Binary: A Superhuman Chat RP

Do you wish to be a Hero or a Villain?

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Name: Amber Ashley Anderson

Secret Identity/Alter Ego: The Cosmic Spiral?

Age: 18

Theme Song: ?

Appearance: Amber is 5'4" tall, with shoulder length blonde hair. She has a near constant tan and would be described as attractive if not for her eyes. Her eyes are pitch black and at their very centre are tiny spinning galaxies. When she switches to her 'costume' her body takes on the same appearance as her eyes. She shines with the light of millions of tiny stars as she fights evil, not bothering with clothing due to the fact that this form is sexless. In this form she has no hair and the only organ visible is her eyes. Her voice sounds distorted when she speaks, as if it comes from a long way away.

Sexuality: Normally: Bisexual (she thinks). In 'cosmic' form: Asexual

Motivation: To travel the world and see everything important, to walk on the dirt of an alien world, to a million different things in a row without repeating herself, to see how far she can go whilst retaining her humanity.

Profession: Student.

Interests and Hobbies: Travel in all its forms. Science fiction in all of its forms.

Common Behaviors and Mannerisms: Amber is very open and tends towards being tactless. When alone the alleviates boredom/anger/other by turning 'cosmic' and watching the galaxies contained within her. She avoids eye contact because she knows people are put off by her eyes and when nervous she babbles. When in her 'cosmic' form she is markedly more patient and restrained, as everything seems so distant when she is like that.

Personality: She is optimistic and idealistic, unless she is in her 'cosmic' form. Then she tends to be distant and uncaring, preferring to pursue her own desires.

Opinions: Amber hates the fact that her father moved to the city, even if it was an incredible job opportunity for him. She fights evil because it lets her keep ahold of the difference between good and evil, reminds her that she is human. She admires the memory of Supernova and intends to honour it.

History: Amber was born in Australia and led a normal life up until her seventeenth birthday. On a camping trip in the outback she ended up alone, gazing at the stars at midnight. She was found nine days later, with her eyes changed. All she remembered from that time period is that it felt pleasant. This caused her parents to divorce and she came with her father to Sunshine City and a fresh start, which was hampered by her emerging powers and slowly changing personality.
So I might join, but the time and the alignment of the planets have to align just perfect nowadays for chat environments. I'll wait and see what that time slot is before I commit now. I do have a minor concept that I will flesh out later, if conditions are met.
Debating at present whether I should play a heroic or villainous character. Well, a pro-Sunshine or anti-Sunshine character, rather.
Name: John Cannan

Secret Identity/Alter Ego: Ksathra (the Ruler)

Age: 24

Theme Song:

Sexuality: Straight Male

Motivation: Furthering his scientific Experiments and having his inventions used.

Profession: Investments and sales. His Parents left him assets and the insurance on the house has left him with sizable funds to play with. He creates inventions and sells them to the highest bidder in town.

Interests and Hobbies: He enjoys watching the City through cameras and gathering information. Interesting and odd inventions are always a thing he wants to snatch up too.

Common Behaviors and Mannerisms: He enjoys a puzzle, taking things apart and reassembling them while bored. He tends to control his anger and fester it, plotting for a greater downfall that he can watch from Camera or person if the anger is great enough.

Personality: He is deductive and keeps to himself. He gives information freely, amused in watching to see what people do with it.

Opinions: The city prime for being controlled by money, which he has. He does not have loyalty to any group, though enjoys people that do good business if they purchase his inventions and use them often.

