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Fandom Big, huge interest check for Labyrinth crossover story

I have been working on a nice, fat skeleton to what I would like to consider more of a collaborative story rather than an rp per se. I mean it's still going to be written as responses to other posts, but this story has a definite direction. There is a sequence of events that need to occur and I have a pretty big outline figured out for it. I'm seeking someone who would like to create a solid, concise story that progresses forward and eventually even reaches an ending. I will post the actual outline below. Please keep in mind that a lot of it is centered around the characters I will be using because well, I don't have a partner or two yet who will be adding their own plots and plans. What's listed below has a lot to do with my main character and what's going to happen to her.

The story is mostly centered within in the world of "Labyrinth" with some crossovers from other 80's fantasy films such as "Legend" and other fantastic and folkloric tales. I'm looking for someone who is willing to take on the role of Jareth as well as various other side characters and their own OC's if they want. I'd have a mind to write this whole story myself if I wasn't just awful at portraying the Goblin King.

I'll try and keep this bit short since the outline basically covers most of what I have so far.

It would involve a history in which Jareth defeated the former ruler over the labyrinth and had him/her sent to wither away in one of the countless oubliettes. This former ruler was quite evil indeed and bound his/her soul to that prison until it would be released. Jareth spends his many years as king just doing his thing until the Sarah Williams incident which really does a number on his power.

Meanwhile, there is another kingdom where spring blooms eternal and the only unicorns in existence anchor the Light to the Underground. The film "Legend" never gave it a name so lets call is Astraea after the goddess of innocence. As Princess Lili's heart was split into light and dark from the curse of Lord Darkness, so are her two sons. Dedric, soon to be crowned king, is like a light to his realm while the younger brother Marten carries an aura like a dark cloud of gloom and is largely shunned by his people. After the loss of their parents, Marten uses black magic to break between the Undergroud and Aboveground. There he meets a woman, joins his own group of rejected comrades, and gets into a little trouble before he is finally discovered and taken home. His crime is so great, it is brought before the High Council, the highest word in the underground headed by Queen Mab and others such as Glinda the Good Witch, The Childlike Empress, and Merlin. He is placed under exile (which is more like house arrest in this case) and is told he fathered a child. He never sees her until she is about eight years of age. He opens a window to the Above and sees his daughter suffer terrible abuse and neglect from her mother. He strikes a deal with Jareth: the girl will be raised as a ward in the Goblin City until she is old enough to claim her place in the royal house of Astraea. However, Jareth is well aware that Dedric watches his brother's activities closely and doesn't want to draw any unawnted attention from the Council on his own doings. To keep the matter secret, Marten agrees never to make any kind of contact with his daughter. Doing so would result in the girl being sent back Above and everyone in the kingdom having their memories wiped. Marten keeps his end until the girl is about thirteen. The deal is broken. She goes to live a life Above and he goes back to watching his realm alone.

Years pass. Twenty-eight-year-old Joby Jones is a college dropout stuck in a dead end job she's worked for eleven years and haunted by a plethora regret and self doubt. Everything changes one spring in the garden of the old Williams couple (Sarah's dad and stepmom). She catches sight of a barn owl like one she once saw the night she was taken from her mother's home and decides to persue it into a world so strange and yet so familar.

Sequence of Events

-The aftermath of the standoff with Sarah Williams was a powerful slap in the face for Jareth; in defeating him, she also weakened his power and influence over the labyrinth.

-As a result, a great dark power that has long been in confinement, begins to grow in strength and Jareth can sense it.

-Not only that, but the High Council has gained intel of his waning powers as well as the Sarah Williams incident. As one of the few places left where the veil between Under and Above is thinnest, the Labyrinth needs a proper guardian to watch over it, and some are questioning Jareth's abilities and intentions.

-To keep marinating in his foul mood (or for a different reason), he decides to take a trip above to where his troubles all began: the old Williams house.

-Joby spots a barn owl while landscaping for the elderly Williams couple. It reminds her of the night she was taken away, and she decides to follow it into the nearby woods.

-She follows it until she finds herself in the Labyrinth

-A furious/scared/concerned Jareth confronts her - no one from Above is supposed to be able to reach his realm without being in possession of the talisman and saying the words "I wish".

-An equally confused Joby cannot explain herself.

-The first weird event: Joby asks Jareth "How do you do that? Make yourself look exactly like how I imagined you?"

(And here I would like some help on how the narrative continues on. A few events will be as follows:

-Joby thinks the labyrinth is messing with her as some muzzled memories are drawn out. -Joby accuses Jareth of tormenting her and getting into her mind ("which sure as heck isn't even his business").

