Blackwood Academy for the Gifted


Cookie Monster

Please don't make your Characters too OP , and don't 1x1 if you can help it example of OP gifts ;

Unlimited abilities to make stuff appear , please if you have this make sure there is some kind of limit

Ability to fully control other people all the time

Access to unlimited amounts of information

Also please try and be specific

. Please attend class as well. You can upload a picture as your appearance if you want if you don't want to type it out. Please don't give your character more than two gifts and if you give them more than one , make your second one quite weak . Please no gifts that allow you to control people all the time or anything like that.


(Copy and Paste sign up sheet)

(Student Sign Up sheet)





Sexual Orientation:






Best subject:

Worst Subject:



Optional Pet:


(Copy and Paste sign up sheet)

(Teacher Sign Up sheet)






What they teach:



Gift , if they have one:

Optional Pet:

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Noyeh said:

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Haruka 'Thanatos' Zhujiao





Sexual Orientation:





Haruka has a rather hard time explaining it, saying he had an older brother that was 17 at the time and was a fugitive but than died. Also stating that he was never raised by proper parents, which his brother did take care of him. Than Haruka got the invitation, he signed up and here he is.

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"You should be able to understand right?"


Apples // Oranges // The Heat // Sun // Food


Pears // Vegetables // The Cold // Moon // Jerks


Haruka is very alike to someone who rarely understands anything, he gets confused a lot and shows a rather weird timid nature. But because of that nature, he is very unpredictable, making ways to escape, harm, or negotiate. But he doesn't lie, and if he does, he can rarely keep his act up. Haruka is very cheerful too, so he gets excited over anything.



Pyrokinesis is the psychic ability to manipulate or create fire. Generally, one begins manipulating a candle's flame. In more advanced practices one can extinguish a candle flame or reignite a flame that has went out. Pyrokinesis is a branch of psychokinesis. Another common name for Pyrokinesis is "Flame Manipulation".


Psychometry, translated from the Greek as “measure of the soul”, is an ability to read an object just by touching or looking at it. As any other ability it takes a while to master, but yields good results as you go along the training process.

The ability is very good with antiques and old objects.

This is the ability to see the past, future and energy of an object. This ability is used in a way to learn more about objects. This can be done just by touching or it or looking at it. This can be a very useful ability but not the easiest ether. Psychometry is connected to clairvoyance, clairaudiance and remote viewing. Psychometry can also be considered like telepathy but to be reading the 'mind' of an object.

By touching the object you are connecting your energy with its meaning a easy channel of energy to read. The word psychometry comes from a American physision and professor Joseph Rhodes Buchanan in 1842. Joseph worked with his student which he taught by giving them drugs in a glass and asking each person to work out which drug was which just by holding the glass. Due to their accuracy which he highlighted in his book 'Journal of Man' He says objects have souls and remember things. Well i believe objects don't have souls but they do retain memory. Psychics today sometimes use this ability to connect more with their client or a animal. Usually they do this using a object the client is wearing, holding e.g clothes and jewelry Family heirlooms would be the best as they would hold the most history for the psychic to use.

Psychometrists will use their ability a lot on ante ques to find its past and what the energy if like of a object, of course you don't want a object with negative energy in the house. You can also probably do psychometry on haunted dolls and objects which would be very close to empathy.

Psychometry is a very interesting ability and although not very well known it is a idealic ability if wanting to start out in psychic abilities, it is also one of my favorite abilities.

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"How is this new information?"

Best subject:


Worst Subject:



Class 1 // 10th Grade


His Dead Brother

Optional Pet:


(Did I do okay? PM me or Tag me to tell me to fix or add anything. Bye.)
Yea its actually really good :) you can post if you want , im just waiting for a few more people , your character sounds really good
((Forgot to post mine ;) ))

Name: Maya Castillo

Age: 15

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Species: Human

Background: Maya lived in a small town with her parents , when she was 8 an incident with a teacher

led to the discovery of her gift , she punched the teacher for upsetting her friend and the teacher

gained amnesia whilst Maya seemed to have her memories. Her father got a letter from the school inviting her to attend

he sent her away scared she was and freak and worried that she could hurt him and others.

She arrived at the school when she was 13 and has not heard from her parents since. She has no siblings.

Likes: Art and Music and being with her friends

Dislikes: Lazy people , un-loyalty , detention and the dark

Gift: Maya can "steal" peoples memories through physical contact , but only if she is feeling intense emotions

this leaves the person she touched with Amnesiac and Maya has their memories in her head

she does eventually loose their memories . It has only happened to her twice in the past.

As well as this she has the ability to sense peoples feelings which makes her life hard as she loves to be around

people but it can get too much causing her to lash out . As well as this she has great social instincts and a goo

ability to lie and understand what people might be thinking.

