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Fantasy Beyond the Third Sky

DergTheDergon said:
Hey, sorry I have a part time job and we live in vastly different timezones so something like this was bound to happen lol. I'm here now though, and I really like what you\ve got planned. Jah'Ri would likely follow Xenith wherever she goes, and likely a few other Dragonborn would follow her. Speaking of which, would a few of Xenith's followers tag along? I am also unsure if it's wise to split the party all that much, perhaps we could have found a settlement away from the fighting but not too far? Jah'Ri would likely try to blend in wherever Xenith went but would have a tough time of it for rather obvious reasons lol. I see her getting some sort of labor job, or some sort of job that involves physical exertion in other ways, like a guard or perhaps the town militia. Just my thoughts on things.
That's perfectly fine! As I've explained earlier as well, I won't be on as much either ^-^

Xenith's close followers, Cecile, Niall and Deo(Along with two others), will most likely join at a later date. Afterall, recovering from broken souls takes a long time, longer than a year

I would have liked to create a scene of the group travelling through a desert expanse to reach a settlement, but I doubt that will work if we are to head to a civilization close to the others. If the town is close it won't take a year to travel to afterall, and it probably won't be a desert.

I can imagine Jah'Ri doing labour work, but I'm still struggling with Xenith's job. She wouldn't let her companions do all the work. In my mind Nio works at a small cafe, serving drinks and desserts of sorts. Nio is very good at hiding his inner psychopath, and perhaps he'll bring some sweets for Xenith sometime. BUT WHAT WOULD XENITH BE!

I'd appreciate some ideas ^-^

Senpai <3
VioletShadow said:
That's perfectly fine! As I've explained earlier as well, I won't be on as much either ^-^
Xenith's close followers, Cecile, Niall and Deo(Along with two others), will most likely join at a later date. Afterall, recovering from broken souls takes a long time, longer than a year

I would have liked to create a scene of the group travelling through a desert expanse to reach a settlement, but I doubt that will work if we are to head to a civilization close to the others. If the town is close it won't take a year to travel to afterall, and it probably won't be a desert.

I can imagine Jah'Ri doing labour work, but I'm still struggling with Xenith's job. She wouldn't let her companions do all the work. In my mind Nio works at a small cafe, serving drinks and desserts of sorts. Nio is very good at hiding his inner psychopath, and perhaps he'll bring some sweets for Xenith sometime. BUT WHAT WOULD XENITH BE!

I'd appreciate some ideas ^-^

Senpai <3
Alrighty, just giving you a heads up. It's all good. ^-^

I thought so. I should flesh out Jah'Ri's crew as well. I believe I'll do so in a post, with a brief intoduction to each. Since there weren't too many other Dragonborn to begin with, and I'm not great at juggling bunch of characters, there might only be two of them, perhaps three like Xenith's followers though. I'm not sure yet.

My idea of findinga clsoer settlement was just a suggestion, we could still go with the desert idea, I'd be completely up for that if you are. I was just trying to provide a solution to your cornerns about being too far from the others. Perhaps we could come up with a middle ground of some sort, where we're not on the other side of the world but not exactly close, perhaps near to others once we know where a few of the others have gone. If most people end up staying in cobbleblock though it may be avoidable that we end up splitting xD

Hmmm... perhaps she could be some sort of craftswoman? She'd just have to make things, not much socializing required. She would have to learn of course, but it's been a year so she could have found a jeweler or seamstress or what have you that was willing to apprentice her, and been working for a few motns after learning the ropes. Just a suggestion.
DergTheDergon said:
Alrighty, just giving you a heads up. It's all good. ^-^
I thought so. I should flesh out Jah'Ri's crew as well. I believe I'll do so in a post, with a brief intoduction to each. Since there weren't too many other Dragonborn to begin with, and I'm not great at juggling bunch of characters, there might only be two of them, perhaps three like Xenith's followers though. I'm not sure yet.

