Black Butler RP


Junior Member
Theme of roleplay: It doesn't matter, but I'm going with using the soulmate principle for Ciel and me.

My chara info:

Moonlight Ketsueki Myst

Age: 12

Gender: female

Race/Species: part vampyre(father's side), part witch(father's side), part wolf(mum's side)[type of wolf is classified, may eventually say type later on; NOT WEREWOLF]

Crush: Ciel Phantomhive

Looks: (skin)palest of all pallors; (hands)elegant and small, frail looking fingers, sharp pointed nails, look to be perfectly manicured though never taken care of; (feet)barefoot at all times; (frame)extremely thin, frail looking, clothes other than the dress that had always used to be worn usually too big; (clothes)usually a red Mediaeval Era style dress with a silver hem that is sleeveless, occasionally a red cloak with silver edging and a hood[Just call me Red Riding Hood, why don't you?]; (hair)goes down to mid-back, straight, silvery-blue, bangs cover forehead just passed eyebrows of the same silvery-blue hue; (eyes)deep crimson shade of red, tilted inward slightly[like that of elves; read Eragon of the Inheritance Cycle for reference], flash a silvery-red when/if provoked[i.e. usually when angered, but sometimes when annoyed; read Night World: book 1 for reference], dark shadows underneath eyes(due to insomnia); (ears) covered well by hair, pointed ends[like that of elves; read Eragon of the Inheritance Cycle for reference]; (teeth)white, perfectly aligned, sharp pointed canines/incisors that lengthen into fangs when/if provoked[though not always, as with the eyes]; (jewellery/accessories)a silver chain with a blood red jewel hanging from it to form a simple necklace[the type of jewel on the necklace is a moon ruby, unknown to most; necklace never comes off], has a silver circlet from mum though rarely worn if ever; (markings)a sapphire blue crescent moon in the middle of forehead that is covered well by bangs; (other)during the full moon, has a pair of wolf ears and tail

Loves: to read(manga and most books); stargazing; nighttime; archery; playing chess and/or checkers

Likes: drawing; singing(when no one aside from animals is around for good reason[this applies to RP/fan-fictions only, I actually sing every year for the school talent show in real life]; dancing(usually with faeries); writing[in real life only, currently working on a Bleach fan-fiction and a few other fan-fictions]; playing instruments, such as and especially the ocarina; most vegetables(especially spinach); talking to animals; listening to music; listening to birdsong, and singing along with the bird/birds if no one is around; all fruit, not counting grapefruit; seaweed; tofu; things to do with my hands, such as sewing; being alone at times; being with friends; spending time with Nyra(familiar who is a shadow cat); making new friends; board games

Dislikes: mean people; sunlight/daytime; fighting; others dying(especially if that person dies for my sake); grapefruit; harassment and/or teasing(in a mean way; perfectly fine if the teasing is lighthearted) of others; collars

Weapons: can use just about any weapon with ease, but prefer the bow and arrow to any other if I have to use one, though I don't really like using weapons in the first place; my magick and other powers/abilities

Abilities/Powers: affinity for the five elements(air, fire, water, earth, and spirit); can bend light energy(can use this to form a bow and arrow or sword; the light energy turns a light blue hue when this ability/power is used); can run at extremely fast speeds; can use telepathy to a certain degree; incredibly strong despite looking so frail; hypersensitive hearing, sight, and sense of smell; can sense aura; can cast spells(of witch and/or faerie capability; eyes glow a serene violet when spell-casting/spell-weaving); can speak to animals(crows, dogs, cats, etc.); heals very quickly; extraordinarily high stamina and endurance; flexible; lithe; multilingual

Bio: I met my familiar when I was only one. I saw my parents killed by someone we trusted when I was only eight. I have a silver circlet from my mum that(until some time after I meet Ciel) I rarely ever wear which means more to me than my own life(Kind of like Ciel and his ring, right? LOL!).

Extra: I have a black cat by the name of Nyra who is my familiar. Apparently, I am a wolf princess, though I don't accept the title.