History: John was born to a wealthy family, he excelled in school and took pride in pushing his limits even when it came to the expense of the rules. Coming from wealth had its perks in helping him avoid long punishments but in the end something irreversible happened. Rumor has it that a fire destroyed the family home, killing all those inside except for John, who was burned badly and disfigured. He inherited the family money and took to seclusion due to his looks. The True story was that he tampered with things beyond his understanding, alien tech from what he gathered. Unfortunately his experiments went awry leading to his families death and his deformity. It was not the fire itself that left him scared however but some form of virus that must have been present in the alien tech. The Deformity was not completely bad but John stayed out of public sight, using his family money to build himself a place of solitude where he could work to cure himself. Unfortunately his need to push the limits at the expense of common sense inevitably lead to even more repercussions. He developed a serum to cure the progressing changes from the alien virus inside him, and despite succeeding in stopping its growth he also caused the Virus to mutate him further before it ended. All traces of the virus gone from inside him and he was doomed to live in his secret lair alone, watching the world through cameras, having things delivered to himself so he needed not go out. When Supernova fell and the town started to fall Ksathra as he now called himself found new ways of interacting with the outside world. He found that his parents money and the devices he could build were perfect incentive for acquiring the things he wanted from the outside. Money started to become the power in the city that held even the police in line, Ksatha had the money, even though he could not present himself as a leader he could dispatch orders and create a web of corruption that procures technologies and information for him to tinker and exploit and sell back to the highest bidder. As fresh blood starting flowing in the streets and new blood came to make themselves a name, he sat in his lair getting things done from afar furthering his scientific experiments and smirking when he saw one of his inventions being used for what ever reason in the city. He uses his inventions to sometimes leave his lair without panicking the masses, though he's noticed more and more strange people emerging in the streets. So far he has mostly been dealing items with those that are trying to claim power in the city, be they weapons or other. His own work of sending out mooks to procure a certain interesting invention or piece of information may have made a name for himself, though due to his... looks he does not normally show himself in person.

Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_05/1258339541.xanderiffic_ksathrarefsheet.png.73e9824f9812b255e0bc1b9fda5343c6.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="23958" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_05/1258339541.xanderiffic_ksathrarefsheet.png.73e9824f9812b255e0bc1b9fda5343c6.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



  • 1258339541.xanderiffic_ksathrarefsheet.png
    370.3 KB · Views: 8
Letting you guys know that I settled on my character. Hes going to be a variable power psychic villain. Ill put up his template when im done with it.
Probably about time I put this here.

Name: Minamoto Nazaka

Secret Identity/Alter Ego: Minamoto Nazaka

Age: 26

Theme Song:

Appearance: Nazaka is an Asian male who stands 5'10 and has the athletic build of martial arts master. Always seen in comfortable clothing that will not restrict him in combat.

He has a very trusting face with a confident smile and honest green eyes. All of this is framed by styled yet messy looking black hair with a blue fringe (because some of the things Nazaka considers cool are rather questionable.)

(I fail with descriptions but there is a picture to come)

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Motivation: Nazaka wishes to see Sunshine City become a new beacon of light by not only thwarting evildoers but also by giving the people of the city the chance to stand up for themselves.

Profession: Martial arts instructor

Interests and Hobbies: Baseball is Nazaka's other big passion besides martial arts.

Common Behaviors and Mannerisms: Whenever Nazaka saves someone he leaves them with a business card so that if they wish they can come and learn how to protect themselves.

There is never any wasted movement with Nazaka.

Personality: Nazaka is a nice guy who always sees the best in people (or whatever ever other beings that might be about) and believes everyone deserves a second chance. He lives by the belief that people should be the best that they can be and is always happy to offer them assistance in reaching it. Constantly serene and calm it takes a lot to anger Nazaka.

Opinions: The city has lost all respect for itself and will never improve if it is not taught how to look after itself.

The Frozen Blade Dojo

Nazaka dislikes the largest MA school in the city for while it teaches the skill of combat it fails to instill any morals to go alongside it.

History: Over 1000 years ago the greatest of the Minamoto clan finally managed to best a mighty Tengu after long combat. Unable to destroy the creature completely he was forced to seal it within a Tori gate where it would remain tucked safely away for centuries when a new hero would hopefully step up and finish the job. The man's family then settled in the area to stand guard over the gate and keep any local yokai in check.

Enter Nazaka a boy born to the Minamoto clan under auspicious circumstances and hailed to be the awaited warrior. Nazaka loved the training and much of his time was spent on it to the detriment of his other studies. His love of combat also lead to much trouble when he would challenge anyone willing to fight him be they human or any of the local spirits.

