The Blighted Knight
- Nation Building
As the Regalian army stood just outside the range of the Gecklicko's walls, the skies above darkened with thick clouds, before rain poured down upon the city. Derin and Sparda both stood at the very front of the Regalian force, readying themselves for battle, and for their place in history. Just as a great fireball lit up the sky behind them, the first of the trebuchet fire arced through the air above the Regalian army, before impacting the city in a booming explosion that tore upon the metal walls of Zigzarag. With that signal, the battle had begun.
Derin and Sparda led the charge upon the Regalian walls, the Shieldmen roaring with their commanders, running in their heavy armour straight for the city gates. At that moment, something more than rain fell upon the Regalian force. From the walls of the Gecko capital, ballistae fired breakable cannisters of some putrid fluid upon the Regalian force, the first volley firing wide over the Regalian force and striking support formations close to the rear. As the cannisters broke open, their contents sprayed in all directs, covering thousands of Regalian soldiers. Even from the front lines, their screams could be heard. The deadly fluid ate through metal and clothing, reaching the men beneath, desolving flesh and bone, resulting in slow and agonizing deaths. Try as healers might, there was no saving them.
Reacting quickly, Sparda gathered his magic and cast a great shield over the Regalian army, catching the second volley just in time. Mages in support companies caught on quickly, contributing their own power to Sparda's shield, effectively taking it off his hands. That is when another light sparked overhead. It was the Primus. With great wings extending out, the Primus shined as bright as the stars themselves, flying at speed toward the city walls themselves. The Regalian forces would witness their Primus bring down his righteous fury upon the city walls, demolishing the ballistae in wave and wave of piercing ice spears, taking all the attention of the forces atop the city walls while the army beneath closed upon the gates.
Together, Sparda and Derin reached the gates, using their combined might to throw a ball of sheer force upon the gates so great that they were torn from their hinges, being thrown across the city and landing in some distant district. While a cheer went up at the annihilation of the gates, they would be short lived. Just behind the gates stood the Gecko's army, backed by some monstrocity so massive that one would be forgiving in thinking it was a building. That assumption was dashed the moment the thing moved, sort manner of massive walking fortress, and its main cannons aimed upon the Regalian forces.
"Back!" Sparda yelled to his troops, quickly raising a shield to protect the army, but Derin, never one to be intimidated by an enemy, dashed straight ahead into the enemy formations. "Derin!"
His rashness was rewarded when the monstrocity fired those cannons straight at Derin, near at point-blank range, the massive Gecko shell igniting Derin a great fiery explosion that shattered the earth and shook the ground. "Derin!" Sparda would cry out, this time worry entering his voice, staring at the cloud of dust, quickly settled by the ever present rainfall. In a small crater, Derin would be seen, but not completely whole anymore. A massive gash was bitten out of the left of his torso, the shell ripping through his black armour, and taking a piece out of him. Bleeding out, bone and organs exposed, Derin growled to himself in sheer agony as darkness swirled around him, his left gauntlet clutching onto his wounded side, and yet he did not fall. He did not fall!
The Commander looked up at that grand monstrocity, and hissed, "Is that the best you have?!"
The Darkness surrounding Derin formed wings at his back, contrasting Alexian's wings near completely in their blackness, and Derin too shined, but in rays of night rather than in light. Summoning all of his remaining strength, Derin pushed himself up into the air, and the aghast Gecko forces before him could barely react as his blasted at speed straight into their formations. Rather than fight them all, Derin targeted one after another, latching onto one before grabbing onto the Gecko pilot, draining it before reducing it to ash, then launching at another, then another, then another. Derin zipped through the Gecko army in a fast and fluid combat style, slowly regaining his strength, his gash healing from the stolen vitality of the Geckos. And then, he finally reached the grand mechanical.
The great monstrocity stepped back as Derin shot up into the air right in front of it, the Geckos of this walking fortress desperately trying to swivel their cannons upon him.
"You have your monsters." Derin growled, "I have mine!"
With all the power that remained within him, Derin cast his most powerful spell yet. Magic that is not meant to be used. Magic that was supposed to be locked away beneath the Palace, never to be seen in the light of day again. But Derin has no such caution. He believes utterly in power. And now he will use his to its fullest.
