Blackburn's Crossing Chapter 4: Snake Eater

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Kallisto idly dug at the table with a claw as she listened to Marcus, "I don't ... know if it should be a ballad. I think people might focus on the wrong things. I don't feel like a 'hero of destiny'."

She smiled as Marcus mentioned Ocer, "I wondered where he had gone ... as far as he's concerned everything's open for everyone. I'll probably have to see what he's collected and put it back if I can figure it out. Some I might be able to give to Simon or other guards to hand back..."

Kallisto stretched, looking at Marcus' mug, "I'd still like to try some of that ... at least before dealing with the next task. I owe Bernard for his help, but I have no idea when we'll be back again." Her expression looked frustrated for a moment, "I ... can't even really say if we'll be gone a day ... or a week. It's ... magic stuff. I don't understand magic stuff."
Arissa smiled to Bernard as he complimented her skills and then laughed as he mentioned carrying the gold for her. "I believe we both know that I do not make a habit of holding on to it long enough to become much of a burden." She turned back to Reginauld and nodded as he mentioned the paper currency of Paridon, and briefly fished around in her pack for a small, fine looking velvet wallet from which she pulled out a thick wad of paper bills. "My homeland does the same. Unfortunately, I have been unable to find a vendor willing to accept Carmites as wettig betaalmiddel, unless you see much value in colored pieces of paper."

Arissa took the dull looking black cloak with a slight frown and put it around her neck, closing the nondescript clasp firmly before twirling around twice while focusing on the image in her head. After the second rotation, the cloak shimmered and shifted, adjusting it's size to Arissa's height and becoming a vibrant crimson color with rich gold trim. She turned to admire it for a moment, before turning back to Reginauld as he spoke again, cocking her head slightly. "I am not entirely certain what you mean by 'displays of power'. I simply played a song that happened to strike a chord with the patrons of the Rapids. It's hardly witchcraft or anything of the sort, simply a more refined form of music than the people of the Crossing are accustomed to hearing. Is it unusual to compliment a skilled chef after a particularly fine meal?" Arissa shrugged, unsure of what the problem might have been, but well aware that this was a strange, paranoid town. "Still, I am sorry to hear that you are facing such prejudice for your efforts in the town's defense. I hope that my friends are not in a similar situation. Many of them use far less... subtle forms of magic than I am capable of." Arissa thought back to the dark bolts of energy Yelcan produced against Isaiah during the ball and the elemental blasts Léone fired at Tobens in the middle of town. I pray that they are not under similar scrutiny... I will have to have words with them about keeping a lower profile to avoid judgement.

When Reginauld mentioned being able to exchange coins for platinum, Arissa's expression brightened slightly and she nodded. "I would not mind exchanging three hundred gold for some platinum. Always good to keep around some pocket change, ja?" Arissa quickly counted out fifty gold pieces from the pouch and pushed the rest over to Reginauld, and then held out a hand for the platinum.
Curio Shop:

"Specifically flashy stuff that the flute will allow you to do. You know like suddenly flying in the air. Gets a few people nervous, I've recently caused a 'wave' or two you might say," says Reginauld waving his hand for a moment. "I think you'll find over all you probably have more freedom to get away with such things in a town like this that doesn't have a proper guard. Many other town's I've gone through have a strict policy when it comes to magic, but I've managed to do well finally here."

Reginauld exchanges the coins producing another smaller bag to keep them in to keep the chance separate. "It has been nice since Blackburn's return however that most of the topics aren't about who I might have turned into a frog, though occasionally such a reputation does come in handy," says Reginauld seemingly musing back to another time.

Roaring Rapids:

"You still want to try? Alright I'll be right back," says Marcus as he stands up walking over to Thackery to have a quick conversation. He then returns with two cups of ale and offers one to Kallisto. "Most people take awhile to get used to it. An acquired taste, sort of like some versions of seafood. I'd start slow if I were you. We don't know what type of drunk you are yet, haha!"