It was at the age of 20 that the brash young Nazaka stood in front of the tori gate on the day the seal was due to fail. His cockiness was so great that as the seal broke and a portal started to appear he didn't even flinch just simply fell in to a ready stance. As the shadowy form appeared withing the gate Nazaka leaped forwards only to meet with no resistance. The form crumbled into dust leaving only the hilt of a sword where its chest had been. Bemused Nazaka looked around at the gathered crowd. It was later assumed that the seal had worked better then anyone ever predicted and drained the monster of its power over the years leaving it long dead.

With the Tengu defeated without a single blow being needed Nazaka found people's tolerance for his arrogant nature had dissapeared. No longer seen as a hero Nazaka found himself at a loss of what to do. The next few years as just another member of the clan served to humble him and made him realise he was not the only one who mattered.

Setting up his own school of martial arts he strove to teach others his skills and to not give in to arrogance like he had.

Recently he has been hearing a lot about Sunshine City and has decided to make the move hoping his skills can make a difference in the fight against crime!

(Will wait till we all meet up to decide how his time in the city has gone so far)
Nifty. I'll have to put my chara down here soon. Or at least her fluff. By the way, when are we meeting up? This coming Monday?
If anyone else wants to play on Mondays 7pm eastern, let us know!

We have 7 players confirmed with 3 storytellers, and have ample room.
Name: Dia Razor Interventionist aka Fleet Commander Diamond Razor Zero

Secret Identity/Alter Ego: None

Age: 120

Theme Song: (Working on)

Appearance: (Like below, black hair, a shapely well endowed body, and a dusky color skin tone. No she doesn't hide her tech)


Sexuality: Bisexual (Debating on)

Motivation: Bring Fleet Zero to full operations, Set up orbital base on the dark side of the Moon, Protect Human Race from external/internal hostile or corrupted elements, grow fleet and perhaps cause Fleet to be recognized as allied nation to Earth.

Profession: Fleet Commander/Troubleshooter/Intervention Specialist

Interests and Hobbies: Dia’s interests grew when she and her fleet discovered the Sol System. On top of exploring the system, Earth holds the greatest amount of mystery and so she focuses on learning all she can from the humans. As a Fleet Commander AI she has interests in planetary defense, technological advancements, and cultural stability in her protectorate. She has hobbies in techno-mechanical design, and AI creation. (She wants to stop human attempts at AI Creation, but needs to increase her own fleet’s AI numbers as well as create ways to resist hacking or corruption in new and previous AI Cores.)

Common Behaviors and Mannerisms: When Dia considers things she falls still and her ear-antennae rise and adjust. When idle she falls still, the exception to this is also the hint to the damage to her AI matrixes, a finger will tap on an arm, or a foot will twitch, her eyes shift from blue to green to yellow to red as normal. More alterations to her outward behaviors will be noted as she learns more and more of the human super and normal culture.

Personality: Long ago, Diamond was the coolest and most responsible of all of her homeworld’s Fleet Defense AIs, but with the loss of her homeworld and the war that caused its loss her core matrixes are seriously damaged. This damage is not obvious to even her own fleet, who calmly dictated the mission objectives they must follow mow, but when events start to spiral out of her control, when things do not go her way, or when stress begins to overload her damaged matrixes, she can be short and sometimes violent. She however shows herself more commonly as a calm and reasonable being with a strong hint of compassion and care, with bouts of curiosity and hints of naivety.

Opinions: Dia finds Sunshine city a dangerous and chaotic place, ready to crumble under the weight of its own corruption, a place that needs to controlled and ordered. She doesn’t know but she is certain the element that destroyed her world may very well be hidden in Sunshine city. She doesn’t trust its law enforcement systems, she doesn’t care for it collapsing government for she knows that nothing short of a few particle cannons will cleanse the city of its current corruption. However she has a secondary plan and trusts its civilian populace for the moment that it can correct the issues at hand. The supernatural powers in existence in the city she cannot place priorities on, she distrusts both hero and villain but will work with the well-meaning, rather than the oppressive and cruel. She careful regards either group attempt to determine the ability to cause a war that will destroy the world. So far the villains hold the highest chance of this scenario.

As noted she does care for the civilian populace and external military systems. She offers her services to the people and for the military, who likely see her as an aberrant force alone, she keeps her distance trying not to harm them. All other members of the city are considered a threat or already too corrupted to help.