Raising both arms, Derin shines with darkness as he exerts himself to the point of breaking, controlling something colossal. That something becoming all too clear moments later. Beneath the grand mechanical, a void forms upon the ground, so dark that light does not escape it. The void grows until it consumes all of the ground beneath the grand mechanical, great tendrils then snaking their way out of the void, tendrils of darkened spiked metal, each tendril growing out of the void at colossal size before wrapping themselves around the grand mechanical. The tendrils clutch onto cannons, towers, and legs before they tighten. The cannons bend and are torn out, the towers shatters and rain debris upon the city, and the legs warp and break. The grand mechanical falls, crashing into the void with a boom, as the tendrils start to thrust themselves into the grand mechanicals main body, slowly tearing the entire structure apart from the inside out. And finally, with a great explosion, the grand mechanical is finally demolished completely, one of the tendrils finding the store of ammunitions within the structure, pieces of this mechanical monstrosity being cast all across Zigzarag, bringing more death upon the Geckos of the city.
With the grand mechanical completely destroyed, Derin's magic finally failed him, as did his body. Exhaustion finally sapped him of the last of his strength, releasing his hold over the dark monster, but, thankfully, it did not remain. It sank with a haunting howl back down into the void, it's portal into this world quickly closing around it, Derin only able to see the creature disappear before losing consciousness and falling. Thankfully, he would not hit the ground. Sparda, with his own shining white wings, caught Derin in the air and safely brought him down to the ground, in the middle of the Regalian army that now surged into the Gecko capital.
"Take my brother to the healers at once!" Sparda barked at a ground of support troops, "And hurry!"
They did not need to be told twice. The soldiers took Derin and hurried off to the healers with him. Sparda then turned back to the fight. It was not over. The Geckos subbornly fought on, but the loss of their pet mechanical monster seems to have had an effect on them. Such a feat as Derin's would not have done unnoticed, and it showed. Surging forward, Sparda flew straight into the thick of battle, conjuring shields to block enemy attacks before following up with counterattacks, his magically-enhanced mace blasting apart mechanicals as well as Gecko heads with ease and precision. Sparda led the army in the systematic elimination of the remaining Gecko forces, shattering entire Gecko regiments with the combined might of the Regalian army, before eliminating straggers in detail. The day slipped into night, and the fighting raged on, Regalian forces hunting down the last of the Geckos resistence through the streets, in every form such resistence took.
By the end, the Gecko capital was taken, its streets now awash with the smoldering wrecks of mechanicals, the debris of demolished buildings, and the countless thousands of the dead.
Regalia had won. The Geckos were finally defeated.
With the Geckos defeat came the spoils of war. Regalia now controlled Zigzarag, and its people cowered before the Regalian troops that now patrolled the streets, Geckos hiding away in the hopes that their conquerors would leave them alone as long as they are not seen. Needless to say, Zigzarag ground to a halt in the wake of the invasion, the city factories and foundries stood cold and empty, the streets eerily silent. Only homeless Geckos wandered the streets, whose homes were destroyed in the battle, and even they would run the moment they spotted a Regalian patrol. It seemed no one would speak with the new masters of Zigzarag. That is until they found Gensari.
Stepping through the open doors of the Gecklicko Council building, Sparda and his Shieldmen would find only darkness and the memory of activity, the entrance hall a mess showing signs of panicked evacuation. This, it seems, was the Gecklicko centre of government, now standing empty and abandoned. At least, that is what it appeared at first.
"Finally, you have come." A Gecko with a serpentine voice spoke, stepping out from the shadows, appearing before the Regalians with surprising courage, "May I ssssay it issss an honour to finally meet you, Regalianssss. If only they came under better ccccircumsssstanccccessss."
He was... different from other Geckos. He looked like a Gecko, at least to the Regalians, and yet his voice was distinctive. And he had something of a habit as well. A forked tongue would dip out of his mouth, lick the air, before slipping back into his mouth; a set of motions that would happen within a second, and he did this every few minutes, or between sentences. With him being found here, in the Council building, one might think him to be important.
"Who are you?" Sparda barked out, "Are you the leader of Gecklicko? We expected you to have abandoned the city."
"I am no leader of Gecklicko, no. I am but a ssssimple functionary." The Gecko informed the Regalians, "I am Genssssari. I oncccce sssserved the leader of Gecklicko, Gorbrick, and hissss esssstemed Councillors. But... given I am here... I sssserve them no more."
"Where is he?" Sparda asked, "Where is this Gorbrick?"
"I do not know for ccccertain, but he wasss on a misssssion of ssssome importancccce for Gecklicko." Gensari informed them before he growled in a simmering temper, "While Gorbrick wassss not here in the ccccity, the Counccccil were here. They have fled Zigzarag in the wake of your invassssion, to ssssave themsssselvessss. Ssssuch cowardicccce. They took all thosssse that would follow them, abandoning our ccccity and itssss people, throwing ussss before you assss a ssssacrificccce. I never would have believed it if I did not witnesssss it for mysssself."