-Jareth accuses Joby of being a servant to one of his enemies ("probably Miss Goody-Goody Glinda and her merry mousy munchkins, she does have the same obnoxiously doe-eyed expression as that wretched Dorothy girl" (and this is why I can't play Jareth :b)).

-Maybe Queen Mab visits. She's the oldest and wisest being in the Underground and can see through the hearts of nearly everyone, Jareth included. Now, through her wisdom, she never reveals much of her thoughts on the subject nor does she ever say anything about the matter; she lets things play out as they should (meaning she is only there to move the plot along; not to take over or take advantage with her powers). We all know things will end up alright in the end, but there needs to be someone there to make Jareth squirm a little. > :D

-Jareth is to have a hearing before the High Council and neighboring kingdoms including Astraea, home of Joby's father.

-Joby and Jareth have a couple of vague recollections of the past

-Signs of Joby's budding power

-Joby attends court with Jareth - Dedric and Marten's first sights of them

-The High Council grills him and humiliates him about the sneaky Abovegrounder at his first hearing

-Upon returning, I'd like to have a blowout, or some other reason for Joby to run to the labyrinth

-The dark power is released (dunno how yet so let's work on it)

-Stuff happens

-It would be preferred that Jareth do some sacrificial act to save the Labyrinth, maybe even a near death event. Something big and dramatic and worthy of proving Jareth's right to rule to the High Council.

-Next time he's called in, it's an all damn day affiar. Joby comes along.

-Joby takes to the stand to try and speak for Jareth, but she too is hammered down and humiliated.

-To try and make amends she walks among people from the other kingdoms during some social event to get a feel for how everyone feels about him and what they think. Some things raise doubts about her freshly budded good opinion about him.

-It is here that she first interacts with Marten

-Marten thinks about his own daughter and how he can't confirm any small suspicion with Jareth. He still decides to ask him about where she had come from.

-He dismisses his suspicions but decides to socialize with the girl because she makes him think of how his own may have turned out.

-Joby reveals her adoption and how she arrived. Marten too is astonished to hear that she simply waltzed in. He suggests that maybe she is to serve a purpose in the Underground.

-He talks about his world.

-The Flower Conversation that sparks Marten's suspicions again occurs

-Dedric sees Joby and recognizes her immediately

-Confronts Jareth about it

-More confusion and drama ensue

-Dedric has an enemy and begins a plot for his downfall.

-Back at the labyrinth the dark force has risen. It creeps into the heads of others, brings out bad memories. Some goblins act strangely.

-More chatting between Marten and Joby reveals that she found out about his criminal history

-Marten fesses up to living in the Above, having a child, and attempting to save her by getting someone else to take care of what he should have and how he ruined it all.

-For some reason, Joby tells Jareth some of this conversation which causes him to remember....something...he did something for the Astrean prince, but damned if he could remember what.

-Joby later tells Marten of the circumstances of her adoption and he realizes she's his.

-Dedric works with Glinda and others to work on a strong case against Jareth

-A feast and ball is thrown for the attendees

-Joby's parentage is revealed and Joby wants to know when the hell he ever helped her. Marten asks her is she remembers her last night with her mother.

-Joby remembers and goes to seek Jareth

-I just imagine a sweet scene where Joby asks him for a dance and says something like "When you were first teaching me to waltz, I was small enough to stand on your feet. Do you remember?" and it slowly dawning on Jareth too.

-But Dedric has to mess that up.

-He finally has his interaction with her and tells her things that totally turn her happiness upside down

-The dark side of her power is revealed

-She wants to flee, run back home, but is talked into staying

-the High Council is undecided on Jareth's fate, so they extend the time for one more hearing

-Back at the labyrinth, the dark force is released in its full power. It's chaos. Some goblins are possessed and rebel against their king.

-Joby tries to help fight with her own powers but she is too weak.

-Feeling helpless, the evil force tricks her into wearing an amulet that allows it to possess her form and use her powers to their full extent for its own advantage

-Big climatic event against the power

-Joby is finally free of the thing

-Jareth strikes a bargain the being cannot refuse: some big sacrificial thing where it will win the Labyrinth if Jareth fails (gotta figure this one out)

-In the meantime, Joby and others seek out the oubliette the being came from

-They destroy whatever source of its power is down there.

-The evil force grows weak and Jareth defeats it

-And then its time to go back to court.

And from here the narrative can go in all sorts of ways I think depending on whether or not the story should be continued. Dedric's plan can get thwarted. Joby can finally give a lovley speech about what Jareth has done as guardian of the Labyrinth as well as herself. Dedric's plan can have some success and Mab could decide to put Jareth through some more trials. Sarah could return, Toby, maybe some future offspring. Jareth could indeed be overthrown. What would happen then?

So that's my idea.

And do keep in mind that ANYTHING on this outline can be altered and/or changed according to the narrative.