Personality: She is quite happy and bubbly , and quick to defend people or say if she thinks your in the wrong,

her hot temper usually gets her into trouble with her teachers because of her extreme loyalty to friends, she is

always desperate to make others happy and feel wanted because of the fact she feels unwanted as she has had

no contact from her father. Tries to help as much as she can but sometimes tries to do more than she can which makes her

frustrated and she takes it out on her friends and teachers.

Best subjects:

Art and History

Worst subjects:



Class 1 // 10th

Motivation :

Keeping people happy.



(Tagged picture as her appearance)​

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/57a8c2f5c2158_MayaCastillo.jpg.13f4c11de3144b02e13db3e010137f7a.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="58057" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/57a8c2f5c2158_MayaCastillo.jpg.13f4c11de3144b02e13db3e010137f7a.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Leon Runkai





Sexual Orientation:





Leon always knew about his ability and how he was special. He mostly tried to keep it secret from others, including his parents and family, because he knew no one would understand and they might be afraid. This didn't stop him from practicing and learning how to use it though. This continued until one day he caused an incident in his class, accidentally revealing his gift. By the next week, he and his family received a letter inviting him to Blackwood Academy. It took a couple weeks, but Leon eventually convinced his parents to let him attend so he could learn more about his own power and others like him




Brightness/The Heat/Cucumbers/Rude People


Leon is very friendly and loves to talk with others. He is usually quick to make friends and is helpful to others who want it. He openly dislikes those that scorn others for no real reason. He easily resents people that he believes did something to hurt or offend him, and he tries to get even. He loves to scrimmage with friends or anybody he is friendly with, however he is a bit reckless in the way he fights and can hurt others accidentally. He usually tries to keep the peace among people and work towards smarter solutions. Leon isn't afraid to make his opinion known and will tell others if he feels they are doing something wrong. Leon is usually a bit too stubborn when sticking to an ideal, even if it is wrong. When he isn't with others Leon likes to read or do other calming things like practice with his gift. Rin can have problems in that for most people you either like him or you hate him because of how he acts. Rin is somewhat clumsy and can often make mistakes while using his gift. He is also very forgetful and has a bad memory.


Leon is able to write and create runes using his hands and fingers to create things, or cause action. He can either have the rune wait for him to activate it or for it to activate automatically. The way it would appear is if it is a solid object, it looks like he reaches into the rune to grab it. If it is something more like fire, then the rune would create it itself. But if it is an action like movement, then it applies it to the surface it is on. The more complicated something he wants to create or do, the more time and energy it requires to write the rune. Like say he could write fire, but all it would do is create a fire the size of his rune, instead he could take more time to write a rune causing the fire to go in a certain direction or take certain action. The same goes for creating an element versus creating something made of the element. He keeps a sketchbook on him with many quick runes recorded so he can more easily apply the runes in action, but he can use any surface. Leon cannot create or alter most things of magical origin, he can however create thing that can do so such as water or wind to change a magical fire.

Best subjects:

Writing and Math

Worst Subject:



Class 1 // 10th


To learn and have fun

(If there is anything I need to fix don't hesitate to say.)

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Name: Stefanie Claide

Age: 17

Appearance: Neatly trimmed black hair, which curls around her ears, naturally tanned skin, and dull green eyes. She tends to look disinterested in everything and everyone. She's fairly tall, leaning on the chubby side, most tend to overlook everything in favour of two small horns protruding out of her head whenever she doesn't have her hood or hat on.

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Lesbian, but isn't interested in anything physical.

Species: Mutated human (I guess?)

Background: Stefanie had been born to two desperate parents, who had been trying for a child for a very long time. As she grew, two black horns began expanding, and while they panicked for a long time, they had insisted she hide them but otherwise accepted the new development. When her power started to set in, they were apprehensive, but it proved to be pretty much harmless so her solitary life continued as usual. Soon 'Mr. Black' found her, and she was finally attending a real school for the first time in her life.

Likes: Bubblegum (or just gum in general), the cold, batteries, and mice/rats.

Dislikes: Birds, butterflies, dirty socks, being alone.

Personality: Stefanie is pretty much distant and socially inept, years of being confined to her home took its toll, she carries a burning anger against her parents, which extends to the general population as well. Despite this, she hates being alone, and when under threat of abandonment she'll act uncaring but internally she's weeping. Most things don't interest her, she comes off as cold and emotionless at first, but she'll warm up... Eventually.

Gift: Can summon defensive shields to guard her from physical attacks. She's developing mental shields as well, though they are pretty weak and easy to bypass. After much practice, she can probably learn how to use her power offensively, though that'd be a long time away.

Best subject: PE, History

Worst Subject: Math

Grade: Class 2, grade 11 (I'm not sure on this, lol.)

Motivation: Becoming stronger to protect herself.