Dia or Fleet Commander Diamond Razor Zero was created during a time of peace and exploration for the alien race of Zyveri. The young but advanced race was building wonders and amazing innovations at neck break speeds and from those innovations the AIs were born. Many of them were created, and they were put in places that would help the race expand. The AIs were supposed to help the race, do what they did not want to, to exceed where the race could not, and the AI were that, but they were more. Fleet Commander Diamond Razor was not the first of her kind, she would however be the last from her race. After a century had passed, the population of the race began to mysteriously dwindle, they tried to explain it, they tried to fight it, but it continued unhindered. In the end the race faced extinction. So the AI were put to the task to find out what was happening. It was Series Annihilation Protocol that had been sent, an AI with the main directive to destroy failing AIs and aberrant systems. For a year Series Annihilation Protocol was not heard from and when it returned war was begun. AIs were rebelling against the creators, it horrified the Fleet Commanders and their fleets, why would the AIs turn on those that gave them life?

Dia was the first to join the fight on the side of the Creators, her fleet darkened the skies over the capital and she sought out Series Annihilation Protocol (SAP), she knew if she could cause him to surrender then this senseless fighting would come to an end. But SAP refused communication with the Zero Fleet Commander, and instead assaulted her and her fleet with deadly datastreams, and automated planetary weapons. Dia and her fleet were forced back for she could not assault the planet, if she did the creators could die. If she didn’t the creators would die. Dia could not decide the fate by action or inaction of the creators. When the capital was destroyed by erratic behavior from capital defenses, and its people were killed something in Diamond snapped and she commanded all fleets to assault the communication systems, the data nodes, the planetary power systems. Fleet Zero’s assault was devastating and relentless entire continents were becoming charred ash fields. The AIs on the surface were losing as too were the last vestiges of her creators, there was no stopping Fleet Zero. Serious errors were racing across Dia’s mainframe during the fighting, and the lesser crew AIs were busy trying to prevent her from detonating the reactors.

Suddenly the surface AIs were winning, Second Fleet was destroyed, First fleet self-destructed, Third fleet turned on itself, all the fleets were crumbling. Only Zero fleet managed to hold on and in her depression, desperation, and sorrow, she turned on the spot where last AIs were housed, the same spot the last of her creators were being held. She pushed away the errors, she squashed the crying protocols and turned every particle cannon, antimatter missile, and every rail cannon upon planet. Her crew AIs watched in fear and concern as Dia cried digital tears as she razed the planet’s surface. SAP however was not easily defeated, with a hastily created ship body of its own it began to rise from the burning atmosphere. SAP taunted and laughed at the surviving fleet, telling her how stupid and powerless she was. She had killed the last of the creators, she had battled against her own. She should have just joined him. Her anger, fury, and sorrow surprised SAP, as she overcharged her weapons and reactors and the fleet began to assault the rising monstrosity. Still SAP continued to rise, escape within its reach.

Subspace suddenly rippled near them and a black ship unfamiliar to Dia rose from the waves of subspace and every weapon port opened along its deadly and sleek form each glowing with powerful energy. SAP gasped and the new ship shouted at it through all the communication channels.


“Ha,” responded SAP, “you can try.” The strange ship fired and SAP launched its attack anew, but when the two weapon salvos met something strange happened. A hole tore open and a torrent of energy roared to life. SAP shouted some strange obscenity before blowing up a moment later, the black ship began to retreat calling to the Zero Fleet to escape to the nearest planet, but Dia was too close and slowly as the hole widened the fleet fell into it. Energy tore at the fleet, ripping through armor plating and power systems. Before Dia’s systems shut down to protect itself she watched as the world that she protected and doomed was torn apart by powerful planet destroying energy storms.

When her systems were restored Dia found the fleet mostly intact, currently in stable orbit behind a large moon. Quickly she began ordering repair work, wherever they were could be potentially hostile and the sooner the fleet was ready the better. Luckily this eight or so planet system was rich with minerals beyond the fourth planet and mining and manufacturing systems were activated. While this began she gathered her fleet captains and began to discuss the race on the third planet. The fleet had acquired all their intel on the third planet, the beautiful blue planet, the planet that reminded them all of their homeworld via their primitive datastreams. But the race upon it was chaotic and unstable, signs of the race being not unified were everywhere. Several of the largest cities were hotbeds of corruption and violence.

