Blackthorn Asylum [Inactive]


Hell's Angel
Wolfsrain123 submitted a new role play:

Blackthorn Asylum - Welcome to the mad house!

Dementia, horrific delusions, psychotic paranoia, violent sociopathic behaviour... these are but a few of the torments that plague the wretched souls confined within these walls. And though modern science has discovered ways to rationalize and treat certain mental disorders, there are still some extreme cases that defy explanation or cure.

During your visit, you shall bear witness to shocking depravities of the human mind as well as monstrous abnormalities...

Read more about this role play... 
Ivan walked back into his cell after a long day of therapy after therapy session. They tried to find the cause of his schizophrenia but after he's been here for six months, they still haven't found anything. He was tired of this. He hasn't turned into his other self in a while. For all he knew, it could have been all an illusion to him. Maybe he wasn't schizophrenic. He was on so many medicines though. So many that it was hard to be sure what was real anymore. He couldn't wait till lunch. He hated this cell. He laid on the cold, hard bed that made him feel even more left out from the rest of the world. He couldn't even remember what the date was anymore. It was then that part of him seemed to shut down. He stood up and smirked. He looked through the window of the steel door and saw a guard walk past him through the bars of the window. He said "hey. Why don't you let me out? I'll be a good boy from now on." The guard shook his head and said "sorry, prisoner. No one comes in or out of here. Especially you. You are scheduled to stay here for the rest of your life or until you are fully cured." Ivan started to laugh coldly. It was like it wasn't him anymore. "I am cured though!" The doctor shook his head once again and Ivan screamed "you bloody monster! Let me out or I'll cut you into pieces." His voice was very low, and husky unlike his usual elegant voice that seemed to sooth people as he spoke. The guard stood back, knowing the change and he ran off to get a doctor. "You coward! Get back here!" He started to slam his fist against the door, screaming in frustration. Finally some doctors came running into his cell and he fought against them but they held him down. They stuck him with a needle and he slowly calmed down and soon fell asleep as the drug started to kick in. They sighed with relief and left him alone to sleep.

There was so much blood. The sharp, metallic smell clogged his nostrils. It was pouring all around, but there was no sign of the source.

"Poor, unwanted boy." A gruff voice from above said in fake sympathy. Shadows

rushed forward from the surrounding dark and clamped around his neck. It didn't feel like he was being choked... more like drowning in the shadows. "Nobody likes a crazy.." A face formed of ash and smoke appeared, narrowing its fire red eyes at the struggling boy; a smirk on its face. The boy's eyes grew heavier as his lungs began to give out. A darkness swept over his vision..

Daniel woke, intaking a sharp breath. He bit down on his lip hard enough to draw blood. He was holding back a familiar scream; his body shaking as the unheard sound racked through his bones. Once the shaking stopped, he drew in

more deep breaths. Daniel ran a tongue over the tear on his mouth that was dangerously close to his lip ring and sighed. He had to be more careful, he didn't want to get an infection. The teen sat up, running a hair through tousled white locks, before removing himself from the bed. He just wanted to take a nap after his therapy session to bring lunch time closer, but it ended up in an inevitable nightmare.

Daniel looked out the bars of the cold, metal door and sighed once more; he could still feel the shadows wrapped around his neck. He was so close to death that time, and with a sick fascination he wanted to know what it would feel like for that death to actually come. His mouth tasted like dirty pennies. A guard was posted outside the door, fingers on their key ring. Almost lunch time. He had watched this guard before, the nervous step in each of his polished shoes asthe older man would hide his wedding ring whenever a pretty female sauntered by. It made Daniel sick to watch each time. The keys jingling brought him out ofhis thoughts. The door opened.

"Time to eat, freak." The guard told him as the other stepped out of his cell. "Have a nice nap?" The same wretched smirk from the monster in his dreams appeared on the man's face. Daniel found the same smirk pull at the corners of his own mouth as he watched a pretty female guard approach; the other male must've seen her to because the wedding ring was nowhere to be found.