"Where would they have fled to?" Sparda asked Gensari, "Gecklicko has another city?"
"Not a ccccity. It issss a factory." Gensari compliantly explains, "Gorbrick had ussss consssstruct a placccce of labour, to the Ssssouth Wesssst from here. But it issss a harsh placccce. Many of our brotherssss and ssssisssterssss die there, worked to death in the factory."
"Worked to death?" Sparda speaks aghast, "That's barbaric!"
"Our Counccccil did not sssseem to think sssso." Gensari spoke, a certain knowing glint in his eye, "But to hear you sssspeak ssssuch givessss me ssssome hope. Many feared the invasion of the pointed earssss. Assss you have no doubt sssseen, fear clutchessss at thissss ccccity."
"Yes, we have noticed." Sparda nods, "The streets are empty, and the... the people, the Geckos, they run from us whenever we try to approach them."
"After sssseeing what your army did to ourssss, it cannot be ssssurpriccccing to you." Gensari points out, "My people will not sssspeak to yourssss, Regalian. Not without one of our kind asssuaging their fearssss firsssst."
"And I am guessing you would be that one, right?" Sparda surmises, "Not purely out of the kindness of your heart, I am sure."
"Do not pressssume my intent, Regalian." Gensari growls, "My people will ssssoon sssstarve and die without help. Thissss whole ccccity will die. The Counccccil abandoned ussss to thissss fate, and rather than join them in exile, I chosssse to sssstay. I chosssse to sssstay, in the hope of perssssuading you to sssshow merccccy upon my people. All that remainssss in thissss ccccity are the old, the ssssick, the lame, and the forgotten. Sssshow merccccy to them, Regalianssss, and help them. And I sssshall help you. I sssshall help you in your war againsssst thosssse who turned their backssss on the ccccity."
Sparda narrows his eyes suspiciously, "You would turn on your own leaders to help us?"
"They are not worthy of their leadership." Gensari says definitively, "Sssso, yessss. In exchange for Regalian merccccy, in exchange for taking the people of thissss ccccity assss your own people, then yesss, I will turn on my leaderssss, a thoussssand fold! Ssssave the people of thissss ccccity, sssshow that our conqueror caressss more for Gecko livessss than our own Counccccillorssss, and I shall sssserve Regalia faithfully for the resssst of my dayssss!"
Sparda could not help but smile somewhat to Gensari's words. He cares for his people. So much so that he risked his life to stay behind while all others fled, risked Regalian retribution for the sake of those left behind in this city. With a modicum of respect, Sparda simply nodded, and promised, "I will do all within my power to save those within this city. You have my word."
"Then we shall ssssee what a Regalianssss word issss worth." Gensari returned rather bluntly, "I sssshall invite my people to join with yourssss. They will lissssten to me, if only thissss oncccce. It will be your chancccce to show you are not the monssssterssss we have been led to believe you are. Prove me right, Regalian."
The Primus stands in the middle of what was the Gecklicko Council chamber. They now stands silent and empty, but here was where this war truly began. Here was where the Gecklicko leadership plotted against Regalia, here is where they planned their attack on a peaceful expeditionary force, here is where the authorization was given by their leadership. And now it lies in Regalian hands. Alexian cannot help but feel the satisfaction of seeing an enemy vanquished so utterly, to the point where their heart now lies within his hands. And he could crush it. It would be so easy. To destroy this city, kill all of its people, show the Geckos the fate of all those who would oppose Regalia.
But then Sparda enters the room.
Turning, Alexian finds his Commander standing before him, and the Primus smiles. "It is good to see you, Sparda. Your brother was truly exceptional upon the battlefield today." Alexian smiles even wider, "Even I cannot boast a feat such as defeating that metal giant of theirs. His name will go down in history for such an acchievement, I can assume you of that."
"And I am sure he would be pleased, when he recovers." Sparda smiles, before looking to the great empty room that they now occupy, alone. Sparda approaches the Primus, and Alexian looks around just as Sparda does. "Finally, our enemy is defeated." Alexian says in quiet triumph, before casting his eyes back to Sparda, "And yet you do not look pleased, Sparda. Which means something is wrong. What is it?"
"We have found a Gecko, Your Illuminance." Sparda tells Alexian, "Just as my men and I entered this building. His name is Gensari, and he told us much. There is another settlement to the South West from here, a factory, where he believes the Gecko leadership has fled to during our battle. He... also offers us his service."
"Oh?" Alexian raises an eyebrow, "What service might that be?"