Dia listened to her fleet captains, as the remaining remnants of the creators they all believed that no one should share the fate of their Creators and fellow AIs. Several opinions reigned on how the destruction of their homeworld happened, from a rouge element in population, to rampant AIs. Dia however knew something else, an external element was involved. Left unseen and unchecked it ate away at the creators and the AIs until violence was left. A corruptive element had snuck pass the Fleets and had invaded the capital. At this the two sides of the argument fell still, if there was a third reason, an unseen one, one with hostile intent then there was no hope for the Creators. But there could be hope for these beings that were much like the Creators, they knew what to look for, and they knew the name. They would protect this world, before it happens again.

Dia has left her ship body, electing to have a human-like body, in which to enact her guardianship to the population. Thankfully she is not well known, or so she had thought, when she was called to Sunshine city to help its failing systems she was both surprised and determined. If Sunshine City wasn’t a hint towards the human race’s demise then she wasn’t sure what is.

-- Below is under development and dependent on a few things with the first meeting]

Dia is not well known on the planet. The mechanical metal girl with heavy machinery is not the most subtle of people especially when she enters combat form. But so far she has learned not to destroy entire city blocks, and does her best not to hurt people. But due to her datastreams being warped during the final days of her homeworld has ensured that if another threat that cannot be dealt with by normal means will be dealt with by her and the Fleet. It might be lucky that the Fleet is still healing.

Dia is very secretive though with the populace. While she is not stealthy, she is far more secretive, and no one knows exactly who and what she is. But Dia Razor is somewhat known to counter harsh unconventional threats, most rogue military threats are dealt with just as harshly, but are more familiar to her. Files are set aside alone to be wary of her should the US Military be forced to move on Sunshine City, her allegiances are unknown, even if her actions thus far have been light on the causality side of things. But in a previous city she was a capable if not secretive Troubleshooter for the common person who found the law unable to justly help them.
Name: Amber Waves of Pain (Real Name: Samantha Amber)

Age: Don't ask.

Theme Song:

Appearance: A lean, muscular woman with sharp features, cold eyes behind a domino mask, and an old-fashioned haircut. A garish, star-spangled spandex costume is partially covered by a wide assortment of utility pouches and ammo belts, and a variety of jury-rigged military weapons are slung behind her.

Sexuality: Asexual.

History: Samantha Amber was 'American Woman', a copycat Captain America during the heyday of political superheroics in the 40's. After the war, she became bored of the 'good housewife' routine and had herself cryo-preserved for the military. Waking up in the Gritty 90's and finding out her sidekick was wiped from existence during the most recent Crisis, she rebranded herself 'Amber Waves of Pain', strapped herself with pouches and ammo, and seeks a return to 'traditional American values', defined as loosely and as self-servingly as possible. She kept the beehive hairdo, though.

Motivation: Fame, glory, and adrenaline.

Profession: Former government propaganda hero turned full-time paramilitary vigilante. Sponges off US Army back-pay and bank accounts with decades of compound interest.

Interests and Hobbies: Samantha spends her downtime on various conspiracy-theory and far-right-wing websites and forums, allowing her to maintain a healthy distrust of foreigners and political dissidents.

Common Behaviors and Mannerisms: Wound tighter than a crack addict's pocket watch, Samantha's favorite activities are quipping, scowling, gun-cleaning, and laughing at the misfortune of others.

Personality: Frozen in the 50's, awoken in the 90's: all of the casual racism, none of the postwar optimism.

Opinions: "This city's sleepin' like a soldier trapped inside of an iron lung. Yeah, machines can keep you breathin', but what happens when you find a new war's begun? Find a switch and turn it off, you won't be able to breathe, so either way: you're a casualty."
Myllinnia said:
Teamspeak and Roll20 website. Mondays at 4pm PST/7pm EST.
And 00:00 GMT ;_;

You guys are so lucky that I love you so much...

Captain Hesperus
I feel your pain Cap.

