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Realistic or Modern Bigby's Institute for the Magically Inclined (Characters)




[class=tabs] color: grey; line-height: 1; margin-top: -5px; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; margin-bottom: auto; text-align: center; min-width: 350px; width: 20%; [/class] [class=tab] box-sizing: border-box; cursor: pointer; display: inline-block; padding: 10px 0; width: 15%; [/class] [script class=tab on=click] hide tabsContent set currentTab (getText) if (eq ${currentTab} ʕ◠ᴥ◠ʔ) (show tabsContentVee) if (eq ${currentTab} ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ) (show tabsContentFinally) if (eq ${currentTab} ʕ-ᴥ-ʔ) (show tabsContentDoes) if (eq ${currentTab} ʕ•̥ᴥ•̥ʔ) (show tabsContentTabs) [/script] [div class=tabs][div class=tab style=" margin: auto"]ʕ◠ᴥ◠ʔ
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[div class=tab style="margin: auto;"]ʕ-ᴥ-ʔ[/div][div class=tab style="margin: auto;"]ʕ•̥ᴥ•̥ʔ[/div][/div] [div class="tabsContent tabsContentVee"]
[div class=p]first. yuriy
[div class=p]middle. vsevolod
[div class=p]last. tchaikovsky-ackerman[/div] [div class=p]age. 16[/div] [div class=p]s.o.m. abjuration[/div] [div class=p]birthday. july 3rd[/div] [div class=p]place of birth. arkhangelsk, russia[/div] [div class=p]grade. 10th, held back 1 year[/div][/div][/div]
[div class=p]height. 6'0"
[div class=p]weight. 185 lbs
[div class=p]gender. male[/div] [div class=p]body type. average[/div] [div class=p]distinguishing features. orangey-bleached hair (upper half)[/div] [div class=p]piercings | tattoos. n/a[/div] [div class=p]faceclaim. trevor schmidty[/div][/div][/div]
[/div] [div class="tabsContent tabsContentFinally" style="display: none;"]
[div class=p]likes. black bears, chalk for rituals, honeycomb, family hunting trips, driving at 3am, cheburashka
[div class=p]dislikes. the cold, writing, "in russia" jokes, big cities, horses, neckties

[div class=p]strengths. mathematics, scribing runes and glyphs, finding a silver lining
[div class=p]weakness. crying women, lying, can't say no to a friend, translating and speaking latin-based spells
[/div][/div][/div] [div class="tabsContent tabsContentDoes" style="display: none;"]
[div class=p] He's a sweet kid, maybe a little too nice for his own good. Yuriy's the type of guy a pretty girl could easily dupe into doing their homework or a friend can always convince to play the role D.D. To make things worse, he's naive enough to believe they genuinely need him. He'd be the perfect scapegoat if only he didn't fold so quick in the face of authority. He can't tell a lie to save his life, always trying to hold back a nervous smile, sweating like he's stuck in a desert, and frantically avoiding eye contact. He has a nasty habit of laughing under pressure, more specifically during situations where laughing would be the most inappropriate. He's not without his charms though. He has an endearing, helpless, Bambi-like quality about him and a undying positive outlook on life. He uses humor to get by socially, though can quickly become timid if someone of status turns their attention toward him.
[/div][/div] [div class="tabsContent tabsContentTabs" style="display: none;"]
[div class=p]brief bio. It had been pouring the night Yuriy was delivered to the orphanage with yellow bruises on his cheeks and his eyes still puffy and red from crying. She had slapped him around plenty, but he still called out for his mother when he was carried down the hallways plastered with bright crayon drawings. The last time he saw her she was desperately trying to fight her way through two police offers to reach him, both of them wailing as he was whisked away by a third. He was nearly two years old that night. She had lost him in court due to neglect and his birth father wouldn't have been able to care for him either even if he had been in that courtroom and not behind bars. Those memories now are distant and only come in small episodes. He can vaguely recall the general layout of the home, the colorful walls, the brightly painted but worn down playground outside. He could remember the thick, rounded, gold glasses of the kindest caretaker there, his donated toys, old Russian children's cartoons on DVD such as Nu, pogodi and Chunya, and hours and hours of rewatching all of the Cheburashka films.