"Yeah." Daniel found himself replying. "How's the wife?" A vein popped on the older male's forehead, but before he could retort Daniel was walking to the mess hall with the female guard.
When they let him out of his cell for lunch, he sighed. A guard forcefully pushed him forward. He walked. "Yeah I know," he muttered. The familiar voice was talking to him in his head. His imaginary friend and him might have been one but every so often, he'd still here his voice. It was so familiar to him now. "What would you like for lunch?" He asked. The guard narrowed his eyes at the strange boy and said "quiet!" Ivan looked at the guard and put his hands up. "Would you at least like to take these handcuffs off my wrist? I'm fine now. Honest." The guard didn't respond. He pushed Ivan forward. When they got to the mess hall, he went into line. He felt like he was actually arrested. He looked around and noticed most people weren't wearing hand cuffs. He was surprised they'd actually let him come down to the mess hall after he just had another episode. He got his food and sat at a table all alone. He's been here for six months and still hadn't made any friends. He didn't even have interest in befriending any of the other prisoners. He started to eat the gross slop they gave him. It was better than nothing. He ran a hand through his hair. A doctor came over to him and gave him a cup of water with some pills. "Your doctor prescribed you some stronger medication." Ivan smirked and yelled "I'll skin you alive you whore!" The doctor stepped back afraid and Ivan laughed. He said in his usual elegant voice "how can you be in charge of crazy people and be scared of them?" He heard the voice of Drake in his head. "I know. Its pathetic." He chuckled. The doctor sighed and said "Ivan... you need to make some friends. You sit alone all the time." Ivan looked up while he was eating and said "Drake is the only person I need because he actually gives a shit about me." He looks down and the doctor looked upset. He finally just walked off.
" Vanessa...Vanessa...." Someone called out to her in a sing-song voice.

" Shut up, Courtney. Let me rest..."

" Rest? Sleep? What's the point of it? So you can have dreams? Nightmares? Nightmares about how you killed your darling sister? How you killed your friends-"

" SHUT UP!" Vanessa shot out of bed, her face coated with sweat. Her eyes darted frantically about the room, as if she were looking for an escape, both from her own mind and this tiny retched cell. " You don't know anything about me! You killed my friends! Not me! I don't deserve to be here! You were the one who told me to hide the body!"

" Hey, Thorne, keep it down in there!" A guard boomed, slamming his hand on the bars. " Don't make us sedate you again! Stupid kid..." " Sedate me?" Vanessa laughed, " What use would that be, huh? Courtney would still be here, I'd still be stuck in this hell hole. Why don't you just kill me instead? Before I find a way out of this cell and murder every single one of you worthless scums." The guard flinched at the poison dripping from her voice, and she giggled. It was fun messing with these know-it-alls. She could feel Courtney grinning in her head. " Well, well, well. Admit it. You like toying with your insanity, it's fun to scare people, isn't it?" She cooed. Vanessa grimaced, leaning her back against the grimy walls, " I do...but only those bastards. Those guards think their so tough, they don't know what we're capable of doing..." Her voice shook as she felt fear seep into her bones, " Most of us trapped in this nuthouse are so young, but all of us have something locked up inside. Demons within our minds... It's extremely, unsettling."

Suddenly, the sound of jingling keys caught her attention and she looked up. Another guard had unlocked her door and was beckoning for her to come out, " Meal time, you little wrench." She ignored the last part of his comment and slid of her bed, following him to the mess hall. And like the name suggested, it was a mess hall, literally. It looked like it haven't been cleaned in years. After grabbing her share of unidentifiable gloop, she made her way quietly to one of the tables and sat down. Her eyes scanned the crowd, most of them seemed...normal. But one could never tell. She tucked a strand of her strawberry blonde hair behind her ear and started eating.
Daniel walked into the mess hall, only to stop when a doctor walked passed him. The doctor seemed agitated under his stressful eyes. The teen turned his head to see where the doctor had come from. He managed to catch a glimpse of a boy sitting alone before he was nudged toward the food line by the guard that brought him. A brief thought flashed through his mind: what would she look like bloody and broken dragging in her last breath?

The thought disappeared as soon as a tray of gray glop was shoved into his pale hands. The guard left his side and he found himself seated to an empty table. His blue gaze traveled the room, taking in the other 'prisoners', when his eyes fell on the boy from earlier. He was sitting alone like a majority of the other patients. The words from his dream came to his mind and he had to stiffle his laughter, settling on a secret smile instead.

'Nobody likes a crazy.. not even the crazies themselves!'

