Bleach The next generation

She was a little tired so she grabbed his hand rubbing her eyes with the other. She stood by his side as the rest of the squad piled out. There was one girl that took her time but was also paying attention to them. Cresent did a light yawn then smiled up at the captain. " ofcourse"
You tired?" he asked her as he helped her up to her feet. It was late...or early to be specific so that would make since. The night air was cold and chilly and to top it of it had strong breezes that blew right through to the bones "the air is cold tonight" he stated looking around then back at her as the moonlight shined down on her. "i......" he was stunned by her beauty even more so when the moonlight beat and shined down on her "your....." he shook his head and turned slightly red "lets just go" he stated figured he was most likely better off not finishing his thoughts right then and there.
She chuckeld as she followed him looking at the moon. The night was indeed cold and she wasn't wearing heavy clothing. She slid inbetwee the captains coat , still walking beside him. " It is cold tonight.ehehe"
he laughs "well good luck sleeping, these nights are the worst the blankets they give are not very thick and the rooms are not very warm" he stated looking down smiling at her with a slight laugh as the breezes seem to pick up more and few snowflakes began to fall now "would you look at that" he stated looking at the snowflakes fall.
She looked up toward the sky smiling. She stuck out her tounge and lett a snowflake fall onto it. SHe stuck back in her tounge feeling the snowflake become water in her mouth. She laughed a little going back to her regualar, position being inside of the captains jacket.
he laughs at her in a friendly way "your a goof" he stated as they made there way through the barracks to his quarters "if youd like you can stay in here tonight its a littler warmer" of course he meant nothing bad by it and was just tryign to look out for his2nd seat
"If it is ok with you captain, ill be glad to accompany you tonight." The way it was said could be thought in many different ways. What made it more confuseing was he small laughter. She looked up at the captain with a tired but happy face.
he laughed at her "you goof" he stated. when they arrived at his quarters he looked at her "the captains quarters are warmer if you wish to stay in here tonight" he stated being nice trying to take care of his second seat and of coursemeant nothing bad by it.
She looked aroud amazed " the captains quaters are bigger and better then the rest of the squads."
he nodded "they spoil us in that regard" he stated watching her and her shock "anyways did you wanna stay in here tonight or shall i walk you back to your room?" he asks her
he nods "well your more then welcome to" he stated with it jsut occuring to would they sleep with just one bed...a predicament "you can take the bed and rest ill figure somethign out" he stated as he sat at a chair at his desk. taking his captains vest off and placing it by his sword which he placed next to the desk, he pulled out some pen and paper and ink "get some rest go ahead" he stated
She walked over to the bed laying down it. She doesn't take up much space since shes a little small so there was enough room. She moved onto her side putting her hands under her cheeck. " you can come to bed to, i dont take up much space."
He watched her for a moment. He realised it was not the best of ideas, if someone walked in and seen his 2nd seat in his bed with him it could be bad, even if they didnt do anything, not that he would mind, she was attractive but it was his second seat at the same time, it was his job to guide and protect her and teach her and instruct her so nothing would happen, but still, if someone seen. Many thoughts went through his head and after all the debating he done within himself, he finally gave in and sat down next to her and watched her for a moment thinking to himself this was a bad idea "you sure?" he asked cresent

Meanwhile, in Hueco Mundo, Aizen stepped out of his chambers still very weak and relying on his trusted espada to protect him. Having stepped out, uria walked to him "Master you should be resting" aizen looked at him "i needed out of here ive been stuck in darkness for far to long im ready to rejoin the living" he stated "i want to have a meeting" he stated to uria who was his right hand and by far the strongest of his espada without a doubt. "I will let everyone know master" uria stated and walked off towards the espada chambers to let everyone know.
he laughs and watches her for a moment and becomes lost in thought as he thinks about his past and even thinks about now and this new liuetenant they have entrusted him with. As he watched her he sighs, shes strong and smart and knows her place but shes still very young and very naive and has a lot to learn but could he teach her? could he protect her as she leanred and grew? he sighs and lays down but at the other end of the bed and fell asleep to the sounds of crickets chirping.
The morning soon came as she slowly woke up rubbing her eyes. She yawned a little sliding out of the bed. It was sunny outside so it heat up the room quite a bit. She didn't realize that she wan't in her room so she began to take her jacket off.
the captain who was at the desk doing his report didnt realise she was up yet. he continue to write his report for the head captain. the squad had made there way up by this time and got to work, many were slightly hungover but all preformed there job as required. looking back he seen her then laughed "careful you take off to much your liable to embarrase yourself" he stated with a small laugh.
she wasn't quite awake so she didn't hear him. She took off her shirt then moved to the pants sliding them down as she kicked off her shoes.
he froze for a moment no sure what to do he should stop her no doubt but he couldnt move and he had a lump in his throat so he could say anything either so he jsut sat there like a paralized ghost unable to react at all yet knowing he should he jsut hopped she seen him before she removed her last article of clothing and embarrased herself.

in hueco mundo as everyone made there way to hall for meeting aizen sent uria to retrieve the one he kept sealed. making his way he broke the seal and made his way down inside the lair "time for you to enter the world lord aizen request ur service now in exchange for your freedom" he stated as he stood there not the slightesst bit afraid, he had heard stories of here and she was strong no doubt but there was a reason aizen trusted him as his number one espada and right hand and enforcer.
she had finisjed undressing , holding herself as she looked around for the shower. She was to sleepy and thought what was him was probably a rack or the swird but mainly a tree. She yawned a couple of times as she searched. Se thought it might be outside so she began to walk towards the door.

Her neck cracked as she opend her eyes. She stepped out yawning as she looked around. The same old place she thought. Yomi saw the man and just stared. She let out a sigh and began to walk up the steps.
sighing, jace jumped up and grabbed a robe and using flash step made his way to here apearing behind her and throwing the robe around her "what do you think your doing, you just undressed right in front of me and walked outside as such" he sighed and shook his head "cresent...what are we gonna do with you" he stated as he looked down at her
She rubbed her eyes as she looked up at him. She blinked several of times before seeing herself. Her eyes got wide as she pushed away heading for the bathrrom. She was embarrased , what made it worse was that he was towering over her, his body was to close.
he sighs and shakes his head "women" he yawns and stretches and returned to his quarters to grab his zanpakto and captains coat. after placing both on, he made his wayt o town, he had several hours till the captains meeting and decided to go to town to get something to drink. having made his way to the shop he got some sake and went to the fields outside of town and sat by a small lake drinking as he gazed into the lake.
As she walked out of the room squad 3 captain bumped into her. She stumbled back a bit looking up. " Oh toshiro." The captain yawned then looked down at her. " My my if irs not you still have that walking nude problem." She blushed a little as she turned herself and began walking. " if your not busy Cresent do you mind going to a few places." She let out a sigh the nodded her head. " Tell me cresent is this new caprain of yours gental or tame a tiger you gotta be rough." She elbowed him in the stomach as they walked to town. " Geez stop asking questions...besides its none of your buisness." The walked into a dongo shop, sitting down at one of the tables. ".....Cresent will you joing me again." "no". The captain let out a sigh." alright then at least show me your banki." " why." He scotted over to her side then laid his head down. " its beautiful..."

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