Bleach: New Generation


"You are a Ocean of Gray Waves..."
Long after the life of Ichigo Kurosaki the Soul Society has taken a massive change . All of the Captians execpt Head captian Shunsui Kyoruaku are desceased. Captians are needed.

Captians needed:

2nd divsion (female only)

3rd divison (either)

4th divison (female only)

5th divison (either)

6th divison (Kuchiki only)

7th divison (either)

8th divsion (either)

9th division (either)

10th divsion(either)

11th divsion (Male only)

12th divsion (Taken^^)

13th division (either)

The template is simple for Rping

Name: What you say *actions go in here* 'Thoughts go in here'

For applying use this:





Zanbakuto (gender)



Rank(Captian etc.)

Here is my character

Shisuko Yuko.

Shisuko Yuko is the only captain to figure out how to,create a Hybrid Espada Shinigami since he is smarter than Aizen and Kisuke Urahara together he knows how to eecreate many plans into useible ones.

Shisuko can use the full speed of a Vasto Lorde called Shioni (ceremony)

Shinigami/Espada hybrid


145 lbs

Zabakuto (Female) Konohana (This Flower)

Konohana has 3 techincal shikais. Engage Konohana,Whistle Konohana,and Disperse Konohana

Konohana Sakuya Hime (Goddess of the Cherry tree) Konohana is a very unique Zanbakuto it is the only Zanbakuto that can cancel out the power of a Bankai.

Captian of 12th squad. a president of the research Devlopment Buero

I will allow the use of The Espada for a later date.

Ready Bleach Fans You get to make your own captain! 
And Espada.. Okay the Espada are different

here is to register for a Espada.


Hollow creature:




Ressucion form
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Name: Miharu Hanazono

Race: Shinigami

Weight: 110 lb

Height: 5'7

Zanbakuto: Male (twin zanpakutou)

Shikai: Two twin zanpakutous: Shouji and Shuichi

Ability: Shadow manipulation

Bankai: "Kage Tsuin no Ryuu" (Shadow Twin Dragons)

Rank: Captain of Squad 2

Captian Accepted^^

[QUOTE="Haru-chi]Name: Miharu Hanazono
Race: Shinigami

Weight: 110 lb

Height: 5'7

Zanbakuto: Male (twin zanpakutou)

Shikai: Two twin zanpakutous: Shouji and Shuichi

Ability: Shadow manipulation

Bankai: "Kage Tsuin no Ryuu" (Shadow Twin Dragons)

Rank: Captain of Squad 2


Name: Daisuke Kimura

race: shinigami

weight: 160 lb

height:6 ft

Zanbakuto ( Male ) Raifurichi meaning life leech

shikai drink their life is the activation. It turns into a glove with needles coming from the fingertips. There is a capsule on the wrist that stores energy leeched from the enemy. Injecting an enemy can poison them and can heal allies.

Bankai. Kyojin richi meaning giant leech. A giant leech appears. Its red and white with a lot of teeth and has hole going down its side. It can suck spiritual energy from a large area. it can disperse smaller leeches to suck energy too.

Rank 3rd division captain
ThatFatsoHachi said:
Name: Daisuke Kimura
race: shinigami

weight: 160 lb

height:6 ft

Zanbakuto ( Male ) Raifurichi meaning life leech

shikai drink their life is the activation. It turns into a glove with needles coming from the fingertips. There is a capsule on the wrist that stores energy leeched from the enemy. Injecting an enemy can poison them and can heal allies.

Bankai. Kyojin richi meaning giant leech. A giant leech appears. Its red and white with a lot of teeth and has hole going down its side. It can suck spiritual energy from a large area. it can disperse smaller leeches to suck energy too.

Rank 3rd division captain
Hey Awesome Captain I love it yes its Accepted
btw i live in hawaii so my time and schedule makes it difficult for me to rp sometimes so if i suddenly stop rp its because i had to go
Name: Riyoshi Nihoma

race: Shinigami

weight: 500lbs


Zanbakuto: (Male) Suzaku

shikai: Iyashi Fenikkusu (healing phoenix)

Bankai: Kasai no rensa (chains of fire)

Rank(Captian etc.) Captain of the 11th squad

Name: Inori, Reihai

Nickname(s): Reihai has gone by many nicknames in the past, but has grown to prefer "Kary?kai" over the years. Now, "Kary?kai" is as much of a name to Reihai as her name itself.

