Binary: A Superhuman Chat RP

Do you wish to be a Hero or a Villain?

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Idea managed to pop into my head while I was sleeping. Totally want to do a Radiation based Hero! Uncontrollable fallout and all that jazz character will be compelled to kill or somehow remove yours, post-haste.

Yay IC conflict! :eek:
I decided to go with the Magic-User guy. M&M magic is VERY versatile, so other than some basic effects (flight, damage, shield) what do people NOT want me to dabble in? I'd rather not step on anyone's toes, so if you have an idea that you really want to be the only one doing please let me know so I can not get it.
I'm going to be leaning heavily on Control Luck for my power. Beyond that, I'll just be dumping most of my points in to skills and defenses.
"Two things matter, style and power. And in a pinch, power can slide"

Name: The Guardian

Secret Identity/Alter Ego: Roland Brandt

Age: 31

Theme Song:


Appearance: The Guardian is a tall figure with red eyes and black hair. He wears black and red armor, although it is largely ornamental. His irises glow red whenever he channels his magical power. Even when he doesn't, they still smolder like low-burning embers.


Picture by the very talented Rich Godlike on deviantart, with very minor edits by me
Sexuality: Heterosexual Male

Motivation: Protect everyone he can. The Guardian also feels the need to uphold his family name, as the eldest of this generation.

Profession: The Brandts are wealthy, with Roland himself being a millionaire. He lives off his estate and uses his time to develop his art and wage his war against evil.

Interests and Hobbies: Music. The Guardian is attempting to learn the violin, although he has little actual skill with it. This has not stopped him, much to the chagrin of his audiences.

Common Behaviors and Mannerisms: The Guardian is a very outgoing person, especially when dealing with other heroes. He believes that if a thing is worth doing, it is worth doing with style.

Opinions: The Guardian recognizes the danger posed by super villains, especially in such great number. He is prepared to continue fighting, even if victory becomes impossible or if he must fight alone. Despite this, he refuses to become mired in the gloom and darkness of the city, constantly trying to be not only Good, but Kind.

Personality: Optimistic and Outgoing

History: The Guardian was born to a long line of secret magi, whose lineage traces back over a thousand years, one of a handful such bloodlines scattered across the world. The Brandt family are the Red Magi, powerful yet lacking control. Roland was the eldest of three children, his sister born a year after him and his brother two years after that. All three were raised and trained in the secret arts of magic, and all three were gifted in their own right. Roland was the most powerful, with a natural talent for defensive magics that hadn't been seen in generations. His sister, Emile, was skilled at using channels of magic; she could lay the groundwork with miniscule traces of power, then complete the entire spell at once with a sudden surge down hidden paths. His brother, Aaron, was best at creation. While the limitations of Red magic prevented even one as gifted as him from creating truly delicate or intricate works, he could shape and forge entire buildings from his power.

When the time came, they each were raised to full Magus status in turn. As was tradition, they took up a title and bound their magic to it, to prevent their name from being used by infernal beings or enemy magi. Roland became the Guardian, protector and savior. Emile became the Weaver, secretive yet unstoppable. Aaron became the Forger, visionary and brilliant. Each went their own way, in order to develop their power and forge an identity for themselves in the world. Roland went to Sunshine City. He was drawn to the darkness of the once-great city, seeing its current state of danger as the place most needing his help. As the eldest scion of the Red Magi, Roland knows he cannot afford to fail.
Im down to play, I am still bouncing around a few ideas as far as what I would be playing.

Maybe somthing along the lines of a street samurai from shadowrun.

I am EST or GMT-5

Ksathra sent me.
Name: Megan Lance

Secret Identity/Alter Ego: Hellion

Age: 23

Theme Song: [media]

Appearance: Meg is five-foot-four with a slight, sinewy build, her body clearly conditioned with training. She's pleasing enough to look at, but easily forgettable with a quiet demeanor and a preference for observing rather than participating in a social gathering. Her Hellion guise is a pair of comfortably fitting black pants with a dark crimson leather corset-type vest. Between her high, small breasts, dangling from a golden chain lays a medallion with the image of three intertwining dragons set into gold. A black cloak trimmed in the same crimson color serves as both a cape and a hood over her cowled head. Her cowl is also crimson, and occasionally one can see her eyes glow with a terrifying red. Red-tinted hellfire often wisps around her; harmless--when she wants it to be.