My idea of findinga clsoer settlement was just a suggestion, we could still go with the desert idea, I'd be completely up for that if you are. I was just trying to provide a solution to your cornerns about being too far from the others. Perhaps we could come up with a middle ground of some sort, where we're not on the other side of the world but not exactly close, perhaps near to others once we know where a few of the others have gone. If most people end up staying in cobbleblock though it may be avoidable that we end up splitting xD

Hmmm... perhaps she could be some sort of craftswoman? She'd just have to make things, not much socializing required. She would have to learn of course, but it's been a year so she could have found a jeweler or seamstress or what have you that was willing to apprentice her, and been working for a few motns after learning the ropes. Just a suggestion.
I'm excited to see Jah'Ri's followers ^-^

No, your idea is best in my opinion. A town slightly further inland from the borders, in a similar climate to Cobblelock, will be where our characters have traveled to. We are close enough if too much trouble arises, such as a giant tortoise attacking or an earthquake etc. I don't want to force NeverBetter to create two entirely separate scenes for us.

I truly appreciate your ideas for Xenith, and a jeweler has particularly appealed to me. Perhaps she may infuse energy into her creations and sell them off as charms for a subtle boost of power, speed, perception etc.

Sadly, it is too late now for me to create a post. As I will be heading to bed now ^-^

Hopefully I'll have time tomorrow! But in the meanwhile, and if you currently have the time, create a post for me to read in the morning, afterall, I always look forward to them.

Senpai~~~ <3

Edit: Have a great day! <3

If you even see this that is ^-^
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^-^ I'll flesh them out as well as I can.

Alrighty, just making sure you were okay with that idea. It does seem like a solution to the distance dilemma though, which is why I brought it up. I like your details, so let's go with it then.

Sweet, I'm glad you liked my suggestion and I really like your idea of Xenith enchanting her Jewelry. I'm looking forwards to what you have in store for that. :)

Awwww, that's unfortunate. However, I will certainly create a post today. I'm feeling particularly inspired right now, so I shall get started shortly. ^-^ Have a wonderful evening.

Sweet dreams, Violet-chan ;3
I just realized I posted an OOC message in character sign-up... again. Yep, definitely getting a big sense of nostalgia returning to this rp xD . For some reason, I've only ever accidentally posted in character sign up on this rp from what I can remember O.o
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ay! i woke up an hour ago like the slouch i am and i was so pleased to see y'all again. hello again everybody! i'm so glad we'll actually be able to work together again.

i'll get fia's and nicol's reintroduction post done soon - i'm gonna send jofune some ideas in a minute about what they might have done in the meantime and we'll figure things out together. i'm brimming with ideas! (ノ・д・)ノ
@DergTheDergon I love your new characters! Especially since they have a close relationship, it makes everything more interesting ^-^ I will forever love Jah'Ri though <3

@Scrapmaster Tolan just can't let Xenith go xD Hasn't this favor been payed back multiple times now? Or perhaps it may be Tolan's excuse to still have a connection to her... Either way, it's cute how they still can't get rid of each other, afterall, Xenith still dislikes Tolan. I like how you gave multiple references to the draconians and vampires too, and put in some useful opportunities for others to join.

I should post after school today, but I can't be sure ^-^
NeverBetter said:
˙ N O O S
Wow, that tells me so much. My mind instantly became calm as I read that.

I am so happy you were willing to tell me the exact amount of time we had left to wait.

You are an amazing role model.

Bishhhhhhhhhhhhhh GDIAF
So...by soon you mean next year?

Cuz I heard your SOON before...and what happened to the RP? it died...

I should probably make a sixth character. A witcher. Cuz im replaying through The witcher 3 and im hype as fuck.
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our post will be done


translation: about an hour or so

sorry for the wait i sleep a lot
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[QUOTE="Jofune Tsurabisu](Sorry, my machine ate my epic response I typed up. I will be making a better one later on.)

ooo, i'm waiting with anticipation... (๑꒪▿꒪)*

and funny enough, i've had this post waiting for more than an hour, but i just forgot it was waiting for me to check it over and press reply, haha! forgive me if it's a little more stilted than usual, i definitely feel out of practice.
NeverBetter's soon is a LOT later than I expected, I cri.

