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Fandom Beyond Impossible: When One Isn't Enough


Reality's Janitor
A lone figure crouches atop a pillar that rises to a point beyond infinity. A sickening grin splits what little of its face that is not covered by the pitch black hood it wears. Its gaze sweeps over the scene before it, the winding tapestry that is the Multiverse. Despite the constant conflict within, the universes of this sector appear almost... tranquil. Such peace... It's a shame that it is only fleeting.

With but a flick of his finger, he bends the Multiverse to his will, the threads snapping, reforming. Energy flies everywhere as the threads strain to reconnect the universes they had previously been so close to. “Such beauty...” A voice echoes in the darkness, reaching everything yet unheard. “Such chaos…”A mass of darkness breaks off from the figure. By some unspoken command, it drifts towards the nearest universe. No more than ten minutes later, the light of the universe dims… before being replaced by darkness.


A pair of beings stand above even that, watching through tired eyes. “He has come.” The elder of the two says, looking down at the tenth-dimensional geometry making up the floor. The younger tenses. “You don’t mean…?” The elder manages to nod, but does not raise his gaze to watch the chaos. “Yes. Raquiel.” The younger inhales sharply at that. “Why… why do we not stop him?”

The elder lets out a chuckle, unable to keep it from emerging. The chuckle builds, eventually becoming a full-blown guffaw before the elder reins himself in. “If only we could. We do not have the power to do so. Even if we did… Well, you know who sent him, yes?” The younger hesitates, opening his mouth to protest… then closes it, giving a nod. For a moment, they share a tired sigh, before turning to watch the chaos.


Hope is lost. Raquiel has arrived, and his servant has begun decimating the multiverse. Yet… even against all odds, there is hope. I the far reaches of the multiverse, the heroes of the past and present all find themselves in a new environment. With destruction creeping closer and closer as time goes on, it is they who will decide the fate of the universe. The end is nigh…

Yet a new beginning may just be in reach.

It happened quickly. The men had stopped, pointing out into the distance and drawing their swords. A horde of black, shifting shapes approached quickly, like an ocean of darkness. As it covered the ground, nature dissolves; nearby grass crumbling to dust and trees almost disintegrating. The men shiver a bit, and Henry, too, soon feels a cold fear grip his heart. It's an almost instinctual fear, but the men ready themselves either way, grim lines on their face. You've been working together long enough to know their thoughts. The shadows are heading directly towards them, and past them; to a place they have fought hard to protect.

The line will be held.

The shapes slam into them like a typhoon, knocking a good quarter of them several meters back from the get-go. The mages that still have their wits about them cast destructive spells frantically, but even without numbers on their side, the creatures' unnatural strength, speed, and agility seem to give them a rather large advantage. As the man who brought them together (the player's avatar) goes down, he looks to Henry, a look of grim acceptance. His look screams 'Protect them.' Just before his eyes glaze over, blood rushing out of a wound in his abdomen, he looks to his children, who even now fight the shadowy creatures.


The city is never a peaceful place, one will readily admit... but chaos like this is well above the norm. Bodies litter the streets, odd shadowy creatures run rampant, adding to the body count... and just after Pokemario woke up from a nap. Flames have already consumed many buildings, and screams mingle with the sound of guns firing. The police force have long been cut down, even the more intact bodies mutilated beyond recognition. "Where the hell were you?" A voice rings out, and one can see the origin: the police chief, cradling a mortal wound. "...Doesn't matter. What matters is that you protect the city. I don't have much time left, as you can see." He gives Pokemario a grim smile. "Give 'em hell for me, will ya?"


Everything is burning. Being associated with Zatch Bell means seeing destruction, but this... the city has long since collapsed. Tia had come to visit, but is curiously absent- "Zatch...Bell...?" A small, childlike figure crawls towards the pair, leaving a trail of blood in her wake. She lift her head, tears streaming down her face. "You're...here..." She smiles sadly. "I'm...too...far...gone..." She looks out, to the city, where screams can still be heard even now. "Save...them..." A thin trickle of blood runs from the corner of her mouth, and the turns over as her eyes become glassy... Revealing the complete absence of most of her organs, seemingly caused by them being ripped out viciously.

