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Fantasy Beyond the Gate at World's End

OMG its a Paddie ;0; -glomps the Paddie- yuus I'm so happy. hahaha I'm glad I followed Swho down the rabbit hole xD
@Kindred Hey dude! I was wondering, on the character sheet, what would you mean by 'creative races preferred'?

Also if we wanted to talk about a new kingdom, would that be okay? The Empire really reminds me of the period (~1800s) when Britain was stepping up its game in regards to tech, and (I admit I've been playing a game within this time period which is why I thought of this, but) I thought it might be interesting to have a middle ground in regards to technology: somewhere that's starting to learn from them, but is already a little more advanced than the North Kin/Old Lands.

I also admit I am heavily drawing from Japan's Meiji era.

EDIT: Also, is it okay for me to make one character and bring in another if he dies?
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@Alto i see a lot of roleplays with very generic style vampires, werewolves, demons... Basically, I'm hoping for unique races that make things interesting. You could play a vampire, but i'd want to see a little more then the generic "sucks blood" "super strong/fast/clever". People are pretty soon going to work out that sunlight is your weakness and you really hate the taste of garlic, and they'll use that to their advantage. I definitely see this world as having a lot of variety and grey area in terms of race/ability more then "this guy is a werewolf, he's a demon, she's a vampire" ect.

Also a thousand times yes! Feel free to make up a kingdom appropriate for your character :3 I'll add it to the list if you can write a paragraph or two on it.

And yes, you may play one character at a time and add more in if you need to if tragedy strikes :D


I'm not sure what that means (still kind of new to the forum!) But I tend not to like the terms "literate/advanced/ect" tags if that is what that is? I think most everyone has a creative streak and that should be encouraged regardless if they can write 10 paragraphs of perfect grammar/spelling or just 2. I look more for creative ideas, partners, and a willingness to move the plot forward. I should probably put posting expectations up under rules but heres a rough idea:

+ 2 paragraphs per post

+ Character developement required

+ Engagement in the plot expected

+ Actively socialising with other characters (if playing a shy character, putting them in locations or places where they may be engaged by others)

+ Creativity

+ A sense of enthusiasm :D
@CERBERUS177 that's fair enough :D if you were genuinely excited to play I could help you out with getting the hang of it. Honestly there are a few tricks that makes writing 2 paragraphs easier, though absolutely no pressure if you've decided this isn't for you :3 As I said, I put creativity/willingness to engage with the plot and characters higher then paragraph quantity.
@CERBERUS177 that's fair enough :D if you were genuinely excited to play I could help you out with getting the hang of it. Honestly there are a few tricks that makes writing 2 paragraphs easier, though absolutely no pressure if you've decided this isn't for you :3 As I said, I put creativity/willingness to engage with the plot and characters higher then paragraph quantity.

Well I do filling and I can try and describe every action...That and I have school, so I'd be on my phone mon-fri. Guess that's also why I stick to the other types because I don't have to type much .-. . Oh well.
So, what I had in mind: (EDITED LMAO I MISSPELLED SWORD)

Yu-koku: The country of Yu-koku, until recently, was one of the most closed-off countries in the world. However, as its technology fell behind and the people grew disconsolate, it opened its borders and began learning from the sprawling territories of the Empire. On the needle-thin bound between tradition and technology, it is not uncommon to see families of old-fashioned sword users, nor is it strange to see easterners adopting the dressing and tech fads of the Empire or Veldamar. Most of the Yu-koku people are quick to learn outside culture, and embrace it in conjunction with their own as well as they can.
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@TangleLore Whoops, I thought I was following this but  I was not ilu though *glomps and noms your head*

I don't have anything else of value to add, just nommin on a Tangle's head...
Could you direct me? ;-; xP or have you not created the RP yet?
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@Supabad.45  *Swings in to help* The RP thread itself hasn't been created (nor am I its creator) buuuuuut:

The OOC thread and Character(ssssss) thread ^-^ (The different threads are linked at the top of each thread (Only the OoC thread is linked on the first post of this thread I think owo).
Is it too late to join in? 'Coz I'm fairly interested. Du du du du du du du du. 
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@Dominaiscna due to the nature of potential character death, I'll pretty much always be open for fresh bodies I mean, new players :D

I might cap this thread soon, and then reopen later once the IC is running, so the RP-Opening doesn't take ages :3

@PaddieCake thankyou paddie sensei, character tab is now linked here too <3
@Dominaiscna due to the nature of potential character death, I'll pretty much always be open for fresh bodies I mean, new players :D

I might cap this thread soon, and then reopen later once the IC is running, so the RP-Opening doesn't take ages :3

@PaddieCake thankyou paddie sensei, character tab is now linked here too <3

Yay! I am glad to be here and provide you with fresh meat for the killing! 
@Dominaiscna due to the nature of potential character death, I'll pretty much always be open for fresh bodies I mean, new players :D

I might cap this thread soon, and then reopen later once the IC is running, so the RP-Opening doesn't take ages :3

@PaddieCake thankyou paddie sensei, character tab is now linked here too <3

Fresh bodies... Every time you mention the death part I can't be worried because I'm too busy laughing.

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