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Realistic or Modern BioPhage: Zombie Apocalypse RP (Open/Accepting!!)


Sadee's mind was racing. She had to think, there had to be a way she could get them off so she could get over the fence. She began to kick at the infected's hands with her heels. Some released their grip while others just grabbed at the foot she was swinging. She was kicking with such force that she felt her ankle bruising.

"Look away!"

Sadee gasped as she looked toward the source of the foreign voice. Once locating the stranger in a mask holding a gun, she buried her head in the chain link fence as the gun shot shook the fence. She clung on, thankful she was in such good shape as her core muscles began to cry out. With a second shot, some infected were knocked away, making it easier for her to shake her foot free. Relieved, she knew there was no time for celebration yet. Hurrying away from the rest of the small horde. She saw the man standing with his arms out,


Who was this man? How could she trust him? Still, she had no time to decide. Sadee saw what happened when people got bit, or sometimes not bit, and she didn't want that to happen to her. Taking a step, she leaped through the air toward the strange man, hoping he would catch her, all 105 pounds of her.

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Three times Cassandra was ready to give up, to just drop him and leave him there. No one could say she hadn't tried, she had managed to put as much distance as she could between them and the zombies. But now her arms were sore, her fingers were stiff with cold and she was getting frustrated...cause when she had decided she would try to survive the apocalypse no matter what, dragging an unconscious asshole up a bunch of slippery stairs was NOT what she had in mind.

"...this is it, this is how far I go" She huffed before she dropped him, and then leaned over the handrail to make sure she had in fact managed to put some distance between the infected and them. "This is the part where you make this all worth it Romeo" She whispered dryly as she saw he began stirring. She carefully kneeled next to him, reached into her boot for the switchable she always kept there, cradled his face gently...and then proceed to smack him right in the face.

@Stormee Fae
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Holiday watched as the Undead drew near. Now or never girl. Her mind raging with thoughts of saftey, all while contemplating giving up. The army had set up fences all over the city, and it's outskirts; and based on what she just witnessed, they bareley did what they where intended to do. Her arms pushed off the ground and Holiday ran like this was the FIFA World Cup and she needed to score. Not far from her was a gas station. Praying that it had not been cleaned out, Holiday decided that this would be the best option for her. If she could make it her, she could restock her bag. Maybe even find some more bullets.

The pavement felt like it was stretching a thousand miles as she rushed across the stretch of freeway. Breathing heavier and harder dashed between abandoned cars and dead, half eaten bodies. Before long, her hands where pressed up against the glass door of the local pump stop. It was locked shut. There was no way to ge in, aside breaking the glass. It would not be the best idead of hers to shatter it completly, drawing attention to herself. Anyone of these large dumpsters could be playing home to a devilish, flesh hungry beast. Haistly, Holiday shoved her hand into her small bag, looking for the medical tape she had once packed. Finding it, she placed a small X over the glass. Wrapping her knucles in more tape and padding, she pushed her fist right into the Xs center.

Holiday whiped her head around to see if anyone or anything had heard her. Reaching her hand through the fragmented glass, she managed to flick open the lock, only giving herself minor cuts. Tiptoeing into the gas station, Holiday saw one fatality in the corner. Thankfully, it looked like it was self inflicted, and not done by a predetor that was wandering the streets. Wihout question, Holiday helped herself to a candy bar as a reward for staying alive this long. Biting on the sweet, she wandered the isles, shoving whatever seemed useful into her bag. On the far end of a shelf, was a larger, leather satchel that she also claimed for her own. Filing it with amunition mostly, Holiday also through some more first aid supplies and a small bottle of vodka into the pile. She reached into the cooler once more and grabed a beer from one of the six packs. Throwing the wrapper of her candy on the ground, Holiday opened the bubbly beverge and wandered to the window. She stared cautiously (yet optomisticly) into the distance as the foam from her lager hit her lips.

"Hey, Max." the woman at ER smiled as they came in, "I was just about to call you in. I know you can't work weekday mornings, but we need you. We have been dispatching left and right, the ER is going crazy."

"Well I got another one for you." Max said, "He needs to see a doctor. He was bit by a student and he's bleeding bad." he motioned to his roommate.

"We are so full, but let me talk to Dr. Roman and see what I can do." She began to head back into the ER when a woman ran in hysterically, a man following behind her with an unconscious little girl in his arms. She was panicked as she cried out,

"Help me! Help me please! My daughter's not breathing!"

