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Fantasy Bitter Winters [Interest Check]

marshmarrow marshmarrow Definitely something more secretive, as most people aren't aware of the Pact. I would say the easiest way to get membership is through a family member, but if your character had been taking notice of the Pact and getting a little too curious or finding out too much, they would be approached by the Guide and offered membership.
There is a kind of beast that walks like a man. He talks like a man, even smiles like one. You may even be tempted to think that he feels like one. But do not be deceived, brothers. He who is claimed by evil is evil, and we know that the wolf is a mark of the curse that consumes the soul.

Is it natural, brothers? Oh, is it abominable, brothers? Pity the beasts! They are fallen, twisted, soulless husks of what has once been human, what once stood on the verge of salvation! Now we know of no hope for their bodies, but the sword may purify them! It may set the corpse free! For we know that evil spirits have stolen their bodies and trapped their souls in dark places.

These are deceitful by nature. They are more intelligent than us, more knowledgeable than us, mightier than us, so do not be surprised if you find yourself falling for their lies. And when you sense your heart begin to tremble, remember, remember!

Chained, chained
The wolves all chained
By the curse that consumes the soul.

Compassion, compassion
A sword is compassion
When it pierces the heart of a wolf.

Remember the chants, brothers. They will hold you in the truth even when your mind and your heart deceive you.

Oh trembling one, I can hear you crying out. What hope do we have against such a foe? One that entices, entraps, and destroys? Oh, brothers, do not demand success. Do not burden yourself with the responsibility to arise victorious. Victory is the Lord's, and it is His choice to give it to you or to withhold it. Only do what is right and good in His sight. Trust Him to perform His own plan in His own time.

And be wary, brothers, when you go out. Guard your hearts before you guard your flesh, for the flesh is perishing, but the soul is eternal. Our prayers are with you, and our hearts desire you. And remember! We will see you again. If not in this life...

It shall be the next.
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also, would you be down to change the name from guild to something... less mercantile? and weightier!

like... the Order, or the Rule, or the Faith, or the Troth?
eldorado eldorado I'll probably be just be keeping it as the guild, considering they don't have any "official" name. Your character would refer to it as some of those names IC, though!
Anyway, I'm a sleepy gorl so I'll start setting up the actual thread tomorrow! We still have room for about three people I believe, if everyone here commits! Goodnight y'all, thanks for making me so excited with your enthusiasm!!
1. Recruitment Those that evidence faith and skill and have some providential connection to the wolves are first found, then tested. The tests are a handful of trials which seek those who will not buckle under pressure, who seem genuine in their faith, the incentive to take action, and who have a sharp eye for details, and weed out those who do not.
2. Training If they prove worthy under trial, the recruits are committed to the Rule. They take oaths of secrecy and dedicate their lives to the Hunt; in return, the overseers of the fellowship affirm their oaths to watch over and train them.
The training is repetitive, rigorous, and exhausting. Paired with extreme physical training, the trainees recite chants with each move set taught, so that their combat training is inseparable from the mindset it teaches.
They are also subject to mental training, enduring arduous orders (such as cleaning a house with only a tooth brush) and strengthening their discipline (such as fasting or rote memorization). These exercises vary widely by overseer, and some have been known to subject their trainee to harsh training while others are more lenient. (Of course, the trainee can always complain to other overseers if the training seems unreasonable, and they will investigate and, if the claims are valid, either confront the overseer or reassign the trainee.)
The final test apprentices the trainee to a Hunter on mission. The Hunter evaluates their performance privately with the overseers, and then the overseers interview the trainee.
If the trainee fails this test, they cannot leave the guild. Rather, they serve as a researcher or a messenger or some other menial job; they are never to hunt.
3. Hunters After the test, a great celebration is had in all the guild. The trainee recites all the chants, demonstrates all the move sets, displays his trophy, and takes the oath of service. The hunters present recite it with him, renewing their service and accepting him into their group. The new Hunter spends the night rejoicing with ceremonial song and dance.
In time, the overseers may call him to service.
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More ideas
1. History He who founded the guild is not remembered. "May no man do what is right that he may be noticed by man, but do good in secret, that your heavenly Father may see." The secret work of Hunters is only remembered in the oral traditions of the storykeepers. The feats of nameless men are told when it is useful and necessary for those that need it, never frivolously.
Even so, their heritage is remembered. With their roots tracing back to the first pilgrims, the guild remembers their puritan past by holding above all else the faith once for all delivered to the saints. It is the fuel to the fire of their conviction.
2. Daily Life They maintain all the biblical practices of believers: prayer, reading, meditation, worship, and service. The overseers are also ministers, seeking the spiritual good of their flock while they are under their charge.
Because their training location is often obscure or hidden, such as a hermitage in the forest or a cabin in the mountains, all the members are often working through the responsibilities that keep them alive, supplying food and water and medical assistance to the guild.
(That being said, please be patient with me because I'm a total ding-dong, and I want everything to look perfect as I set it all up.)
1. Chained, chained
The wolves all chained
By the curse that consumes the soul.

2. Eyes, eyes,
See in the eyes
The curse that consumes the soul.

3. Skin, skin,
The skin is a husk
For demons to steal and to hold.

4. Teeth, teeth,
Watch for the teeth
Even a scratch will kill.

5. Poison, poison,
The bite is a poison;
Better to die than to turn.

6. Wait, wait,
Haste not your pace
Lest death steal you in your speed.

7. Watch, watch,
Look not away
Lest wolf finds you first.

8. Faith, faith,
Faith will not fail,
Though all the earth denies.

9. Strength, strength
Joy is our strength,
Serving the God who saves.

10. Compassion, compassion
A sword is compassion
When it pierces the heart of a wolf.
Heyo! I’m SUPER interested. My character will probably be in the Guild, but somewhat hesitant to cause harm to the wolves. Can’t wait for this!

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