Ex-marine turned painter and potter, Jimmy Ackerman and his corporate lawyer wife, Rebecca, had tried and failed to conceive for the better part of seven years. When the doctor confirmed once again after Rebecca's third failed pregnancy that having a biological child was impossible the both of them went to Philadelphia, got themselves a son and named him Alan. It was when Alan turned six that the pair toyed with the idea of expanding their family. Initially they considered the same orphanage and getting another baby, but it had been a documentary about the orphaned children of Russia that convinced them to instead search outside of the country. They had first seen Yuriy through photographs taken by the caretakers. His head was shaved, a few scrapes and bruises on his knees and elbows, but he was smiling broadly at the camera with several baby teeth missing. Yuriy was understandably frightened at the aspect of two foreign people snatching him away from the people he already knew so well, but their first meeting had been pleasant. They were kind, a little strange, but the Ackermans had brought him toys and candy and spoke to him while he played. They had a son a year older than him; they showed him pictures of Alan, a goofy looking blonde boy wearing a baseball cap posing with a fat hen in his arms. Yuriy called them mom and dad before the two year adoption process had ended. They would visit during the holidays and skype him nearly day. He met Alan the week of Christmas on the snow covered concrete steps of the children's home. He was all dressed up, trembling from the cold and nervously stuttering through a greeting in poorly pronounced Russian. "Privet!" Hello, he'd say, "Menya zovut Alan. R brat." My name is Alan. I am brother. No, it hadn't been perfectly worded, but the fact that the older boy had tried made Yuriy love him like he was blood anyway.

He had expected Pennsylvania to look like New York or Hollywood from what American made movies he had seen. The farmhouse was a slight disappointment, but it had horses, chickens and a white-faced golden retriever named Sparky. Alan was quick to show him the ropes and off the property he would proudly act as Yuriy's translator when the Russian became confused. Yuriy's english was broken, awkwardly phrased with the tenses of his verbs all mixed up. His peers at school were the first ones to exploit this insecurity. He endured the Russian stereotypes, the mocking, the orphan jokes, and all the mispronounced variations of his name imaginable. It triggered a brief violent streak, quelled by long conversations with his parents. English classes had always been a struggle for him, but eventually with time his accent lessened and his comprehension grew. Nowadays Yuriy's accent hardly shows and is only most noticeable in the pronunciation of his own name, saying yuh-ree instead of the low, American your-ee.

His powers surfaced after church on a Sunday. Alan and Yuriy had taken Sparky off his leash at the park near their school and played fetch with him in the field with a small collection of chewed up tennis balls. About twenty minutes in, Alan threw a ball too far and the retriever chased after it directly into a busy street. Sparky was an old dog, white all over and just blind enough not to notice the stream of cars headed his way. Yuriy sprinted after the dog, waving his hands and howling for him before latching onto his collar and dragging him back into the grass as a car drove past them honking up a storm. The whole incident had only been intense enough to shake the two boys up, but when Yuriy pulled away from Sparky after a hug he noticed the cataracts in the dog's eyes had vanished.

[div class=p]family.
jimmy ackerman; father
rebecca ackerman; mother
alan ackerman; brother

[div class=p]other relationships.[/div]

codedbycrucialstar || click the bears and hidden scrolls

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James Keziah Briarwood

Typical swarthy tan of an outdoorsman, broad over his shoulders and chest which adds to the burly, intimidating physique. Sharp jawed, scruffy and often found with dirt under his nails, James has never been one for a livelihood which forced him to sit at a desk and scrawl. Calluses and scars of bygone days are the memories left behind by a violent occupation, but it's not in his lifetime he'll let it drag him down. He's had his battles with trauma and came out better for it. Dark ringed eyes are a hard chestnut, splintered with lighter birch and oak but equally as solid. They say eyes are windows to the soul, but James' are more closed doors.




220 lbs

Distinguishing Features:
- Strange, key-shaped scar over his right eye.
- Various glyph tattoos across his forearms, hands, chest, and back from his previous career.

School of Magic:


+ Crisp mornings, come rain or shine he'll be out at dawn to complete a regular perimeter check. There's simply something about the cold, fresh aspect of dawn that makes his work enjoyable. Especially considering most of the students are asleep.
+ Intelligent conversation. Whilst he doesn't seem much of a scholar at face value, it doesn't hurt to exercise his intellect of magic and culture.
+ Astronomy is somewhat a hobby of his, you can ask almost anything of the night sky and he'd know the constellation and the tale behind it. Or rather, one of many tales.
+ Gardening, which isn't much of a surprise. It's his job to do the heavy lifting and keeping the school looking it's best. He half aids in handyman work if required.
+ Sundays, the day where he's completely off duty and not obligated to do anything but lounge about.
+ His dog, Beaut.

- Excessive pride or arrogance, especially from students. It can get under his skin easily.
- Ignorance and unwillingness to learn from it. Repetition of mistakes or simply ignoring evidence is a surefire way to have James rant about something or another. Which is why it's very clear to never bring up politics unless you're asking for a deathwish.
- Overly sweet food, especially cake icing. He'll only eat it to be nice about it depending on whether it's a staff birthday.
- People taking advantage, especially of the younger students or those who are more naive than others. If that happens, you can be sure to find an ally in Briarwood.
- Heat in summer, he'll never stoop to wearing a pair of shorts. Something about them repulses him.
- Magnus Stoggs. One for his name, two for his crusade against dogs.