Marcus offered up his mug to clank with Kallisto before drinking his second mug of the night.
Léone follows James to the dining room, carefully carrying the bottle of wine between her arms. "I don't think you'd want me taking up that challenge," she says, managing a soft chuckle. She made sure to pick out a brand name she recognized from her time back at Port-a-Lucine - one that was notoriously strong and alcoholic.

Sitting down next to James she rests her elbows on the table, trying to hide the growling from her stomach as she caught the aroma of food wafting in. "Yes, Ludovico did mention he was interested in a 'hypothetical' machine that could duplicate matter - I believe it was the day after you hired me on. Funny, that seems like ages ago now with all that's happened." She considers that for a couple seconds, then shrugs. "Anyway, I'm fairly sure he was fishing for a reaction, which raises the question of how much he knew about it already. Yelcan and I had only learned about that capability the night before, had it been put off I would've had no idea what he was talking about. As for Gaspard, who knows? We could have another Marcel on our hands for all I know."

She grimaces at the thought of her brother, but quickly wipes it off and waves hello as Violette enters the room. She nods along to the conversation, slightly distracted by the braised lamb that Grimdosh sets down in front of her but remaining engaged for the most part. Taking a few eager bites she eventually speaks up as well, addressing Violette. "Well the choice is yours in the end, if you think it's a good fit. Perhaps it will help improve relations between Mordent and Richemulot, like I'm hoping the relations between and Mordent and Dementlieu will," she says, flashing a small smile. It falters at the mention of Falkovnia, and she takes a deep sip of wine before continuing to cut into her food silently. Remembering something she looks back up to Violette. "Speaking of... disadvantages, I do hope that wine is alright for you. I personally tend to lean towards the harder stuff anyway."

She mulls it over, then leans back in her chair and glances over at Violette. "Though I am curious, what other business did you have in the Crossing? I know you and your siblings were here the first time researching disease prevention or similar, and Ludovico had also expressed interest in some of the machinery here, but I do recall you mentioning before the Ball that you were sent by your family for some other goal this time... Is it anything we could assist with or address now that you might be taking permanent residence here?" She sets her fork and knife down in the "in-progress" position and twirls around her wine glass idly as she waits for an answer.
Arissa smiles and nods to Reginauld as she collected the pouch from him. "I am rather accustomed to making 'waves' as you put it, but I would prefer to be making the good sort seeing as this is a place I intend to spend a good deal of time in." She glanced over to Bernard for a moment before turning back to Reginauld with a teasing smile. "Thank you for the lovely instrument, Reginauld, as well as the advice. If I ever need someone to be transformed into any sort of amfibie, I am glad to know who it is I should be asking. Have a wonderful night."

Arissa gave Reginauld a final smile and wave before turning away, feeling the warm cape whip around behind her as she walked over to Bernard and took him by the arm, giving him a warm smile. "Well, I feel reasonably satisfied at the moment that all of my tasks are completed. Is there anything you had hoped to accomplish before we head home?"
Kallisto nodded to Marcus before he stood, watching him speak to Thackery for a moment. She picked up her mug after Marcus set it down, looking into the drink before he clanked his mug against hers.

