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Realistic or Modern Bite me. A new take on the zombie

Samurai Jay

it's strategy over all
Its been four years since the virus began. It was unlike anything anyone could of ever predicted. To clarify let's begin with the Zombie virus. Also known as Agent-324, Hell bringer, Death touch, or any of the other colorful names the governments, scientists, Media, or survivors gave it. The virus pools in the brain of the infected causing parts of the brain to remain active after death. In rare cases mutations have been recorded such as muscle growth, enhanced mobility, even a few cases of infected animals, (poor soldier was so surprised that the wolfs were zombified he couldn't head shot them before he was torn to bits.) But that's not what those two were infected with. A extremely rare strain mixed with certain factors, ((unknown if it is caused by genes (possible but the spread across multiple races leads to it being iffy there), mental capacity (doubtful due to stupid necromancers), body strength (same as mental but with weak ones), some after all the dead stopped walking called them blessed or cursed by the god/s or devil.)) the result is called a necromancer. Meaning a person who practices necromancy; a wizard or magician, otherwise known as one who commands the dead. The necromancers have certain “powers” per say. Control over the infected, the ability to infect others by simple touch, the ability to make special undead through infecting survivors and maintaining contact, and strangely a total immunity to most diseases. But they have a downside also. They need to eat more often and larger portions are needed, They are often hunted by those who know about them to the point most settlements offer special rewards to those who bring back special zombie heads or necromancer heads, those who attempt to control too many undead end up snapping mentally, extreme outbursts of violence or insanity common, and finally the “ranking effect” if two necromancers touch there is a battle for dominance between there uneek virus strains. The one with more power (thought to be a mixture of necromancer health, zombies controlled currently, any necromancers already under them, and mental state of the necromancers) takes control of the weaker one basically controlling them like a zombie but the weaker one can make complex decisions as long as it does not counter their order, once the order is complete they are free until the next order from the higher necromancer is in, (also for some reason stronger ones can terminate weaker ones remotely with enough effort, unknown how it works but suspected the virus is involved.) And the final necromancer information is the color of the virus each one represent a strain, for example red might be a agility one while blue might give strength.

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I'm a sucker for necromancers. What's gonna be the general plot? Will you be able to play as a necromancer or someone who hasn't turned?
I'm a sucker for necromancers. What's gonna be the general plot? Will you be able to play as a necromancer or someone who hasn't turned?

You can play as both if you want. But the necromancer don't use magic in this it is more of a variant of the virus that lets you control the undead

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