+ Glyphs and wards are his specialities, a talent he exercises in keeping the perimeter secured.
+ Combat and tracking, well versed in entities and beasts due to his prior career in the sector. Something he fondly calls pest control.
+ Calm in high-pressure situations.
+ Medically trained for both children and adults as part of his course of being school staff.
+ Physically a strong and intimidating man.

- Distrusting of most who approach him, especially those who aren't colleagues. Students on the offchance can be a nice bunch, but there have been some whose faces he would've loved to put a well-placed fist through.
- Beaut, if anything happened to the little animal he'd tear apart hell looking for her. She was originally for helping him through combat-earned apathy, which has turned his life around.
- Prefers to handle his own issues and dislikes relying on others for help in fear it makes him appear weak. This has generally been regarded as a bad coping mechanism, but one he'll take to the grave.
- Not the best socially, loses track of conversations and doesn't initiate them without pressing need. His confidence and presence around campus stem merely from authority. Getting to know him can be hard but worthwhile.
- Blunt and upfront, he hasn't got sugared words and will tell you what needs to be said. This being a double-edged sword of honesty.

James has been known to keep to himself around campus, but the scurrying ball of white fur that follows at his heel garners more than enough attention. Briarwood is generally a nice fellow with a face that rests permanently between disgruntled and lost in concentration. Getting over the general cold demeanour, the Groundskeeper is kind enough to be a shoulder to lean on or an ear to talk to when it comes to students. Anyone whos remained long enough in Bigby knows, but equally, it's never been a sign of weakness considering his sharp eye when it comes to catching students leaving school grounds or other such disciplinary actions needing undertaking. Much like marmite, you either hate him or you love him. Still, it doesn't mean he likes being interrupted between jobs nor on his day off, not by even other staff unless the situation is desperate or plans have been made. Neither is he a priest behind the confession box and if he believes there's a safeguarding issue or someone is unfortunate enough to fall into mental despair as he once had, he makes it his duty to inform tutors and teachers who have more power to implement some sort of counselling or therapy.

James Keziah Briarwood was born to a working-class family mixed among smatterings of magi and human, nothing out of the ordinary as he attended school and was eventually transferred to an academy which specialised in magic. His skill for abjuration emerged quickly in youth alongside a passion for sports and getting into more trouble than it was worth. Never one for studying, Briarwood was the sort of boy with his head in the clouds rather than a book in his hands which led to some interesting retakes of the year. Still, the young James was taken under the wing of others whilst he paved a path for his younger siblings, all of whom grew to outshine him in better and brilliant ways. He was always bitter about their achievements, so using his abjuration specialities and fresh certificate he launched himself into a career aligned with the military, or rather, the Magi splinter of it.

His job was to combat beasts and the monsters of myths to keep them from the human public, regarded as a classified and well-kept secret. Still, it was a career path his parents could be proud of and James found it to soothe his ties with brothers and sisters alike. From the age of twenty-four until his twenty-ninth birthday he remained active in-service, discharged due to medical reasons that dealt with his mental state. The process of trauma eventually gets to people and James found his breaking point after a particularly nasty battle with a werewolf that left him not only scarred physically but afterwards, he became catatonic.

Months of therapy, support, and aid managed to leave the catatonic depression behind him; shaking James down to his core in wondering who he was and who he wanted to be. Life gets easier as they say. It was after his first year of being home he was presented with Beaut, a wire-haired terrier to be a companion that James swears to this day set him back on track. Being responsible for another living thing was a big step in recovery. His friends would joke about Beaut for her size and James for his love of her, but it was seen as getting the old Briarwood back. One who got into a little more trouble than he could handle.

Eventually, James took the job of a groundskeeper at Bigby's Institute after a brief interview that outlined the desire for someone versed in glyphs and wards but also capable of both labour and a good eye for plants. It was during his time in the ward that he took a shine to the garden, but with the addition of a bigger campus to handle he's had to teach himself much about the harder aspects of pruning and tree shaping. Nevertheless, he's been a good employee and holds down his job without issue. No complaints have been had and for his first work outside of a long-lived run with combat, he couldn't have asked for anything better.

