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Fantasy Beyond the Dream World


You've been am-bushed!
Every night they see each other in the void of darkness. They would stare at each other, taking in every detail of their appearance. They said nothing to each other. They thought nothing of it the first time, but it began to happen every time they spelt.

Having the same dream every night isn't normal, especially if that dream is just darkness with a couple of other people. They shrugged it off, thinking it was just a dream.

But if it was a dream, how did they meet in real life?

They were all confused at first, but then they realized the hard truth; their dreams are connected. They were connected to the Dream-Link, an universe in their mind where they can interact with other people. Everyone had their own world, where they can create anything they like. A central hub connects the worlds called the Central Link, where people can interact freely among each other. Dream-Linkers can only access this world when they are together and the void is to show nearby Dream-Linkers.

The group of Dream-Linkers became close friends and moved into the same apartment so they can interact with the Dream-Link. Life seemed absolutely beyond perfect.

Until one night, they fell asleep and couldn't wake up. They were trapped inside the Dream-Link, and so was all the other Dream-Linkers. A wave of darkness has emerged, which goes from one world to another, destroying it and it's creator. One rule about the Dream-Link is that if you get killed in the Dream-Link, you're dead for good.

However, there is a way to escape the Dream-Link. The Source, located beyond the worlds in the region called the Far-Lands, is a portal back to reality. In the Far-Lands, worlds that have been owned by now-dead Dream-Linker have merged into one. Everything that the old Dream-Linkers every thought and created is there, including their greatest fears.

The journey will be tough, but their lives are worth it. As they go on this journey, they will encounter great dangers and reveal personally secrets about each other. The clock is ticking and it's alarm won't wake them up this time.
Thanks for the support, guys.

I'm going to wait for more people before creating the threads.
Hey guys. Right now I have skool but I'll try to create the threads tonight.
Nope. You can still join.

So I'm back from skool, but I have homework, so see you in a couple of hours.

CS is up!

So I mentioned in the CS Imagerions. Imagerion are people that were created by Dream-Linkers. A lot of them roam the Far-Lands since the dead Dream-Linkers used to make them and after their death, the Imagerions remained. In the Far-Lands, they have made a society. They live in empires and kingdoms, which are consistently at war with each other. Imagerions never age or die of natural causes, but they can kill each other. They can even kill Dream-Linkers and vice versa. Some of them even have powers. However, they all have one thing in common: they don't and can't exist in real life.

What do you guys think?
Btw, you can play as a maximum of 3 major characters.

I will create a NPC cs, which are minor characters in which don't have a big role in the story.
suggestion: what if the dream-linkers have a special item, but it has to be charged on a ley line, which holds the dream world together like a giant spiderweb?
Just throwing this out here.
Bush Bush I do have a few questions, for clarification, for the most part. So Imagerions are the things created by the Dream-Linkers while dreaming, correct? Do they always take the appearance of a human or could they appear has something else, some other kind of being? I'm guessing Imagerions can be both friendly and unfriendly - how would a friendly Imagerion aid the plot in a way that an unfriendly one couldn't, and vise versa if that makes any sense? I'm thinking about creating an Imagerion character but I feel like you didn't give enough information on them for me to really create something for it. And, also, could I create two characters or is there a limit? I'm thinking about creating both a Dream-Linker and an Imagerion.
KAmber KAmber

I like that idea of the ley lines. However, how the Dream-Linkers use their power is decided by the poll. Right now, special item is taking the lead.

Mike Mike

Imagerion are creatures created by Dream-Linkers when dreaming. They can be anything; human, animal, a new creature, etc. Imagerions can play both friendly and unfriendly. A friendly Imagerion can aid the Dream-Linkers through the Far-Lands by giving directions, overcoming challenges, etc. An unfriendly Imagerion tries to stop the Dream-Linkers from getting to the Source in which
can destroy the wave of darkness. The wave of darkness kills Dream-Linkers, which make the Far-Lands bigger.
So the unfriendly Imagerions are like the villains of the story. Also the maximum amount of characters is 3.
ok well thanks for at least looking at my suggestion.

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