Age: Looks to be around 22-24. Reihai looks a lot younger than she is, however, after many years of taking care of her body.

Sex: Female

Sexual Preference: Bisexual

Species: Shinigami

Affiliation/Position: 8th Division; Captain


Personality: Describing Inori, Reihai simply is difficult. In fact, describing Reihai at all is difficult. Reihai is a woman of two halves that coexist in perfect juxtaposition, a woman of two extremes that have somehow chosen to lay side by side without blurring or attempting to overcome one another. On the first hand, Reihai is incredibly graceful. She exists in a state of constant grace and poise, holding herself with an incredible level of dignity and independence that one cannot help but admire. Looking at Reihai makes it clear that she is incredibly strong-willed and stubborn, but not so stubborn as to be petulant. She is firm and unbending, but manages to be so calmly and respectfully. Her incredible temperance and grace have, over the years, earned her the friendships of almost everyone she has met. There is something so alluring about Reihai that compels people to respect her, even if they do not like her. Reihai is a woman of principle, who adheres to a set of tenets religiously. She does not impose these on others, but makes it quite clear that she enjoys people who exhibit these qualities and asks that people respect her tenets whenever around her. This, however, is only one side of Inori, Reihai. Beneath the incredible grace is a fury that cannot be explained, a fury so consuming that were it not tempered with her sheer willpower it would consume her and those around her. Reihai loves battle. This desire to battle manifests as her immeasurable fury, and it can be seen as a controlled force whenever she fights. She lives for the thrill of combat and the adrenaline flowing through her veins as she takes her blades into her hands to do battle. She cannot explain the joy her fury brings her as she does not quite compehend it herself, but she embraces this side of her personality as much as she embraces her gracefulness. It is the odd combination and juxtaposition of her incredible fury and grace that define her, and she is completely rigid and unbending when it comes to these two traits of her. Reihai is an altruistic person, often offering to help those who she is able to empathise with with her vast resources and experience, but she is not capable of fully understanding the spectrum of emotion. She sees black, and she sees white, but fails to see the grey in between the two - any mixture of two opposite is completely foreign to her, and try as she might she simply cannot fathom how such a pairing can exist. Reihai remains polite and calm when she tells people that she does not understand them and therefore has no time for them as her experience cannot aid them, but can come off as distant and cold without intending to. Reihai is completely stuck in her ways and would never change for anybody: A woman such as Reihai would expect you to change for her.


Yanagi no Seiyaku [Willow Branch Restraints] - Thin bangles of Sekki-Seki stone wrapped in either black or white silk. The bangles are worn on Reihai's person, and she has a total of ten: four on each arm, and one on each ankle. These bangles suppress her reiatsu by a large amount, giving her the equivalent reiatsu of a fifth seat officer when all of them are worn. She has trained with these for hundreds of years, having obtained them from Kokan, Nejire [The best scientist to have ever lived] hundreds of years ago, and has grown so accustomed to them that her current strength is but a fraction of her true strength, and she is able to compete with captains somewhat easily.

Abilities: Reihai, being a captain, is expected to be at least proficient in all four of the basic shinigami arts. This is not the case. Reihai has honed her natural talents to a state of near-perfection, but at the cost of lacking in any other skill. It could be stated that she is better at her favoured proficiencies than most of the masters, but lacks severely - less proficient than even seated officers - in areas they also have competency in. However, it should be noted that her chosen skill has sufficed for her long, long years as a captain and she is most definitely not to be upset.

Zanjutsu Legend [s+ Rank]: Reihai's skill with the sword is nigh unmatchable (she has found one person capable of doing so), and her unorthodox style forms the basis of this skill. Reihai's swordplay is incredibly swift, incredibly graceful, and overall, unbelievably strong. Her ability to fluidly outmaneuveur and retaliate to up to 10 opponents has been demonstrated - frequently - and she does it without breaking a sweat. A few captains have lasted more than a few minutes sparring with her, but they have all noted that the longer the fight goes on, the more unbearable it becomes. Eventually, Reihai can overpower any opponent's swordplay. Every other member of the Gotei 13 knows of her incredible prowess with the sword, and it has often been used as a threat to be put to her sword.