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Floris Breckenridge
[div class=headerTabs] [div class=textTabs]#Mr. B[/div] [div class=textTabs]#Male[/div] [div class=textTabs]#62[/div] [div class=textTabs]#Pansexual[/div] [div class=textTabs]#Illusion[/div] [div class=textTabs]#5'10"[/div] [div class=textTabs]#174lbs[/div] [div class=textTabs]#Illusion Professor[/div] [div class=textTabs]#David Bowie[/div] [div class=textTabs]#June 15[/div] [/div] [/div] [div class=gap][/div] [div class=textContainer] [div class=scrollContainer] [div class=wrapContainer]
[div class=textTitle]personality[/div] [div class=textbox]It's rather hard to pin down someone like Professor Breckenridge, and equally hard to tell where the facade ends and the man begins. A life dedicated to the art of Illusion, deception, and many smaller games beside has made him a master of pretense. He can be a smiling sycophant, a shrewd negotiator, a flirtatious philanderer, a dimwitted twit, a haughty gentleman, a kind benefactor, whichever will suit his needs best. Which of these personas is real? What is left when all the disguises are stripped? Floris himself is not quite sure anymore.

He has a penchant for posing riddles and philosophical conundrums to his students, further exacerbating his air of oddity, for although he is keenly aware of the goings on of the magical world, he rarely expresses his knowledge directly. Floris takes great pleasure in presenting questions to his students and allowing them to come up with the answers on their own, as opposed to just spoon-feeding them the information.

As is often the case with dedicated Illusionists, Floris spends very little time acting genuinely, instead choosing to live his life as a mere performance. He is secretive by nature, and recognizes the importance of keeping his true emotions well-guarded. He learned from a young age to keep the depths of his feelings hidden so they could not be used against him or the ones he loves. Unfortunately this can make him keen on withholding things from his fellows that should be shown the light. Stubborn and unwavering, Floris is loathe to back down once he's taken a stance, and hard to argue with once he's set his mind.

The professor's appearance is a curious subject, as he's often prone to altering his appearance when presenting himself to others. He's been known to change his hair or eye color on a whim, seldom wears the same outfit more than twice, and is known to smooth his face so that he looks decades younger than he really is. However, those castings never last too long and Floris returns to his normal self by the end of each day. [/div] [div class=gap][/div] [div class=textTitle]backstory[/div] [div class=textbox]The Breckenridges resided behind an art gallery that cut sharply into the clean, blue Maryland sky. Hidden by illusions, the manor was only visible to a handful of household staff and the core of the tight-knit Breckenridge bloodline. The custom was to keep the main branch of the family small: only one heir would inherit the manor when the time came, leaving the rest to either find meaningful employment or meet their fate elsewhere in the world. Floris grew up carefully trying to avoid forming attachments to his childhood home, but, unbidden, the bonds held anyway.

There were eight of them in total: the grandparents Anomander and Mirabelle, parents Obadiah and Cathleen, Floris and his twin Julian, and younger siblings Lyra and Propus. Floris could not say that his childhood was difficult in any reasonable sense. He was provided for and received the correct number of presents for each holiday, dressed in whatever clothes he desired, and encouraged to excel. His parents were excellent at perfunctory affections, and they praised him for his ability with a brush, his ability to use turns of phrase, and his ability to get the measure of people. The Breckenridges, in lieu of sending their children to BIMI, hired several tutors for the humanities, logical sciences, theoretical magic, practical magic, foreign language, and, as per family industry, art. Floris found that Illusion magic came easily to him, and his talent was fostered carefully under the watchful eyes of his entire family.

Being raised among wizarding society's elite, Floris learned out of necessity to know about its inner workings and cultural trappings. When he was 16, he made his first trip to Salem to attend a minor gathering with his father. Here he met and became immediately entranced by Clarissa Davenport; a well-regarded illusionist, and a patroness of the arts just four years his senior, a woman who filled the very air around her with charisma. It seemed that Floris, too, left an impression on Clarissa, because after the soiree she offered the young mage an apprenticeship with her. The two became quick friends, and Floris found he wanted to do anything to impress his new companion.

Floris was drawn into Clarissa's world of buying and selling what she called “harmless gossip.” She began teaching him the arts of deception, manipulation and subterfuge, ancillary skills of the Illusionist. Though at the time, Clarissa disguised these lessons to seem, at first, like mere idle amusements. On her suggestion, Floris kept his training secret from his parents. Clarissa made it clear that any knowledge of his dealings would only put them in danger. It took some trial and error, but eventually he grew into the stoicism required for the role. By the time he was in his early twenties, Floris was a talented spy and his services were in demand throughout his home state. But a contract Clarissa secured for him soon changed how he felt about his work. He was given no details about the client or what his information would be used for, only what he was meant to learn and pass along. Floris did an exceptional job, as always, but when he later learned his actions had directly contributed to the death of two young men barely older than Floris himself, he was deeply shaken.