"He offers to serve Regalia, if we agree to save the people of this city." Sparda informs Alexian, "The Gecko leaders, the Councillors, they abandoned the city and those who could not flee. There are old, and sick, and lame people here. They could not flee nor fight, and so their leaders abandoned them here. To our mercy. Gensari asks us to do what their leaders failed to do, and save this city. Without our help, the Geckos here will die."
"And what say you, Sparda?" Alexian challenges, knowing all too well what his answer would be, "Should we help them?"
"Yes." The Paragon returned, without missing a beat, "They have been invaded, their city is in ruins, and countless Geckos are dead. We should help those that remain. Show them that Regalia never wanted this war. But now that it is over, they will be fairly treated under our rule."
Alexian nodded, before turning, giving the matter some thought, and then he looked back upon his Commander.
"And what of our people?" Alexian asked sternly, "What of the thousand men that died because of Gecko aggression? Whether they drew the blade upon our own men or not, the Geckos of this city supported those that did, they provided them with the very steel that ended their lives. Should they not also receive punishment for the crimes of their leaders?"
"No!" Sparda speaks, both immediately and emphatically, "Your Illuminance, what are we? Are we monsters that kill the sick and the old and the lame? Do we leave the people of our vanquished enemy to starve and die because some of them committed crimes against us? None of this would have happened if not for their leaders! They are the ones responsible, Your Illuminance! They should be the ones punished, not their civilians!"
"Your brother would not agree, Sparda." Alexian points out, "He would see them all punished. You know that as well as I do, and yet I should take your direction over his? He is, after all, the one that suffered their aggression, he and his soldiers."
"I know that, Your Illuminance." Sparda returns, weaker this time, before he shakes his head and sighs, "I know Derin is hot tempered, and I know it would make him angry, but we have to do better than our enemies. At least, when the choice is truly ours. We meet all aggression against us with no mercy, and that is no failing, but when the time for war passes and we must sheath our maces, such times are truly ours to determine. Like this moment. Even if my moral arguments do not sway you, then at least think of what else the Geckos could be used for besides sating our bloodlust. They could be made into a loyal vassal, if we show them that serving us is far more rewarding than fighting us. They have been shown the futility of war against Regalia. Let us show them what service to us brings instead. And along with Geckos, others will see this of us as well. When next we fight an enemy, perhaps they will lay down their arms, knowing they cannot win against us while also knowing they have much to gain from serving us. We can set that precedent now, Your Illuminance. It is, as all things, your choice."
Alexian turned again, and looked at the Council chamber. What miserable fate would the hateful creatures that occupied this room have done if they were the ones who won this war? What unimaginable hell would Regalians have suffered, if the Geckos conquered Celest. But Alexian felt the weight of Sparda's conviction, and remembered the guidance Stine offered. The Coming Darkness. That is all that truly matters.
"Very well, Sparda." Alexian sighs, "Regalia will provide relief to the people of this city. No one will starve nor die, if we can help it."
Sparda smiled upon hearing this. Derin would be furious, but there is nothing he can do. He will have to content himself with the heads of the Gecko Councillors, as well as that of their leader, Gorbrick. When they find him.
"We will stay for one week." Alexian says, "We will do all we can for the Geckos. But then we must move to take this remaining Gecko stronghold. We cannot allow our enemy to recover from this defeat. Understood?"
"Understood, Your Illuminance." Sparda stands, and salutes, "And thank you."
"Let us see if the Geckos will thank us." Alexian jibes, "You are dismissed, Commander."
Free Actions
> Regalia spends 10 Resources providing relief to the people of wartorn Zigzarag.
> Army 4 > move South West > Use action point to move South West > Use action point to move West > Capture Gecko settlement
> Army 5 > move South East > Use action point to move East > Garrison Gecko Capital > Explore
> Army 2 > 2 Motorbike Scouts move South West for 4 tiles > Form Army 3
Action Points
Used all three for extra movement.
> Army 1 > 1 Guardsmen, Helka, 2 Goblin Warriors, 2 Goblin Wolf Riders, 1 Goblin Beast Master, 1 Goblin Shaman.
> Army 2 > Xentha Lorafina, Mokanu, Grem, 4 Scientists, 2 Technician, 1 Guard,
> Army 3 > 2 Scout Motorbikes
> Army 4 > 6 Shieldmen, Derin, Sparda, 6 Mercenary Regiments
> Army 5 > 6 Marksmen
> Army 6 > 1 Orc Archer, 2 Orc Protectors, 1 Orc Warlock.
18 + 4 = 22
~ Capital > 2 + 1 = 3
~ Standard Settlements > 2 + 1 = 3
~ Farms > (4 + 1) x 2 = 10
~ Mercenaries > 6
~ 41 Resources
Balance > 41 + 16 - 16 = 41
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