Sexuality: Straight

Motivation: Protecting the East End, uncovering the mystery of the amulet that gives her power, and finding her mentor.

Profession: Student (Ancient and Eclectic History)

Interests and Hobbies: Meditation, research (mostly of the amulet), investigation.

Common Behaviors and Mannerisms: Meg tends to hold herself aloof from everyone, and rarely smiles. On the rare occasion that she does, her face transforms. She's a little intolerant of people who don't stand up for themselves, and finds a 'heroic' personality to be grating.

Personality: Meg has a very dark, droll personality, and a dreary outlook on life. She's convinced that everyone else is out for themselves, one way or another. Even the most altruistic person isn't free from a caustic remark, dubbing them "attention whores" and other equally flattering terms.

Opinions: She hates heroes. More to the point, she hates those that say they're out to "save the world," conveniently ignoring the irrefutable fact that the world's going to hell in a handbasket. After all, it's not like they did a whole hell of a lot of good to her. She damn well is going to take care of herself.

History: Hellion employs well the adage that "criminals are a superstitious, cowardly lot"--something to which Meg can personally attest. She ran away from home when she was fourteen, the lesser of two evils as compared to staying with her "pansy-ass mother and son-of-a-bitch step...thing Mom insists I call 'dad'." Eventually she started running with a gang called the East End Eagles. They were a gang of thieves, and she learned well from them the art of breaking and entering. The estate of an eccentric old man was supposed to be "the score of a lifetime," but fate has a twisted sense of humor. Within a hall of what she supposed to be antiques, she found a necklace with three crimson dragons on its pendant. Thinking to pawn it off for some rediculous sum, she swiped it, only to find it was so much more. At that moment, others swooped in, strange figures in crimson cloaks. They must have thought the amulet was something else--they were willing to kill for it. The rest of the Eagles fled, and the strange men took both her and the amulet, muttering something, the only word of which she caught was 'sacrifice'.

That would have been her fate, had it not been for Vigilante. The old man had been a hero once, or a creepy psychopathic night stalker, depending on whose opinion you believed. Rumor was he'd ran with Supernova himself once in a while back in the day. He'd disappeared from the streets some years ago, and when he came after Meg, it was easy to see why. Once a fearsome presence that drove the true terrors of the streets back to their holes, he was near to losing once the men ganged up on him. With much struggle, Meg managed to free herself from the bonds of her captors, and in a moment of desperation, grabbed the object they all thought was so precious. "Finders keepers," she muttered.

That's when it happened.

Like a blade, power knifed into her soul. She screamed as it engulfed her, tore into her, made and unmade her mind.

Not even Vigilante would tell her what happened next. She woke in a silk-sheeted bed in the old man's brownstone home, completely disoriented. Hunger gnawed at her, but it was more than just for food. That amulet was hers, and she would have it. The old man, whose name was Alexander Lance, wasn't inclined to disagree; however, she would have to earn it. "You must master yourself, or a power such as that will master you," he told her, and from that point on, she was under his tutelage. Her scrappy streetfighting was transformed into a more precise hand-to-hand combat, and she learned to meditate in order to bring the magic in the amulet under her control instead of the other way around.

It was a...strange feeling having someone believe she could be something beyond a petty thief. Alexander's motivations for taking her in were never entirely clear, and he was impressively cryptic about exactly what he knew of the amulet and the other magical items he kept. He'd tell her she'd understand some day, and then a world of mysteries would open up for her, but that day was long in coming. She'd ask for the amulet, but he'd always tell her "not now." She never touched it again until the day Alexander disappeared. He left it on the study table for her to find, along with a note that had only one word: "Now."

He left her money to continue her education, and she started studying eclectic history and anything that might tell her more of the amulet. As Meg, she avoided her old neighborhood. The less someone recognized her, the better; and besides, she was still a little pissed off that her gang had abandoned her. As Hellion, however...

Slipping the amulet around her neck was like embracing a long-lost friend. Or facing down a mortal enemy, she wasn't quite sure which. It had a hold on her. The power was satisfying, yet terrifying, and she knew at once the more she used it, the less she would be herself. Still, she feels drawn to the East End and finds herself patrolling it almost nightly. Occasionally her desire to keep the streets safe drives her to channel the powers in the amulet and remind the bullies that there's always something scarier than they are.