She must have been forcing herself to stay alive while waiting for Zatch and his partner. But what about Megumi? A quick look to the right would answer the question, as her body is slumped against the wall, a pool of blood surrounding her body. She stares in the direction of the two, attempting to speak with a mangled throat, and cry with no eyes. A strangled gurgle is all she manages before falling to the side. If one looked at the city, they would see an ocean of darkness... and if one looked closer, they would see that the darkness is simply a mass of shadowy figures, all killing and maiming without cause, mercy, or reason.
Zatch looked in horror at the city and then sees someone on the ground. Tia says to help the people in the city, but Zatch just starts to cry, what happened?! How could they have been hurt like this?! Kiyo....what can we do? Zatch stayed over Tia's body wanting to help, but not knowing what he could.

Kiyo looks at Megumi and started to tear up, but he had to stay strong for Zatch. He wanted to break down and mourn the loss of their friends. He looked at Zatch,
we can eat least save Tia....look at her book hurry. Zatch did as he was told and Kiyo took out the spell book to recite the spell ZAKER! The red book glowed and Zatch went unconscious like always as the lightning shot out of his mouth. Tia's book burned within a few seconds and her body disappeared like the other Mamodo who had been sent back.

As Zatch regained consciousness he looked at Kiyo,
what about Megumi? Can she be saved? Kiyo looked at her body and decided they shouldn't do anything as of right now. He started to walk away and Zatch followed. I'm sorry, but we can't wait any longer to help whoever we can find. Let's do what they asked us and help who we can. Zatch nodded and looked ahead, it would be a long day for the both of them. The two started to run to get into the city as soon as possible. They were too shaken up to remember that Rauzaruk would give Zatch more than enough strength and speed to get them there within a few minutes.

In the face of the horde, Henry was honestly excited at first. Sure, he felt somewhat afraid as well in the face of an all new enemy, but he had faced armies of undead before - how could this be any different? Then, Henry noticed that these shadow beasts were incredibly strong and agile. Henry knew that Chrom's army couldn't hold out against these things forever, but Henry had already accepted that he might die in this army. In fact, Henry's one wish in life was for his death to be incredibly bloody and spectacular. Henry cast his spells into the horde, keeping this thought in mind, not fazed by the fact that every beast he killed was replaced by two more. This would be the place he died, and he let out a hearty laugh as that thought ran through his mind.

That was before Robin ((avatar character)) went down.

For the first time since Henry joined Chrom's army, his smiled faded from his face. He couldn't believe it. Robin had died? No, Robin was going to be the one to save the world, he was going to lead Henry to an even more glorious death... he couldn't be dead. As Robin fell, he looked towards Henry. Henry knew exactly what he had to do from that expression. "RETREAT!" Henry yelled at the Ylissean forces. "RETREAT! WE'LL MAKE OUR STAND AT THE NORTHERN OUTPOST! RETREAT!" Henry ran, he ran as fast as he could, tears streaming down his face. He would avenge Robin, he would find the source of this darkness, and he would crush it. He would not die today - he had to avenge Robin before he could fulfill his own wish.
(Sorry for the delay, Winter break wreaked havoc with my schedule, etc. I'm back in the swing of things now, though, so don't expect any long absences any time soon. If you're out, just say so. I'll understand.)


The soldiers follow Henry, their morale crippled at the very least. Robin was down. Robin had died. Right then and there, the battle was all but lost. The soldiers, too, have tears coming out, unchallenged, streaks of wetness cutting through the dirt on their cheeks. If they were fighting another foe, perhaps the foe would understand the need to back off, as a wounded animal fights hardest when cornered. Of course... These creatures know not of fear. The sight does not give them pause.

They charge, ripping into the rear ranks of the retreating army with frightening speed. However, a few of them lie dead on the sands, slowly dissolving into shadow. Their wounds correlate with Henry's magic, though several died of wounds made by the weapons used by the soldiers. The endless tide of creatures demolishes the soldiers. Is this it. A sudden end, when Henry's entire purpose was so close at hand? A creature rushes at the mage, it's claw slicing down, closer, closer- Suddenly, it screeches in pain, a glowing sword sticking out of it's abdomen. A blue-skinned boy that appears to be in his teens is leaning out of some sort of... rift, portal, even. "Come on! I don't have much time, not while he's watching." He calls, extending a hand and sheathing his sword.


Black streaks pockmark the area, like living shadows... the again, perhaps that isn't too far off the mark. Bodies and abandoned cars litter the path, blood and gore scattered seemingly everywhere. The occasional gunshot fills the air, but is always followed by a scream of agony before fading to silence. "Have... to run..." A man approaches and uses the nearby debris for balance, clutching his bleeding abdomen. Through the blood coating him and his clothing, one can see that he is a police officer.

