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Fantasy Bleeding Palace Stones Characters




"Monster, etched on my skin, painted on my face...
...but the soul cries loud: woman."
Twice Born Daughter of the Old Lands

Age: Unknown; Looks Mid-Twenties
Height: 5'4"
Hair: Black
Eyes: Black. With a red ring around her pupils.
Gender: Female

She Who Awoke
Zariel, in many ways, appears as a woman. Her build is slight and her skin alabaster against hair like ebony. There is a seeming delicacy to her, features elf like and eyes with a wide childish wonder. Her figure cuts nothing imposing, with hair often left loose and body clad in naught but black and white silks to protect her, she seems nothing of a warrior. But within her eyes there is sewn the scarlet mote of her ancestry. Her pupils are ringed with red like the fires that burn round when the moon eclipses the sun as though apocalypse calls from her very gaze. Upon the back of her left shoulder is a scar of unknown origins, yet it burns true and continues to plague her pink and fresh even after so long kept in her deep sleep. She is wild and unkempt in many ways, never tying down her silken dress nor her hair to let it rise with the winds and expose the long pale straightness of her neck and legs. She wears no cosmetics and walks with bare feet - always she is an oddity where she is seen, even as she seems to near dangerously blend in with mortals.

Before She Woke
Drips feed into flow of her mind. There come with them soft flashes, quiet reminders, a calling, and the fleeting touch of what was against what is. She knows she is Zariel and she is born mighty. She knows where she is from is not where she is now. She knows that as she slept beneath the ancient crypts where none could hear nor find her that the world has moved on. She does not know what the world was before. Calling now upon the very idea creates fire that burns at the base of her mind and the scar on her shoulder to ache. Fear drives her from reaching deeper, yet she knows the garnet that is wrapped about her throat, choking her, holds part of the key to unlocking where she came from. She knows those that bore her were terrible and awesome in their power and upon awaking she sees the remnants of what had come to lay on her before. Something in her past calls to her. And she must walk to it.

The race she comes from once ruled these lands. They were the Empresses and Kings that would ride upon great beasts of burden carrying the world spirit within their breasts. Still, their voices echo through the very pillars which the land stands upon. Even in their ancientness they are forever. And upon her awakening, Zariel has revitalized them in a way she does not yet understand. But she feels their ancient power within her, quivering, at her very core and demanding to be held and carried as the world turns again and bends to the might of what once was.

Somehow, she understands that it is imperative to know where she came from if she wishes to save what is. But now she stumbles like a newborn babe, unknowing of anything that is not told, or knowing too much and the ancient memories within her overwhelming her mind beyond reason as her past clashes hard with her present. She walks a dangerous line. But, something within her cannot seem to care the danger she puts herself in, only that she finds her results.

"Sunshiny Milk," Nostalghia

"I Hope Your World is Kind," Auri

"I Followed Fires," Matthew and the Atlas

"Savages," Marina and the Diamonds

code by featherstone

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