I'm seeking someone who could make a good Jareth as well as someone who is willing to play other roles. Other OCs are welcome. Feel free to suggest other possible worlds. Love me some Tolkien, but I don't think I wanna use any Middle Earth stuff. The Dark Crystal is good though. Along with Joby and the brothers, I'll be taking the role of Queen Mab and maybe Glinda the Good Witch.

Other Roles

-The Childlike Empress (who I'd like on the High Council and possible ally to Jareth) and others from Fantasia

-Merlin, Morgana Le Fay, Lady of the Lake of Authurian Legend

-Jen and Kira of Thra

-Glinda (who I'd like to stand against Jareth and activley worh with my charactrer Dedric to have him overthrown)

-Creatures of Wonderland maybe?

-Scheherazade from One Thousand and One Nights?

-What do you think?

I'd like to find someone with a good bit of experience in writing/roleplaying. I've been doing this for over ten years, and I really want to just create a nice, solid, consice collaborative story. I want a real narrative with flawed characters that change and improve over time. I want to build a world that can be envisioned with clarity as the story moves along. I want someone who won't hesitate to share ideas, plots, or how they'd like our respective characters to relate to one another. I'd love someone who gets into the heads of thier characters like an actor getting into scene for a performance, someone who knows thier character from the inside out. I'm not a roleplayer bent on playing just to live out a vicarious romance. I'm of a more stiff, serious caliber (I mean I still want to have a good time and create a fun story but I put some real work into my stories). Someone who isn't afriad of putting a little elbow grease into the working aspect and would invest in doing some research would be a huge bonus. I want to build a whole sorta universe over time with a rich mythos and history behind some of the places. Lastly, I want someone who knows that the plot will run smooth as silk if everyone is on the same page. Good communication is key to a good group story.

As for dedication, well...define dedication. Dedication for me dores not requite X-amount of posting over a set period of time. I can tell you right now that I am currently capable of posting 2-3 times a week or more depending on how inspired I'm feeling. This is me with some free time. That is certainly subject to change. I love this stuff and know I need to stay away when I get busy. I may have to go on hiatus for a week, a month, maybe longer. But I can tell you that this story will go on if I have the right parner. I've been obsessed with this story for over a year now. I'm thinking of even turning my main OC into a book character (in an entirely different story). I've doodled her name in my notebooks at school. I NEED to make this story. So I just want someone who is willing to stick around to post when they can and to stay in touch when they can't, and I'll do the same. Quality over quantity. Always.

For those of you who may be getting jazzed up about the possibility of building onto this story, I have also began working on the other worlds:


One of the most dynamic realms in the Underground and the most reliant on the powers from Above to remain in creation making it also one of the most fragile realms.

Thrives on the wishes of Above children. Every now and again, a child must bear the responsibility of bringing new creation to the realm.

Boasts the greatest variety of magical creatures and the most varied topography in the Underground

Childlike Empress - Part of the High Council - a nearly ageless and mysterious figure who is rumored to be nearly as old as Fantasia itself and many believe she has never been any older or younger than she is now - that she came into the world in her childlike state. She is bound to Fantasia and her wellbeing reflects the wellbeing of the kingdom. If it is in chaos, she is too and vice versa.



Rock Biter (how about we just never mention the Rock Biter from the third installment and forget he ever existed)


- A very steampunk-like world

-Home to a particular species of dwarf called "munchkins"

-The Emerald city is known as the hub of magical science and invention. A very industrialized place and probably the closest to looking "modern" in the Underground.

Ozma- Ruler of Oz

Glinda- Ozma's right hand and a member of the High Council

Tin Man


Cowardly Lion


-Like the Goblin City, it has been one of the more reclusive kingdoms until very recently

-The unicorns that inhabit it anchor "good magic" to the realm

-Magic work is largely left to the "Wee" or the fairy people

-Magic ability among humans is highly rare and was never seen in the royal family until Lili wedded Jack. It is rumored that Jack's blood isn't all human

-Purity and Innocence are highly valued here and the citizens like to stay as ignorant as possible about any dark dealings in the Underground. The people are kind of child-like in their attitudes.

-Lots of unrest since Lord Darkness' curse


-Centered in a vast, endless lake

-Used to be a part of the Above

-Seat of prophecy through the Underground

-One of the safest places from the danger of dark forces, but it is also one of the smallest.

-Few are ever allowed entry - invitation only - those who wish to try and find it on the Lake will be confounded by the mist that protects it

-It is believed that Avalon will return to the Above with the return of the "Once and Future King".

-Lady of the Lake - Avalon's High Priestess and greatest source of prophecy

-Merlin - Lived as a mortal magician Above and was granted immortality and a home in Avalon after the fall of Arthur - another High Councilor acting on behalf of the Lady.

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