Lifting the cup she finished it -- perhaps faster than she expected, her face scrunched a little at the taste -- bitter at first but still slightly sweet underneath. Placing the mug down, it looked a little smaller in her hands than in Marcus', Kallisto tilted her head. "That was ... interesting. Doesn't really seem to be bothering me much ... how many do you usually drink?"
Bernard smiled, "Have a good night Reginauld." He looked to Arissa, hooking his arm with hers and heading out into the brisk night. "No, nothing this evening. I've been giving some thought to the spear. I think it belongs with Kallisto, a reminder of her family. We'll take care of it tomorrow before the book." He gives Arissa a tired smile. "We should be getting back to Marsh House. It's time to be home, with family." He leaned in to kiss Arissa before walking with her toward Marsh House.
Arissa smiled to Bernard and kissed him back. "That is very kind of you to do that... Although I must admit it is a relief to hear that I will not need to be cleaning up more blood around the house from that dripping spear. Curious... I wonder who that could be from." She fell silent as she approached the house, spying a letter by the door with the words 'Dear Arissa' written on it. She looked at the letter in confusion before kneeling down to pick it up, turning it over to reveal the wax unicorn seal on the letter. Arissa hesitated before breaking the seal and beginning to remove the letter, but stopped suddenly. She stared at the broken wax for a moment before she carefully folded the flap back down, tracing a finger along the seal and humming a quiet tune in a somewhat wavering tone as it began to magically close back up. She quickly wiped at her eyes before turning back to Bernard with a smile as she tucked the letter into her pack. "Apologies, I do not believe it to be of importance. Likely just a letter from an admirer. Shall we?"

Without waiting for a response from Bernard, Arissa opened the door to the house, finding it to be surprisingly warm and homey despite their absence. She removed her scabbard and set it next to the door despite the complaints of her spectral companion before calling into the house. "Hello? Perian, are you home?"
Bernard looked at Arissa, curious what was in the letter. He placed a hand on her back, but knew better than to argue or ask. She will say something when she's ready. As Arissa opened the door, Bernard entered behind her, stopping in the entry to remove his armor. He looked around at the house and sniffed at the air. "Whatever that is, it smells wonderful." He commented as he continued to strip the plate off of his limbs, heading towards the kitchen.
A small groan came from the couch in the sitting room as Peri sat up rubbing her eyes. Her face still a bit blotchy from her earlier tears. “Welcome home,” came the quiet voice. Pulling a scrambling Hyde from her shoulder she pets his back ridges and sets him down in her spot on the couch.

Moving to the entryways she watched at Bernard heads for the kitchen she looks to Arissa slipping her arms around the taller woman hugging her. “I made stewed beef for dinner and there is how water in the kettle.”

“Did your errands go well?”
Bernard completed removing his gear, leaving it strewn about between the entry and the kitchen. In the kitchen there's some rattling and clinking before Bernard returns to the ladies with three bowls of stew one without a spoon, three cups of tea, and a spoon in him mouth.

He grinned at both of them, the spoon hung slightly as he slurpped out, "You did great. Let's eat." Moving into the living room he placed the tea on a side table before offering Arissa a bowl of stew. "I'd say the errands went well. There's a bit more to take care of in the morning." He states removing the spoon from his mouth. Between spoonfuls of stew Bernard asked, "What do you need from us Peri? How can we help?" He shined a kind smile before returning to the stew. He recognized the pain in her eyes and on her face.
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Arissa smiled warmly to Peri, although she noted her current demeanor as she wrapped her arms around her, squeezing her tightly for a moment as she watched Bernard walk off into the kitchen. "Thank you so much for the warm welcome, my little foxy friend. Bernard is right, dinner smells absolutely divine. I am beginning to wonder if it is even worth learning how to cook with such skilled chefs under the same roof. I am glad to report that Bernard and I are now officially recognized as a married couple in the eyes of the Ezran church. You are looking at the now legally recognized Mrs. Arissa Hathoway." Arissa smiled towards the kitchen where she heard Bernard rustling around, the new last name still foreign but feeling more fitting every time she heard it. She ruffled Peri's hair before reaching in to her bag to remove the finely crafted wooden and gold flute she had purchased. "Other than that, I did manage to sell those raggedy gloves of occasional usefulness for something that I believe to be far more suiting for my tastes. This flute possesses some innate magical abilities that will complement and improve my lacking zak met trucs. It will serve us well on our mission to bring Merris home."

