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Fandom Bleach: Endless Abyss

Attention members of Squad 11, namely @Blitzer and @Crimson smile. You two will be fighting the enemy aptly named Green Mask, played by yours truly~ Please put up a preparation post with perhaps and attack each and I will get basic character data up soon as well ^____^
 Oh hey, are there any major plot related events I should know about?

Yeah! So basically right now, the Seireitei is under attack by 7 masked assailants. There are 4 we know about. Yellow and Blue are currently engaged in battle with some captains. Red was last seen at one of the gates and Green is assigned to squad 11. I highly recommend reading the post entitled "End Of Peace" as it outlines the situation and how to join in. After that you should be caught up! ^w^
Yeah! So basically right now, the Seireitei is under attack by 7 masked assailants. There are 4 we know about. Yellow and Blue are currently engaged in battle with some captains. Red was last seen at one of the gates and Green is assigned to squad 11. I highly recommend reading the post entitled "End Of Peace" as it outlines the situation and how to join in. After that you should be caught up! ^w^

Thanks a bunch! Almost done with my character, had to rework him a bit.

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