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Fandom Beyond the Black Curtain: OOC Chat

But then, considering that such attrition and restoration are inevitable, why bother the captain with anything but the most high priority issues, i.e. a sudden outbreak of mutations in the lower warp reactor cooling cell sector, an accident during the overhaul of the twelfth starboard side macrocannon causing 1400 casualties with three hundred fatalities, etc. I can edit my post if you wish.

Captain Hesperus
But then, considering that such attrition and restoration are inevitable, why bother the captain with anything but the most high priority issues, i.e. a sudden outbreak of mutations in the lower warp reactor cooling cell sector, an accident during the overhaul of the twelfth starboard side macrocannon causing 1400 casualties with three hundred fatalities, etc. I can edit my post if you wish.

Captain Hesperus
Good point. I was just wondering if you wanted to discuss anything with the captain. But that's good too.
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I have something I want to discuss with the Armsmaster, but it’s not something to bring to the Captain’s attention right away.

Captain Hesperus
If Rayk was shown the parchment signed by the Emperor, would he possibly be mislead to believe that he was in the presence of a "saint"? Would this be like a guardsmen seeing a Space Marine for the first time and feeling like they were in the presence of a god, because I am thinking of how Rayk would be reacting to all these powerful servants of the emperor, and he being there like "Where do I point my flashlight?" I just want to know if I should make him intellegent, officer-like person, or a sergeant whose job is to slaughter.
I think most guardsmen that have been around would get what a rouge trader is. There is far less awe and myth around them than the emperors angels of death.

Though most guardsmen even higher ranked ones don't always seem to get the emperor omnissiah tech priest stuff. Many almost see them as worshiping another gid but are told it is the same. Not much trust between guardsmen and cogboys
Dang man, I had no idea that you were a Baby Ogryn. Lugging around a frigging Mars Pattern Bolter. That thing would break a Normal Humans arm just shooting it.
I’ll test him for aberrant genes immediately...

Captain Hesperus
Dang man, I had no idea that you were a Baby Ogryn. Lugging around a frigging Mars Pattern Bolter. That thing would break a Normal Humans arm just shooting it.
Wrong pattern, whoops. Sorry, been listening to Boltgun by Martaeus von Robbin
I’ll test him for aberrant genes immediately...

Captain Hesperus
LOL, you probably already know this but Catachan are called Baby Ogryns because they are just so big and muscled.
Wrong pattern, whoops. Sorry, been listening to Boltgun by Martaeus von Robbin
No, I am dumb, because apparently the one I was thinking of, the one Space Marines use is called the Godwyn pattern, there is in fact a Mars Mark II "Scourge" which is human sized and used in the Koronus Expanse. A lot of Books just say Mars Pattern because no matter what they are talking about there is bound to be at least 1 kind of Mars Pattern variant.
LOL, you probably already know this but Catachan are called Baby Ogryns because they are just so big and muscled.

No, I am dumb, because apparently the one I was thinking of, the one Space Marines use is called the Godwyn pattern, there is in fact a Mars Mark II "Scourge" which is human sized and used in the Koronus Expanse. A lot of Books just say Mars Pattern because no matter what they are talking about there is bound to be at least 1 kind of Mars Pattern variant.
Okay, I am good then
No, I am dumb, because apparently the one I was thinking of, the one Space Marines use is called the Godwyn pattern, there is in fact a Mars Mark II "Scourge" which is human sized and used in the Koronus Expanse. A lot of Books just say Mars Pattern because no matter what they are talking about there is bound to be at least 1 kind of Mars Pattern variant.
Basaically, everything has a ‘Mars Pattern’ somewhere in its history...

Captain Hesperus
Imagine using solid shot projectiles instead of creating a bridge between you location and a srellar body to shoot the energy at you target. Ah humans truly are simple creatures.
Imagine using solid shot projectiles instead of creating a bridge between you location and a srellar body to shoot the energy at you target. Ah humans truly are simple creatures.
I could understand your post but it was really hard. Word choice is important, instead of saying "If one were to measure every inch of the Golden goose then measure it again the measurements would never be them, just they would not match if repeated a third time." maybe say " If one were to measure every inch of the Golden goose then measure it again the measurements would never be the same, just as they would not match if repeated a third time."
The first bit you complain about was written on my cellphone before I remembered that was a bad idea.

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