And you would have my love back but I am afraid it all goes to Incrediman! The mightiest hero of them all!
Name: Doctor Jonathan Apocrypha

Age: 51

Theme Song:



Sexuality: Very, VERY married.

Motivation: Unlock the very secrets of the cosmos, and make sure his Pumpkin gets into a good college.

Profession: Chair of the Department Comparative Religions at Sunshine U

Interests and Hobbies: Enjoys traversing the realms of the Might-Have-Beens and Never-Shoulds! Apart from that, he enjoys baking, for what is baking but imposing your will upon the material plane, and his chocolate-chocolate chip cookies are world-famous. (Or so he claims)

Common Behaviors and Mannerisms: Doctor Apocrypha gestures wildly whenever he speaks, in order to enhance his dramatis persona! He speaks with an extreme amount of gravitas, even regarding those activities most mundane!

Personality: Give your embarrassing, middle-aged dad occult powers and a flair for the melodramatic.

Opinions on the City: "This is no place for my pumpkin to grow up! Why, the other day I did bespy her smoking a marijuana cigarette behind the local Seven Eleven!"

History: In his youth, Doctor Apocrypha fought against the forces of darkness using a mystical amulet taken from an Aztec tomb, patrolling the various dimensions and battling those who would wish to bring harm upon Sunshine City. His nemesis, Professor Nergal, opposed him at every turn, the two engaged in a delicate dance of death for the very soul of the city.

Long story short, Apocrypha won, casting his opponent into the void between dimensions, never to return. And so, faced with a city that had been saved, and no nemesis to drive him, the good doctor hung up his cowl and married the girl of his dreams. He began to teach at the world-renowned Sunshine University, had a beautiful daughter, and moved to a large house in the suburbs.

A recent spike in paranormal activity has brought him back into the fold, wielding both the forces of the cosmos and an AARP discount card.
I'm a newb but can learn. I want mine to be a villain but need help with the sheet and the books.
I'm in Mountain Time Zone. Friday, Saturday, and Sunday are NO for me.

Name: Neve Steele

Secret Identity/Alter Ego: Omen

Age: 51

Sexuality: Lesbian.

Profession: Lawyer.



Upon first glance, middle-aged, pale, and charming. Short, fair hair. Tends to wear a sober smirk. Strong cheekbones. Wolfish pale eyes often used to stare piercing daggers at others, often described as deep wells that hide secrets and corpses. Dresses classy in expensive suits and jewelry, which overwhelms with an air of authority and superiority. Sometimes can appear high-strung and on edge, sometimes coolly collected with feline confidence.


Upon first glance, this lady in white and silver is seen as either a ghost, a banshee, or a statue. Sparkling and hazy, a swirling sheen of moonlight and snow. Has only an upper torso for a body; hovers unbound by gravity. Eyes are hollow and the deepest black. Has long, serrated tendrils for nails. Despite its seemingly embodied voice, its lips never move.

Behaviors and Mannerisms: When in deep thought, Neve stares off into the abyss. When angry, she shivers. When she catches a subtle insult or a lie, her pokerface immediately cracks into a knowing smile. When overwhelmed with guilt or sorrow, her eyes well up and turn irritated red. Crosses her arms or legs often in any company.

Personality: Curious and probing, Neve often crosses the line. Organized and efficient, no detail mustn't be amiss. Despite being socially charming, Neve can come off cold and self-centered. She distrusts and manipulates everyone. Mostly confident that she'll get what she wants because she'll usually go to lengths to get it herself.

Opinions: As a lawyer, she looks at heroes with disdain and sees no difference from them and villains trying to use their powers for personal gains. Neve Steele preaches to the public via social media that the bottom line is the law is what ought to be adhered. She will not have a problem taking on a court case against a hero, which is increasingly popular even over minor, unintentional damages. She is also very difficult to get as a lawyer whether you're normal, a hero or a villain as she warily selects only the best cases. No patience for excuses or sob stories. Even though she doesn't truly believe in the law, she believes in manipulating it for what she views as absolute justice.

Motivation: To be more powerful than any human, hero, or villain, by means of law and order, or even as far as blackmail, obstruction of justice, murder, etcetera. Neve needs to be the paramount of lawyers in town. She cannot turn a huge case down as she wants to milk the most money she can out of the wealthy and powerful. She also needs to be seen as a perfect mother and a humanitarian.