Max ran over to the woman,
"Ma'am, I'm an EMT. Bring over here."

The woman at the desk ran back into the ER to find a doctor.

The frantic mother motioned to her husband who put their daughter down. He followed instructions quickly.

Max leaned forward and pressed his ear on the girl's chest listening. She checked for a pulse as he moved his ear to her mouth, listening and feeling for air,
"She's got a pulse, she's breathing." he said, "She's alive." he put his hand on the mother to ease her worry, "They're gonna get her back and take care of her. What happened?"

"She's been really sick lately, the flu. She just kept coughing today and wouldn't stop. Then she got real quiet and I found her like this." Max kept his hand on her neck, feeling the faint pulse.

"She might have aspirated some into her lungs. If she's been experiencing flu symptoms, she needs to a mask now." Max demanded.

The husband walked to the masks at the death before hurrying back to hand one to Max. As Max turned to reach for it, other hand still on the girl's neck, her eyes shot open.

"Baby!" the woman cried in excitement.

In a split second, the child wrapped her hands around Max's arm and bit down, breaking the skin. Max cried as he pushed the girl off of his forearm. He pulled it to his chest, cradling it with his other hand, dropping the mask on the ground.

"Baby?" the woman grabbed her daughter who then wrapped her arms around her mother and bit into her shoulder. The woman screamed and fell to the ground. Full panic erupted in the ER as people began screaming. Max was knocked over as he stumbled into the wall. Looking around, he saw his roommate looking over at him with an empty stare. Max watched as he jumped up from his seat and lunged at a nearby man, punching and biting him. Max gasped, terror filling his body as he took off through the hospital, running away.



Max awoke from his memory still soaked in fear as he instinctively shoved the girl off of him, thinking she was an infected. He sat up breathing frantically as he placed a hand on his forehead. He realized almost as quickly as he awakened, that the girl wasn't infected,
"Oh my God. I'm sorry." he apologized, his chest rising and falling at a fast pace.

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Flynn started running at the first sounds of gun shots, in the back of his head knowing it was probably a bad idea to go towards the sounds of fighting but he hoped it was the army or even friendly survivors. His black hoodie was already getting dirty while his grey jeans were starting to get rips all over, his hair was more of a disheveled mess than usual as he struggled on. He knew that by himself he wouldn't be able to last long, all he had on him was a fire axe, and busted up satchel that he put his four bottles of water in alongside with a couple of granola bars. He hasn't been lucky with finding food, just another reason to try and meet up with others that he could team up with.

As he got nearer to the loud sounds he was also able to hear yelling not just from the infected, but from (what he hoped to be) actual people. What he ended up seeing was more shocking than he thought it would be, there was a giant mob of infected but fortunately for him, they seemed to have their attention focus on a man that seemed to be shooting at them. He thought he was crazy but then he watched as a woman leaped off a fence towards that man, seemingly thinking he would catch her. It didn't look good for them so he decided to try and see if he could help them, running towards them with his axe ready in case an infected got too close.

@Stormee Fae

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Cassandra stumbled backwards till her back hit the handrail and she awkwardly managed to regain her footing in the narrow space of the fire escape. "Oh...you done fucked up now Romeo" She whispered as she raised her arm and flicked open her switchblade "Now this is how we're gonna do this. You have one minute to prove that: A) You haven't been bitten. B) Me saving your ass and hauling you upstairs was worth it" She muttered dryly as a gust of cold air tossed her hair in the wind, and she had to pretend she wasn't freezing...and 100% done with the whole situation.

Because if someone had taken the time to ask Cassandra why was she so wary of other survivors she probably would have directed them toward this exact situation. The sad truth was that people were freaking unpredictable and they could screw you in less than a second...and now, standing in a space that was probably less than 2 meters long (...the feet system be damned) with infected above and below them, Cassandra had to come to terms with the fact that in a moment of reckless stupidity she had decided to help a COMPLETE stranger...and that could easily turn to be the mistake that would finally get her killed.

@Stormee Fae
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Max got to his feet planting them on the ground and standing uneasily. Swaying slightly as he stood he leaned his right arm again the railing. Catching his breath he waited patiently until she finished speaking. He looked at the knife, "Come on..." he shook his head, "I'm sorry. I thought you were one of them. I didn't mean to hurt you." he looked at his body up and down rubbing his hands down his sleeves and the dirty brown T-shirt on his chest, "I wasn't bit. I got up on the fire escape before they got to me, destroyed the ladder so they couldn't... get me." he answered,

"Thank you for helping me. I don't really have anything for you in exchange. I can help you. If you're hurt. I was an EMT." He looked at the knife uneasily, "Please put that thing away. I'm not going to hurt you."