The boy had handcuffs on... must've done something bad. Daniel's people-watching was directed to a new person walking in. A pretty girl with strawberry blonde hair. He wondered what these two were like and what was wrong with them.
Ivan took his medicine but coughed it up soon after. Drake, us usual, wasn't going to be sedated by these pills. A doctor came over to him and said "you have to take your medicine." Ivan looked over to what looked like nothing but was definitely something to him. "Drake, they want me to take my medicine. We have to take it." The familiar husky laughter pounded through his head. "Take it? Their not ruining my playtime," said Drake simply. Ivan looked at the doctor and shrugged. "I can't. Drake is having too much fun." The doctor's eyes widened. She looked worried and she asked "there is no one here but yourself." Ivan stood up and slipped a knife out of his sleeve. The doctor stepped back, terrified. Everyone looked over to them. Ivan said in a low, husky voice "I wonder what it feels like to be stabbed. Is it painful?" He then screamed "leave my master alone, you whore!" He pushed the doctor but was quickly restrained by a few guards before he could do any real damage. They pulled him out and the doctor said "put him in solitary confinement." Drake struggled and smirked. "Do what you want with me. You won't be able to cure a crazy." They took him out forcefully. The doctor stood up and said "don't worry everybody. Just keep eating."
Daniel was taken aback by the behavior of the boy. He was talking to someone named 'Drake'- was the boy named Drake or was he speaking to someone that wasn't there?

It could possibly be a case of MPD; maybe even schizophrenia. He was pulled from his musings when the boy- Drake?- was shouting and pulled out a knife; Daniel idly agreed with him. Would stabbing himself hurt? Could he rid himself of this dreadful life with a few punctures in the right places? Before he could muse some more, the scene was ending as quickly as it started. The boy was most likely being dragged to Solitary Confinement.

The other crazies went back to eating; a mechanical response to a command. Daniel didn't take another bite of the slop. His eyes traveled again to find the girl from before; she was only a table away.

'Maybe I should go over and talk- NO! Talking requires trust... and that is something I do not have. Besides, she could also errupt at any second like the other guy. Who knows what she has.'

Daniel stopped his thoughts to only mutter another one under his breath, "Nobody likes a crazy.." 
Daniel was taken aback by the behavior of the boy. He was talking to someone named 'Drake'- was the boy named Drake or was he speaking to someone that wasn't there?

It could possibly be a case of MPD; maybe even schizophrenia. He was pulled from his musings when the boy- Drake?- was shouting and pulled out a knife; Daniel idly agreed with him. Would stabbing himself hurt? Could he rid himself of this dreadful life with a few punctures in the right places? Before he could muse some more, the scene was ending as quickly as it started. The boy was most likely being dragged to Solitary Confinement.

The other crazies went back to eating; a mechanical response to a command. Daniel didn't take another bite of the slop. His eyes traveled again to find the girl from before; she was only a table away.

'Maybe I should go over and talk- NO! Talking requires trust... and that is something I do not have. Besides, she could also errupt at any second like the other guy. Who knows what she has.'

Daniel stopped his thoughts to only mutter another one under his breath, "Nobody likes a crazy.."
Ivan sat in the cold, dark cell away from everybody. He hated it here. This cell didn't even have a window in the door. All it had was a small slip at the bottom which was probably for them to give him food. "Shut up, Drake. Its your fault were in here." He raised his handcuffed hands. "If it wasn't for you, we wouldn't be in this situation." Drake frowned and disappeared. "Finally... Some peace and quiet." He sighed with relief as he laid on the uncomfortable bed. He curled up into his blankets. He slowly fell asleep.
Vanessa glanced up from her meal and slowly took in the people around her. Her eyes landed on a boy with pale skin and blue eyes sitting alone, his eyes too, were scanning the crowd. She wondered if he was lonely, sitting there all by himself. She brought her gaze to another boy, it seemed like the doctor was trying to coax him into taking his medication. However, the boy wasn't having any of it. Suddenly something clicked in him. She saw it just a moment before he erupted. She flinched as he swore and slipped out a knife. Of course, he didn't get to actually hurt anyone before the guards intervened. Much to Courtney's disappointment. Vanessa heard her sigh, " Too bad. But I heard him mention something, seems like he has someone living in his head too." Vanessa nodded to herself, Courtney was right, she heard him mention someone called Drake. And she knew, from personal experience, how the things inside you head can make you do things you never want to do. As the boy got dragged away forcefully, the doctor tried to make them continue on like nothng happened. She cringed and pushed her food away, how could she continue eating, the thought of that happening to her has made her lose her appetite. When she got up, she noticed the boy from before glancing at her before quickly looking away. She smiled to herself, I guess it's fine to make a friend or two. After all, we're all crazies, how much worse can he be?