Disobeying one of Clarissa's core tenets, returned home to confide in the one person whose opinion he valued above all others: His grandmother. But the more he told her about his life and the choices he’d made, the more horrified she became. This was not the sweet boy she remembered. He felt remorse for the deaths he'd caused, true, but he was cold and detached when speaking of everything else he'd done, and she was shocked that he still hadn't told his parents. Believing him lost to his true purpose in life, she disinherited him, telling him he would never inherit the mansion until he'd found his way again.

Feeling abandoned by his family and the woman he loved, Floris threw himself back into the world of spycraft and espionage. He became far more discerning of the people with whom he associated. But his old mentor didn’t appreciate the competition, and Floris was forced to leave for New England to protect his family and stay clear of her path. Before departing, Floris left his parents a sizable sum he still claimed to earn honestly. He was far too afraid of their reaction to tell them the truth.

Finally free of his old life, Floris was eventually offered a teaching position at BIMI in exchange for a place to sleep and a livable wage. Expecting to deal with unruly, ill-tempered children, Professor Breckenridge found anything but at the school. He quickly proved himself to be an invaluable teacher, as well as offering counsel of a more cunning sort to the headmasters. But although he enjoys teaching and has found relative peace at BIMI, he's not sure if this is the right path for him. A small part of him wants to drop all of his responsibilities and revert to his old way of life. He does not think he will ever do it, but he sometimes thinks back nostalgically at the thrill, the accomplishment, his life of getting ahead by his wits. Sometimes he longs for something else. [/div] [div class=gap][/div] [div class=textTitle]strengths[/div] [div class=textbox]
[div class=textLabel]01
[div class=textLabel]02
[div class=textLabel]03[/div] Observant
[div class=textLabel]04[/div] Fashionable
[div class=textLabel]05[/div] Experienced [/div]
[/div][/div] [div class=gap][/div] [div class=textTitle]weaknesses[/div] [div class=textbox]
[div class=textLabel]01[/div] Secretive
[div class=textLabel]02[/div] Misleading
[div class=textLabel]03[/div] Stubborn
[div class=textLabel]03[/div] Eccentric
[div class=textLabel]03[/div] Unemotional [/div] [div class=gap][/div] [div class=textTitle]extra[/div] [div class=textbox]
[div class=textLabel]01
His footsteps make no sound. This tends to freak some people out.
[div class=textLabel]02
Adores sushi
[div class=textLabel]03[/div] Loves wearing exotic clothes
[div class=textLabel]04[/div] Likes playing board games and often hosts game night after class hours.
[div class=textLabel]05[/div] Frequently meditates [/div] [/div][/div] [/div] [/div] [/div] [/div] [/div]
code by RI.a
[class=Container] margin:auto;center; padding:2em; background:#fafafa; display:flex; flex-wrap:wrap; max-width:900px; height:auto; cursor: nw-resize; justify-content:space-evenly; [/class] [class=header] width:100%; height:auto; padding:1em; display:flex; justify-content:space-evenly; overflow:hidden; background:#fff; align-items:center; flex-wrap:wrap; [/class] [class=headerTabs] display:flex; justify-content:space-between; align-items:flex-end; flex-wrap:wrap; width:80%; height:auto; [/class] [class=textTabs] width:auto; padding:0.3em; font-family:Roboto; font-size:0.8em; color:#2E4656; background:#CCAC00; border-radius:5px; align-self:flex-end; [/class] [class=textContainer] width:100%; height:50vh; overflow:hidden; [/class] [class=scrollContainer] width:105%; height:50vh; overflow:scroll; [/class] [class=wrapContainer] width:91.5%; height:auto; [/class] [class=textTitle] width:100%; padding:1em; background:#fff; letter-spacing:1em; text-transform:uppercase; color:#CCAC00; border-bottom:1px solid #CCAC00; [/class] [class=textbox] width:100.8%; height:auto; background:#fff; padding:1em; text-align:justify; font-family:Roboto; font-size:0.8em; color:#2E4656; [/class] [class=textLabel] display:inline-block; width:auto; height:auto; padding:0.3em; font-family:Roboto; font-size:0.8em; color:#2E4656; background:#CCAC00; border-radius:5px; [/class] [class=gap] height:5vh; width:100%; [/class]
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[import]9010974[/import] [class=values] --contentStyle: column nowrap; --tabStyle: row wrap; --tab-txt-align: center; --tab-txt-color: Grey; --bg-color: rgb(127,146,255; --fontFamily: 'Play'; --fontSize: 32px; --tab-hover-color: white; --tab-hover-bg: rgb(127,174,255); --tab-select-color: white; --tab-select-bg: rgb(127,174,255); [/class] [div class="tabContainer values"] [div class=tabHolder] [div class="tab selected"][div class=tabID]1Tab[/div]Daniel Mclean[/div] [div class=tab][div class=tabID]2Tab[/div]Isabelle Henderson[/div] [/div]
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Daniel Mclean