Optional Pet: N/A

(Edit: Pet. Don't know how to work 'Pinky' in the roleplay.)
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Name: Leevi Headstone

Age: 17

Appearance: This is his default form-

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Hetero

Species: Artificial human [prototype]

Background: Leevi isn`t sure who made him or why. All he knows is that one day he woke up in his torn-apart lab and that after living alone for many years, he was finally found and brought to blackwood academy. The time he spent alone, made him who is today.

Likes: Music; Philosophy; Poetry; Psychology; dogs; talking; reading; planning; giving advise, sleeping

Dislikes: repetition, sports, people who don`t argument logically, being bossed around, being woken up

Personality: Friendly, but still somewhat introverted, Leevi likes to make new friends as much as possible. He is diligent a very obedient, although he also gets embarrassed easily. His tong doesn´t stop talking until he said something he shouldn`t, usually something weir. Learning about "real" people his greatest hobby. He has a wide collection of forms, and loves coming up with more. He is always there to help, and adores the idea of being smart or useful to others. He can be sort of naïve sometimes, getting easily tricked into a bad position. His brain occasionally malfunctions, leaving others to have to take care of him until he recovers.

Gift: Shapeshift- Leevi is capable of changing his appearance and instincts as we wishes, although he does not attain powers in the process. The process is nearly instant, but there is a limit to how many times he can do it in a short amount of time. He is also capable of communication with virtually any being.

Best subject: Philosophy; Writing

Worst Subject: Physics

Grade: Class 2, 11th grade

Motivation: To write a philosophical book that will make him famous.

Optional Pet: N/A

Name: Ryder Hayabusa

Age: 23

Gender: Male


Background: Ryder grow going from foster home to foster home. He spent a lot if time be experiment on by the military. Ryder has a soul link with an unknown entity. As Ryder was growing up they didn't always see eye to eye . This would cause him much trouble . Also it was over protective. Once almost killing another child. But over the years they have learned to work together. Due to bring lock up a lot Ryder had time to study. They allowed him to go to school and he earned multiple degrees. He is a doctor of psychology and is in MD. His masters degree is in education. So the school has him as a teacher, guidance counselor, and school nurse.

What they teach: History

Personality: He is very kind and loves the children . But he gets lost sometimes talking to someone no one else can see even arguing .

Likes/Dislikes: He loves the children and would die for them . He dislikes anything that stand in the way of them.

Gift , if they have one: The soul he is connect to can move objects and temporarily control people. He can even see and hear what it sees and hears. The down side is if the go to far apart they experience great pain. The greater the distance the greater then pain

Optional Pet:

Species: human

Jem Harroway






Sexual Orientation:





Because of the oddity of his talent, Jem found himself a troubled childhood while he was young. Although ecstatic when he first discovered his gift, Jem’s optimism soon died the moment verbal barbs were thrown his way. While others had been mocked for ‘seeing things’ such as ghosts, Jem became targeted for his strange way of speech whenever he performed his gift. Patient, Jem tried for a time to convince those around him that there was little harm in it. But eventually people shied away, pushing him into isolation. Stunned by his newfound talent, his parents penned a letter to the Academy, urging that it required some means of refinement; it was not passing strange for a member of their household to obtain such a trait. In the past, it was noted that perfection was achieved once the verbal enunciations ceased - and it was to this degree that his parents sent the message. A week later he was accepted.

Although Jem has been aware of his gift since childhood, he is still challenged with the fact of performing it on a state of normalcy. For the alteration to work, Jem must speak the names of the former and latter item, backwards – i.e. pencil to paper = licneprepap. Realizing its bizarreness, his gift has left him more than self-conscious - one reason why he withdraws from others. Whenever he exploits his power, he often times murmurs in order to remain unnoticed, which has carried into his every day speech. As a result, Jem tends to rub the star droplet at his ear in means of lowering his anxiety.


Food items // tea // observing


Unnecessary squabbling // coffee // attention


Despite the anxiety his gift has caused him, Jem approaches the world with a nonchalant attitude. He does not wish to cling to the memories of his past and is thus open to discussion. Though willing to carry a conversation, he is quite reserved when it comes to speaking of one’s personal life or of his own. During such times, he will find ways to veer the topic into another direction or distract one with his gift in hopes of avoiding past issues. Despite his casual behavior, he is not careless in action. Tending to favor the background of most situations, Jem often cares to observe the response of his peers before making a decision. Superficially, he is curious about most matters, and has an odd habit of researching the benefits of food items and sharing such pieces of information with his classmates.


Sleight of Hand. By turning his attention on an object, Jem can alter its entire existence to replicate that of another. What once started as simple illusions, he can now alter the object enough to lend it the characteristics of its new shape. In other words, rather than producing a simple hologram Jem can lend the transformed object the same texture, taste, and even scent, of its new form. Depending on the amount of concentration the change can either be momentary or a span of a minute. Eventually the item returns to its former state, and Jem has managed to use it when very few are looking.