She walked to his table and sat opposite him, " Hi...I'm Vanessa Thorne." She held out her hand.
He girl from before had approached him. What did she say her name wad.. Vanessa? Daniel weighed out his options: he could shake her hand and possibly make a friend or he could ignore her and live his isolated lifestyle with only the nightmares to keep him company. He shook her hand.

"I'm Daniel... Daniel Griffin." His smooth voice felt foreign in a 'friendly' conversation. It was actually kind of nice. "What‘s your poison, Vanessa?" He tested her name out on his lips. This felt nice too. Poison was referring to her meds; in other words, what was she in here for? She looked pretty normal for a crazy: sane.

'You can never be sure.'
She flinched when he mention the meds, but managed to keep Courtney under control. She didn't want another episode, not here, and definitely not now. So she took a deep breath of air and looked over to the other side of the mess hall, her eyes becoming somewhat distant. The next words that came out of her mouth sounded somewhat robotic, her gaze unfocused, " I'm not sure what kind of weird stuff they put me on. But I have a disassociative personality disorder, as well as severe schizophrenia. "

Her voice trailed off and stayed silent for a moment, before turning to Daniel, " What about you Daniel? What's your poison? "
He grimaced at both the answer and question. Daniel didn't even have anything as severe as that. He actually applauded people with it because they didn't seem like they had that kind of struggle; like a sane person.

"Nothing strong really besides these caffeine pills to keep me up- I have Nightmare Syndrome- also some anti-depressants that aren't really necessary. Having a fascination with death doesn't mean you're depressed." He muttered the last sentence with a sigh. He was surprised at himself for speaking so long. By now, he would be shutting himself down and dwell back into hacking in people's minds.

'I bet that monster has the smirk wiped clean from his mouth.'

He let his mind go back to her earlier reaction to his question. How far off she seemed when she answered. "Sorry." The word tumbled from his mouth before he could catch it and stick it back into his mind. "Looked like you didn't want to talk about it..." Daniel trailed off;knowing full well that he was making an absolute fool of himself.
Nightmare syndrome? That's one she hasn't heard of before.

She nodded at his apology, " It's fine, it just brings up memories. Bad memories. And let me tell you something, I'm crazy, but I'm not oblivious. There's a person in my head, a girl actually. I call her Courtney. She's one of the reasons I'm here. Whenever someone brings up something bad, or makes me angry, scared, distressed....she takes over. But sometimes, when I'm sleeping or when my guard is down, she'll just slip out and control me. No warning, no anything. And the next thing I know I'm lying beside a pool of blood with no memory of what happened whatsoever. "

She could hear Courtney scoff, " Don't make yourself sound so innocent. I was born of your own demise, the blood on your hands. I wasn't there to kill your sister. "

" Shut up, Courtney..." she hissed through gritted teeth.
"Sounds like Courtney is one hell of a girl." Daniel hoped that the other would take the grim joke in stride. "Er, that is to say she seems like someone you don't want to tick off." He scratched the back of his head, white locks tangling slightly in his fingers. Courtney was the type of person no one wanted to mess with.. at least she could forget; whether it be a blessing or a curse. This situation slightly reminded him of the dream he had after the incident; not a particularly bad one, but a nightmare nonetheless.

Daniel watched a monster made of red spikes smile at him with sharp teeth; its glowing eyes closing at the action. It was holding the limp form of his sister its large claws.

