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Fantasy Blessed or Cursed?


Six Thousand Club
Basically this roleplay takes place in medieval times, and magic DOES exist. There are many kingdoms, some allies, some foes. There is war, ruin and people in need. But sometimes, those who need help are not the ones you wish to help...
Serine sat in her room in the tower, staring out into the dark clouds above her. The snakes on her head, dropped from boredem and tiredness. Serine pet them and sighed. "It's alright, friends. I want to go out there too. But we just can't leave." She says looking back into her room.
I wake up in a Inn, my Buster Sword next to me. I look to my side seeing a Note saying: "Kill Princess Serine and your reward will wait at Kingdom Stigma." "I like this one.. The location... I should get going." I say to myself, walking out of the Inn and heading East.

I sheathe my Buster Sword, my White Hair flowing in the Wind as I walk through the Forest. I soon get there, a Ruin with a Tower and Shadowy Figures appearing.
Serine pulled up a stool and started painting on her desk. She was quite good at it since she has been up there for awhile. She hummed to herself as she painting a beach with crystal blue skies
I take out most of the Shadow Figures, heading forward and taking out the Rest with my Buster Sword. "Easy!" I yell. I start hitting the Base of the Tower, pieces cracking but not collapsing.
Emily felt the curtains that surrounded her bed open.

"Close them," Emily muttered.

"I'm sorry, Your Highness," said a maid. "Her Majesty requests you wake up."

Emily rolled over and sat up.
Serine continued to paint. Her snakes sensed something wrong, but serine just ignored them.mshe loved to paint and she was very into it at the moment.
"Damn!" I yell, the Tower rumbling as I start using Infusion Magic. The stone starting to disapear and reform as a Sword. "Finally...."
Emily's maid helped her get ready in a purple gown.

"Thank you, Alexandrea," said Emily quietly.

Emily picked up her skirts, held her head high, and left her room and walked down to the dining room.
Serine felt the shaking and she stood up. She was quite frightened. "Itssss never done this's before! There issnt any doorsss!"
"Ugh! I could just climb it.." I say, jumping 7 feet up and climbing open spots. I continue to climb, I make it to the Window, my Red-Eye's showing up. "Heh.."
Serine looked towards the window noticing eyes. She turned away. "Go away! You'll be turned to stone!" She says covered her head.
"What?" I ask, climbing in and unsheathing my Buster Sword. Weird Symbols showing up in my Red Eyes, I get in a Stance and hold the Sword's handle to my Face. The Blade Tip pointing at Serine.
She didn't want to hurt him. "If I look into your eyes, you'll be turned to stone! I don't want that to happen!" She says almost crying. She hated seeing people die that way. The fear on their face is there to remind of the monster that she is.
"Ok... I just need to kill you, that's pretty much it...." My Red Eye's glowing more. I sheathe my Sword, making a symbol with my finger as a Yellow Light follows my Finger Tip. "What I seek is Lightning! Izuchi!" I yell, Thunder expelling from the Symbol I made.
Krista straightens when she sees the princess enter the dining room. "My lady," she says as she bows her head to the young royal.
(I have a Wedding to go to, Bye!) (Sorry, I have to get a Gift and head there right now!)
I was running away from some gards when I came across some ruins I decided to hide in them hoping that the guards will pass this place
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I started to climb the tower wanting to get a bird's-eye view of this place when I came through the window I saw two people standing there"hi.........."I said softly to where they can barely hear me.
"Ugh!" I turn to the Person and make a Symbol with my Finger, a Purple Light following my Fingertip. Particles come out of the Symbol and put the Person to Sleep. "There we go!"

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