Best subject:

Culinary School (avid learner in knowing the composition and history of each food)

Worst Subject:

Culinary School (an atrocious cook)


Class 2


Perfecting his gift and obtaining some means of normalcy back in society.

Optional Pet:

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Chloe Matthews







Sexual Orientation:





After witnessing the deaths of both her mother and father, Chloe began to shut out the world. She was 14 years old when they were killed. She knew she had a power that would have saved them, but in the moment she didn't know how to use it. Before their deaths, Chloe had been a very happy and bubbly girl. She was always very social with her friends and lived a very active lifestyle. As she grew up, Chloe had never been the most graceful person. The awkwardly long legged girl is probably more accurately described as uncoordinated, clumsy, and accident prone.

As a little girl Chloe discovered her gift after watching her broken arm mend itself within two minutes of her falling out of the tree. Amazed by this she had gone on to experiment with her gift on herself and on others. Chloe's letter arrived around three years after the death of her parents while she was living in a foster home. Her foster family was very scared of Chloe's abilities so they were not hesitant about sending her away to this unknown place.


Helping, pineapples, the sky, wind // Pain, loud noises, being scared, the dark


Chloe had always been a wild, fun-loving, young girl before her parents had died. She was very social and full of life. Circumstance however, has buried many of those traits. Though much quieter and softer, Chloe still holds a passion for helping others. She has a huge heart and would sacrifice herself if it meant that someone else could live. She is dedicated to those that she loves and she remembers everything.


Chloe has the gift of healing. With some intense concentration and a touch Chloe can mend any injury. She has the ability to heal not only herself, but also other people, animals, ect. The only downfall to her gift is that when she is healing her body absorbs the injury from the other person into herself where it then will heal. Therefore, Chloe feels all of the same pain and even receives the same injury that whoever she is healing had. This makes the healing process very difficult when someone is experiencing a lot of pain or is losing a lot of blood. This was the reason that Chloe could not save her mother and father the night that they died.

Best subject:

Writing / English

Worst Subject:



Class 2


She has lost the two most important people in her life and she blames herself. It may be too late to save her mother and father, but maybe she could save someone else someday.

Optional Pet:


~Hope this is okay, let me know if anything needs to be changed/added/corrrected!~
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(I don't know whether you accept having fairy in your academy or not, so please tell me if Elanile doesn't match your style (:3))

Elanile (yes, just Elanile, it's good enough that her fairy parents still gave her a pretty name, instead of calling her fire fairy no. 75)

Age: 16


Human Form


Fairy Form (just as big as adult's palm)



Sexual Orientation: Straight, still accepting female as her master, though

Species: Fairy


Elanile was a fairy with fire power embedded. She used to live in Oakra, the Land of Fairies, but she got bored with her life and decided to move outside. When fairies went outside Oakra, they couldn't live alone because they didn't get any life force from Oakra anymore. So, fairies needed to find one master that would make a pact with her, the master would give his/her life force to make the fairies alive and in return the fairies would served the master for her entire life, helping the master, and even risked their life for the master. Without having a master, Fairies would weakened and died. Elanile was fully aware with this condition, but she couldn't find one yet because most people would freak out when they saw her and she is sooooo picky. Desperately, Elanile almost gave up her life and wanted to return to Oakra until she received a letter from Blackwood Academy. The first thing came to her mind was, They will not freak out when they see me for sure!


Likes : Her master

(master always comes first!)

, flowers, spring, forest, mint flavor, and everything that her master likes

Dislikes : Bees, water, cats

(they always chase her when Elanile is in fairy form),

and everything that her master dislikes


Elanile is kinda a cold girl, she doesn't like being too close to someone she doesn't like. She can be a little, just a little, friendly to people she likes. Why? Because she only wants to devoted herself to her master (when she finds one). She thinks that being close to someone who isn't her master will just a waste of time. However, when she finally (hopefully) find her master, she will show a totally different personality. She will be extra friendly and clingy to her master. She will do anything to please her master and to make her master happy. Because of what she will give to her master later, Elanile kinda picky. She wants a perfect master that will respect and appreciate her effort, instead of using her as a tool or pet. SHE HATES TREATED LIKE A PET (sorry kinda sensitive about that). She also wants a 'delicious' master... Yes... life force has taste and she doesn't want to spend her whole life consuming something that doesn't match her taste.


  • Control and manipulate fire... (of course because she is a fire fairy)
  • Transform herself into fairy form (no, there is no any advantages being in fairy form, she will just... look cute and efficient to be carried around... and she can fly, the end)

Best subject:
Art and Writing

Worst Subject: PE and Biology (why do people give such a strange name to things, artamus... leucorynchus... urgh, whatever)

Grade: Class 2

Motivation: Find the perfect and delicious master!

