Binary: A Superhuman Chat RP

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The Dark Wizard

Roleplay Availability
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The Duality of Humanity Juxtaposed against the Moralistic Interpretations of Modern Societal Norms and the Jungian Precepts of Right and Wrong.

By The Dark Wizard and Captain Hesperus

“This is the best this city? World? Has to offer?” he said, his powerful shadow-tentacles holding Supernova by the neck, high over Sunshine City. He smiled maliciously as he pulled off the hero’s mask, revealing his identity on national television for all to see.

With an almost derisive gesture, The Shayde’s dark energies hurled Supernova into the glittering glass tower that was the home of the Sunshine City World News Network. The broken superhero crashed straight through the windows, demolishing the intervening walls and exploded out of the far side, trailing shards of gleaming glass and clouds of pulverised breeze block. Supernova came to rest in a crater at the end of the long furrow he’d cut into Sun Park, the largest and greenest leisure park in the city.

The Shayde threw back his head in exultant laughter, showboating for the assembled media crews and helicopters that circled around the skyscraper he’d picked to be the site of his final victory over Sunshine City’s golden boy hero. He hung from the tendrils of his living shadow, watching as people gathered in the streets below to watch him in horror and awe.

“Hear me, pitiful citizens of this pathetic city! Your champion is broken and defeated, probably dead by now, and I, The Shayde, am triumphant! For too long I have sought a worthy opponent, someone who could challenge my almighty power. As yet, I have found only meager distractions, peuling pretenders who could not match me, The Shayde!!”

The images and words of the supervillain were televised across the country, across the globe at the speed of light, along with the first tentative images of Supernova’s twisted, bloodied body being carefully hoisted into the back of an ambulance by teary-eyed policemen. News anchors spoke in hushed tones about the devastating turn of events and continued their telecasts, speaking of a sudden spike in criminal activities; gangs who had long been suppressed by Supernova’s powerful presence were claiming territory; other supervillains were arriving in Sunshine City by the day, eager to stake a claim in the growing lawlessness. Sunshine City was rapidly becoming the crime capital of the world.

Somewhere else, some time later

A huge bank of monitors played back archived news reports from across the world, all of them caught up with the fall of Supernova. Some newscasters were saddened by the news, others scathing in their opinions that superheroes, and normal peoples’ reliance on them, were the root cause of supervillains. There were vox-pops of people from Sunshine City as well as official interviews with the Mayor of the city and the Chief of Police. Further video footage showed the decline of the city over the years following ‘The Fall Day’, small businesses being targeted by gangs offering protection, good police officers and public officials getting killed, bad officers and officials taking bribes, areas of the city becoming ‘no-go’ areas.

A gauntleted hand tapped a few keys on a keyboard and the screens went blank, before bringing up a number of personnel profiles. The profiles were in-depth, covering life histories that went back to birth, or as much as was recorded, of a number of superheroes. Recent pictures accompanied the reports of the heroes, both in costume and in their plain, everyday clothes. A cowled and hooded head nodded and a husky voice spoke for the first time, “Yes, they are the ones. They’ll be Sunshine City’s last hope, perhaps it’s only hope.”

    • This game will be a chat game played on the amazing virtual tabletop environment at which is free. This game will use Mutants and Masterminds 3rd edition.
    • Players will start at Powerlevel 10.
    • Sunshine City, the setting of this game will be created together the first time we all meet up as a group, so everyone can create factions and groups that the city can have. This game has no overall plot yet and the game will be shaped by the characters motivations and goals. Thus PVP is enabled, since players can do what ever they want in this game.
    • At the start players should only have one character but as the game progresses, some heroes might fall and became villains. If this game picks up we can allow more players to join so we can have a dedicated villain group. You will be notified when you are allowed to have more then one hero in the world.
    • The city will start at tone -2 which will be explained in a different tab.
    • The game begins 30 years after the fall and disappearance of Supernova\
    • Knowledge of the system is not required. All rules needed to run the game will be provided to you for free from an SRD that is open to the public. However you can acquire the books if you want. We will help you create your characters.
    • Here is a free character sheet found on the official site.
    • All characters will most likely be submitted through roll20 or through dropbox. Will let you know when we decidie.