Then there's Alexander's disappearance. It was old man who hadn't left his home in thirty years up and deciding to move out? Her instincts told her it was something nefarious, and she'd determined to find him; but if he doesn't want to be found, there are few better at remaining hidden indefinitely.
Hero Very Rough, will

This template will be used for none mechanics and stats(which is what the pdf is for if you want to use that, or a document)

Name: Chema (Kee-ma)

Secret Identity/Alter Ego: Penelope Urbain

Age: 25

Theme Song:


Out of costume: Penelope is a slim figure, underweight, and appears to be undergoing chemotherapy. Gaunt and hairless, her skin is a pale white. Eyes are a toxic green. She dresses modestly, mostly because she rarely leaves her suit. Sharp jawbones, a lithe figure, and lack of body fat leave most questioning her health when truly they should be worried about theirs. Outside of her suit, Penelope is an active radiological hazard, generating above background level radiation around 5Gy.

In costume: Through extensive medical testing and rather pricey engineering concerns, Penelope was graced with a containment suit. The suit works as her costume, granting the ability to be among the public. However, the suit itself is bulky and awkward. Each movement has to be artificially moved along with the help of actuators. This slows her foot speed down considerably. The suit also has a limit to its containment of Penelope's radiation, only able to contain a day or twos worth. This can be vented out of the suit in a directed fashion but then the risk is run of harming the local environment. Currently she returns to her Uncles engineering firm to drain the suit as needed, powering the facility with her energy.

The 'helmet' of the suit is a simple thick fabric. Almost a black rubbery material, it covers the head up to the neck. A pair of lenses allowing her full freedom of vision and a small microphone allowing her speech.

The body is the same rubbery substance, able to withstand small arms fire without permanent damage to the suit but substantial pain as Penelope absorbs the impact.

The arms and legs are where the suit differs, each acting as a venting mechanism. The soles of the feet and palms of the hand able to link to her home chambers and drain the excess energy through them. In the field, these can be for used to provide either slight amounts of radiation to apply skillfully or powerful blasts of dangerous energy. Each limb is heavy and is helped to move by augmetics. Without the suit, Penelope cannot control the direction of her radiation, only the power level (to an extent)

Sexuality: Penelope is a heterosexual female, to the best of her knowledge. Currently experimenting the idea of a chaste lifestyle as most cannot truly be safe around her. She is a virgin.

Motivation: The thrill of crime fighting and general combat enthralls Penelope, along with the growing fame she has begun to receive as her superheroine alter ego.

Profession: Fuel Source. Undergoing studies on her own, her suit has been bought and paid for by her uncle and his research firm. Has signed into a contract to be monitored and for her radioactive energy to be used to fuel the entire research facility and for the excess to be sold to the national grid. Currently she accounts for nearly thirty percent of Sunshine City's energy source. While she doesn't receive pay, she earns full use of her suit and free room and board, along with online schooling paid for in full.

It is not known by the populace that their energy source is a living being.

Interests and Hobbies: Penelope obviously has an interest in the science behind her powers but that is a limited field of study. Her true love and passion falling into the categories of journalism and travel. Limited to Sunshine City by her suit, powers, and contracts, she spends most of her free time online.

Common Behaviors and Mannerisms: A poor sense of hygiene, lacking both body and head hair, she rarely does anything to keep up appearances or gussy up. No germs or bacteria are able to survive on or in her so she seems to be sterile at least. She bites her nails when out of her suit as well.

Personality: Penelope is a very laid back person, holding onto a whatever happens, happens personality. Generally happy, she occasionally spirals into bouts of depression at her situation in life. During this time she generally yearns for attention and can very quickly become quite needy. More often than not, she tries to chat up her technicians and observers much to their chagrin. She hates being alone and is very proud of her deadly ability.

Opinions: She sees the trend towards anarchy as a good thing, having sympathies and a dog eat dog sensibility but cannot abide by wanton destruction of private property! The current status of the city also gives her a chance to be loved as a heroine, not hated as mutant. The Opportunity to show off manifesting itself everywhere.

History: Penelope was thought to be a stillborn, her vitals completely screwy in the womb as her mother went into labor. Not wishing to go through a still birth, her mother opted for a cesarian.

Expecting nothing but a failed fetus, the doctors were greeted with a little hand, waving for recognition and attention. She gripped his finger as hard as she could as Penelope was delivered via surgery.