Optional Pet: Nope... and I'm not a pet either!
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Name: Rayisho Samaysune

Age: 20

Gender: Male


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/images-5.jpeg.42ccc9da54a022b7b7169fd27ddaf262.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="58185" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/images-5.jpeg.42ccc9da54a022b7b7169fd27ddaf262.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Background: He grew up with a Demon as mother and a Wolf - Human Hybrid as father. They taught him to use the Scarlet Flames and to control them (he surrounds his arm in Scarlet Fire and creates a claw).

One day he escaped from home and taught himself to use Black Lightnings. Now he have the full control over Scarlet Fire and Black Lightnings.

What they teach: He teaches Math and Chemistry

Personality: Friendly out the lessons but strict in the lessons.

Likes/Dislikes: Fire and Friendly People

Gift , if they have one: The full control over Scarlet Flames and Black Lightnings

Optional Pet: Nope

Species: Hybrid (Wolf-Demon)



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Name: Alex Kianera





Sexual Orientation:


Alex's mother was a human and her father was an Elf. Her mother never knew until Alex was born when she noticed Alex's pointed ears. Then she looked at her husband and saw pointed ears on him too. Until then, his ears had been rounded. He explained to her that he used magic to change the look of his ears. She was so frightened that one night, she packed a suitcase and ran off, leaving Alex with her father. Over the next 10 years, Alex's father had taught her how to use her magic until one day, when he was captured and killed by a gang. So for the next few years, Alex lived on her own in the woods until someone came by and gave her a letter to come to the school.

Fruit; Fall; Nature; Animals; Going on an Adventure; Having something to fiddle with in her hands; drawing; building

Having Fear; Death of Others; Having Empty Hands; Being Bored

Despite the death of her father and her missing mother, Alex is an energetic, fun-loving girl. She is almost always cheerful and cares for others. She is also very brave and Is always seeking out an adventure. Alex is also great with

weapons (having lived alone for 3 years) and she prefers a bow and arrow. She is an amazing singer and artist.

Appearance Change (changing molecular build to change into any animal, person, or inanimate object and mimic the sounds they make; also includes simple things such as changing hair or eye color). Also, she can talk to animals

Best Subject:

Worst Subject:

Class 1; 10th

She is inspired by the animals of the forest to always keep trying. She may have lost her mother and father, but she will keep going until she acomplishes her goals.

Optional Pet:
Amber the Fox
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Ok so far everyone is accepted , so feel free to start

Everyone's was good and has been accepted (sorry for the wait , wifi was down).) Please make sure you have included everything and not over powered your gift <3 Feel free to start posting
Name: Samuel Chmielewski

Age: 17

Appearance: I have a chubby, smooth face with a small mustache and a semi-large beard and long, brown hair that goes past my shoulders. I'm 5'10", with a portly figure and lightly tanned skin. I usually have a nice smile on my face and I have brown eyes. I always wear a worn black hoodie, with the hoodie usually up and a simple pair of dark-blue jeans and a simple pair of white sneakers.

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Species: Human

Background: Was born in a small, simple town with two loving parents. After reaching the age of 12, I started developing the ability to manipulate time. It wasn't much, I could only do seconds at a time, sometimes minutes. But my parents started noticing when they would see two of me because I went back a couple of minutes to do a chore. Then, they realized what I could do and then we moved around our town until we ended up with these neighbors, who I made very good friends with their son, Matthew, who was also special like mine. After a couple of years becoming fantastic friends, we both got weird letters in the mail from a "Mr. Black" about a school for gifted people like us. We both were pretty bored in the town where we were at so we decided to follow the instructions in the letter and here we are.

Likes/Dislikes: I like pizza, video games, sleeping, slacking off, and other people who are polite and not obnoxious or annoying. I don't like being annoyed or bothered with things that don't generally interest me.

Personality: Very nice, loyal and trustworthy. Not a very complicated person, a bit quiet unless you get to know me.

Gift: Time Manipulation and Time Control, to an extent. Farthest I can go back or forward is a couple of hours. Can also slow down/speed up or stop time fora short period of time. Hoping one day I can go back in time and just watch how things REALLY happened, get a real look at things.

Best subject: Writing, History and Science

Worst Subject: Math

Grade: 2

Motivation: To make myself happy and entertain others.