Arissa paused, unsure if she should have spoken about the seemingly rarely mentioned task that they were long overdue to begin. She knew it must have been hard for the pair to have to wait to try and bring back their mother, and was glad that they were finally on track to start. As Bernard returned, Arissa placed the flute back in her bag, and slowly pried Peri off. "I am afraid I will require the use of my hands to eat your delicious food. Thank you for the quick service, Bernard, I could get used to having a butler once again." She gave him a teasing smile as she took the bowl from him and began to quickly yet carefully dig into the stew.
Taking in a deep breath she gave Arissa a smile it didn’t quite reach but it was easy to tell she was trying. “Arissa I don’t know what ‘sakes metrucks’ means, but you are far from lacking.”

As Arissa pulls away Peri proceeds to chase after the pieces of Bernard’s armor collecting them and setting them neatly enough piled next to she chair she knew he used when putting it all on. Holding onto one of his bracers still frowning at it as she picked swamp or other out of its rivet. When Bear asked her about how he could help she snapped back looking to the bowl he had retrieved for her.

“I wanted to make sure you came home to a warm meal and house. I tidied and re stocked the larder.” Setting the beaver down she returned to them. Her conversation hoping from place to place. “It is good you made your marriage official for town records, though I know to all of us it wouldn’t matter. Arissa belongs here.” With a nod Peri sits in front of her stew and takes a bite. “I can draw a bath for you, but other than that Indont think any more needs doing today.” With a nod to no one in particular she settled back into quiet.
Arissa smiled to Peri at the compliment, and also to her assertion that she belonged here before her expression became a more serious. “I am so glad to hear that you think so, but I am afraid that it is not only my friends that I need to be concerned with. The Hathoway family has much work that needs to be done to mend its reputation, and I am glad that we were able to start things correctly to avoid any future troubles.”

Arissa then brightened up at the mention of a bath. “Gods, are we certain that you are not an angel as well? You have done so much for us already, I believe I can manage to run a bath without burning the house down. Besides, I have hogged enough of Bernard’s attention for the day. You two deserve some time to yourselves.” Arissa set down her emptied bowl and stood up, giving Bernard a quick kiss and Peri a peck on the cheek before heading off to find the warm water.
"I hope you have not forgotten about our last task for the evening. It's important to me now that we're home, but it can wait for you to complete your bath." He smiled at Arissa as she went off to draw a bath.

Bernard looked at Peri, a bit of sadness in his eyes, he was worried about her. "You did a wonderful job, the place looks beautiful and the food is delicious. I could have collected my own armor, but I appreciate that you've already collected it for me." He reached over to place a hand on Peri's shoulder, "If you need anything, I'm always here. I'm your brother, it's my job, and you know I don't mean helping with house work." He moved closer to her, wrapping her in a hug, still wearing the thick under padding of his plate, Bernard was quite warm and plush. "What's on your mind?" There was a unique sincerity to his voice that was rare, no jokes, no goading or waiting for a slip up to pun on, Bernard seemed genuinely concerned and present in this matter.
Giving Arissa a smile as she leaves for the bath Peri sighed looking down and turning back to Bernard she poked at her stew bits. “Too many things Bear,” at the weight of his hand hers froze and stopped their poking.

“I just want to make the right choices, things I do lately have not gone as planned.” Peri chuckled morbidly, “As if I ever had one.” With a shrug, “My tears have dried up for now, but it is still hard to process, I am trying to heed your words, but those poor people’s deaths weigh me down they grasp at my feet holding me down.”

Holding out her now pale hand the lightning scars reaching up her arm stopping before the elbow. “They are with me here” With her other hand she traces a line.
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Bernard sighed, he reached to take Peri's arm by the wrist. "I wish I had some wisdom to share with you that would lift this weight from your shoulders, but I am at a loss. Like your scar, our choices offer opportunities to change our course." He traced his finger along the scar to a fork. "Some paths offer more choices, and some are longer than others." His finger continued to trace up a longer path, pausing at each fork to make a decision and allow himself time to speak. "Eventually though, they all end." He reached the end of the path he was tracing. "Sometimes the end is our choice, other times it is not. There are only three great hopes we can have in death."