Unfortunately, that's when her mutations became apparent. No hair at all and sickly looking, Penelope's mother and the surgical staff started becoming violently ill. Symptoms such as light burns and harsh vomiting began spreading. Only out of sheer luck was a giger counter getting replacement batteries switched on and began clicking madly. The hospital was evacuated and the source, much to the surprise of everyone, located as Penelope.

Understanding that their child was different. A freak of nature and physics alike, did her parents take action. Each one of them becoming ill as well, they did their best to contain and raise Penelope even as cancers began to form in their bodies. Placing her in a lead lined room, she was raised by hazmat suits and taught through the computer (though she burned through these with EM radiation).

Her parents both passed away around age ten, causing Penelope no end of grief, unable to attend their funeral, Penelope became a ward of her Mothers brother, the successful owner of the SCRF (Sunshine City Research Foundation)

Continuing her schooling, Penelope finished her online course and earned a bachelors degree in general business.

Puttering around her lead lined apartment for a few years, she began to take an interest in the outside world after the heavily broadcast anniversary of the defeat of the city's foremost defender.

Ever the business woman, she saw a void in a possible market, quickly making a deal with her Uncle. Soon enough she received the first version of her suit and hit the streets.

Making a name for herself, the Hero Chema began make waves. Not in the way she initially expected though. For a few months her contribution was nothing except a few stopped muggers and lots of worry over the rise in radioactivity!

The creation of her second and third suits offered the added mobility and control she needed in order to fight crime, fully coming out to the press as a heroine!

Unfortunately, she did not receive the praise she expected. Cries of regulation and fear filled the small conference forcing Penelope to make an embarrassing exit.

Months later and vowing herself to becoming the best crime fighter in the city, Chema upped the amount of hours she worked as a bulwark against crime, her name finally beginning to attain in spite of her dramatic failures at first.

Currently she is working as a power source, moonlighting as a crime fighter. She wishes to flip flop the jobs but has yet to earn enough to do so and must continue spending most of her time fueling the facility and more!
I have added a poll to the start of this thread to help us find where everyone wants to be.

Please select your side.

Will give out some day/time suggestions next time I can talk to Captain.
I'm a newb but can learn. I want mine to be a villain but need help with the sheet and the books.

I'm in Mountain Time Zone. Friday, Saturday, and Sunday are NO for me.

Name: Neve Steele

Secret Identity/Alter Ego: Omen

Age: 51

Sexuality: Lesbian.

Profession: Lawyer.



Upon first glance, middle-aged, pale, and charming. Short, fair hair. Tends to wear a sober smirk. Strong cheekbones. Wolfish pale eyes often used to stare piercing daggers at others, often described as deep wells that hide secrets and corpses. Dresses classy in expensive suits and jewelry, which overwhelms with an air of authority and superiority. Sometimes can appear high-strung and on edge, sometimes coolly collected with feline confidence.


Upon first glance, this lady in white and silver is seen as either a ghost, a banshee, or a statue. Sparkling and hazy, a swirling sheen of moonlight and snow. Has only an upper torso for a body; hovers unbound by gravity. Eyes are hollow and the deepest black. Has long, serrated tendrils for nails. Despite its seemingly embodied voice, its lips never move.

Behaviors and Mannerisms: When in deep thought, Neve stares off into the abyss. When angry, she shivers. When she catches a subtle insult or a lie, her pokerface immediately cracks into a knowing smile. When overwhelmed with guilt or sorrow, her eyes well up and turn irritated red. Crosses her arms or legs often in any company.

Personality: Curious and probing, Neve often crosses the line. Organized and efficient, no detail mustn't be amiss. Despite being socially charming, Neve can come off cold and self-centered. She distrusts and manipulates everyone. Mostly confident that she'll get what she wants because she'll usually go to lengths to get it herself.

Opinions: As a lawyer, she looks at heroes with disdain and sees no difference from them and villains trying to use their powers for personal gains. Neve Steele preaches to the public via social media that the bottom line is the law is what ought to be adhered. She will not have a problem taking on a court case against a hero, which is increasingly popular even over minor, unintentional damages. She is also very difficult to get as a lawyer whether you're normal, a hero or a villain as she warily selects only the best cases. No patience for excuses or sob stories. Even though she doesn't truly believe in the law, she believes in manipulating it for what she views as absolute justice.

