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Fantasy Beyond the Third Sky (Interest Check)


These hands shall move steel
Light, a universal understanding. Before your eyes it shines bright like a star, and dulls to an evening night's twilight. Before you, a sight unexpected.

Vast meadows of green, gold, and brown grass. Colors scored the sky, one side was streaked with the glows of purples and violets and brushed with blues and pinks, the aurora was quite a site to behold. The other half streaked with crimsons and magenta's, indigo and deep, unmistakable blue of our sky above in the evening light. This color changed to the warmer yellows, browns, and golds of our wonderful star above as it's rays blind you again for a moment.

As the sun sets, your eyes adjust. Forests, fields, glaciers, all within viewing. Then, your eyes seem to almost begin to only half-function as the sights are ripped away with your vision seeming to blur and struggle to do much more than be useless, the night's sky begins to become a more dull blue color, the field just a lonely field of dying grass, and the sounds begin to set in. Your eyes fully return to you now, the grass and naturally growing hay smells oddly fantastic, and the calm, light streaks of stars in the sky and the sparse tree populous around made quite the calming site. The world around you is so amazing. But eventually, a question crosses your mind. In a world so amazing, so special. You can define everything, you understand everything except...

But what are 'you'?

Welcome! so, time to explain a little about what this world is to try and interest you in it, if that little bite of the setting didn't wet your apatite enough quite yet.

This RP, though in "Fantasy" sort of defies a set theme. Whilst the story and core aspects of the world are Fantasy in nature, the way this RP will function is rather different. There is no defined Theme for the RP as is. So, Fantasy is just the starting ground, and keep that in mind. You, The Player, get to choose how this world develops in terms of "genre", so to say.

What do I mean? Well, let's get to the niddy gritty of the game.

Each character, first and foremost, will have NO backstory or history. They will be limited to base weaponry, appearance, race and it's inherent abilities, and that will primarily be it. Yes, it's really that simple. So much so anyone could join. But this is where it gets interesting.

The reason for this is that each character will have just recently have come to life. Not that all players will be children, no. You can be any age you so wish for your character and with any level of intelligence you so wish, aside from that they must speak in English for sake of simplifying the RP, most of the time, and when not must have a translation for it (Yes, for fictional language as well). You don't even technically have to be a 'normal' sentient being. Ever had an idea for a unique species of creature that you've wanted to use but never could find a good place for it? Go ahead.

With this freedom, you can eventually develop your character in any way you want. You can be a villain, hero, midway, merc, whatever. But that's the fun part, they can go Anywhere from their starting stage. With no established personality or history, the character will be free of having to be anything other than what you want. It's up to you. You write it. That's not to say there is not a plot, but the plot will evolve with the characters. The more powerful they become, the higher the challenge, and the more exciting the plot can become.

But it's up to You. You have a say in the story. You have the ability to change fate or destiny to what you can with your character's power.

I humbly request, to fit with this theme, you do not use any characters dreamed up prior to reading this line here. I want it to be as legitimate as possible that these people have the freedom and ability to grow beyond just what their players intend. You do not have to heed this, but consider it a request.

-On power of characters: Characters can become as powerful as possible. But even then, do NOT godmod. Whilst I do believe that Goliath would have truly crushed David in reality, David beat Goliath with a slingshot, so keep it in mind that even the weakest can still do something to you. Everyone will start out untrained, weak, and not too talented, but we will eventually grow beyond this of course, but please, be reasonable about your power growth. Do not make your character godly early in the RP, please.

-All characters have basic knowledge unless you specify that you do not want a certain kind of knowledge that will help them survive. Think of it like you just got out of Primary/Elementary school to a point. You can know more about one of the basic knowledge, but I will cover what they are when we actually are playing.

Otherwise, that is the basic concept. The story is for another time, however, because it's one of those times where it's a "show don't tell" kind of thing. So, you interested?
[QUOTE="Yuffie Kisaragi]maybe but it seems boring af maybe you should add in stats or classes that would be cool




Xion136 said:




Pashpu said:
This seems interesting. Hopefully more people will join,
[QUOTE="Face Nemesis]I'm in.

DemonStiletto said:
I'd love to go this a shot. Count me in.
You lot are awesome! If you have any friends you think may be interested, pop em' a link as well!
[QUOTE="Yuffie Kisaragi]wow not awesome apparently well fuck you too buddy man i thought we were cool but guess not

Are we cool Yuffie :(
[QUOTE="Yuffie Kisaragi]wow not awesome apparently well fuck you too buddy man i thought we were cool but guess not

Reply did not state that you were not included, hon. You know we chill.

Spinoceratopsrex said:
2 words: Hell. YES!
SuperiorKunivas said:
You have interested me, NB. :)
DergTheDergon said:
Extremely interested! :D
Nice to have you all on board!
This sounds a lot like another RP I'm in, that I really like. I'll probably join, too.

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