Hakuda Combatant [E Rank]: Reihai has no knowledge of Hakuda in the slightest. She is unskilled in it herself (though this is not an indication that she is unfit - she is one of the most physically fit captains as her role and job demand it) and has no ability to defend herself from the onslaught of an opponent if stripped of her swords.

Kid? Combatant [E Rank]: Reihai understands the principles of Kid?, but is almost completely unable to use them herself. She has never tried to learn simply because Kid? do not interest her.

Hoh? Combatant [E Rank]: Reihai's ability to perform the basic Shunp? is limited at best. She is able to move short distances somewhat easily, but no further.

Master Calligraphist: "Reihai is the best calligraphist ever. Seriously. Ever. Like, ever. Duuuuuuuude." - Shiren

Master Entertainer (Dance, Music, Etc.): Reihai lived her life in the real world as a Geisha, and until she married Madara, lived her life in the Soul Society as a Geisha. As such, she has completely mastered the art and is possibly the best entertainer in the Seireitei, using her grace and wit to charm those she entertains.

Master Hostess: Reihai has also mastered the art of the Hostess, fitting her position as a senior Geisha. She is able to keep anybody happy and often uses her skills to settle disputes between members of her division or her fellow captains. While she does not understand people, she is a master at manipulating the surroundings or situation to cater to the needs of those involved.

Zanpakut? Name: Inori no Tasogare [Prayers to Dusk]

Zanpakut? Appearance: In its sealed state, Inori no Tasogare takes on two individual blades. The first, affectionately nicknamed "Yanagi", is a katana with a completely black decor. The hilt of the katana is a smooth, charcoal-black wood with a thin silk string wrapping, woven around the hilt of the blade in intricate patterns. This silk makes the blade considerably more difficult to grip than other blades. The Tsuba is not metal at all, but is in fact made of sheer obsidian, carved into a rectangular slab and hollowed out somewhat, leaving a thick, rectangular rim of the stone around the edges of the tsuba. The tsuba, aside from this, is completely0 unpatterened and completely smooth. The blade of this katana is a sharp contrast to the completely black tsuba and guard, however, being sheer white. This blade is, aside from its dazzling array of colour, completely ordinary. The blades of Inori no Tasogare, even when sealed, are fantastically sharp. The very edge of the blade looks almost menacing when light glints from it, seemingly "cutting the light in two". This is untrue, of course, but illusion seems quite real to those who do not know of how Yanagi works.

In a strong juxtaposition, the second katana of Inori no Tasogare - affectionately nicknamed "Hanatoki", is completely the opposite of its sealed counterpart. The blade's hilt is completely white, wrapped in several layers of completely white silk and tied off with elegant rolls of white silken ribbon. The tsuba is also rectangular, like its counterpart, although Hanatoki's tsuba seems to be made of an almost marble-like material, crafted in exactly the same way as Yanagi. This gives it a brilliant white sheen, and when light hits the tsuba it almost sparkles. The blade is a drastic change, much like Yanagi's is, and is completely pitch-black. It is difficult to discern anything about the blade except for its general shape, and even its edge is not visible because of how dark the blade is. It is equally as sharp as Yanagi's blade, however, and again boasts among the highest in sheer cutting power, even while sealed, within the entire Seireitei.

Zanpakut? Spirit: Zanpakut? Spirit: The inner world of Inori no Tasogare is, in of itself, a small grey dais. Runes have been etched into the dais laboriously, and on occasion these runes light up with sparks and crackles of either white or black energy. The dais is roughly 500m in diameter, with spiralling gray structures emerging from the edges of the dais, which climb upwards to form an elegant cage around the platform. Vision is, somehow, completely unobstructed by this "cage", but its presence rests firmly in the conscious mind at all times. On the dais, there are many ruined structures, some with black flames creeping up the walls, and some with white flames, all echoes of wars past waged in the inner world of Inori no Tasogare. Walking up to the ruined structures, one can see apparitions of soldiers fighting in the wars, and victims - often innocent - being butchered in their homes. These apparitions are stuck in different times, and often merge together to form a truly disorienting illusion. The apparitions, not being real, are unable to interact with those who are in Inori no Tasogare's inner world. The entire decorum of the world is something inherently wrong to the human mind, being a world where two opposites have been forged into an entity unlike any other. To gaze upon the world of Inori no Tasogare is much like seeing a building not designed by Euclidian geometry for the first time; not all people are able to understand what they see and it horrifies in a sense that no other experience could grant. The world of Inori no Tasogare is a portmanteau of reverence and horror trapped inside a world foreign to both, a contrast of the rage of war, yet wrapped in something as mysterious as the dark side of the moon. Each second spent there engulfs its victims in its horrifying radiance, trapped in a world that does not accept nor reject them, a world that impartially watches and judges simultaneously. You cannot stare into the world of Inori no Tasogare, but it can stare back.