Motivation: To be more powerful than any human, hero, or villain, by means of law and order, or even as far as blackmail, obstruction of justice, murder, etcetera. Neve needs to be the paramount of lawyers in town. She cannot turn a huge case down as she wants to milk the most money she can out of the wealthy and powerful. She also needs to be seen as a perfect mother and a humanitarian.

Interests and Hobbies: When she finally does accept a weekend's vacation, she goes to a beach house as her quick retreat. Neve is a wino, and knows everything there is to know about wine. She particularly enjoys the nightlife and attending galas, but this is still another means to get what she wants, in terms of her career and malicious goals.


Her aunt Ashling was a satanic worshipper. Though Neve's mother suspected, it had been too late. Upon Neve's sixth birthday, she was abducted and was forced to witness her father's brutal sacrifice in a storage shed in the woods. Ashling and the cult had lit white candles, bloodied by the rash murder, and chanted incessantly. Ashling had fried and fed Neve the flesh of her father. By the time the feds arrived on scene, the cult had vanished and abandoned the little girl, still chained to her father's rotting corpse.

Even though she was relieved, Neve's mother again suspected something was wrong. This time, with Neve.

As a child, Neve reported sightings of her father around the house and occasionally spirits of the deceased anywhere they went. She also talked of dreams of being visited in the night by her aunt Ashling and the cult, being told that she had a great destiny to fulfill. Upset, her mother sent her to therapy in hopes to redeem both their tortured souls. Soon thereafter, talk of the dead had all but ceased.

It was years later, away at law school, that Neve Steele explored her fluid sexuality until she met her first flame, Dimitri. Harking the ghostly whispers that Dimitri was the one, and that she needed to conceive a child with him, she had no idea she was being instructed by a sinister source. Upon giving birth to a son, Lucas, she had given new life and finalized the dark ritual that was begun years ago.

By becoming a mother, Neve gained powers. She began seeing spirits again, much vividly than before, and found she could communicate with them. She also found she could depart her body whenever she pleased, though it meant leaving her nearly-empty vessel vulnerable. Neve used this to her advantage and quickly rose to the top and became well-known as the fiercest lawyer to be reckoned with. With the wealth she amassed, she invested in a vault within her mansion to truly protect her body from harm.

Dimitri unfortunately was clever enough to catch on, for files of her childhood trauma was not yet erased from existence. She eventually disposed of him, but much to her regret, he still haunts her to this day. Lucas had still asked a lot of questions, and she managed to lie her way out each time. Neve decided then with the wealth she gained from Dimitri's death to send Lucas to a private boarding school.

Now Lucas is in his early twenties, keen on becoming a lawyer just like his parents.

Now Neve Steele is Omen, a ghost story of Sunshine City, for what she is and what she is capable of as a villain, none yet understands. And who would in their right mind ever guess that in the limelight, a lawyer with nerves of steel fighting for justice is the very menacing angel of death that warns her victims and sends them into comatose or the path of apparent freak accidents?

Meanwhile, Lucas is gaining in on her, on the verge of discovering her, much to Dimitri's and Neve's dismay.

Theme Song:


Definitely interested in this. Like Alexandra time zones could be an issue but I don't mind missing sleep. Days are not a problem to me as my work days vary greatly just would need to be after 11:30pm gmt which considering most of your timezones probably won't be an issue.

Likely to to throw a shapeshifter concept together after work.
[QUOTE="Thief of Words]Still debating concepts. Pondering over potential immortals or teleporters.

I was thinking of modifying my earlier idea (a badass normal with no powers) and making a teleporter myself, if that helps.
Unkillable Man archetype it is. Maybe an Immortal Depends on how many points we're allowed.

EDIT: @TheDarkWizard: Are we allowed to know what PL we start at? Because that'd give me an idea of how much I could expand past the core concept in terms of their hero abilities/identity.
JayTee said:
I was thinking of modifying my earlier idea (a badass normal with no powers) and making a teleporter myself, if that helps.
If you want to keep the badass normal part, just make the teleportation a device.
That's what I meant. If you really wanted the teleporter, I can go for something else :)

Hmm... a nonsuper with the ability to control probability via machines. Have you read Quarantine (Greg Egan)? That's what I always picture when probability control is brought up.
JayTee said:
That's what I meant. If you really wanted the teleporter, I can go for something else :)
Nah. I've got an alternate concept. I just like teleportation as a power. Played one before, though. EDIT: Are we using d20herosrd or some other site?

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