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"What happens on those riots were terrifying the first few weeks where no one was well like those monsters most of them were sick some were normal but as the weeks went on during the riots a few turned and well you can guess what happens next, the rioters scattered my squad was facing a horde of them we used our riot shields to block them for as long as we can but one by one my squad for infected until it was only me left I was outnumbered by the horde and was down to one slug round left before going empty, I ran into the market hoping a way out then you know those fire escape ladders there was one left lowered so instincts are took over I ran towards it, once I climbed it I raised the ladder to be sure no one infected could get up I stayed there until the horde dissipated and once they were gone I headed back to the police station but once I got there it was a horrific scene there were body parts on the floor, blood on the walls, bullets on the ground and tables set as barricades I made my way to the armory to stock on supplies like the stuff I have now and a few extra gas mask canisters for the air strain of this virus and I wandered America for weeks until now finally finding survivors by the way my name is Nathaniel but my squad mates called me Nathan I might be the last law enforcement officer alive possibly"As Nathan talks to the survivors about his story and the horrors of the food riots"

@Stormee Fae

(School is soooo looong)
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Cassandra scoffed weakly before she slowly lowered her switchable and closed it with a practiced flip. "...I'm not worried about you hurting me. I'm worried about what will your great next stunt will be Romeo" She said sarcastically "Because that ladder...the one you destroyed to get away...that was MY ticket to get away".

For a second she almost seemed to regret the harsh tone in her voice...almost being the key word. "I really do have have an eye for fuck ups and lost causes..." She whispered under her breath as she looked up to the freaking apartment that had begun this whole mess. "...when was the last time you had any?" She asked as she turned around to look at him, and then rolled her eyes when he just blinked in confusion "FOOD. WATER. When was the last time you had any?" She insisted as she grabbed her backpack.

@Stormee Fae
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As the young woman climbed up the precipice and poised to jump, Will tensed his muscles and waited, hoping to God he didn't drop her. He needn't have been worried: she fell into his arms, causing his knees to buckle slightly but nothing more. She was small-framed, and for his own part he was used to carrying much heavier loads at work.

With a grunt, he gently set the girl down. "Are you okay? Can you move?" he asked quickly, sparing a quick glance over his shoulder. He cursed involuntarily as the first of the new Infected reached the fence line, slamming into it and causing the link to bulge outward toward them.

@Stormee Fae
Seeing the Chevy dart away, and not in the direction he predicted threw Goodrich's mind into a fray. He heard the gunshots, just as Will did, but seeing as the reaction wasn't immediate, he assumed the man would continue his pilgrimage down the run-down highway and straight into the hasty blockade he created. He was friendly, no doubt, or a crafty bandit. Dangerous.

He spent no longer atop the gas station, taking a few short steps to the edge of the concrete roof before he hurled himself over the edge to drop himself on the bloody sidewalk below. He had already taken care of some infected for his spot, it was a shame that it was wasted time.

No matter, he was quick to follow the Chevy on its drive, his mind running through potential conversations. Could he smooth talk them into sharing some supplies? Would he have to take it by force? Would he have to lie?

Pre-occupied by the thoughts, it was a shock when he heard the heavy revolver go off. It was only a few rounds fired, so with his better interest in mind, he took out his Ruger and began to approach the sound. He eventually crept upon the young man in woman, recently escaped from the mob, and took cover at the foundation of a military watchtower. He lifted his rifle, and set his hard iron sights on them.

With them in his sights, he began his slow advance, assessing the threat of both of them. He knew that the man, with a heavy revolver like that, clearly had training so he fixed his barrel on the stranger exclusively. The girl was no doubt civilian. She wouldn't try anything, or so he thought.

Now within twenty feet, and over the roar of the infected mob, he stuck to cover and stalked closer to the armed stranger.

@Stormee Fae


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Thankfully, the man caught the girl when she jumped, he didn't dare think what would have happened if he didn't. As he got closer he was able to see that all the infected had their attention set on them now, only now did he start to wonder whether this had been a good idea. "Hey, are you two okay, is the girl injured?" He said to the pair as he reached them, hoping that they both were capable of running if things went bad quick.