Bernard released Peri's arm and raised a hand with three fingers extended, "First, that our life means something in the end." The first finger dropped, "Second, that Ezra guides us to the place beyond the mist, where we can live out our afterlife free from the concerns and dangers of this wretched world." A second finger fell, "Finally, that we may see those we love most before our end comes." He lowers his third finger and looks Peri in the eyes, though she had been avoiding too much eye contact all night.

"The children died for their tribe to survive, with the end of the Great Serpent came the Lake of Blood and no Children of Blood fell. Amarden stated that those who die in the graveyard are removed from the cycle, I have faith that Ezra led them beyond the mist, they suffer no more. And each of them got to see the Children of Blood again before their end, they saw their family stand against the Darkness that had stripped them of their freedom and pried them from their home. I know you feel guilt for the way that things happened, I wish I could free you from that burden, but that is not possible."

Bernard took Peri's hand, "Tomorrow, we will enter mother's book and bring her home. Then maybe we can settle down, spend some time taking care of ourselves. I could help you fix the hut in the swamp, maybe you can give me some pointers on my sermons?" He looked over to Yelcan still sprawled asleep on the couch, "Maybe you can spend some time with Yelcan picking herbs for that new doctor, or get some assistance from mother to start growing a few of his plants in the greenhouse." Bernard gave a slight nod of affirmation, before smiling at Peri once more. "Just don't forget that I'm here if you need me."
Blackburn Manor:

“My family wanted to know all who were attending and to pass off some letters to some of the guests they had already confirmed were showing up. Lord Balfour, Sir Pierre Dupree, and whoever the Boritsi representative was going to send who if I recall correctly was John Devar,” says Violette looking between Leone and James. She looks to the wine glass which she hasn’t moved for and smiles a bit. “There are only a few that I know for sure I don’t have problems with so perhaps you or James will finish it for me.”

“If you provide Grimdosh with the specific ones I’m sure he would remember to pick out the correct ones,” says James as he sees Grimdosh frown for a moment. James leans forward taking the glass and takes a sip before setting it down on his side of the table.

“As for tightening up the relationship I think in the end it will be a good thing,”
says Violette as she took another bite of her food. She seemed to think about it for a moment. “And I’ve a feeling my family will see it as a good way to keep the oddest one of the family out of sight…”

Grimdosh disappears back into the kitchen, as James takes another drink of the wine, before nodding. “Very well then tomorrow we can go over in detail what you’d like to do to change the security, and I’ll show you a bit of what I’ve found out regarding the automatons, as well as going over how much you have to spend in regards to hiring help,” says James looking back to Leone for a moment. He smiles drinking the last of his wine. “Do you know anything in regards to Ludovico’s interest in machines?”

Violette shrugged. “I know a few things; specifically he’s interested in a machine that his grandfather was supposed to help build with the Blackburns. He has some notes on it from his grandfather’s journal which mentions it vaguely but there’s been no proof that it exists,” says Violette before she finishes her meal. Grimdosh reappears putting a cup down and Violette sniffs it for a moment before smiling. “Oh you shouldn’t have Grimdosh. Did you use the tea that I ordered? Thank you.”

Violette drinks some of the tea before finally looking back to Leone and James. “I can tell you that he snatched what might be a few diagrams from you’re family tomb. He was studying them on the way back to Mortigny. Now that we are allies I figure you deserve to know,” says Violette who seems to be watching James reaction carefully.

“He managed to get something out of there? More than I was able to do at the time,” he says thinking back to the day. “I’d be lying if I didn’t feel resentful of that but I understand you tell me this in an effort to clear the air, and it wasn’t necessarily even you’re doing. I will inquire of what he has found out, perhaps you could also convince him to share his findings with us.”

“I write to him tonight, and mention you have gracefully forgiven him,” says Violette nodding her head. James takes a moment to respond to that.

“As long as it is returned to me than yes, all is forgiven,” says James carefully. Violette takes another sip of the tea before looking over to Leone.