Theme Song: changes depending upon mood and the scenario(usually something by H.I.M. or Three Days Grace, but not always)

Catchphrases: "Merry meet, merry part, and merry meet again!" "My weakness may be that I care too much, but it is also my greatest strength.", "I'm insane, not psyco.", "Just because I am insane does not mean that I have given into my insanity.", "'Tis the cat whom chooses the person, not the other way round.", "There is nothing to fear but Fear himself, but what when one fears not even he?"

Nyra Nikaru

Age: unknown

Gender: female

Race/Species: shadow cat

Crush: Sebastian

Looks: (all forms)violet eyes, soft black fur/hair; (true form)a black cat; (humanoid form)fair skinned, black claw-like nails, hair goes down to just an inch above her shoulders, cat ears and tail stay, usually wears black clothing and matching black boots that go up to just below her knees; (unleashed form)a black panther

Likes: me, catnip(What cat doesn't?), nighttime, torturing any who try to harm me, naps, scaring/messing with the "ickle" humans, teasing Moonlight

Dislikes: idiots, daytime, being woken up during a nap, any who try to harm Moonlight(me)

Weapon: usually her claws, but will use anything that can be used to torture someone

Abilities/Powers: can shift between three forms, can talk only in humanoid and forms

Bio: She met me when I was only one year old. After my parent's were killed, she helped keep me together. She has always been highly protective of me.

Extra: Unless I am around or say not to, she will torture anyone she finds trying to harm me. She is also princess of all the shadow cats in the Shadow Realm.

Theme Song: "Riot" by Three Days Grace

Catchphrases: "If I couldn't do something so simple as (insert action here), what kind of cat would I be?"(LOL! She basically stole Sebastian's line and replaced butler with cat!), "A cat will be a cat. You can't really do anything about it if a cat doesn't want to listen.", "You've got to admit, I'm one he'll of a cat."
Yay! Of course! Just put up your chara info. It doesn't have to be exactly like mine. Just basic info is fine. I usually go into detail with my info, so yeah. Kyaha! ^w^
Character Info

Full Name: Deathwish Vessali. Age: Unknown but looks 16. Crush: Grell Sutcliff the Crimson Shinigami. Height: 5'4". Weight: 70 lbs. Personality: Bittersweet but kind. Dark and mysterious, almost always hidden behind her wings. Occupation: Demon butler. Human form: Ankle length straight pitch black hair and gold eyes. Her skin is ghostly pale, adding to her mysteriousness. She can always be seen wearing her black butler suit. She has a violet witch craft like symbol on the back of her right hand. Her nails are painted purple and are an inch and a half long. Demon form: Her hair is pure darkness and she has pitch black wings with a 20' foot wingspan. Her skin is even paler and her eyes are the pink-red of a true demon.

Full name: Desiree Rose. Age: 13. Gender: Female. Hair: Long pale orange that reaches her knees. Eyes: Silver moon colored and bordered with long eyelashes. Skin: Ever so pale. Lips: Ruby red. Wears: Silver and gold gown. Bio: Cute and childish with a kind smile and warm heart. Crush: The Undertaker. (How dare she love the neighbor hood loli-stalker! xD )
LOLS! Awesome! ^w^ And don't forget about the Bleach RP we started on here. No one's posting and I was the last to post there. Just search Uryu and It'll pop up.
(LOL! Okesy! ^w^ I need Sebby to make a good entrance with Grell at all.)

I walked down the streets of London rather absentmindedly, lost in thought. I was bored and on my own.

Okay! Thank you!

Name: Utako Mori

Race/Species: Fox

gender: female

Age: 13

eyes: brown

hair: just above shoulders; brown

Ears: brown/white

tail: brown with a white tip

Height: 164 cm

weight: 105.2

Occupation: Model

Interests: Drawing manga and anime, singing, reading, acting, playing flute, journalism/writing

Crush: Pluto

physique: relatively skinny

Autobiography: My parents died in a car crash when I was seven, and I was left with my older brother, Zero, who was murdered by a madman last year. I was left alone. I made money by singing on the streets. I don't remember exactly how it happened, but somebody found me and apparently he had connections. That's how I got where I am today.

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