@Safton @Stormee Fae
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The tall man, the one with the dark, haunted eyes, walks. He wonders at the apparent lack of infected. Even in the alleys. Especially in the alleys. He thinks about Boulder, and a Stephen King novel he read where a type of zombie apocalypse happens, leaving Boulder, Colorado as a safe haven for Humanity. He smiles to himself. It did work, but his wanderlust got to him and he left. Somehow he survived all the way to here. He continues walking.

"What?" Max looked around and then down through the cast iron fire escape to the stairs below, "Oh, yeah sorry about that." he ruffled his long and unruly dark brown hair grinning nervously.

"...when was the last time you had any?"

"Annnnyyyy...?" Max mumbled in confusion, the first place his mind went was sex. He took a step back away from her slightly confused and uncomfortable, his body bumping against the railing. When she clarified what she was asking him, a wave a relief hit as he shrugged and answered, "I ate yesterday morning... but only a little. I gave to rest of my portion to Ais...ling." he said looking down, looking saddened as his large brown eyes squinted. He looked back up to his new friend and asked, "Hey, why don't you just go out through the front door?"

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Sadee was relieved when the man caught her, but annoyed as the side of the barrel of the M-16 slung around her back and smacked her leg. She already could tell she was going to have many new bruises after today. Thankful for her feet to be on the ground, she looked her small, but lean body, over before nodding vigorously and replying in her strong south eastern accent, "Yeah. I think I'm fine. Thanks for your help."

Turning back around to look at the infected still trapped on the other side of the blockade among all the abandoned military equipment and tents, she stuck out her tongue shortly at them before turning back to the man. He was tall, very tall, he had to have at least a whole foot on her. Placing her left arm across the small her back, she held out her right hand in greeting as she introduced herself, "Name's Sadee Mae. You can call me Sadee."

At the sound of the other stranger approaching, Sadee quickly swung her M-16 around her from her back releasing the bolt and aiming it at the stranger in an automatic response. When she realized he was approaching in a non threatening manner, she relaxed slightly, lowering her gun. Still, she was on edge and ready to act if needed, "Yeah. The girl is fine. She also has a name." Sadee said defiantly now pointing the assault rifle at the ground.


Jesus fucking Christ, he's like a puppy someone just kicked, Cassandra thought as she saw him awkwardly jump back at her question, and then get all mopey a second afterwards. "....I'm not gonna ask. I know it's probably apocalypse etiquette to ask who is this Aisling and what happened to her, but I just feel it's too early in our relationship to get THAT depressing...and that's considering you just though I was offering you to have sex" She mumbled bluntly as she shrugged sheepishly.

"HOWEVER...I AM glad you mention the front door" She said as she grabbed a granola bar from her backpack and throwed it at him. "Now don't get any ideas Romeo...this is purely an strategic move. All the "friends" you decided to bring with you are still down there, so going up is our best bet. Sadly there's also the chance a few infected are waiting inside...sooo I reckon our odds will be better if you don't faint on me".

@Stormee Fae
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"Well I'm thankful your well enough to still give a stranger attitude." Flynn tried to laugh it off, the concept of angering someone with a big gun was not high on his to-do list. "This might not be the most ideal circumstances for introductions, but I'm Flynn" Looking back and forth from the two in front of him to the infected on the other side of the blockade nervously. Gripping his axe tighter as he realizes how dangerous their situation is. "Do you think they can break the blockade down? They seem pretty intent on trying.."

@Stormee Fae @Safton
"Woah! Woah! I wasn't thinking that!" Max cried out, his eyes seeming to double in size, "I don't know even know you." he crossed his arms scowling slightly before being hit by the granola bar. Moving quickly, he barely caught it in his hands after it bounced off his chest, scowling slightly at her before beginning to open it. Despite her saying it was too personal to ask, Max answered her, "I had a group. I got separated from them. Aisling was in it. She's my friend. They're still alive. I uh... distracted the horde so they could get away... kind of stupid I guess." he nearly inhaled the granola bar. Eating it quickly, he said with a full mouth, "We just go up one floor, go through the window, and then go down the stairs. Maybe there's more food or something in an apartment." He swallowed, "Why do you keep calling me, Romeo?" he took another bite, chewing fast, almost too fast.


Sadee turned the gun to safe before swinging it back around her back. She smiled at the stranger named Flynn, raising her hand to him in greeting, "Sadee." she introduced.