17 years old



6'1 - 185 cm

71 kg

Distinguishing features:
Broad shoulders, scar tissue on his left elbow and knee

School of magic:

12th grade - Student

- Water and swimming
- Experimenting with magic
- Competitions
- Taking risks
- Meeting new people
- A good cup of tea

- People throwing shade
- Kids
- Letting people down
- Laziness
- People who do not go through with a bet

- Confidence
- Making quick decisions
- Remaining positive
- Organizing work

- Stubborn
- Gambler tendencies
- Short term memory
- Has a hard time saying no to a bet/wager
- Is not all that reliable


In David Mclean you find a very competitive person who loves to challenge others for any reason. This could be a challenge for some only with a reward, or a competition between him and another. Whether he is set up to win comes second hand, as he gets the most joy from the tension such a competition can create between two people. He’s a very lighthearted person and thinks of himself as a good person and friend. He’s rather extroverted and has few problems with meeting new people. Contrary to this, he does also enjoy time for himself, where he tries to alter different, small objects through transmutation. He is in no way a bad boy, so to speak, but he does have a gambling personality maybe breaking some rules just for the kick of it – even better if done with friends.
A trait that many throughout his life has found annoying is his unwilling ability to forget the simplest of things. At one moment he can think of something he has to remember and a second later forget what he was thinking of. This can make him very unreliable as a middle man for whatever purpose. For this reason, he has a small notebook by his side most of the time where he writes the important information, that he’d most likely otherwise forget.
David is strong willed and is not afraid to stand up and speak his mind. Although he is careful in doing so. His public image means a lot to him and, only in his worst nightmares, he could imagine a world, in which he is a social outcast. He does his best in school, does homework, if he remember to write it down and do it, but he is by no means amazing at any classes - an average jack of all trades so to speak.

The family Mclean has always been caring and supportive and done their best to give their only son, David Mclean, the best childhood possible. Living in the lower part of the middle part wasn’t always easy, however. Every day they worked hard to support the hobbies that made their boy the happiest he could be. David’s parents were nothing special, no magical powers and no special talents in that regard. His granddad however was a secret practitioner of the school of illusion, hiding it from his own family, using the same school of magic. In David’s upbringing his dad would tell stories of how amazing his granddad’s magic tricks were, making coins and cards vanish seemingly in thin air. Magic tricks has fascinated him ever since, but there was never a suspicion of David possibly having inherited some of the magi genes.

Ever since David was very little, he has been practicing swimming, first on a kiddie level, of course, but quickly becoming an adept competitive swimmer at the age of 11, competing in amateur competitions here and there. This has sparked his very competitive nature and, among the boys on his team, making wagers on each other was no uncommon practice. “Who could do this the best”, “I bet you won’t do this”, and so on, was basically what David’s social upbringing has been based on, and it shows even in his later teenage years. It wasn't necessarily a toxic environment, but it wasn't the best a boy could get, despite the effort of the parents.

David Mclean’s special talents were first shown during a local swim competition at 12 years old. The tension was high, and David’s heart had been racing, aching for the thrill of the fight that would soon follow. The whistle for them to get ready filled the hall of the indoor swimming pool. Eight people were standing ready behind their respective starting platforms. As they got onto the platforms, got ready to jump in, the excitement within the boy caused mild tremors in the platform beneath him, and making his small grunts louder than ever before. This was noticed by his parents amongst the small group of spectators and after David placed third, examined his starting platform he got a report for suspicious behavior. The report got special notice from The U.S. Education System’s Department of Seers, and an agent got sent out to retrieve the swimmer. Shortly after, it was deemed that the child was indeed a magi. His parents got told, and after a long conversation with the confused boy, they agreed that he should accept the agent’s offer and attend BIGBY'S INSTITUTE FOR THE MAGICALLY INCLINED.


[div class="tabContent 2"]

Isabelle Henderson

16 years old



5'7 - 174 cm

61 kg

Distinguishing features:
Short hair, large burn mark on her left arm

School of magic:

11th grade - Student

- Fire and lightning
- Math
- Sweets of all kinds
- Developing friendships
- Cheering people up
- Gossip

- Fake facades
- Seeing people in a bad mood
- Reptiles
- Being in dark rooms/sorroundings
- Pranks and being teased

- Academics
- Fire and lightning evocation spells
- Getting to work
- Socializing
- Remaining focused and not prancing around

- Has a hard time receiving critique
- She has difficulty with literally any other element of evocation
- Pretty bad physical condition
- Cannot stand seeing blood - has a hard time tending to hurt people
- Overthinks many situations
- Scaredy cat


Upbeat, caring, and academically interested are just a few words to describe what kind of person Isabelle is. Throughout her life, she has been surrounded by care and positivity, and it is exactly this she wants to surround others with as well. Between classes and outside of school times, she can be a beacon of light for those who are feeling down – she loves listening, helping and cheering people up. Contrary to this, however, when class starts, she shifts to be another person entirely. She cares a lot about her academics, and generally dislikes goofing around too much during class, as a teacher has worked hard to prepare it. She loves learning new stuff, but helping others learn is not something she is fond of. It is nothing personal, but academically she often places herself first, second and everyone else third and thereafter. Outside of school times, she is eager to help others with their homework and such, however.