Everything in the inner world is monochrome, and no sound can be heard unless it is speech. The world is eerily still, at all times, and only the living inhabitants feel real. The world comes across as a haze, perhaps a delusion, a blurring of reality and illusion. Fragments of ruins are left behind, either spiralling staircases made of exquisite white marble, streaked with black and lined with obsidian, or black basalt buildings, recognisable in theory but not design, institutions of war left long abandoned but still somehow active, the menacing intent obvious from the feeling of the building. These buildings litter every second of the landscape, every inch of the dais is covered by these builds - but some are ephemeral, and some are ethereal. The world is unpleasant to be in generally, unless one is used to its intricacies, but few are prepared for the world.

Shikai Appearance: "Cascade into Twilight, Inori no Tasogare."

Upon speaking the release command, Reihai places the hilts of her two katana together and twists each of them ninety degrees. Her grey reiatsu flares for a brief second, and she pulls the blades apart, bringing an addition to the blades out with them: Half of the original hilt remains, but the remainder of it has stretched outwards into a "tuning-fork"-like blade, approximately as long as the blade itself. From this blade, the appropriately coloured silk spills forth as the blade moves.

Shikai Abilities:

Sekai no Kiri [Mist between Worlds] - Reihai perpetuates the rumour that she draws her power from a hidden world, pulling it through the mist between her world and ours in the form of silk. Yanagi, the White Blade, leaves a trail of Black Silk from its hilt. The Black Silk embodies the willows of the hidden world with its subtlety and grace, and dips into it [The Dangai]. This gives the Black Silk the property of being a barrier between worlds, and as such, when it is wrapped around an object or person, they cease to exist in this world and enter the hidden world briefly, while the outside world ceases to exist for them. There is, in theory, no limit to the time this can be held, but it is typically around sixty seconds before the barrier is drawn back into the mists and Reihai must draw it once more. Hanatoki, the Black Blade, leaves a trail of White Silk from its hilt. The White Silk embodies the flowers of the hidden world, vibrant but fleeting, and dips into the hidden world in a unique way. The White Silk could be seen as being unnaturally sharp. While this is true, it is actually not the case: The White Silk's edge cleaves the mist from whence it came, allowing it to separate the barrier effortlessly upon its edge. This allows it to cut almost anything bar Zanpakuto with perfect precision, and as such it is extremely deadly.

Tenraku-Kiji [Tumbling Silk]: An extremely potent zanjutsu technique founded on ancient principles. Reihai, in a burst of sudden speed, cleaves both blades in a circle around her. As well as slicing anything hit by the swords, several layers of white silk are summoned that funnel outwards and spread into a sphere, slicing through anything [almost literally] that it encounters. The technique's execution is almost blindingly fast, and only Reihai's sudden change in stance is noticeable to opponents not familiar with her speed.

Y?kei Kare [Withering Tangibility] - The extentions to Yanagi and Hanatoki are tangible, but are unable to physically come into contact with sapient beings: They pass through Reihai as if she does not exist, and though her opponents or allies as if they do not exist. She is unable to weave silk inside people.

Sh?ten Ikari [Tempered Fury] - Reihai's lust for battle is incredibly strong, but never strong enough to overcome her incredible temperance and grace. The longer she remains in combat, the more powerful and focused her strikes become, until such a point where her strikes are so strong and so precise that even fellow legends have great difficulty in stopping her attacks. In addition to this, Reihai is able to draw upon her reserves of incredible fury, ignoring a large amount of all pain inflicted upon her.

Shiroi-Kiri no Megumi [Grace of the White Mist] - Reihai is able to manipulate the white silk effortlessly so long as Yanagi or Hanatoki are touching it. This allows her to attack rapidly from a distance, or to defend herself against most attacks while subjecting herself to the least potential harm possible. This ability is blindingly fast in execution, and she has been known to be able to kill several foes at once in the time it has taken her to perform a sidestep, simply by cutting them with her white silk.