Optional Pet: N/A

I know this isn't much, but I'm pretty goshdarn tired right now, lol. Let me know if you'd like anything changed or if this is good enough. and thanks.
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Name: Matthew Barbaneau

Age: 17

Appearance: Matt stands at a solid six feet, sporting broad shoulders and muscular legs, with a slightly dark skin tone. He has high cheekbones, a wide jaw, a thin nose, and sunken-in tired eyes. Matt has very long, straight black hair that is parted in the middle of his forehead (yet slightly to the left), and reaches his lower back. He typically wears plain T-shirts, jeans, black shoes, and his leather jacket.

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Species: Human

Background: Matt grew up in a large city, living a relatively normal life until about the age of six, when he discovered his gift. Initially overjoyed at his power, he began to "accidentally" harm his peers. His parents decided that Matt needed to be moved to a smaller location so that he may harm less people. As he grew older, Matt became increasingly horrified at what he may be capable of with his power. Around this same time, he met another gifted child named Samuel. They became aware of each other's gifts shortly after they met. After a few years, they received letters from a certain Mr. Black, and they were invited to Blackwood Academy for the Gifted.

Likes/Dislikes: Likes: a good sense of humor, video games, sarcasm, sleep, steak, and his few friends.

Dislikes: socializing, people, hugs, smiling, school, and boredom.

Personality: Matt is generally very calm and of serious demeanor, but enjoys being sarcastic with anyone. He is pretty intelligent, but downplays it so that people don't expect much from him. He doesn't like to talk to people, mostly allowing Samuel to do the talking unless Matt objects to something Sam has said. Matt likely appears to be cold and distant to outside observers. He hates that he has powers, and avoids using them in most circumstances.

Gift: Psionic Blast: the ability to overload another's mind causing pain, memory loss, lack of conciousness, vegetative state or death after having creating a psionic link into that individual's mind. Matt isn't powerful enough to (or doesn't want to) cause anything more than a headache or migraine. He is also mostly resistant to psionic powers, due to the fact that his mind is accustomed to using it.

Best subject: Music, History

Worst Subject: Science, Writing

Grade: 2

Motivation: "I don't know, man. I'll probably just try to take over the world or something, using the power of giving people headaches."

Optional Pet: N/A
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Name: Misuka Masumoto

Age: 13


Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: ?

Species: Mage and Human

Background: My name is Misuka. I was born to the family of military quality. My father was a dictator to the relm of Ruxandrea, where I learned how to assissinate before I was five. I never knew my mother, only the rumours from the butlers and servents, I do know if I ever meet her.. I will kill her for birthing me into this hell. When I turned seven a man named, Desuto, killed my father. He took over the dictator role where I ran away and never looked back. Several years later I found out I could control the elements using magic with some help from a witch who helped me and trained me. I am now thirteen years old, ready to travel to many lands in search for the knowledge and training in magic. I found a letter in my bag one day for the invitation to a magical high school. "This is my chance!" I thought as I made it my new goal to learn magic here.

Likes/Dislikes: Likes Flowers and Training and learning About magic. Dislikes being underestimated.

Personality: Sweet, caring.

Gift: Elemental mage

Best subject: science and chemisty

Worst Subject: History

Grade: class 1

Motivation: To become the greatest mage!

Optional Pet: none
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Quick warning, for those who missed it on the OOCC section: I`m helping managing this thread. I`ll post my overview of all the profiles, starting with the most recent. I will ask, that even if your profile was supposed to be approved, please take a look into it again if necessary. If necessary, I`ll offer clarification on why I`m with or against certain things.
[QUOTE="Misuka Masamoto]uhhh.. ?(???*)? ...hehe... does that mean me? or... uhh I don't understand >.<

you and all the others. Just some profiles were already approved, but I will still give my thoughts on them


[QUOTE="Misuka Masamoto]Name: Misuka Masumoto
Age: 13


Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: ?

Species: Mage and Human

Background: My name is Misuka. I was born to the family of military quality. My father was a dictator to the relm of Ruxandrea, where I learned how to assissinate before I was five. I never knew my mother, only the rumours from the butlers and servents, I do know if I ever meet her.. I will kill her for birthing me into this hell. When I turned seven a man named, Desuto, killed my father. He took over the dictator role where I ran away and never looked back. Several years later I found out I could control the elements using magic with some help from a witch who helped me and trained me. I am now thirteen years old, ready to travel to many lands in search for the knowledge and training in magic. I found a letter in my bag one day for the invitation to a magical high school. "This is my chance!" I thought as I made it my new goal to learn magic here.

Likes/Dislikes: Likes Flowers and Training and learning About magic. Dislikes being underestimated.

Personality: Sweet, caring.

Gift: Elemental mage

Best subject: science and chemisty

Worst Subject: History

Grade: class 1

Motivation: To become the greatest mage!