If you are interested in participating please post below that you wish to join a long with the concept of your character and wish day/hours you think the group should meet up on every week.
Looks fun, I've heard a lot of good things about this game, so I think I'll try my hand it. Might need some help with building my character, though.
JayTee said:
Looks fun, I've heard a lot of good things about this game, so I think I'll try my hand it. Might need some help with building my character, though.
Sure we can help you out :) !

Mutants and Masterminds seems to be holding up to the good things I heard about it as well.
Definitely interested, probably in an idealistic teen with earth based powers who goes by the name of Paragon.

I'd probably prefer to play on a Sunday or Friday night, but that's in Australia and I can't be bothered looking up timezones at the moment.
I forgot to mention but while its not required its quite nice if you donate some of your character creation points to a pool so when we first get together everyone can design the player's base together.
If we get enough people we can do about 5 heroes and 5 villians from the start.

If not we will just start with heroes and see where it goes from there, people tend to fall/redeem etc.
Wow. I want in this one so badly I can taste it...but with three kids in the background chat isn't a good option for me. Have fun with this though!!
Sounds like fun! I'm thinking a Caped Crusader archetype with some backup power from a magical device. I work Mon-Fri 6am-2:30pm typically (EST). Weekends work well for me, though Sundays evenings might be dicey if it goes too late.
Millershipper said:
Wow. I want in this one so badly I can taste it...but with three kids in the background chat isn't a good option for me. Have fun with this though!!
Roll20 uses mostly text-based chat rather than voice. There is full support for voice and video, but that is entirely optional
[QUOTE="Lord of Chaos]Roll20 uses mostly text-based chat rather than voice. There is full support for voice and video, but that is entirely optional

Text-based I can do. Friday or Saturday evenings would work best, but I'm available only every other weekend. Would that be a problem?
Oh, I suppose I should throw down character concepts and times I can play. Derp.

Government agent, special forces, sent to clean up the city one way or another. I can play most times post 5pm central time, earlier on Weekends.
Millershipper said:
Text-based I can do. Friday or Saturday evenings would work best, but I'm available only every other weekend. Would that be a problem?
Sorry just to clearup the misunderstanding when I meant Chat RP in the title I meant that it is in a real time envirnment like a text chatroom. Microphones are optional and if used only for OOC speak. All character stuff happens via Text.
For my concepts, I was considering either a superstrong/fast guy who must fuel his powers by draining the energy from other people (he's still a hero, just with a bad side effect) or a Magic-user who is all about raw power rather than finesse, with a specialty in barriers and massive blasts.
I'm on MDT, for what that's worth. My concept would be....something akin to Gambit: former thief/criminal trying to go good. I love the idea of being able to kinetically charge something like playing cards and throwing them as weapons. :)
Here is Supernova:

View attachment 2084<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_05/57a8bfc3f1ce2_4399e96d3f7e3a0184db1feb013f3d5e-d38hniq(1).jpg.129350d4d7d428b6e694abc98a9c1f0d.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="23957" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_05/57a8bfc3f1ce2_4399e96d3f7e3a0184db1feb013f3d5e-d38hniq(1).jpg.129350d4d7d428b6e694abc98a9c1f0d.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



  • 4399e96d3f7e3a0184db1feb013f3d5e-d38hniq (1).jpg
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Maybe. Might use another picture for Supernova.

I'm interested, I have Wednesdays off every week for sure. I can play earlier on other days, maybe anytime Tuesday as well. Saturday and Sundays I cant do because of work and other games though.

I'll have to check with the other guys I rp with lots on build Ideas, been a while since I played M&M I'm thinking a tinkerer of sudoscience machines and inventions though

Haven't played a superhero in quite a while, but I think timezone problems will keep me out of this...
I'd be interested in playing, I'm one of Ksathra's friends. To be honest I don't know the system at all, but find learning them to be fun, once I've looked over the core book I'll figure out what kinda character I'd want to play.

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