Once Flynn diverted the conversation to the infected behind the blockade, Sadee pushed her long blonde bangs out of her face, attempting to tuck them behind her ear once more, trying to force them into the Atlanta Braves ball cap. She placed one hand on her hip before turning back to Flynn, the sun reflecting off her lightly freckled tan cheeks,
"I'm sure they'll get outta their eventually, but not anytime in the immediate future. Where ya'll headed?"



London was in ruin. For Kimberly, that royally sucked. However, judging the state that the city was in, she couldn't help but wonder, if she would make it home to L.A. Because since the outbreak began, she hasn't heard from any of her Relatives, or her parents. Which left her concerned. Sadly, this outbreak struck before the next Olympics, where she was to represent the United States in Sport Shooting. With all her guns back at home in L.A, and since Handguns are illegal in the United Kingdom unless you were on the S.W.A.T Team or in the Military, Kimmy still needed to go find a firearm to use, or at least a baton because fighting against those things unarmed could easily prove fatal.

Stumbling out of her Hotel, she started walking down the street, which was completely devoid of life from what she could tell. Seeing that it would take too long to get to a Military Base or a Police Station, Kimmy decided to see if she could find a Handgun there, because even though Handguns were illegal in the country, they were still obtained through illegal means and Pawn Shops sometimes had a lot of stolen or smuggled items.
Flynn smiled back, suddenly becoming very conscious of the fact he probably looked awful, his face having small marks of dirt on his cheeks along with his messy hair and clothes. His beaten, black combat boots were caked with mud and his hoodie didn't look much better.

"If you say so.. I'm not going anywhere in particular, just trying to find somewhere relatively safe. Hopefully somewhere packed with food as well!"
Flynn tried his best at a carefree laugh, but it was hard when he wasn't sure whether anywhere was safe anymore.

@Stormee Fae @Safton
She tried to listen to his story with a straight face...she really did try. But, considering she had literally JUST told him not to tell her, all she managed to do was shook her head and stop herself from saying something along the lines of how apparently "stupid" was his modus operandi.

But then he mentioned the apartment, and even though it was basically a reminder of her own stupidity Cassandra almost thanked the change of subject...until he changed the subject AGAIN and mentioned the nickname. And this time it was HER turn to blink in confusion, almost as if surprised it wasn't obvious enough "Well...you did climb up here uninvited, proceeded to fuck shit up, and then sort of died out of nowhere..." She stated bluntly...and then felt the embarrassing urge to explain herself. "...I deal with stressful situations using inappropriate humour and sarcasm...so whatever" She murmured in a quick rant as she shrugged.
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As Nathan began to talk about the food riots, Aisling walked over to Jordan sitting down next to him and leaning her elbows onto her knees. The two glanced at each other shortly before slowly looking back to Nathan their expressions still swelling in distrust as they watched every motion, listened to every word trying to get a read on him. Aisling wasn't subtle as she stared at him, her large green eyes fixed on the nuances of his face. Jordan continued to clean his hunting rifle as he listened. Once he finished Jordan spoke up,

"That's awful... I wonder if Max saw the riots..." Aidan trailed off. He almost turned to ask him, before realizing.

Aisling glared at her brother before turning away and reaching into her bag to pull out her journal. She began to write in order to distract herself from the immense sorrow swelling in her gut. Her insides felt as if they were telling themselves apart, her chest was heavy, and her breathing felt restricted. Still she continued to breathe slowly, not showing a single symptom as she began to write.

"So you were a cop then. I thought you stole that getup." he said motioning to his body.

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"Oh... um, alright," Max said with a quick shrug, "I get that. That's cool." he replied referring to her explanation of the nickname, "I already have a name that also so happens to be a nickname though. It's even shorter than Romeo." he stepped closer to her so that he could shake her hand. He held his right hand out and greeted, "Me llamo Max. Let's go search for some food. There's bound to be something. No way people scavenged every apartment in the building. Especially on higher floors. What's your name?" Max asked the woman who wasn't much shorter than himself. Max was used to being the short guy.

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"I was the 2nd lieutenant of my squad my armor is what I wore to the riots I went back to the police station to get some supplies like the extra mags and the tomahawk I took the silencer with me to not alert nearby infected to my location"As Nathan removes his Gasmask and Anti Riot Helmet seeing that the area was safe from the airborne strain of the virus and went off to take a piss)

@Stormee Fae
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