whoops, don't know how I missed that, or were those expenditures after the last time I looked? Re-reading the mentioned section in Alchemicals, I'll allow it, but only with starting BP/XP, and only to rating 10. I decided More Charms== More Fun. Sorry if people need to re-jigger their sheets now, I know that charm selection and BP/XP expenditure are my least favorite part of Exalted. Not the getting new stuff part, that's awesome, but the selection process. Reminds me too much of accounting.

I'll copy+paste what I wrote in the other thread on the hammer to the setting sub-forum.

Also, for some reason when I thought of an Alchemical familiar snail, I thought of Darleks. :lol:

I have to go grocery shopping before my wife kills me, so I will look over the weapon stuff in a few hours Xarvh.
I still have a spare dot of artifact to do something with, permission to boost my armor to artifact 4 and add +4B/+4L soak, +2B/+2L Hardness and increase the exoskeleton strength bonus to +2 instead of +1?
Stop. Hammer Time. (your artifact)

Reviewing the armor and weapon adjustments now....

edit: Also, houserules will be compiled here as they come along.

Edit edit: Xarvh, sounds good. Fluffyness wise, if you are going with Power Core gives double rating in damage, it could be some sort of Overclock Capacitor accessory. I'm also not sure if extra damage from power core rating is enough to warrant a full dot, any other powers you would like to add? I just looked at the write-up for Onslaught Crossbows, and they require a level 2 to function, unless I missed something about power cores counting as one higher...
Since we are close to starting, time to milk chargen for all its' worth. Do any of us qualify for bonus BP for compelling character concepts/history? :mrgreen:
Come on, let's keep some space for growth, we're Exalted, we're already ridiculously powerful...

(IE: I have barely finished with one part of my backstory... +_+ )


Mh, the advantages so far would be:

*) Body integrated: can't be disarmed and is always very visible.

*) Needs a 1 dot rather than a 2 dot power core.

*) Power Core adds its Artifact Rating x2 to the damage.

Note: the Power Core, at least of low level, is a rather common artifact in Authocthonia.

The fluff... Hey, it's a railgun, it needs HAULIN' ASS POWER to accelerate the projectile.

If you really want to make me happy, allow me to increase the range to 400.
How about everything but the integration? So, only requires level 1, damage increase, and range increase?

Also, your charm background goes to 11 now, I placed the new cap at 10.

MrS, 2bp for your fluffyness, if you can give a vivid description or find suitable artwork you can grab another 1 or 2.

Xarvh.... 3bp for now.
So, you give me more points and I don't get to spend them!? :mrgreen:

Curses you ST! Curses! :mrgreen:

(Damn, I don't really know what to do with the points... Mumble mumble... I'll upgrade the hummingbird with laser eyes or something..)
Stat or two, new background. Possibilities are endless.

Also, since Ebon comes home this weekend, that means that we will hopefully be getting our first post out next week!
I have searched and searched and not come up with a good picture for Custodian of Unity or even something I can use for inspiration :( . To be honest, I keep seeing Stern Whip of Industry when I think of what he looks like :P
I think Stern Whip of Industry is a pretty cool guy. eH kills gremlins and doesn't afraid of anything.

In all seriousness, go for it. I once had a Raksha character that looked like Contentious Sword (Dace's First Age incarnation), and I at least enjoyed it. Any addendum or changes you would like to make to ye ole Stern Whip of Industry? Obviosly other than weapon choice. Maybe how your charm loadout looks differently on him? Jade coloration?

Which brings up a point, never forget how your charms look! The descriptions in the books are usually vague or leave some room for customization. Also, Fluffed charms will probably mine extra chargen goodness...
Hopefully this game will continue for quite some time. I intended to develop Custodian along two lines - Social Synergy (hence leaving Manipulation at 2) and combat, developing Arrays for each. At the moment he's in a sort of hybrid configuration with a bit of each.

Eventually I decided to burn my points to upgrade my familiar to level 5, it will need ST review.

I still have to write some fluff for the custom artifact and hope I get inspired for the drama continuation, but I think I am done and ready.

Also, I should have done the maths right, but a double check would be useful.
Kk, you don't need to do muich more on the artifact, just some handwavium explanation of the powers.

And don't feel like you need to add more to your drama background, unless you will enjoy it and help immerse you in the character.

When I get home I'll check your maths and review your familiar.
Sorry, weekend was busier than anticipated.

Everything looks good Xarvh, and I laughed at the FREUD gun. What does it stand for?

Edit: One thing. How about a limiting factor on the reforming function of your familiar? Since usually a familiar of that level takes a month to return, how about it's 3m power to reform can only be used once per 25 hours to prevent abuse?
magnificentmomo said:
Everything looks good Xarvh, and I laughed at the FREUD gun. What does it stand for?
"Far-Reaching Enhanced Ultrasonic Driver" (viewtopic.php?p=104706#p104706 )

But it is obviously just an excuse to have a cool acronym for an oversized weapon...

And yes, just inventing the names of the Exalts of the Genesis made my cry with laughter.

Corrected the Clockwork Probe per your suggestion.
Greetings (since it's my first post in the OOC forum :D ) and apologies for my absense. Vacations were great, wish I could spend the whole summer there and not return on the city. Upon my return I was also swamped by various issues (including a bad / depressed mood) hence my lack of getting fully up and running for this game. I've already posted my character, from what I see, I still need to fix a few things, but he should be fine (hopefully). So, once again, apologies for the game's delay on my behalf.
I've found a picture, gundam style, of what I think the artifact armor would look like (at artifact 4) on my character and I'll try and post s description up this evening, work's been a bitch of late

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