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Fandom Black Butler Rp


Cannon or Oc's will both be allowed:

Sheets For Oc's:





What are you?: Demon, Butler, Master, Shinigami, Servant, Human or mix of these

Death Scythe: (If Shinigami)

Mark Location: (If a demon contract is valid)

*opt. Bio:

Character's Taken: (If I haven't roleplayed with you before I want a sample post before accepting you as a cannon character)

Ciel Phantomhive - @Philophobia

Grell Sutcliff - @MattieLee

Sebastian Michealis - @MiahMarie

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Sebastian walked into the young earl's study with a tray of fresh tea.

"I have prepared a Cylon tea for your afternoon." he said gently putting the tea cup and saucer infront of the thirteen year old boy.

"is there anything else I can do for you young Master?" he asked Ciel
Ashia woke up, she sat up and looked around her room. "Great nothing to do yet again. Maybe i might go for a walk." she said to herself. Almost as if the gods were speaking to her, it began to pour rain.

"F*** this!" She screamed as she threw her pillow at her window and flipped the bird to the ceiling. Then it began to thunder and a flash of lighting light up the sky, "AHHHHHH!!!" She screamed as she layed back down on her bed and proceeded to cover up and go back to sleep.
Aero heard his master's frustrated voice and then thunder followed by a scream. He chuckled, he would never understand human's irrational fears. He walked upstairs to see her curled up in her blankets, had she fallen asleep already? he didn't think she could that fast. He just chuckled again at the human girl. He had made a contract with this girl and was now to look after her and help her in her pursuits. He wanted this soul rather badly, it was just different than the others it was so innocent and young and yet it held some sort of pain as well.

Oliver and Grell were assigned to observe a soul together as some sort of punishment for Grell since Oliver was always so focused on work Grell found him a nuiscance and annoying to be around. "They told us that the soul belongs to a middle aged woman who has been seen lately around the Trancy manor" Oliver went over there instructions as Grell yawned bored out of his mind. He was filing his nails as the other reaper looked over the paperwork and it began to storm. The red reaper sighed, today just wasn't his day now he would have to redo his makeup and all that. They stayed at a cheap hotel room for now to escape the storm.
Ashea turned, "I was not scared you know, im just pissed. Nothing works the way i want or need it to! Like F*** life hates me!" She pushed off her blankets and walked to her closet wearing only her bra and PJ Shorts, "What to wear? Aero do we have any guests coming over?" She asked in what sounded like a slightly annoyed voice.
He watched her without any sign of emotion. "Only one today, some french businessman" he looked down at his watch. "He should be here in about 3 or so hours" he told her. He looked at her closet as well "You need help deciding?"
"Do you think i should just wear what im currently wearing?" She asked as she motioned to her current outfit. "I hear french guys, like that kinda stuff!" She said as she smiled a kidding smile and went back to trying to find an outfit, next thing you knew she had her fists in a ball and was sitting on her bed laughing, "Aero, i need help."
Elionza groaned, rising from her bed early to dress herself; walking to her closet, in nothing but a white dress shirt and shorts, she grabbed a red and black dress and her eye-patch. "Raine!" She called to her maid. "Yes, young mistress?" the maid quickly responded, appearing in front of the door in a flash. "I need a bit of help with my corset and dress; mind?" The maid fixed her dress and stepped in, "Oh, not at all Mistress!" With that, it only took a few minutes to get the corset on and a moment for the dress. "Also, could you grab the accessories?" Eli questioned; although she knew her maid would do it anyway. "Yes ma'am. Also, Damien and I have prepared your breakfast, young mistress."
He just smiled at her, of course she needed help. He took a look and saw some dresses, some normal clothes. He didn't really like the frilly dresses either. He found an outfit he thought she might like and grabbed it.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/Victorian-Clothing-Uk.jpg.75d3c76e730b51733c36e148057e748f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="21464" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/Victorian-Clothing-Uk.jpg.75d3c76e730b51733c36e148057e748f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Still with her face in her hands she asks if he could possibly make it longer or find a different dress. Then she puts her face up "Someones here, and i don't think its the french guy hes not here for another two hours or so, Aero could you please go look in the window to see who it is!" She said as calmly as she could, well getting up to look for a dress, as she walked to the dresser she watched Aero go over to the window.
Ciel looked up displeasingly at Sebastian and nodded, leaning back and crossing his arms over his chest as he read a letter, "The queen wants me to hold a ball.." He scoffed, tossing the letter down on his desk as his nose scrunched, "Aparentally we're not the only demon-human pair in London.. She wants me to mingle and meet other children similar to me." He rolled his eyes, leaning back in his chair, clearly not wishing to deal with such nonsense. "She thinks it'd be good for you to meet with your own kind, but I don't believe you play well with others, now do you?" Ciel smirked c0ckily up at Sebastian, chuckling. He then sighed and looked at Sebastian in the eyes, "What do you think?"