“So you guys are going to be busy tomorrow or something right? I’ve been wondering when you two are finally going to finalize the union?” asks Violette smirking mischievously now.

Roaring Rapids:

Marcus laughs at Kallisto not feeling anything. "Alright if you want to go until you feel something lets setup a few more," says Marcus as he calls Terra over and lets her know to keep them coming. When the next one arrives he holds up another mug. "Usually takes me a few before feeling it but I'm already starting so I might need to stop after this one."
Peri nods and takes Bears hand in both hers. “Thank you for your wisdom Bear, I have a new path to think on.” A small smile breaks her frown. “Finding Momma will definitely help, I’ll try to look forward to the peace of mind that the swamps are a little safer.”

Giving his hand a squeeze she releases him and sets back to work on her stew. “I would very much like to go work on the hut, fix it up, and be free to do as we like again. Let us hope this business is done.” Frowning once more she seemed to recall, “Momma is going to be so mad, I haven’t been to mass since Before uncle passed. I hope the new priest doesn’t think I dislike his cheese sermons.”

Thinking a moment she drops her chunk of bread in the stew and let’s it soak up everything practically melting as it becomes soggy. “Will everyone be coming here again for journey start or will we be meeting at James, I hope we aren’t in the book long, but in case I would like bacon and sweet egg toast for breakfast.” Looking to him With a completely serious expression.
Léone nods in solemn understanding as Violette mentions being the odd one out of the family. "Perhaps you're right about your family," she says, taking another sip as well. "Though truth be told, I've personally found the Crossing to be a much needed break from high society and politics. It gets rather hectic." She takes another drink as she mulls that over for an extended moment, before looking back at her glass and realizing it's now dry. Shrugging she sets it down to hopefully be refilled while continuing to cut into her food.

Upon mention of Ludovico's interest in the machine and the notes he took she raises an eyebrow, taking a few bites before speaking up again. "Yes, I do recall Ludovico mentioning that when we chatted, while you all were heading out to the Dancing Lady," she notes, munching on a piece of asparagus. "He told me that his great grandfather even helped build the manor, which according to some of my research regarding the Blackburns' family history must have been just around 200 years ago. There's definitely a lot of interesting work done here, though we're working on figuring out as much as we can."

Finishing her meal she sets down her knife and fork and pushes the plate aside, resting her hands on the table. "Agreed, it'd be appreciated if Ludovico returned the notes. We wouldn't want any... misunderstandings, now that we plan on having a working relationship between the two families." At the mention of finalizing the union she looks over to James and flashes a small smile. "Heh... soon, hopefully? Though after we get some proper rest tonight, I imagine the group will be wanting to set off promptly to retrieve Bernard and Peri's mother - and I have no clue how long that will take." She manages a soft chuckle. "I don't plan on making it a large extravagant thing, at least."
Bernard chuckled, "If it's any consolation I hear the new Father is called away on dangerous business often and leaves the church in the capable hands of Archibald frequently. Though, I had the chance to witness his last sermon, and it was exceptional" He grins ear to ear before his face settles back into his warmest smile. "I think we'll probably be starting our journey from the manor, if someone is to watch after the book while we're gone, I'd rather it not have to move across town several times while we're inside, but I'm an early riser and I happen to know how to make bacon and sweet egg toast, so I'll see what I can do." He leans in giving Peri a kiss on the forehead. "I'll even make some for your boyfriend." He mused gesturing to Yelcan who seemed a surprisingly sound sleeper. "I intend to be off on our next adventure fairly early, but there's always time for breakfast, and I need to speak with Kallisto and perhaps Bjorn before we leave." He hugged Peri again before standing.