"It's all your fault." It said, their voice echoing off of the dream's barriers. "She's dead because of you." Daniel nodded in agreement, a numb action caused by the fear. "This makes you a bad boy and bad boys need to be punished." The monster raised a spiked hand and brought it over Daniel's form; the boy expected death, but instead he was picked up by his colla. He was now looking into the eyes of the moster. "Death is too easy of an escape. No, your punishment will be remembrance. You will never forget what you have done to her." The monster held up Sarah's form before grinning wickedly. He let go of Daniel and he plummeted into darkness.
One of the prison guards said on the intercoms "mealtime is over. Your doctor will escort you all back to your rooms." One of the guards whispered to another and the other walked out of the room. Before Ivan knew it, the steel door opened. He looked up a little but didn't have the energy to get up. Finally the guard said "get up!" Ivan groaned as he slowly got up. He was soar from laying on the concrete flooring. He said sarcastically "hey, you certainly treat your prisoners with care." The guard hit him to the floor with the back of his gun saying "shut up!" Ivan coughed but slowly got back up. Ivan was slowly brought back to his cell, being pushed every so often. He ran a hand through his hair. "Drake is angered, you know." The guard rolled his eyes and said "Drake doesn't exist. Its all in your head. Just give up. We can't fix what doesn't exist." That shut up Ivan. He was roughly pushed into his cell. He sat on the floor and sighed. What if he was right? What if he couldn't be fixed? Did that mean he had to stay in this shitty place that somehow passed inspection every year? He couldn't have a family? He couldn't make friends? He couldn't be normal! "I just want to be normal!" He slowly stood up and yelled "its your fault Drake! Why did you have to come into my life? Because of you, I couldn't have friends like a normal person. Because of you, my family hates and fears me. You say your protecting me, but are you really or are you just here to mess up my life!" He panted as he yelled. A guard banged on his cell door and yelled "shut up in there! No one cares about your stupid little problems!" Ivan laid down and crawled up. Sadly, they took everything he needed to kill himself. He couldn't even make a makeshift shiv. He just wanted to go home and forget everything...
The voice on the intercom made Daniel's nightmare crawling mind feel like he was being pulled back into another dream. However, he was brought out of the thought by the same female guard as before. He bid the girl goodbye with a small wave and he found himself being directed down the hall. They were passing a few cells when he heard some shouting. It was coming from some boy from a cell. The guard was yelling his own harsh words back. It was the sleazy, cheating guard that came to get him for lunch. The wedding ring was off. The male guard noticed Daniel and the female guard and a sinister smirk graced his grimy face.

"Hey brat. Such a shame to see you walking still. Was kinda hoping you would choke on that grub they feed you loons." Daniel resisted the urge to roll his eyes and turned to the man with a slightly tilted head and a wide smile.

"It's always a pleasure to see someone that is only mere short moments from being divorced and have his beaten and broke ass on the streets." The guard turned a bright, furious red.

"Why you little..!"
Ivan smirked when he noticed the guard getting mad. "I'm pretty sure he'd be dead before he ended up on the streets." He laughed a little to himself and the guard spun around. "Your just lucky your not in prison, you little pest!" Ivan chuckled and said "go ahead send me there. See what happens!" The guard was furious but backed off. Ivan yawned, bored by the pathetic guard. The guard just said "at least you all will die first." Ivan's eyes narrowed and asked "what do you mean?" The guard smirked, proud he knew something Ivan didn't. "If you prove that you can't be cured, you will be killed. We need room, and we don't have room for crazies."
"So they turn the whole facility into a pound? If we're not wanted, they'll just euthanize us to make way for the new shipment. It's inhumane!" It was a ridiculous strategy. Those who are sick minded will never be cured so easily. The guard turned his eyes on Daniel, a cold laugh spilling from his muzzle.

"It's your fault really. Having all those people in those twisted heads of yers." He tapped the side of his graying head mockingly..
Ivan's eyes flashed with anger. "You bastard... your lucky I'm in this cell because I would kill you if I wasn't." He sat against the wall. He smiled and said "hey fellow 'crazy'." He seemed to be mocking what the guard had called them so many times. His eyes rested on Daniel. "If were going to die, better get to know each other even if Drake doesn't approve."
"I agree, Mr. Loony." Daniel joked back with the short-termed nickname. The boy seemed interesting enough; even more so because of his homicidal tendencies. Sort of like his fascination of mutilation. Daniel met the boy's gaze with his own steady orbs of blue, a friendly smile pulling at the corners of his lips and making its way across his face. Drake. That same name from earlier. Drake was definitely a voiced illusion. "However, the first business of knowing each other starts with an introduction." Daniel tried to mock all the lessons of a proper man with his mother. "I'm Daniel."
"The name is Ivan..." He smiled softly, which seemed rare for him. He ran a hand through his hair and smiled devilishly. "Cross me and I'll kill you without hesitation but be nice and you get a prize."
This role play has been marked "inactive". Inactive role plays are defined as "role plays showing 0 activity within a 30 day period".

Please contact an @Rp Moderator if you feel this was a mistake or if you would like to have your role play reactivated.

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