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Fandom Bleach RolePlay!

(So you don't bother to save Ichigo who is literally going to get disintegrated pretty much.)

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Leonhardt Victorion

Leo noticed Seika was trying to get ride of the Gritz and it would be in his best interest if he help them out with it. So Leo let go of Ichigo and used his speed to get to where Seika and Ichino was. Leo then placed on hand of the middle of it. "A silver rod bends and the five-fingered stone bed breaks free". Leo said this as the Gritz technique removed its self.
Leonhardt Victorion

"Why do you even try after I helped you, you people don't show gratitude well." Leo said as he grabbed Ichino. "Like you could do anything to me when I am like this." He said before attempting to knee her in the gut .
She watch the too fighting as it was basically the same with ichigo and leo. "I say you both have it under control" she try to pull off a reassuring smile but it was not very noticeable. "speak of under control" She turn to see how the hollow Ichigo was doing.

(sorry ichino! xD )

"hey ichigo!" she call out waving a hand to get him to notice as she was hoping he was alright.
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(Lol its otay)"you wouldent leet me finish me slamming you was for trapping me in that thing!"she leet him go and huged him"..thats for not killing seika but helping...now I got something to handle see ya in school"
Leonhardt Victorion

Leo scratched his head and blushed when she hugged him. "Erm you're welcome and sorry for trapping you in that thing ... I guess." Leo said rather embarrassed and still blushing.
He turned his head to the girl. "There is no Ichigo! Only me!" He said with wide eyes, and an evil grin. Then his hand reached up and tore the mask off his face. His eyes returned to normal. "*pant* dammit."

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Leonhardt Victorion

"Erm yeah i'm fine." Leo said looking at Ichino as she ran to Ichigo as did seika but Leo on the other hands just stood still looking. "That soul reaper is not getting a word out of me." Leo muttered to himself.
Kosui was all this time standing on the highest building,

observing his enemies movement,

''Well done Leo...''

he muttered, he was going to say evil random things but he was awesome ninja so he was as they was so silent,

keeping it to himself until he was seen.
Leonhardt Victorion

Leo picked up another's spiritual pressure one he knew. "God it took you long enough." Leo said looking towards were the man who he was "helping" was.
seeing that he was notice was unexpected "im sorry but it look like you had it under control" He chuckle "what wrong? Something wrong with my face seika?"
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She just froze and blink before anything she then look at Ichino and Leo and follow their eyes that leaded to Kosui, Her smile completely drop ''what the hell do you want from me?'' She yell as her voice sounded very nervous but she wasn't going to become a damsel in distress
"Seika we should leave like write now"ichinos voice was worrisome and scared as she saw the man as she tryed now to fight him
He jump down, it took a while for his feet to hit the floor as it was really high up but a massive 'thud' was heard. he then pointed at her "you are keeping a demon seal that needs to be free. You are just a abomination holding that thing"
"Abomination....."this one word make ichino furious she griped her hand into a fist she knew she cant fight him she'll just get injerd again
He notice her expression and couldn't help but laugh "that right. ABOMINATION. then after I capture it. it will become our weapon.."

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