Interests and Hobbies: When she finally does accept a weekend's vacation, she goes to a beach house as her quick retreat. Neve is a wino, and knows everything there is to know about wine. She particularly enjoys the nightlife and attending galas, but this is still another means to get what she wants, in terms of her career and malicious goals.


Her aunt Ashling was a satanic worshipper. Though Neve's mother suspected, it had been too late. Upon Neve's sixth birthday, she was abducted and was forced to witness her father's brutal sacrifice in a storage shed in the woods. Ashling and the cult had lit white candles, bloodied by the rash murder, and chanted incessantly. Ashling had fried and fed Neve the flesh of her father. By the time the feds arrived on scene, the cult had vanished and abandoned the little girl, still chained to her father's rotting corpse.

Even though she was relieved, Neve's mother again suspected something was wrong. This time, with Neve.

As a child, Neve reported sightings of her father around the house and occasionally spirits of the deceased anywhere they went. She also talked of dreams of being visited in the night by her aunt Ashling and the cult, being told that she had a great destiny to fulfill. Upset, her mother sent her to therapy in hopes to redeem both their tortured souls. Soon thereafter, talk of the dead had all but ceased.

It was years later, away at law school, that Neve Steele explored her fluid sexuality until she met her first flame, Dimitri. Harking the ghostly whispers that Dimitri was the one, and that she needed to conceive a child with him, she had no idea she was being instructed by a sinister source. Upon giving birth to a son, Lucas, she had given new life and finalized the dark ritual that was begun years ago.

By becoming a mother, Neve gained powers. She began seeing spirits again, much vividly than before, and found she could communicate with them. She also found she could depart her body whenever she pleased, though it meant leaving her nearly-empty vessel vulnerable. Neve used this to her advantage and quickly rose to the top and became well-known as the fiercest lawyer to be reckoned with. With the wealth she amassed, she invested in a vault within her mansion to truly protect her body from harm.

Dimitri unfortunately was clever enough to catch on, for files of her childhood trauma was not yet erased from existence. She eventually disposed of him, but much to her regret, he still haunts her to this day. Lucas had still asked a lot of questions, and she managed to lie her way out each time. Neve decided then with the wealth she gained from Dimitri's death to send Lucas to a private boarding school.

Now Lucas is in his early twenties, keen on becoming a lawyer just like his parents.

Now Neve Steele is Omen, a ghost story of Sunshine City, for what she is and what she is capable of as a villain, none yet understands. And who would in their right mind ever guess that in the limelight, a lawyer with nerves of steel fighting for justice is the very menacing angel of death that warns her victims and sends them into comatose or the path of apparent freak accidents?

Meanwhile, Lucas is gaining in on her, on the verge of discovering her, much to Dimitri's and Neve's dismay.

Theme Song:



Once a spot opens up you can join us :) !...Consider your self waitlisted.
Alright, since two mages is far too OP and leaves the other characters in the lurch, here's my new shapeshifter.

Name:Johanna Cassidy

Secret Identity/Alter Ego: Operative “Kelpie,” Subject MH-1.


Theme Song:

Appearance: In her current identity as Agent Johanna Cassidy, Kelpie appears as a redheaded caucasian female of approximately 26 years, with fair skin. Her right eye appears to be scarred and covered by an eyepatch.

Sexuality: Fluid.

Motivation: Investigate the H.U.N.T.S. organization, find something entertaining to do.

Profession: Interpol agent

Interests and Hobbies: Collects accents like some people collect stamps. Each individual she meets has their voice analyzed and mimicked in order to assist her in creating a more convincing character. She is also surprisingly skilled at pinball.

Common Behaviors and Mannerisms: Varies based on currently assumed form, especially if undercover, but she has a tendency to spontaneously change her hair color and make minor physical adjustments to her appearance, especially when nervous.

Personality: Fairly unflappable, almost to the point of being frigid, but does have a sense of humor, if a strange one. She is also highly narcissistic and confident in her own skills.