Being this academically interested makes her kind of introverted, but not to an extreme extent. She likes talking with others and holding conversations, but she has no skills in approaching anyone. Once another person takes the initiative, however, she’s good to go. Otherwise she has to really pull herself together before saying a word. Her hands get really sweaty when she holds a presentation for multiple people, and a stammer or two will escape her, but she can usually manage.

She has a weird obsession with fire and lightning, which is also why it is her absolute favorite types of evocation magic. She does best with fire, but lightning is too fascinating to not also practice. This weird interest however comes with the price of her being annoyingly bad at the other base elements of spells. Some would call her a pyromaniac, others just a little manic, but she just thinks that those people do not have their priorities straight.

From early childhood, Isabelle has been a curious and happy girl. Surrounded by a world with both wonders and mysteries she of course couldn’t help asking her parents questions of all types. To the best of their ability, all questions were answered, but it always led to even more questions until the old people had to surrender. Her dad was a magi in the school of evocation and her mother in the school of enchantment. They were a loving couple, and they love was easily reflected onto their dear daughter. Crude jokes often came from her dad suggesting how her mother had used her magic on him. They were of course dismissed with laughter from mother and daughter. Isabelle’s upbringing has been surrounded with magic, and her understanding of it got better and better the older she got.

Since she was 7 years old, her father would often take her on walks on a nearby beach at nighttime whilst thunder and rain was raging. She would have never gone out in the dark without her father and they always hoped they could get a glance of the majestic lightning strikes in the horizon. Whenever one struck, she would get spooked, and he’d laugh at it. It was a heartfelt relationship, and he knew that his daughter one day would enjoy what he also did. These trips were a common occurrence for years and years, and she did not get less fascinated by the lightning strikes or less scared of the dark. During the trips, her father loved telling her scary stories of vampires and werewolves – it was important to know of their existence; however, they might have scared her a little too much.

Every night was the same, she went to bed at 10 PM, with a thick, lit candle right at her bedside, the flame flickering ever so calmly whilst she dozed off. At the other end of the house, she could always hear her mother lull her father sweetly to sleep – Isabelle always listened to the calm voice to help her sleep as well. She has always been grateful of her parents, and their care also made it easy to focus on her school. Already just at the age of 9, she found herself overdoing her homework and trying her very best at what simple calculus was thrown at them at that age and whatever other classes she had. She was not one to make too many friends, but she had a few here and there, she wasn’t completely isolated.

The point where she got sent away from the life, she had always known, had been on one of their father-daughter trips a few days after she had turned 11. As they walked on the beach in the rain, scouting out in the distance as always, a powerful lightning struck the ocean, sending it’s crashing sound out for all to hear. She instantaneously felt heated up a little from the shock. She didn’t take notice of it, but it was certainly different. On their way home through a local forest, her father told one of his many stories, but during the story he made a grave mistake. Just during the story’s scary climax, her father had jumped at her to scary her for fun – he had done so before – but this time, instead of the usual squeal, a dash of flame emerged from her hands and hit her father on his left leg and arm, also burning her own left arm severely. Surprised, hurt and proud, his father rushed, as much as he could, him and herself home whereas they went to the most nearby emergency room.

Her parents knew that the time would come at some point, and as the incident was noticed, she was offered to move away from her school and friends to attend BIGBY'S INSTITUTE FOR THE MAGICALLY INCLINED. Her parents urged her to say yes, and so she also did – at just 11 years old. During her school life she has found difficulty with learning other elements of the evocation school. Annoying.