"The stew was wonderful. You should really spend some time with Yelcan now that we're not in danger, don't let him sleep through it all." Bernard smirked and looked to the hall wistfully. He collected the empty bowls, "Once mom's back everything will be right as rain." Bernard moved off toward the kitchen, cleaning them and leaving them to dry before he moved back to the hall and knocked on the bathroom door.
Arissa's smile dropped as she returned to the bathroom with an outfit picked out, and she sighed as she finally began to strip off the leather armor she had worn for what felt like a lifetime. She paused for a moment to stare at the letter that she had place on top of her pack before turning away and entering the tub, feeling the hot water flow over her like the heat from the naga's attack as she reclined in it and closed her eyes for a moment. She opened them again and began to clean herself until she noticed the long, thin, straight scar on her chest from the ritual she had undergone under Phoebe's instruction. She briefly traced the scar on her otherwise smooth skin before glancing over to the letter again. I wonder how he is doing at the moment... No. There's no point worrying about Jonathan at the moment... Especially not with Merris. I need to be strong for Perian, and for Bernard as much as he tries to hide it.

Arissa's thoughts were interrupted by a knocking at the door, and she turned to look at it briefly. "Just a moment, I am nearly finished." She stood up from the tub and quickly dried herself off using a combination of towels and magic. She quickly dressed herself in a robe and opened the door to the bathroom, drying her hair with a towel as she did so before allowing it to spring back to it's natural shape. "Ah, hello Bernard. Pardon my current appearance, but I have little intention of wearing that armor once again until it is absolutely necessary... although it seems that maybe fairly soon. I missed the softer fabrics..." She looked down at her soft robe wistfully for a moment before her expression grew serious once again as she looked back to Bernard. "How is she doing? Gods, I feel terrible for how she must be feeling. I am familiar with the affects of spells like the one the naga used to control the transformed Children of Blood... That monster had no one to blame but herself for their deaths."
Bernard smiled as Arissa opened the door, "She'll be alright. She needs time... and support. I'm sure things will be better with Merris back from the book. Perhaps then we should take some time off. I offered to help her with the hut, father left it in quite a state and we haven't had the chance to clean it up. I think it will be good to keep her a little busy for a while, with simple, idle tasks to keep her from dwelling on the weight of the burden she bares." There was a sadness in his eyes, concern for Peri, but at the same time he seemed at peace with it. His discussion with her had solidified in his mind that she was not lost to the world, she would recover with time and care. Though he knew that Merris had been gone a long time and clinging to that hope of finding her and saving her could be the thing that pushed her to one side or the other.

Bernard reached for Arissa's robe, pulling her closer with it. "There is little we can do about it tonight, and I encouraged Peri to spend some time with Yelcan. In the morning I will be making bacon and sweet egg toast, if you'd like to help?" He grinned before lean in to kiss her. "For now, we should do what we can for us. What say we burn these letters and retire...Mrs. Hathoway?"
Arissa frowned and nodded at Bernard's assessment of Peri's emotional state. "I suppose that makes sense enough, although I wish that there was a way to hasten her recovery. I... I think you are correct that we are still very much going to be needed for quite some time in the Crossing, but we do deserve a good rest, at least for a few days."

Arissa laughed nervously in surprise as Bernard pulled her in closer to him, but then smiled to him as he kissed her. "I would love to help you cook."She tossed the towel she had been drying herself off with to the side and threw her arms around Bernard as she gave him a deeper kiss before pulling back and giving her a teasing smile. "Seven days in the swamps does not make for a particular romantic setting, ja? We never did have much of a huwelijksreis, did we? I believe we do have some time to correct this mistake tonight" Her smile dimmed for a moment, and she looked away from Bernard. "I am sorry to have burdened you before. I did not wish to leave you without answers, and after seeing what we were up against... I apologize for not having greater faith in us and our companions." After a moment, the smile returned and she met Bernard's gaze. "I did not mean to dampen the mood. The letters, if you would not mind? Then we may... retire as you say." She gave Bernard a wink and then stuck out a hand expectantly to Bernard.
Bernard pulled the single envelope stuffed with letters from his belt, the wax seal still intact, and handed it to Arissa. "Your love is never a burden Arissa, but the thought of losing you is too hard to face." He let the letters go with a grin.
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