Now I must be patient. But i've never been good at that o(╥﹏╥)o
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Sorry, health concerns have recently come up. I in fact have a post ready.

For those eondering, it was a bad idea to stat in Cobblelock.
̵r҉e̷҉f̧u͘͜͟s͘é͢ ̢̛͡y̵o͏ù̧͝r̴̡ ̵n͏̴o̧͏t̨͟i̷ò̧͡n̴̕ ̷͞͞o̶f ̷̕en̴d̛̕i̢͞ng҉̢͟ t̕̕h͝e̛͡se̵̡͘ ̀h͢͝e͠͏̶r̢o̸'̀s̴̢,̧͢ ̕͠e̶̡v͡e̵͞n ̷i̸̸̕f͡ ̷̶i͞҉͘t҉͜͡ g͏iv҉e̵̡ş ͢t́͜ơ̷ųr ̢"p̵̷la͜͜҉y̷e҉̴r̀͜s͟͠"̷̷ ͏"͡co͞͏n̕c̸̀è̡qùr͘n̛c̛͝es̡͟͡;̀͠ ̡̡Y̛͏o̵u̕ ̨wi̵͢l͟l̨҉ ̵n̷̛o͠͡t́҉̷ ̧̕̕u͡s̢ę̸ ̷̕m̶̛y̡̢ ̡͏c͟r̡e͘͡a̧ti̢͟o̧͢n̨s a̕s̕͠͏ ̛͠pl͏̢a͢y̡th͝͡i͏ǹ҉g͢s͡.͏̡̕
... I am suddenly glad I didn't have time to respond this morning and get Violet and I's characters going to cobblelock.... because yeaaaah O.o
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Yay, we're not playthings! Hip hip hooray!

@DergTheDergon Is it okay if we time travel to us PREPARING to leave for Cobblelock? And as soon as we head out, we witness the devastating scene in the distance? Sorry, I love dramatic scenes xD

<3 Senpai ftw!
IAmTheCreator said:
̵r҉e̷҉f̧u͘͜͟s͘é͢ ̢̛͡y̵o͏ù̧͝r̴̡ ̵n͏̴o̧͏t̨͟i̷ò̧͡n̴̕ ̷͞͞o̶f ̷̕en̴d̛̕i̢͞ng҉̢͟ t̕̕h͝e̛͡se̵̡͘ ̀h͢͝e͠͏̶r̢o̸'̀s̴̢,̧͢ ̕͠e̶̡v͡e̵͞n ̷i̸̸̕f͡ ̷̶i͞҉͘t҉͜͡ g͏iv҉e̵̡ş ͢t́͜ơ̷ųr ̢"p̵̷la͜͜҉y̷e҉̴r̀͜s͟͠"̷̷ ͏"͡co͞͏n̕c̸̀è̡qùr͘n̛c̛͝es̡͟͡;̀͠ ̡̡Y̛͏o̵u̕ ̨wi̵͢l͟l̨҉ ̵n̷̛o͠͡t́҉̷ ̧̕̕u͡s̢ę̸ ̷̕m̶̛y̡̢ ̡͏c͟r̡e͘͡a̧ti̢͟o̧͢n̨s a̕s̕͠͏ ̛͠pl͏̢a͢y̡th͝͡i͏ǹ҉g͢s͡.͏̡̕
What the hell is tour problem? You ruined thst post you blockhead. They must die to show the costs of failing to defend a town they oh so zealous tried to originally. It's called a concequence. And they have to have one happen, one that bloody matters. Just blowing up a town they haven't had time to bond with does nothing! Why are you ruining my story!?

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