Hanadai [Flower Fees] - As the time that the silk remains in this world increases, so does its strength. The longer the black silk remains before it is used increases the duration of how long its ability can be used, and the longer the white silk remains in this world, the sharper it gets.

Tenmaru Kanzen [Perfect Heaven Circle] - By composing herself with a surge of Reiatsu, Reihai is able to enter into a psuedo-meditative state of extreme awareness. By forfeiting all sensory input outside of a thirty foot radius circle around her, with her as the centre point, she gains a vast increase in her senses within this circle. In this state, Reihai is able to move at speeds equal to Seijin, Oi's Shunpo. She is, however, unable to take more than two steps in any given direction without breaking the technique, and she can only use the technique on a flat surface.

Jigokumaru Kanzen [Perfect Hell Circle] - Similar in theory to the Tenmaru Kanzen, the Jigokumaru Kanzen focuses the area in which Reihai retains control of her senses into an even smaller area, and taps into her immense battle fury. By restricting her senses to a 5 foot circle around her, she sharpens her senses to levels otherwise unheard of, seeing the world - and most importantly combat - in such perfect clarity that most combatants would be unable to take it. By adding her immense fury to this sharpening of her senses, Reihai becomes a killing machine devoid of emotion for a brief period. The area in which the Jigokumaru Kanzen is to be used must be marked with a circle of white silk. Then, as the technique is activated, Reihai begins weaving silk with speed greater than even Kokoro, Heiwa can keep up with, and then controls it fluidly, essentially reducing anything within her small area to dust. This technique is extremely addictive as it taps into Reihai's fury and focuses her battle intent to inhuman levels, so it is unwise to use frequently. This technique shares the same restrictions as the Tenmaru Kanzen.

Bankai Name: Inori no Tasogare:K?kai no Ry?iki [Prayers to Dusk: Realm of the Penitent]

Bankai Appearance: In order to release to Bankai, Reihai must stab both of her Katana into the ground (or the air should she be mid-air, unlikely as it is). Then, after a brief second, one line of black energy shoots from the white blade, and one line of white energy shoots from the black blade. These lines of energy then stretch out into a circle, moving symmetrically with each other, and as soon as the circle is completed the energies form a black and white sphere (black on top, white on the bottom) that encompasses Reihai and her opponent(s). Then, the sphere dissipates and all trapped inside of it vanish, to reappear in the Realm of the Penitent. The Realm of the Penitent looks exactly like the inner world.

Upon entering the K?kai no Ry?iki, Reihai presses the edges of her two katana together, and they both merge to become a single katana, each "half" owning the appearance of the blade that made it. Red Silk spills forth from the blade of Inori no Tasogare while in this form.

Bankai Abilities:

Shisu Keiry? [Mortal Tether] - While inside the world of K?kai no Ry?iki, nothing outside of the world exists, and you do not exist to the outside world. The only way to be released from the K?kai no Ry?iki is to kill Reihai. Reihai herself, however, is not bound by this restriction. She is able to, for a second at a time, slip out of the K?kai no Ry?iki once every five minutes. This does not return her to the real world, however, she is "in between" the two worlds.

K?kai [Penitence] - While in the K?kai no Ry?iki, certain laws apply that do not apply in the real world.

1: Upon entering, all objects are made devoid of colour, and all abilities not native to the world become devoid of colour while within the world. Coloured items are more powerful in the K?kai no Ry?iki, and are exempt from the traditional rules.

2: Attacking your opponent while in the K?kai no Ry?iki conflicts with the rules of the world, causing the attacker's blade to become weaker and more brittle, while simultaneously attacking their reiatsu. The more one attacks in the world, the more pronounced the effect becomes. Retaliation does not cause this effect. Should the user attack with their Zanpakut?'s abilities, Hakuda or Kid?, they will instead suffer the full brunt of the world's retaliation, attacking their reiatsu and weakening them more than if the attack also affected their blade.

3: The longer one goes without attacking, the more powerful their next attack is. This stacks indefinitely, but as the laws effectively prohibit all initiations of attack only retaliatory strikes gain this bonus.

