Big Brother - The Reality TV Show


(If you are interested in joining, there are still some spots left. )

Important Days (random days...we can change it up if you guys like :) )

HOH - Mondays

Have-Have Not - Wednesdays

Nominations - Thursdays

Veto - Saturdays

Veto Ceremony - Sundays

Eviction - Mondays

House Guests

Jessica Rose - RPed by RapZebraXoxo

Midnight Laurent - RPed by WolfCandy

Felicity Parks - RPed by Toaster Muffins

Matthew James Kellen - RPed by Ember Spark

James Parker - RPed by Alyson Bowman

Derrick Harley - RPed by Ember Spark

Max Smith - RPed by WolfCandy

Liah Marcos - RPed by Toaster Muffins

Kira Long - RPed by Alyson Bowman

Emilee Washington - RPed by RapZebra Xoxo

Shannon Mcbell - RPed by NebulaSkies

Midnight scurried in giddily as soon as she was allowed into the house. She had dreamed about this moment all her life. Bags in hand, she hurriedly explored the house, looking for a room, and a bed. As soon as she found a room, she plopped her bags onto a bed and ran back to meet the other house guests.

Max casually sauntered into the house. He wasn't in any rush to get a bed, or to explore the house. He had plenty of time to do that later. As he walked in, he noticed a girl. He nodded to her to acknowledge her presence. She returned the greeting with a bright smile.

"There's a bedroom down that way," she said, full of energy, "There are still some beds left." She pointed in a direction, and Max left, giving her his thanks. He came back shortly afterwards, however.
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Jessica walked into the house, bags in hand. She grinned as she looked around. She walked to the bedroom to pick out a bed. She laid her bags on the bed and looked around the room. This is going to be great.. She walked around the house, exploring the rest of the rooms. She walked back into the main room to greet the other people.
Max eyed the new arrival. He approached her and gave her a hug. "I'm Max," he said, pulling away and holding out his hand, "You?"
Jessica hugged Max in return. When he pulled away, she shook his hand and smiled at him. "I'm Jessica." She stated.

Emilee walked into the house, seeing the other people. "Hello." She smiled. She walked past them, towards the bedroom. "Just a moment. Going to pick a bed and lay my stuff down!" She called to them as she walked away. She walked into the bedroom, seeing the three beds that had already been claimed. She chose a bed that wasn't near any of the chosen ones yet. She laid her bags down on the bed and walked back out into the room. She hugged the people that were standing in there, introducing herself to them. "I'm Emilee." She would tell them.

When Jessica received the hug from Emilee, she smiled at her and told the girl her own name.
"Max," Max replied.

Midnight joined the circle of houseguest a, "I'm Mindy," she said with a smile. She glanced around at the three other people. Max seemed slimy, she didn't trust him. However, she was still unsure of what to think about the girls.
Jessica walked over to the couch and sat down once she had introduced herself to everyone. She looked at the people, studying them. Emilee looks like she'll be easy to befriend.. Maybe she'll turn out to be a good tool to use. She smiled a bit to herself.

Emilee walked over and sat a few spaces away from Jessica. She looked around the room, admiring it and smiling brightly. After a few moments, she jumped up and ran out of the room. She explored the rest of the house and the backyard. She came back to the main room, laughing. "This place is so cool!" She exclaimed.
Max hovered around, looking for possible allies.

Midnight had followed Emilee as she explored the house. When Emilee spoke, she nodded in agreement. "I can't wait to meet everyone so we can actually live in it!" She declared.
Emilee smiled widely. "I know! I can't wait either!" She exclaimed. She giggled and hugged the girl tightly from the excitement.

Jessica watched the two girls. She giggled a bit, amused at the way the two were acting. She looked over at Max and smiled. She got up and walked over to him. "Hey, Max." She greeted as she walked up to him.
"Which room did you take?" Mindy asked after hugging the girl.

"Hello," Max smiled, "Are you enjoying your stay so far?" He still kept his eye out for others, but for now his main focus would be her.
Emilee smiled. "I'll show you!" She laughed and took the girls wrist and ran off to the bedroom she had put her stuff in.

Jessica nodded to him, smiling. "I am." She studied his face as she spoke to him.

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