Alice awoke in the morning and huffed. She still had no child with a stole to eat, so she was rahter bored. She usually visited the queen or somebody in times like these, but she decided it'd be nice to take a trip around London. She grabbed her mail and rose a brow at the letter from the queen, the queen had her do some duties every now and again. She opened the letter and was reading through, her eyes wide, There are more demon kid pairs in this part? She thought to herself as she wondered the streets of London, reading the letter as she chewed on her lip.
While Sweta was sitting on a roof top it started raining. She started looking for somewhere to get out of the rain. While jumping from roof to roof she stop in front of a hotel looked and notice a fimliar face looking out the window. "Grell" she said happily . Then she jump to hotel roof and used her ribbon to to hang upside down and appeared and in front of the window. "Boo!" she yelled trying to scare him alittle.
Sebastian was shocked to hear that the Queen knew what he was.

"Oh does she now. how did she find out?" Sebastian asked rather warily. he took the young master's empty tea cup and replaced it with a full one. "Well besides that, when should this ball be held? in order for the utmost perfection i need to know the date." He said, but intereupted his train of thought. "I shall tolerate these pitiful demons for the night if i have to."
(lol, the dress was a little longer than in the picture)

Aero looked out the window to see it was a woman, what was she doing here? he asked himself. "I'll go see what she wants" he said plainly going downstairs to see the lady standing outside. "Hello Madame, if you may excuse me what is your business at this estate today? I don't believe you scheduled anything."

Oliver had ignored the other reaper who was staring blankly out the window until he saw a pink haired girl pop out of seemingly nowhere. "Sweta?" Grell hadn't seen her in awhile. "You know her?" Oliver questioned "Well yeah but it's been awhile" he opened the window. "What are you doing here?" last he saw of this girl she was fighting a group of other demons all by herself. He assumed she had won that fight then.
"Well I was bored and I saw you through the window and decided to "drop" bye " She said giggling. Then she jump threw the window. Grell dodge it but Oliver, not looking got knock over, and Sweta fell on top of him. "ow" She sat up and looked down. "Whoopsie my bad" She said smiling and her hand scratching the back of her head.
Oliver fell to the ground with a thud. He opened his eyes to see her on top of him and blushed slightly at the girl, he then saw something on her thigh and noticed it was the mark of the demon, so she was a demon? he found this hard to believe since she looked so sweet and innocent but didn't find it too surprising since she knew Grell. "What is with you and these demons anyways?" he asked the redhead after getting back up. William had always told them that demons were bad and that the reapers were far above their kind so why was this idiot always around them? he didn't understand at all...
Sweta got up. "Hey what's that suppose to mean? Anyway" She sat on the bed. "Who are you? Never seen you before."
Ciel scoffed and stood up, walking to the window, "The queen has her ways, and this is one of them.. How about tonight, I'm sure I can rely on you to finish up and clean up?" Ciel shot a look at Sebastian. "Invintations sent as well, can you do that before tonight?" He smirked over at Sebastian, nodding.

Alice sighed and shook her head, running her fingers through her beautiful white hair. She sighed as she sat down, biting her lower lip as she looked around. "There is no one to speak to.." She leaned against a wall, people walking back and forth in front of her.
"My name is Oliver, I'm a shinigami like your friend but I'm sure you know that already" he adjusted his glasses on his face. "I apologize for his incompetency" Grell frowned "Hey! I'll let you know that she's a nice young lady and demons aren't nearly as boring as you are" he just shrugged "Whatever"
"Well Your a fun one" she said sarcastically at Oliver and giggled. "So" she turned to Grell. "what are guys up to?"
(Oh well then!:tongue::banghead:)

The lady just looked around, "Im not sure, i don't even know how i got here." She said in confusion. But then stood a bit more up right "My names Lilly, Lilly... something!" She arched herself a bit more

Ashia looked through her closet and well waiting for Aero and found the dress she figured shed wear, but before she put it on she waited for Aero to come back in the house to tell her if it looked all right. She thought it looked okay but having a butler as adorable and great with fashion sense as him, she figured she needed to use it.

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The sly fox then decided to do some snooping around, it was something she did a lot when the queen wasn't ordering her around. She looked at one of the names upon the sheet the queen had given her.. Aero and Ashia. She shrugged and shut her eyes, beginning to track them down. She hid her scent well as she slyly watched from afar. She let out a fox like grin as she saw the rabbit demon himself walk to the door, a lady waiting there. She chortled softly. She was a fox indeed, and foxes often preyed upon rabbits, but this time she'd sit back and watch..
Sebastian bowed and looked up with a devilish grin."yes my lord." he smirked and let the young earl's study to go clean up.

He made the invitations out by hand and made sure that the invitations were to the correct people, personally putting them in the mail slots. after he dealt with the invitations he began to prep that nights provisions, only to go to the young master to ask what he wanted for dessert.

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