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[class=tabs] color: grey; line-height: 1; margin-top: -5px; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; margin-bottom: auto; text-align: center; min-width: 350px; width: 20%; [/class] [class=tab] box-sizing: border-box; cursor: pointer; display: inline-block; padding: 10px 0; width: 15%; [/class] [script class=tab on=click] hide tabsContent set currentTab (getText) if (eq ${currentTab} ↬) (show tabsContentVee) if (eq ${currentTab} ⇝) (show tabsContentFinally) if (eq ${currentTab} ⇜) (show tabsContentDoes) if (eq ${currentTab} ↫) (show tabsContentTabs) [/script] [div class=tabs][div class=tab style=" margin: auto"]
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[div class=tab style="margin: auto;"][/div][div class=tab style="margin: auto;"][/div][/div] [div class="tabsContent tabsContentVee"]
[div class=p]first. wallace
[div class=p]middle. ernst
[div class=p]last. stryker[/div] [div class=p]age. 46[/div] [div class=p]s.o.m. conjuration [/div] [div class=p]birthday. february 12th[/div] [div class=p]place of birth. newton, massachusetts[/div] [div class=p]career. dean, author, researcher[/div][/div][/div]
[div class=p]height. 6'2"
[div class=p]weight. 205 lbs
[div class=p]gender. male[/div] [div class=p]body type. athletic[/div] [div class=p]distinguishing features. jagged scar on both palms, horn-rimmed glasses[/div] [div class=p]piercings | tattoos. n/a[/div] [div class=p]faceclaim. jon hamm[/div][/div][/div]
[/div] [div class="tabsContent tabsContentFinally" style="display: none;"]
[div class=p]likes. personal space, cigarettes, planar discoveries and breakthroughs, neutral colors, smell of fresh linen , a newly ironed shirt
[div class=p]dislikes. baggy and ill fitting clothes, slang, comforting others, problem kids, sugar coating, abjuration spells repelling teleportation, fur and dust

[div class=p]strengths. level-headed, blunt, always sharply dressed, smart as a whip, adaptive
[div class=p]weaknesses. an absolute moron when trying to empathize, dealing with his estranged family, sylvia, impulsively sabotages any romantic relationship, workaholic, judgemental and stubborn
[/div][/div][/div] [div class="tabsContent tabsContentDoes" style="display: none;"]
[div class=p] Fusce dui orci, mattis quis lacus et, hendrerit molestie velit. In tincidunt non mauris ut dignissim. Nulla gravida tristique eros, eu pulvinar massa. Etiam eu iaculis sem, at interdum erat. Proin semper justo placerat, facilisis nunc nec, vestibulum felis. Mauris euismod neque dui. Aenean vitae consequat libero, id tristique libero. Vestibulum nulla massa, fringilla at ligula vulputate, venenatis pharetra lectus. Proin lacinia at felis vel cursus. Vestibulum non felis efficitur, pretium arcu eu, ultricies arcu. Etiam suscipit, massa in auctor vulputate, sem massa pellentesque leo, quis gravida ligula quam eu velit. Etiam ut auctor dui, eu pretium enim.

[/div][/div] [div class="tabsContent tabsContentTabs" style="display: none;"]
[div class=p]I. Wallace was named after his great-great-grandfather's uncle, Wallace Wilkin Stryker, a grand council member back in 1902. The second Stryker boy was born just after his father was elected into the grand council himself. It was tradition to reuse family names, but it had also been a very convenient way to celebrate his achievement. The meaning behind Wallace's name was a constant reminder for him, it was for any of the Stryker children. Their names were medals and every success was akin to polishing it, every failure was to tarnish it. Status and respect were all that mattered as the family had spent generations upon generations acquiring every bit of prestige and wealth possible to make the Stryker image glisten. It's considered an old-money family, a surname you couldn't avoid eventually hearing in American magi society if your ear was in politics.

II. Wallace's childhood was an unusually clean one. He was taught at young age by his cold, wire mother to be reserved, silent, and spotless. She had been a singer and a dancer, a natural use of an enchantress' skill, and spent her time teaching Wallace how to play the piano and his sister how to sing. Despite the boy's natural hunger for his company, Wallace's father was a distant and tired man. During the few times spent together, his father would put a heavy hand on the Wallace's shoulder while he smoked and drone on about the importance of being at the top of the food chain. wip


[div class=p]family.
Otto F. Stryker II; father

Virginia M. Stryker; mother

Otto D. Stryker III; older brother

Eloise V. Stryker; little sister
Wallace and Eloise haven't talked in close to three years, but they've bonded over being the family outcasts. Eloise has a husband and two sons in Michigan. He isn't sure exactly what she does as a job, but knows it's a nine to five and that she's fine on money.

Sylvia J. Rodriguez; adopted daughter
Now that Sylvia is nearing adulthood Wallace regrets being so cold and distant toward her. Sure he had supported her in little ways, going to her games when he could spare the time or getting her new equipment, but raising her had really been a team effort of BIMI staff. He cares deeply for her, probably cares for her more than anyone else in his life, but he never experienced the comfort or fatherly love in his own childhood to know how to outwardly show those feelings. Instead he replicates his father's method of parenthood by staying professional and detached.

[div class=p]other relationships.[/div]

codedbycrucialstar || click the arrows and hidden scrolls

just a placeholder until my character sheet is complete!
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