"Get... Outta... Here..." He grunts, lips overflowing with blood. His free hand clutches a revolver. "SKREEE!" A black figure seems to blur into existence. "GO!" The man gets out, struggling to raise his arm. With a roar of defiance, he takes aim and fires. Fires again. Again. Each bullet seems to slow the creature down as it rushes the officer. After five shots to the head, the creature falls, still writhing about. The man looks down into the wheel of his gun, a resigned smile tugging at his lips.

"One in the chamber, huh?" He looks up at the pair. "Do what you can to protect those who need. I can't live in this world, not without Anne and Marie. Either way, I'll be a statistic when it's all said and done." He chuckles mirthlessly. "I'm coming, honey." He closes his eyes, puts the barrel to his temple... then fires.

He dies almost instantly, with a smile on his face.
(I'm guessing @pokemariofan64 is out? That or forgotten about this rp.)

Zatch and Kiyo looked around in horror at what had been brought by the unknown enemy. Too late did they notice the unfortunate policeman fighting one of the creatures. He had already killed the beast and was about to shoot himself, "No wait!!! We can help you!!" Kiyo proclaimed, but was too late as the policeman shot himself. Kiyo quickly looked away and Zatch was already scouting for more creatures.

Come on Kiyo. Let's see if there is anyone we can actually help...." Zatch started walking to the east and then another creature jumped out of the shadows. It quickly swiped Zatch away and headed for Kiyo. Zatch regained his balance and jumped towards the creature. Kiyo pointed at its back and recited the spell ZAKERUGA! The red book glowed and Zatch lost consciousness as the concentrated beam of electricity shot out of his mouth.

The beam hit the creature and pierced through its back and through its chest. However, that was not enough to stop it and it went towards Zatch now. Quickly Kiyo went to the page of the next spell
TEOZAKER! This time a large amount of electricity shot out of Zatch's mouth. It nearly engulfed the creature and killed it in a few seconds.

Zatch regained consciousness and hurried to Kiyo's side. More creatures appeared and surrounded the two. They had to get away and regroup as being surrounded was not ideal. Kiyo turned the pages to a spell that would do just that. Before even reciting the spell the book glowed a bright red,
BAO ZAKERUGA!!! The large electric dragon formed out of Zatch's mouth and roared. It then seeked out all the nearby creatures and hopefully destroyed them. Before the spell ended Kiyo scooped up Zatch and ran to the small opening left by the spell. More creatures appeared and followed the two.
They emerge from seemingly everywhere, a horde of creatures charging them. They move with unnatural quickness, covering the ground between them and the pair in seconds. Their long black talons carve a trail through the air, moving fast enough to produce a 'whoosh', every angle covered by a claw. "I'm afraid I can't let you do that." A thunk sound out, and even through the wall of black surrounding Zatch and his partner, a light like the sun itself can be seen, eroding the shadowy creatures with frightening quickness. Those hit by the Bao Zakeruga, still smoking but recovering quickly, had arrived just in time to be obliterated. In the end, all is still, an old man staring down the pair with an expression of utter calm on his face. "I would explain, but I'm afraid we haven't the time." In the distance, screeches can be heard, and an ocean of black approaches rapidly. The old man taps his cane, a gnarled piece of wood-mod like a staff, really- on one of the few intact walls, and a swirling oval of purple matter appears. "Come along. They aren't going to wait for you to make a decision, after all."
Kiyo knew they couldn't get away from these creatures. He flipped to the page with Rauzaruk and was about to recite the spell. However, a light as bright as the sun shone and he and Zatch had to cover their eyes. All the surrounding creatures had disappeared and in front of them was an old man. They stood astonished and couldn't move at first.

The pair heard the screeches in the distance and turned towards them ready to fight. They heard something happen after the old man tapped his cane on the wall. They turned to see the purple oval that Kiyo discerned as a portal. "Zatch it doesn't seem like we have a choice. We must leave and hope we can correct this wherever this man takes us."

Zatch looked at Kiyo, "but Kiyo we ca-" but before he could finish, Kiyo had grabbed him and jumped into the portal. They held tight to each other and hoped for the best once they came out the other side.
Henry looked behind, hearing a strange voice. "Who..." Henry saw a humanoid figure, but he had blue skin - maybe some sort of shape-shifter, like a taguel or manakete? He had a sword stuck through one of the shadow creatures, one that looked like it was about to end his life. More importantly, the guy seemed to be coming out of some sort of portal or rift, similar to the one Risen come out of. "Are you... Risen?" Henry jumped back, readying Nosferatu, letting out a short laugh. "A Risen is the least of my worries right now! Prepare to meet your end, I've got bigger problems!"

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