Optional Pet: none

Good profile, however, please expand in detail about the gift. "Elemental mage" is too vague for proper consideration
Everyones are approved , hes just saying what you could improve slash change , this wont get u out of the rp <3
[QUOTE="Mister Spades]
Name: Matthew Barbaneau
Age: 17

Appearance: Matt stands at a solid six feet, sporting broad shoulders and muscular legs, with a slightly dark skin tone. He has high cheekbones, a wide jaw, a thin nose, and sunken-in tired eyes. Matt has very long, straight black hair that is parted in the middle of his forehead (yet slightly to the left), and reaches his lower back. He typically wears plain T-shirts, jeans, black shoes, and his leather jacket.

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Species: Human

Background: Matt grew up in a large city, living a relatively normal life until about the age of six, when he discovered his gift. Initially overjoyed at his power, he began to "accidentally" harm his peers. His parents decided that Matt needed to be moved to a smaller location so that he may harm less people. As he grew older, Matt became increasingly horrified at what he may be capable of with his power. Around this same time, he met another gifted child named Samuel. They became aware of each other's gifts shortly after they met. After a few years, they received letters from a certain Mr. Black, and they were invited to Blackwood Academy for the Gifted.

Likes/Dislikes: Likes: a good sense of humor, video games, sarcasm, sleep, steak, and his few friends.

Dislikes: socializing, people, hugs, smiling, school, and boredom.

Personality: Matt is generally very calm and of serious demeanor, but enjoys being sarcastic with anyone. He is pretty intelligent, but downplays it so that people don't expect much from him. He doesn't like to talk to people, mostly allowing Samuel to do the talking unless Matt objects to something Sam has said. Matt likely appears to be cold and distant to outside observers. He hates that he has powers, and avoids using them in most circumstances.

Gift: Psionic Blast: the ability to overload another's mind causing pain, memory loss, lack of conciousness, vegetative state or death after having creating a psionic link into that individual's mind. Matt isn't powerful enough to (or doesn't want to) cause anything more than a headache or migraine. He is also mostly resistant to psionic powers, due to the fact that his mind is accustomed to using it.

Best subject: Music, History

Worst Subject: Science, Writing

Grade: 2

Motivation: "I don't know, man. I'll probably just try to take over the world or something, using the power of giving people headaches."

Optional Pet: N/A

It seems like an interesting character. The gift is way too overpowered. Instakills and memory losses should be outright removed. As for "lack of conciousness, vegetative state", it has to be more limited, for example through time or by adding a proper drawback to doing it.
Name: Misuka Masumoto

Age: 13


Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: ?

Species: Mage and Human

Background: My name is Misuka. I was born to the family of military quality. My father was a dictator to the relm of Ruxandrea, where I learned how to assissinate before I was five. I never knew my mother, only the rumours from the butlers and servents, I do know if I ever meet her.. I will kill her for birthing me into this hell. When I turned seven a man named, Desuto, killed my father. He took over the dictator role where I ran away and never looked back. Several years later I found out I could control the elements using magic with some help from a witch who helped me and trained me. I am now thirteen years old, ready to travel to many lands in search for the knowledge and training in magic. I found a letter in my bag one day for the invitation to a magical high school. "This is my chance!" I thought as I made it my new goal to learn magic here.

Likes/Dislikes: Likes Flowers and Training and learning About magic. Dislikes being underestimated.

Personality: Sweet, caring.

Gift: Elemental mage- I can control each element to a substancial part such as fire, water, earth, air, wood. I can take earth and water to make mud, water and wind to make a typhoon, earth and fire to make a jet pack, ect. I can incress my mana and ablilitys by my will power and training in that particular element.

Best subject: science and chemisty

Worst Subject: History

Grade: class 1

Motivation: To become the greatest mage!

Optional Pet: none

o3o better
[QUOTE="The Haygor]Name: Samuel Hmielewski
Age: 17

Appearance: I have a chubby, smooth face with a small mustache and a semi-large beard and long, brown hair that goes past my shoulders. I'm 5'10", with a portly figure and lightly tanned skin. I usually have a nice smile on my face and I have brown eyes. I always wear a worn black hoodie, with the hoodie usually up and a simple pair of dark-blue jeans and a simple pair of white sneakers.

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Species: Human

Background: Was born in a small, simple town with two loving parents. After reaching the age of 12, I started developing the ability to manipulate time. It wasn't much, I could only do seconds at a time, sometimes minutes. But my parents started noticing when they would see two of me because I went back a couple of minutes to do a chore. Then, they realized what I could do and then we moved around our town until we ended up with these neighbors, who I made very good friends with their son, Matthew, who was also special like mine. After a couple of years becoming fantastic friends, we both got weird letters in the mail from a "Mr. Black" about a school for gifted people like us. We both were pretty bored in the town where we were at so we decided to follow the instructions in the letter and here we are.

Likes/Dislikes: I like pizza, video games, sleeping, slacking off, and other people who are polite and not obnoxious or annoying. I don't like being annoyed or bothered with things that don't generally interest me.