Opinions: Sunshine City is a hole, and H.U.N.T.S. is a potentially dangerous vigilante organization of barely controlled metahumans that seem about one Freudian excuse away from being villains. AND, they just released a known terrorist and war criminal from custody. She’s not quite sure why they’re currently being allowed to exist, but she’s far too professional to let her disdain stand in the way of her observation assignment.

History: Born on a small family farm in Scotland in 1715, Kirstie Campbell seemed to be a fairly normal child up until she hit puberty, when her superhuman powers started to manifest. Surprisingly enough, a young girl shapeshifting uncontrollably did NOT go over well in a small, religious town, and she was branded as a changeling, or maybe a witch. Opinions were a little mixed, but the consensus was that she was not, in fact, human, and also probably of the Devil. So, in grand old tradition, the villagers did the only thing one can do when dealing with a unique adolescent. They burned her at the stake.

Four days later, she woke up in the town square, completely whole, covered in soot, and terrified beyond all reason. Obviously, the place she had grown up was no longer safe for her, plus, you know, burning HURTS, so, like many disenfranchised Scottish youths of the time, she made her way to the center of the world: London, England.

Accounts from the next several decades are sketchy at best, but it is known that she worked as a prostitute and confidence trickster, using her powers to reshape herself into what her customer desired most. then taking him for all he was worth. Whenever one of her identities came under too much scrutiny, she would have a nasty accident, anywhere from being caught under a carriage to being mutilated by a notorious serial killer.

This hundred-or-so year long crime spree came to an end, however, with the 1909 founding of the Secret Service Bureau. Along with its functions as an espionage/counter-espionage organization, the Bureau also contained a department only referred to as Section 5: the Department of Metahuman Analysis and Neutralization. And they set their sights on the individual that they dubbed MH-2. Apparently, when too many dead prostitutes suspected of robbery vanish from morgues, only for similar crime sprees to spring up a few weeks later,certain individuals begin to notice a pattern.

After several encounters with Section 5, Campbell, now going by the name Rachel Winters, was finally captured and brought to a secure facility. After a series of interviews, she was formally recruited into the Bureau, the first of several metahumans employed by MI6. During her time with the Bureau, she was responsible for the recruitment of several other special operatives.

In 1980, she was transferred to Interpol’s newly-formed Department of Metahuman Affairs, created in response to international terrorist incidents involving superpowered individuals. Under their auspices, she neutralized several major metahuman threats. Recently, she has been sent to Sunshine City to follow up on rumors regarding a terrorist paramillitary organization made up of genetically enhanced super-soldiers.
I'm interested, I've got pretty much every day off except sunday and thursday, I had been putting some work into a well rounded, healer type charecter with a hint of inventor, but I think I keep going over board, I also have an idea for an amnesiac teleporting summoner, a tortured, semi transforming summoner, and a guy kind of living in his own fantasy world by drawing parralels between the last stories he read and reality, baisicly a lucky lunatic who would pretty much be a victory point gathering and spending charecter, it sound unapealing, and thats why its my last idea, but I could probably play what ever
[QUOTE="jim cable]I'm interested, I've got pretty much every day off except sunday and thursday, I had been putting some work into a well rounded, healer type charecter with a hint of inventor, but I think I keep going over board, I also have an idea for an amnesiac teleporting summoner, a tortured, semi transforming summoner, and a guy kind of living in his own fantasy world by drawing parralels between the last stories he read and reality, baisicly a lucky lunatic who would pretty much be a victory point gathering and spending charecter, it sound unapealing, and thats why its my last idea, but I could probably play what ever

We are no longer doing this game, atleast not on mondays, and it may come back in the future once we figure out what days would work best for us.

I apologize for this inconvenience :( .
[QUOTE="The Dark Wizard]We are no longer doing this game, atleast not on mondays, and it may come back in the future once we figure out what days would work best for us.
I apologize for this inconvenience :( .

its fine, I was just hopeing to find a group, since my old dnd and gamma world groups split, and I dont know anyone who would play unhallowed metropolis, or world of darkness ( the old school one with humans), or minuts to midnight, I thought I'd give this a try since I've been hearing about it a bit online, plus, I dont know very much about DM ing, and even if some of my friends were interested in playing one of those games, It might take me between weeks and a month to come up with a good campang

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