K?kai no Ken [sword of the Penitent] - Reihai's red silk and retaliatory slashes do not leave cuts on the opponent. Instead, a hilt and tsuba identical to hers are left on the hit area. As K?kai's effect becomes more pronounced on the victim, a blade builds up from the hilt, eventually impaling the opponent. The blades cannot be removed, but with enough reiatsu the hilts can be.
Yep we are starting. Yep Shisuko released his bankai for the first time ever. Yep we shall start from there and go into the new Shinigami Trials

Name: Lunacy “Luna” Kojima

Race: Canine, Shinigami

Weight: 217

Gender: Female

Standing Height: 8‘04“

Quadruped Height: 4‘09“

Rank: Captain of 10th Division

Info: Luna is lightning fast. Her land speed is just as fast as a normal shinigami’s shunpo and her shunpo is unrivaled. The captain is very flexable and agile and this makes up for her lack in power compared to some of the other captains. Do not underestimate her though, her force is still enough to cleave an underling shinigami in half. Luna is also highly skilled in use of the arts as well as with a sword.

She has excellent senses; being able to hear sounds that a human cannot, seeing in lowlight as if during the day, and smelling the faintest of odors. She is lanky for the type of creature she is but has natural claws that can also cause some fierce damage.

Zanpakuto: Male; Tsuyoi Tansen (Strong Edge)

Luna’s Zanny spirit is that of a male samurai. Nothing more, nothing less. He is one for chivalry though Luna is more about the kill and pain.

Shikai Release: Togu (Sharpen)

Luna’s blade takes the form of an advanced, hiltless ninja blade. One designed for cutting, slicing and chopping. Made for aggressive fighting.

Bankai Release: Furikomeru no Kōtetsu (Raining of Steel)

(Will devulge more when the time comes.)
This one looks so great I cannot possibly say no so I going to say Captain accepted welcome to Gotei 13 
Captains 2,3,8,10,11,12 are now taken the ones left are 4,5,6,7,9,13.
Name: Takeo Kimura

race: Shinigami

weight: 180

height: 6'2

Zanbakuto: Yanagi no ki (willow tree) Male

shikai: burasage ha (hanging leaves) my blade is connected to clumps of smalled knives with a very short chain. it bears resemblance to the drooping leaves of a willow tree. My blade and its knives soften reiastu it hits and can absorb it with enough strikes. Absorbed reiastu can be used to empower my kido spells.

Bankai. not yet available

Rank: Lieutenant of Squad 3

Info: Daisuke's little brother, even though I may not appear to be smaller. Takeo excels at kido and often bickers with Daisuke but reluctantly follows him. Takeo constantly looks bored and tired much to that of a willow tree with a drooping expression.
Okay cool a lieutant^^ since I didnt pur anything for them it will be automatically accepted
OK looking for some insider knowledge. BAcklash and i need to know why zaraki went "insane" so when we actually go to fight him we can line it up with our story. We are good at BSing it so just give us a condensed basioc rundown.
Oh okay Zaraki went insane due to a Hollowfication process that Shisuko preformed on him. Since he is still mostly Instinct and enjoys killing haveing a hollow creates the Kill intent. Thus he goes purely on instinct of his hollow to kill and be claimed as the most strongest warrior. Well there is that plot line.
Well no one knew he did it. He is alsways 5 steps ahead of everyone. Oh he also brought back Ochigo from the dead as a Espada so watch out this is getting Heated
If you asked Reihai to go and find him, she'd offer you her assistance.

And, just so we're clear, Shisuko;

  • Is a member of the Royal Guard
  • Smarter than Urahara
  • Stronger than Aizen without releasing any of his three shikai.
  • He has three shikai
  • Took on four members of the Royal Guard at the same time...and won.
  • Is an Espada Shinigami Captain.

Is that everything?
Yeah but remember there is a fail safe I have to make him with no god modeing purposes. And I will give you the way to neat him if he goes rogue a Fail safe Zanbakuto if it Cuts him his Reishi will be dismattled. Yep you got the gist of it. Wait does she want to team up with him? That would be awesome..
Reihai is a very independent person, it's unlikely she'd want to align with anyone for a significant period of time. She's also REALLY no keen on the whole "Espada Shinigami" thing, she'd likely just execute him on the spot.

She's after Zarakai's head as well, so she'll likely team up with the others for a small time and forgo searching for Shisuko for a while.

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