Personality: Very nice, loyal and trustworthy. Not a very complicated person, a bit quiet unless you get to know me.

Gift: Time Manipulation and Time Control, to an extent. Farthest I can go back or forward is a couple of hours. Can also slow down/speed up or stop time fora short period of time. Hoping one day I can go back in time and just watch how things REALLY happened, get a real look at things.

Best subject: Writing, History and Science

Worst Subject: Math

Grade: 2

Motivation: To make myself happy and entertain others.

Optional Pet: N/A

I know this isn't much, but I'm pretty goshdarn tired right now, lol. Let me know if you'd like anything changed or if this is good enough. and thanks.

Ok, where to start? It looks fitting, but there are couple points which wouldn`t work. First, dislikes should be something personal. Saying you dislike things you don`t like, which is another way of putting what you wrote there, isn`t telling much. Add some more character-specific dislikes. On the gift, going into the future is impossible to do in a group rp, unless if it`s right after going back in time. That has, as well problems. Try numerically limiting how many times he can go back in time, over what span of his "time". And remove stopping time, it`s too OP.

extra (not WRONG so to say, but likely inconvenient)- "Very nice, loyal and trustworthy. Not a very complicated person, a bit quiet unless you get to know me.". This type of personalities can kill an rp if not played well. Be careful.


[QUOTE="Misuka Masamoto]Name: Misuka Masumoto
Age: 13


Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: ?

Species: Mage and Human

Background: My name is Misuka. I was born to the family of military quality. My father was a dictator to the relm of Ruxandrea, where I learned how to assissinate before I was five. I never knew my mother, only the rumours from the butlers and servents, I do know if I ever meet her.. I will kill her for birthing me into this hell. When I turned seven a man named, Desuto, killed my father. He took over the dictator role where I ran away and never looked back. Several years later I found out I could control the elements using magic with some help from a witch who helped me and trained me. I am now thirteen years old, ready to travel to many lands in search for the knowledge and training in magic. I found a letter in my bag one day for the invitation to a magical high school. "This is my chance!" I thought as I made it my new goal to learn magic here.

Likes/Dislikes: Likes Flowers and Training and learning About magic. Dislikes being underestimated.

Personality: Sweet, caring.

Gift: Elemental mage- I can control each element to a substancial part such as fire, water, earth, air, wood. I can take earth and water to make mud, water and wind to make a typhoon, earth and fire to make a jet pack, ect. I can incress my mana and ablilitys by my will power and training in that particular element.

Best subject: science and chemisty

Worst Subject: History

Grade: class 1

Motivation: To become the greatest mage!

Optional Pet: none

o3o better

Does she have to attain elements in their raw forms? Can she make them herself, out of thin air? Is mana her limiting factor? How far does her gift reach?
Name: Misuka Masumoto

Age: 13


Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: ?

Species: Mage and Human

Background: My name is Misuka. I was born to the family of military quality. My father was a dictator to the relm of Ruxandrea, where I learned how to assissinate before I was five. I never knew my mother, only the rumours from the butlers and servents, I do know if I ever meet her.. I will kill her for birthing me into this hell. When I turned seven a man named, Desuto, killed my father. He took over the dictator role where I ran away and never looked back. Several years later I found out I could control the elements using magic with some help from a witch who helped me and trained me. I am now thirteen years old, ready to travel to many lands in search for the knowledge and training in magic. I found a letter in my bag one day for the invitation to a magical high school. "This is my chance!" I thought as I made it my new goal to learn magic here.

Likes/Dislikes: Likes Flowers and Training and learning About magic. Dislikes being underestimated.

Personality: Sweet, caring.

Gift: Elemental mage- I can control each element to a substancial part such as fire, water, earth, air, wood. I can take earth and water to make mud, water and wind to make a typhoon, earth and fire to make a jet pack, ect. I can incress my mana and ablilitys by my will power and training in that particular element. I can create the mana to form the choosen element as i say in my heart which I desire. Mana i use is limited on my will power and how much I train. If i train for a day(24 hours), there will be a suficiant amount of new mana. If I train for an hour there won't be as much. Training for new mana can be by using the spells and controlling them or reading about them.

Best subject: science and chemisty

Worst Subject: History

Grade: class 1

Motivation: To become the greatest mage!

Optional Pet: none
seems like an interesting system, provided your character has a fairly limited range and that there is a somewhat limited amount of mana she can stock up (let`s say...a weeks`s worth maybe?). This is to prevent her from just being able to create a fire in the middle of someone`s body or halfway across the globe (attention: these are extreme examples made in an attempt to portray a serious issue) and also so that you can`t go and say "Oh, I had stocked up mana from 5 years of training that I did 10 years ago. Now I can cast this tsunami without even blinking!".

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